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All alone in T.E.C.S

Elara rolled her eyes, stepped forward and wretched the gun from his hands, and set it down, then she said "first of all, don't point a gun at me. Ever. Second of all, I survived because my mentor shoved me into a small storm shelter area right before the bombs hit. He died trying to save me so don't you go and make any accusations." She seemed pissed off and continued walking down the hall by herself at a quick pace
Kylar growled watching her rip the gun from his hand, but calmed listening to her story before retrieving his weapon. He didn't apologize for the loss of her mentor nor for his actions, he simply didn't trust most people. His youth had taught him to be cold and logical, survival was important no matter what outcome it would bring. He began to follow after Elara before suddenly snapping around, those men had caught up to them. He ducked behind a support pillar as he fired a few rounds for cover, he counted five men. "Elara!" Kylar shouted from behind his cover hoping her reactions were faster than his.
Elara was nowhere to be seen, but suddenly, all five men dropped like flies, unconscious, and Elara hopped down from the ceiling
"I have to say, you have moments where I'm not entirely sure you're human." He joked to the girl, glad to have her assistance. Kylar spent most of his time in this academy alone, training methodically with the others that were deemed 'high value' in the school. He shook his thoughts from his mind and began to bind the men's arms and legs together, confiscating weapons of any kind and tossing them far from them.
Elara laughed and helped him, and she grabbed a man and pulled him into a room, and a few minutes later she walked out and said "most of the terrorists are in Corridor F where the highly skilled ones are, trying to get info from them"
Kylar watched a bit confused on what Elara wanted with one of them men she dragged off into the room, but when she emerged with this information his worries eased. "I guess we avoid that corridor?"
Kylar nodded quietly at the girl once again taking point, she seemed a better asset if she stood hidden from view. "Do you have any idea what the hell is going on, I mean what faction attacked us?" Kylar rounded another quickly as he suddenly plunged his blade deep within an enemy soldier's spine, twisted and pulled. He made sure to cover their mouth to keep in cries of pain muffled as he dragged the dead body back around the corner.
Elara shook her head and said "The only thing my mentor told me before shoving me into safety was to trust no one and that there were more to come..." (remember there is supposed to be a love interest between the two, and sorry I haven't been active in forever, I'm super busy with school)

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