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Realistic or Modern All In The Family - CS - (Reboot-Closed)



Baby Dragon
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This is the CS thread for the Reboot of All In The Family. Please don't post here unless your character has been accepted just in order to keep things clear and simple. For more information and all visit the OOC chat linked in the tabs section.
Name: Lilly Jayne Rhodes
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Birthday: Dec 20th
Appearance: Physically Lilly is rather petite for her age, she has deep, blue eyes and long red hair, she also has a thin trail of freckles that sits across her nose and just under her eyes.
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Personality: While at home with her family Lilly is a very bubbly and energetic person. She's loud and excitable most of the time and loves spending time with the people she lives with. She hardly ever walks through the house, preferring to run or skip or even treat the building as if it were some sort of obstacle course. Her persona outside of the house, however, is drastically different. When she's around people she doesn't know all that well she has crippling social anxiety and is as shy as they come. She will avoid talking to anyone and even panics having to do something as small as walk past someone from time to time. However, her social anxiety is much better if she's out with someone she fully trusts, such as a member of her family.

Lilly loves to escape to other worlds, be it through reading, playing a game or listening to music. She also has an extremely overactive imagination allowing her to fully immerse herself in the world she is 'visiting' at the time. Despite her bubbly nature when at home, she has her fair share of emotional problems. She often get's bullied at school, generally, it's nothing severe but even the simplest things such as people teasing her because she's ginger really seem to affect her, she feels extremely guilty for the tiniest of things and struggles to let things go, she has her crippling social anxiety and she suffers from depression. Most days she manages to keep on top of everything but every now and then something gets to her and brings everything she tries to ignore to the surface with it. Lilly often escapes to her 'other worlds' in order to avoid dealing with things in the real world and due to her overactive imagination she sometimes struggles to differentiate between reality and fiction.

Lilly hates school, she doesn't really have any friends there due to her inability to talk to other people without freaking out. Her anxiety revolving around school is so severe that every now and then it causes her to feel physically sick. She has trouble sleeping most nights but not always for negative reasons, she just doesn't sleep all that much, though sometimes her emotional state doesn't help. Emotionally, Lilly is far older than her age. She has an impressive understanding of other people's emotions but sometimes struggles with understanding her own.

Lilly looks up to her siblings and often tries to get involved in what they're doing, even if what they're doing is too old for her. She understands sign language as well as she does English so she’s pretty much fluent but still gets stumped every now and then like she does with English.

Other: When she's out of the house, Lilly carries a small over the shoulder bag everywhere she goes. Inside the bag are often things such as her DS, a notebook and pencil, earphones/headphones and some device for playing music, such as an iPod.
Lilly is a rather clumsy person.
Lilly has an extreme phobia of needles (As was discovered when she was taken to the doctors after feeling sick for a long time and they suggested a blood test and she burst into tears, though it later turned out that it was emotional stress causing the sickness) she also has an intermittent fear of the dark. Sometimes she'd fine in the dark but sometimes it terrifies her.
Has a sort of natural connection with animals and gets along with them almost effortlessly. She struggles to restrain herself from interacting with animals be they wild or pets and seeing animals dislike her (Especially more confident animals such as dogs) is a rarity.
She really wants to learn to play a musical instrument, her favourites being Piano, violin and guitar.
Has a very low pain threshold
Lilly is very squeamish, she's never actually thrown up but she has felt faint due to seeing gruesome things and even passed out.

((I'll probably keep adding to this as the RP goes on... probably))
Name: Julia Lynn Rhodes
Age: 38, Born May 17th
Gender: Female
Personality: Julia is a positive, good-humored woman with a surprisingly level head on her shoulders. She's a mediator, and cares deeply about each of her children while encouraging them to grow as individuals. Generally, she does not believe in overusing her parental privileges. She doesn't talk down to her older children, no matter how angry they may get, but she also isn't afraid to put her foot down if need be.
She loves her family, and does everything in her power to make sure they're all happy or at least okay. She's very aware that some of her children struggle emotionally, and she uses her knowledge of psychiatric work to try and help out when she can. A little sarcastic humor here and there usually doesn't hurt. She loves to share stories about her students with he family and stories about her family with her students, and values nothing more than acceptance and perseverance.
She's a professor of Child Psychology at the local state college.

