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Fantasy Alice in Wonderland [Reboot]

Without saying anything much the Hare just let out a long whistle as the Queen must have probably heard his comment. " Now, now, don't go off, blowing your top. And if I must say so again, I prefer to be called a Hare, also I had no intention in being in your court either, your highness. By the way, when you mean scythe do you mean that farming tool that you always carry around? Oh wow I'm so scared~ "

He remarked not even the least bit angry as it wasn't worth it, adding in his sarcastic tone at the end of his sentence, and rolled his eyes for emphasis. He had already wasted his breath with the white rabbit and the twins from earlier, he didn't want to waste any of it more on the red queen. As he had thanked god for letting all of the disturbances go away, he could finally have his afternoon tea in peace.

Now that him and Hatter were the only ones left you could say all the noisy one's had left, as the other soon mentioned he nodded. " I guess so, I'm just glad that all those idiots are gone. Geez, I feel as if I've gotten a hundred years older just by talking to them. "

As Felix continued expressing his attitude Elliot kept on nodding. " Yes, I feel the same as well. After all if one is by himself too often, he begins to get lonely "

At the mention of a present the Hare's ears slightly perked up. " A present? Well this is a surprise. "

Taking the box he had wondered what hatter had got him, though he had started to unravel the purple ribbon already having an idea as to what it was, fully knowing Hatter's occupation, it was probably a hat. He soon then remembered about the Dormouse
" I'm guessing you got one for dormouse too. I wonder where he has been today? "
The queen followed the Tweedles and the Rabbit to Absolum's garden. When she peeked out from in between two tall stems, she noticed that Absolum wasn't there. What a pity... Although at least I don't have to socialize with those awful twins. Hm... it seems my White Rabbit is happier without my rule. The Red Queen sighed and wondered how they could all seem so happy and have so much fun without even any servants, not to mention a castle. She adjusted her red crown and wondered briefly how her sister was doing, and why no one had fallen down the rabbit hole recently.
"yeah and look" he said lookign at the hat "it even is able to protect your ears and keep them warm it took me more then usual work to make it" he then smiled and made a costume hat for his fraind he smiled slightly at him he then poured him some tea "and yes i even made one for the door mouse it took a lot more longer then usual becuase of the size he then smiled hopeing the march hare licked his preasent
Looking at Hatter's thoughtful present he grinned as of getting these bothersome ears there wasn't a hat in wonderland that could fit them. Trying on the hat he felt it fit his ears warm, and snugly. " Thanks Hatter! This is great, none of the hats here, fit my ears, plus it was a pain having them out in the cold. "
"your welcome my fraind it's glad to see you smile for a while" he said looking at his fraind "want some more tea buddy" he said pouring him another cup as he then gave him a biscuit he smiled at him the march hair was always a true fraind till the end "merry unbirthday march hair" he said looking at him smieling
" Gladly. " Accepting Hatter's offer more tea. He put his cups towards him so the tea wouldn't spill, and put the biscuit in his mouth. As the other had sad 'Merry Unbirthday' he had lifted up his cup of tea, and clunked it with Hatter's as a cheer. " Merry Unbirthday to you, Hatter! " With that said he finished his cup of tea in one shot feeling fully refreshed. " What should we do about Dormouse? Shall we go search for him, he needs to join us too, for more fun! I bet he's just sleeping again. "
The Rabbit's eyes had slightly widened yet, furrowed in confusion as Dee has rubbed the bump on her forehead before quickly getting up. " It makes no sense to do that if your just going to be a ass about it. " She had blurted out on mistake making her eyes widen, and her hands fly to her mouth as she sat on the ground in silence before making her hands come from her mouth. " Sorry. " She had mumbled looking down, before she had took Dum's hand to get up. Soon enough, of playing with Dum she was still feeling quite energetic, still slightly hopping around. Getting up from her spot next to the brothers, she had waved at Dee. With a smile placed on her lips in a apologetic way before she had went away from the brothers and ran into the queen. Eyes widening she had stopped in her tracks staring at the Queen with wide eyes. " Please don't behead me. " The Rabbit had chanted in her head as she nervously gulped. " H-Hi Red Queen! " She had said trying to act normal as possible.
im glad your finaly "refreshed" he said looking at her smieling as he then contineud to look at her he then begun to look around "is he in one of the tea pot's" he said as he then contineud to lookin around trying to find them he then contineud to pour all the tea into most of the tea cups inside the tea
The Red Queen looked down at the Rabbit. "Hello. Are you missing my court so much now? wish to come back to your old master?" She turned around. "What a shame, there's no room for you ugly thing anymore anyway."
The Rabbit's eyes had widen quite a lot, before she had knew it her blunt side had came out a bit to the Queen's remarks. " Like I would want to come to your filthy castle. " She had said unknowingly glaring at the Queen. " In your opinion that is. Though what a shame that The Matter Hatter thinks you look a pile of trash. You're not a big shot at all. You may be younger than me, but I'm far more smarter than you. Besides, you wouldn't understand since your dumb. " The Rabbit had said folding her arms, as a devious smirk was placed on her lips while her eyes had glared at the queen.
The march hare chuckled as the mad hatter had begun his search for the dormouse in all the teapots they had on the table. " Oh c'mon Hatter, even if he's a bit on the small side he couldn't... " He then stopped to think about it for a bit. ...Well actually..it seems pretty possible. Once he was done thinking, he too began to look over at all the tea pots, searching for the dormouse. " Dormouse? Hello??! You there?? Everyone's gone by now so you could come out...."
The Red Queen's eyes widened and she turned back around in rage. "You... you filthy rodent, you're a lowly peasant and the only person who likes you is a stupid Tweedle! You should never have become human!" The queen yanked on the Rabbit's ears and then whirled and ran back toward her castle.

