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Alice and Cheshire

The sun was just coming through the window, spilling it's light over the soft white covers that were disheveled on the bed. Entertwined between the mess of limbs that seemed as though they should have belonged to some malformed being, rather than the unladylike young woman snoring peacefully in them. The line of light made is way slowly up the bed filling more of the room with the morning.

The girl wore simple white shorts, showing off her long pale legs unmarred by a tan, and her flat stomach that she had thanks to the luck of a metabolism and a strong sense of adventure. Her shirt, which was her favorite, was white with a splash of red lettering reading "Down with the Queen!" Her blonde hair clipped shortly to her shoulders was fanned out around her head, her full red lips were curved into a slight smile as if she was dreaming something pleasant.

As the light hit her eyelids, she grumbled and pulled the sheets up around her shoulders and turned away from the window.
At this time of the day, the air felt more heavier than the girl thus she was feeling rather unrestrained when freely roaming through it. She had just excused herself from the Queen of Hearts Castle after causing some mischief there, especially having fun toying with the knight and managed to not inform the Queen of Hearts of her presence. Her current destination would be to her favorite person in this boring world in which she should be at their home together.

She was maneuvering on all fours, being in her cat form with having fuchsia fur plus shades of violets. Her eyes were light greyish, looking at the scenery she which was the forest and not too far she saw a cottage and giddily was getting faster with her movements as she would awoken at any moment. "What should we play today?" she muttered to herself while finally placing her feet on the doorstep to their humble place for the two of them. The door that stood in front of her was white, made out of wood and a black door handle with the top center having a small window frame. She turned to her human form and slowly slid the door open.
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Alice lay awake staring at the ceiling and enjoying the way the sunlight was playing off the glass mobile that her friend Belle had made for her last birthday. It threw the reflections of gold and red around the walls making it look like a fairytale. Which of course was her whole life. She threw the covers off of her, and they landed neatly on the ground, where they would stay unless someone else came to make the bed...

"Unlikely." Alice thought aloud, she reached her hands above her head stretching her muscles, and causing her night shirt to rid up exposing her stomach. She looked over to her arm, reading her tattoo 'Madness is Happiness' it always made her smile. She lifted her head up slightly and looked around the room a small frown forming at the corner of her mouth. Normally Chesh would be lazily curled at the foot of her bed at this time of morning. Unless of course she had already got up to no good.

Alice hopped out of bed and went to her window which faced the front of the small house, she saw the swish of a cute little fushia tail just as it dissappeared into the house. The smile exploded across her face. Chesh was home, and she was sure she'd have a story to tell. Alice went to her wardrobe to find an outfit for the day.
Upon entering, Cheshire remembered to close the door behind her and immediately fixed her eyes on her roommate. Heading to Alice's wardrobe which its owner was standing in front of it, she continued to walk but out of habit did not touch the floor, using one of her unique abilities. Her flowing violet hair in reminiscence of her cat-self fur and wore clothes slightly similar to Alice but made custom adjustments.

"Hey, hey, Alice! Today is so boring. I got only two, Alice. Only two!" she repeated her final sentence in a disappointed manner. Her ears can be seen flopping down whilst her tail was stirring about since she had finally seen Alice's face even thinking that it is still pretty after she had just woken up. She then added with a somewhat pouty face, "One of the card guards got ripped in half while another got pierced by the spears of the other guards. That was funny but too little. She was excitedly doing gestures of what had happened to the guards by pretending to rip something in the air and did a stabbing motion repeatedly. "Alice, play with me. Play with me." she pleaded with imploring eyes, making sure Alice was looking at her. All whilst this, there was never a moment where Cheshire was at one spot for too long as she was floating all around Alice during the whole tale sharing.
Alice jumped the moment Chesh came in the room, but then leaned back against the wardrobe, holding her blue dress in front of her. She watched as her friend flitted around the room, finally moving forward she laid the dress on the bed and turned to continue to listen to the story of Chesh's morning.

She shimmed out of her sleep shorts, and her top to slide her dress on. She moved to the dresser, and pulled out the top drawer to pull out her black tights.

"Sure Chesh! What do YOU want to do?" She tosses the stockings over her shoulder truly hoping that Chesh will catch them. She quickly tucked her hair back and secured them with her Spade shaped clips.

Alice picked up two different shades of red and faced Cheshire with a smile on her face. "Rose Petal Red or Red Pepper?"
Seeing Alice's stockings in the air after it was thrown, Cheshire quickly grab hold of it and squealed "Yay! Nice catch." complimenting herself at the same time, holding it out to Alice and upon Alice asking her about the shades she instantly answered "Rose Petal Red, it totally suits you more." without giving it any second thoughts.

She remembered that Alice had questioned her on the desired activity for today and began to be deep in thought. "What to play... what to play..." muttering those words to herself but it was quite audible that Alice could also hear it and finally she puts her hands together, making a piercing clap sound. "Chess! I want to play chess! Let's play chess okay, Alice?"
Alice sits down on the bed and finishes sliding on her stocking, and looks up at her friend with a mischievous smile spreading across her face.

"Chess, huh? I heard from a little bird that Rumpel was setting up a chess match using some of the wee-folk. That sounds up our ally, granted it might take a day or two to get there..."

She wiggled her eyebrows. "I'm game if you are."
"I'm game! Totally game! And the more the merrier!" Cheshire shrieked with joy considering how delighted she was with playing against Alice and also causing deceit to more people. Even though she could use her abilities and arrive upon mere hours, she was willing to travel with her roommate if it means spending more time with her. As much as she likes to create misfortune for others, being with Alice means the world to her.
Alice walked up to Chesh and scratched behind her ears where she knew she was a little ticklish. She had a feeling that her friend felt more for her then just friendship, and she certainly wasn't one to discount it. Who knows maybe one day she'll fall in love with her. She ran her hand down the tip of her tail, and circled the room.

"But First, TEA time!"
Feeling the sensation of Alice's hand, Cheshire could not help but let out a giggle and finally placing her feet on the floor.

"Tea time, yay! Are we going to Hatter's?" she asked Alice inquisitively. She knows how Alice enjoys going to the Hatter's and especially drinking tea there which would always be soothing as well as calming. Of course, Cheshire herself does quite like the tea there and would be pleased visiting there. At first, both Cheshire and the Mad Hatter was at ends until Alice came.
Alice smiles and puts her hand around your shoulder.

"Of course Hatters, it's really the only place in this whole area that has tea worth anything. Plus I bet rabbit will be there and you LOVE torturing him! You can tug on his ears," She lightly pulls on yours. " you can play with his tail." She delicately wraps yours around her hand. "It'll totally be worth it." She leans her head on your shoulder, and looks up at you over exaggerating batting her eyelashes.
Cheshire felt ticklish with how Alice touches her.

"I especially love how the rabbit will let out his cries." She was getting even excited when knowing the White Rabbit will be present and always love how he reacts when in misery particularly if it is cause by herself.

Cheshire was also looking forward to meeting the Mad Hatter again, little by little getting along with each other.

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