Her oldest child Aurelia was from a relationship she had in her early years of college. Though she ultimately broke up with Lucian, she decided to keep the baby and took a year off of school during her pregnancy. Later, she returned for her degree and ended up working at the school a few years later.

Throughout the six kids, crazy job and other assorted mayhem, her bloodstream is probably at least 20% caffeine. Poor woman is practically a full-time therapist.



Name: Daniel Isaac Rhodes
Age: 12, Born December 2nd
Gender: Male
Personality: Bright and inventive, if a bit easily distracted, Daniel is an upbeat eccentric. Being twelve, he's at the point in his life where he has thousands of questions that need to be answered, and he really vies for positive attention. At his worst, he's easily bored and can quickly get himself into heaps of trouble. Curiosity killed the cat, after all. He's an adventurous risk-taker, willing to try just about anything and fascinated by that certain entertaining level of danger.
It's noticeable that Dan doesn't always connect well with his peers. Some of this is to be expected, since being Deaf there's a communication barrier and he's already... not too concerned with conformity. School in general seems kind of designed to bring out the worst in Dan. It doesn't mesh well with his distractable, disorganized tendencies, and doesn't give him many opportunities to show his innovative hands -on ability.
Daniel is left handed.

He seems to take a special interest in biology, particularly the medical field. Mention anything about anatomy and you'll never see the end of it! He even has a model skeleton in his room.

Dan is something of an insomniac, which is probably related to his general hyperactive spaceyness. One wonders if he's ever slept more than 3 hours without getting up to build a fortress out of legos or something. This probably isn't helping his current school situation.

Dan also really likes turtles.