((Hehe this is so much fun))
When the Red Queen had turned around in rage, The Rabbit devious smirk had only gotten wider as she giggled innocently. " Actually, if you were smart. You would know that Rabbits were once classified by rodent's. Instead we're actually Lagomorpha. Besides, it doesn't matter if someone likes me. I'm not hated by everyone around you, unlike you filthy peace of trash. It's not like I never wanted to become human anyways. " She had said, in return to every insult the queen had said.

As the Red Queen had yanked her quite sensitive and delicate ears quite roughly making the Rabbit scream in pain. "
Please don't be damaged badly. " She had chanted in her head, as she fell on the ground with a thump. Her ears had hurt like hell in her opinion, it was the worst pain she had felt through her life. No one had ever dared to yank her ears, as they knew it could damage her hearing because of how sensitive and delicate they were.

{ Had to look up, how it would feel for Rabbits to get yanked by the ears. What a tiring search. >.< }
((now I feel so bad T^T))

The Red Queen was shocked by the Rabbit's scream. She hadn't realized it would hurt so much. But she nonetheless ran away to her castle. Serves her right... What? What did the Rabbit ever do to you?! It's not my fault, how was I supposed to know it would hurt her? Come on, you have to go back and help her! What the h*ll, where did that come from? I'm not some kind of benefactor, I don't help people, especially Rabbits who have betrayed me and left my castle.