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Name: Anthony Lucas Rhodes
Age: 16,
Born: June 7th 2000
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'11, Brown hair, Usually wears a black Hoodie & Stonewash denim jacket when out in public. Has complete Heterochromia (One Brown Eye, One Blue Eye.) Has a fringe haircut.
Personality: Anthony is the quiet, introverted one in the family, He Generally keeps to himself alot of the time. He's pretty witty & a jokester. He's a helpful, humble, caring & intelligent young man Although he does have his flaws as well, He's very opinionated, He has a sharp tongue & a sailor's mouth. He can be cold & cynical at times, He cares too much about what people think of him. He's not very social & has some social anxiety. He's doesn't stick up for himself when in certain situations like at school but around family & friends he can, being pretty much a doormat, he's also a people-pleaser.
Other: He has Paraplegia, which means his legs are permanently unable to function. because of this He was also diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression & has attempted suicide a few times. Which is why he also takes medication, He also hosts a podcast with a group of friends & occasionally his Girlfriend & family members, He's a bookworm & he loves researching things. He struggles with school except for History, He's the lyricist, And sings & plays guitar in a Punk Band band called The Status Quo. He is a big video game collector, He enjoys Retro & Modern Technology, He enjoys pretty much any genre of music. He loves anime & anything Horror or Scifi related. He's much more political than the rest of his family, But he keeps his opinions to himself unless asked & He Believes in his own interpretation of God and is respectful of other's beliefs (except for Scientologists), And He also likes watching Theory videos on Video Games & Cartoons. His favorite Color is Green & His favorite type of Pizza is Pepperoni. He has a phobia of Spiders, Dolls and The Ocean. He doesn't handle failure or disappointment very well & is self-loathing. because of this, he can feel guilty for things that weren't his fault. Unlike his Twin sister, He's skeptical about most things. He's fluent in ASL.
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Name: Veronica Auri Rhodes
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Veronica is five feet, four inches tall, hourglass figure. She's also toned, but not overly muscular. As of now her hair is light purple, she she often dyes it, mostly related to her cosplays; though at the moment parts of her natural dirty blonde hair are peeking through. She has green eyes, and soft femmine features. She has faint self harm scars on her upper arms and thighs, but most of them are nearly a year old. Her style is an unpredictable, yet bold one. She's a fan of skinny jeans, converse, and leather jackets, but it's not unusual to see her rocking shorts, mini skirts, and crop tops, or even something lacy.
Personality: Veronica is a very straight forward person with two very distinctive sides. With family, friends, and other loved ones, Veronica is a very happy person. She's almost always smiling and laughing, and while her blunt nature and mean streak can sometimes infiltrate this persona, there's no denying she cared a great deal for her family and friends. She's also very protective of her twin brother Anthony, and is very close to him. The other side is what most people in public see. The tough girl with resting bit*h who looks to scary to approach. She has very little patience and empathy for the general public, and it's not often you see her going out of her way for strangers. Her intelligence is also evident despite her attitude, and she often challenges people to debates and contest so she can prove them wrong. She's fluent in three verbal languages, and learning a fourth, as well as being fluent with ASL so she can easily communicate with her mother and younger brother. Politically she likes to debate too. She's a feminist, pro-choice, for LGBT+ rights, the list for what she stands up for is very long. And, she's not sure on her religious beliefs, but Veronica is a very open-minded person, but very little patience for people in general.
- Suffers from mild IED, an explosive anger disorder. Takes an anti-pyschotic because of it, but sometimes, she still gets to angry. When she has her episodes, she tends to either smoke or drinking calm herself down because she doesn't have an on the spot prescription. Don't take anything she says or does personally if you're on the receiving end of one of her episodes
- Veronica is a die hard conspiracy theorist. Some people like to debate her intelligence because of it, but she can shut them doesnt pretty quickly by dropping some facts. She broke her leg when she was 12 after falling down a large pit. She was missing for a day and a half, and breaking her leg triggered and aggressive staph infection that almost killed her. She still believes in Bigfoot despite that situation.
- Babysits in a rich neighborhood, has a decent following on Twitch, and does digital drawings. Makes her own money from all of them to fule her weeb habits
- Identifies as Demi-Romantic, Bi-Sexual, yet hasn't come out of the closet yet. Her best friend, a girl named Jade, is actually her girlfriend who also hasn't come out yet. The family doesn't know, though it's possibly that Anthony does.
- Likes to sing, and sounds a bit like Halsey when she does

Name: Riley Blue Rhodes
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Riley Blue, or RB if you're lazy, is not shy but she is not outgoing. Some would call her reserved, but really she's just calm. At least, on the outside she is calm. She's really quite frenzied on the inside. A mix of ADHD, depression, and way too many projects going on at once keep her constantly entertained. She's almost deathly afraid of confrontation and can't handle disappointing the people around her. She tends to be a follower and not a leader, though if she were a leader, she'd be one of the best. She has very good forsight and knows what she is doing most of the time. Riley Blue is also very artistic and poetic. She likes to speak in riddles if she's annoyed with someone and writes every single day in her journal. Other:
Her favorite color is bluish grey
She listens mostly to classical music and showtunes
She has never worn high heels in her life
She won't attend school parties
Or any parties
She cuts her own hair even though she probably shouldn't
She doesn't self harm even though she really wants to
You can call her Riley Blue, Riley, Blue, or RB (Arby)
She plays five instruments: guitar, ukelele, piano, flute and violin
She's straight edge
Poet / novelist
She has a pocket noose that she hangs her thumb on to calm down sometimes
Vegan, anorexic at times
Aspires to Broadway in some capacity
Has been in 3 semi-professional shows
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Name: Aurelia-Miray Rhodes

Age: 19. Her birthday is Feb. 29th (either celebrates Feb 28th or March 1st)

Gender: Closeted Agender, Female at Birth

Occupation: Works as a barkeeper in a local club

Appearance: Aurelia-Miray is about 6'0" tall and has a more athletic build. Her skin is dark, and her hair is black. Usually, Aurelia-Miray is wearing Cybergoth-themed clothes, but occasionally also Pastelgoth, sometimes also Emo-Goth.

Lower hips (Stars are golden)

Lower back

Left wrist

Right wrist

Got the last part ("Get along with the voices inside of my head") tattooed
Personality: Outgoing and in general being pretty cheerful, Aurelia-Miray loves hanging out with others, even if it's just to listen to music and complain that Hot-Topic did not had a cute top in her size. She is rather cheerful, often hoping for the best Well, at least she hopes so when she isn't talking to those she depises. Which...do exist, but Aurealia-Miray avoids those that she does not like. Well, makes sense. Who wants to hang around with someone you don't like? Well, definitely not her! Aurelia is often on the run, looking for new things to do, for new people to meet. Without contact to other humans, she would become pretty depressed. However, Aurelia-Miray is very independent, not really needing anyone except her. Oh, and her clothes, they are probably worth a fortune. She very carefully picks what she wants to wear, often deciding it takes more than half an hour. Also, she takes pretty long to trust others and decisions? If there are more than three people deciding, she refuses to. "Let them discuss it, I have other freakin' things to worry about, bye". Also has a tendency to be rebellious

Other: Aurelia-Miray is the child of Julia Rhodes and Lucian Collins. she decided to stay with the Rhodes as she was never close to her parent. Aurelia-Miray suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and takes meds (No one really knows when it developed. But she showed symptoms when she was 14). Also, limps on her left leg. Like with her mental condition, no one really knows why. Some say it is because one leg is longer than the other. Oh, and Aurelia loves wearing heelies and likes listening to Avicii, OneRepublic, Crazy Lixx, OneRepublic and Linkin Park. Is left-handed. Often carries sticky notes and a pen around with her. Probably hits up Hot Topic more than she should.
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Lewis Warren Rhodes

Age: 42
Birthday: 20th March
Gender: Male
Occupation: Physiotherapist
Appearance: 6'2" tall; toned physique, tanned skin.
One of Lewis' defining qualities is that he will always put family and friends first, dropping everything else to support them in their time of need. He enjoys quality time with his family, trying to take an active interests in each of family member on an individual level. He's very romantic and sensitive, with his love for Julia seemingly as strong as it was the day he married her. Lewis always sets out to give off a good impression, so when people first meet him they will see a friendly and charming man, one who is open to new friendships.

People would be foolish to think of Lewis a pushover or to take advantage of his kindness. The man is not a fool and is good at reading body language or recognising when people are lying to him. He doesn't like deception, but where his kids are concerned he's willing to overlook the odd fib if it doesn't have any real consequences. However, if his kids disappoint him or tell a big enough lie, he's not afraid to show them discipline. He rarely gets into arguments or fights, but he's a force to be reckoned with if he does - physically and verbally. More than anything, he hates bullies, whether in the playground, workplace or everyday life. In short, he's a nice guy, but it's best not to mess with him!

- Excellent cook and artist.
- Can play the piano, but doesn't dabble as much as he used to. Enjoys listening to others play, instead.
- Fluent in sign language.
- Whilst he likes watching the odd movie, Lewis doesn't like to see his kids sat in front of the television or games consoles for too long. He's always happy to offer alternatives, no matter how much resistance he's met with!
- Enjoys going out for long drives in the car. Company preferable.
- Is an Agnostic and apathetic where politics are concerned.
- Works out at the hospital gym after every shift. Not purely for his own benefit, but physical strength is needed when supporting some of his patients.
- Gave up on his dream of being a doctor after his father died in a car accident 20 years ago. His studies suffered due to the stress of holding back his own grief to support his mother during her physical/emotional recovery and looking after his younger sister, Marie.
- In his mid-20s he instead returned to his studies and eventually became a physiotherapist.
- Whilst he's friendly towards Lucian, he does hold a secret disappointment towards the man as he believes he chose his job over his daughter. Regardless of this, Lewis treats Aurelia the same as his biological kids.

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