She reached the drawbridge and yelled for her servants. A few guards came running and profusely apologized for being late and told her she could ask them to escort her next time, or at least take them to guard her safety. The queen ignored them and entered her castle. She pulled out her crystal ball.
Dee woke up slightly at the sound of something, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He looked at Rabbit, who was on the ground. "Hey," he nudged Dum to wake up. Dum woke up and also spotted Rabbit on the ground. Rushing forward in a half asleep daze he looked her over. "What happened?!" Dee walked over and looked down, unhappily. "Well, I would like to know as well." He noticed that her ears lay limply, not sprung up in her typical excitement. They both noticed she was in a great deal of pain but didn't know how to help.
Leon was walking through the Black Forest, with his very expensive ruby-lens binoculars hanging around his neck. He had a weekly allowance, which he had saved up for years, formerly wanting things money couldn't buy. But then he got into his secret hobby of rabbit-watching. They were his favorite animal, proven by his clothes today, wearing a platinum rabbit-head tiepin. He lay on the ground and looked through his binoculars, and saw the White Rabbit standing there after 10 minutes of looking. "A bunny!" Leon exclaimed excitedly as he ran towards the White Rabbit, arms outstretched to give it a big hug. @Brent
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As the Rabbit had said on the ground she had noticed the Twins coming up to her, looking quite concerned. She had only put on a wide smile before jumping up. " I'm fine, don't worry about it! " She had faking her energeticness, before she had walked away from them twins with a small smile on her lips. As she was walking down the path, she had heard a few rustle's in the bushes making her ears slowly perk up before going back down. Soon enough, she had heard a quite young voice. " A bunny! " The Rabbit had heard, snapping her head to the right side. Her eyes had widened as she jumped away from there arms, still a bit traumatized from having her ears pulled. She had only stared at the boy observing him, before slowly walking up to him. " You must be a adventurer! " The Rabbit had said smiling, and slowly becoming her energetic self. She was quite happy, that someone had finally came inside this Wonderland. If you looked from far away, it looked like she was hopping.
"I suppose. I go on adventures every day." Leon said smiling. "Where am I? I don't think this is the Black Forest anymore..." Leon said, biting his lip nervously, not recognizing the scenery. It was too... warm to be the Black Forest at this time of year. Leon sat down and crossed his legs, thinking. "Can I play with you? No-one else will play with me..." Leon said dejectedly.
The hatter continued to look for the door mouse wondering where the hell she was. "Dormouse! Dormouse sweetie where are yooooou." He said looking around wondering where the hell she was he then continued to look around inside the tea pots and eventually found her. "Ahh door mouse there you are always sleeping." He said smiling slightly.
The Red Queen was watching the hatter looking for the dormouse when she felt a disturbance in the force ((lol jk)) when she felt something new in Wonderland. She shifted the view of the crystal ball and saw a young boy with binoculars around his neck. She did not recognize him. An adventurer?! I didn't notice him go down the rabbit hole. My powers must be weakening. The queen closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. Perhaps my sister has awakened her powers... She left the crystal ball to find a hat in the hatting room. She found the perfect one, a mess of feathers and cards and lace that sat firmly atop her head. I did not know the White Queen's power still persisted.
Dormouse listened, from where she had hidden herself inside a teapot, most people have learned not to question how she does that. The chaos of the tea party from outside melted away before too long, and she found herself, as usual, asleep. She did not hear as the party broke, up or as hare and Hatter started to search for her. She simply slept, inside the teapot, with the lid on.

Then, said lid was taken off, by none other then the Hatter himself. She smiled, her eyes blurry as she starred out of the pot at him. She made a mtion for him to get out of the way, so she could get out of the teapot, and waited for him to move. She peered out over the edge of the pot, keeping an eye out for the annoying Tweedles. She then pulled her slightly shrunken form out of the pot, reverting to her original, but still small size. Her ears twitched, and she looked to Hare, before shifting her gaze back to Hatter. She sat down on the table, and waited for something to happen.

(Side note: Mouse is about the size of the stereotypical Santa's elf, only slightly smaller.)
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"hello doormouse" he said smieling at her as he handed her a small sized preasent it was another hat but in her size "i made one for you as well" e said as he then watched her crawl out she did look cute when she crawled out "still as cute as ever doormouse" he said smieling a he then sat back on his chair "well well the original trio back together at last" he said smieling at then both as he drunk some tea "god it's been ages since it was just us three...." he said as he then senced something he felt he needed a extra cup or a seat was empty or he needed to make more tea he continued to ponder "i think we may need more tea" he said looking at the hair and the doormouse
As the little dormouse had finally shown herself March had gone and already went behind Hatter. " There you are dormouse, we've been looking for you for awhile, as usual you were sleeping in one of the tea cups again, I see. It is a wonder how you were able to sleep through all that. "

As he finished saying that he then rubbed the small dormouse's head with a couple of fingers. As hatter said this remark yet again he nodded, but then as soon as he heard that there was no more tea he spared Hatter a look, a rare one of disbelief.
"...We have no tea? That's impossible. Don't tell me the royal highness had drank it all...That means we'll probably need to go to town to get some more..."
"no i mean we need MORE tea" he said meaning thay need more tea then usual segesting that a adventure has come to wonderland he then continued to look at the march hair his tone was seriuse as he then stood up and walked above the table he dose this very often as he then stared up to the sky wondering if it could be alice.....
The Rabbit had smiled widely at him and giggled, she had soon forgotten what happened with the Red Queen. A white butterfly had flew pass, reminding her of the White Queen, as she was just about to wander off following the butterfly. She had shook her head and stopped in her tracks, turning back to the boy. " Sorry, about that. " The Rabbit had said, a small blush on her cheeks as she had already embarrassed herself in front of a Adventurer. " But, your in Wonderland! " She had said energetically, with a big smile on her face. " Sure! I wouldn't mind playing with you at all! " The Rabbit had said practically hopping on her feet, her ears were still a bit limp though none the less they were back to normal a bit.

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