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Fandom Akame Ga Kill x Sailor Moon

(That's fine, I fell asleep myself...)

*Tastumi nods and hops onto bed, in the dorm he shared with Bloat and began thinking* Hmmm... There's something about that girl, I can't put my finger on it. But there's something magical about her... *He thought all the while Sukai was asleep on her bed having dreams of kicking *ss and drinking soda* Those two are going to be a handful.. *Pinkie sighed to Dark & Gloomy* Yup, but I think Sukai has potential.. I only hope Bloat can help her. And as for Tastumi, he needs more than a little work.. *Dark & Gloomy explained as they both nodded*
*Bloat sat in a chair asleep as he liked sitting rather thank laying. He was still as he slept. Pinkie says* I wonder what tomorrow is gonna be like. So exciting. *in the morning just before the sun broke out Bloat was awake standing up. He walked over to Tastumi and flipped his bed over with ease.* Morning call. *He walked to the door and then walked out. He did this to everyone going room by room no matter how they were asleep. He just flipped there beds and moved on.*
*Tastumi feels his bed being flipped over and is quickly awake* AAAHH!!! What's happening? Oh... *He realizes it was morning as he began rubbing his eyes and following to see if Sukai was already up* Hmm? *He asks seeing her stare at him as she rubs her eyes* Sukai, are you--? AAH!! *She suddenly leans on his shoulder, filling him with an electric buzz as she walks away* Good morning... *She sighs, heading to the common room* Ehh-ehh? *He asks dumbfounded, by how casual she was after using such a painful power*
*Bloat was cooking for everyone as the others congregated to the table. His hand were light and fast as he kept cooking away. After a few minutes he passed over plates for everyone he slid out sushi and noodles with broth soup in bowls. He sat down and started eating it as everyone was quiet. Nobody was quite awake yet even dark and gloomy had a cow lick as she was still half asleep.*
*Tasumi and Sukai were stuck sitting next to each-other as they ate silently* Hmm? *She asks, noticing him staring at her a she thanks Bloat for the meal* Thank you for the meal, Bloat.. *She smiles, then gets back to eating as Tastumi yawns and tries to wrap his arm around her shoulder as he notices Pinkie rolling her eyes and feels Sukai gripping his wrist and bending it* Aaaah-ahh.. *Pinkie giggles* Serves you right... *Dark & Gloomy nods, nearly falling asleep in her food then Sukai lets go of his wrist and gets back to eating*
*Bloat nodded when he was thanked for the meal. He was tired as well. He looked around when he was done and then started cleaning up what was already finished.* Man today is so sliw feeling already. *he started cleaning dishes as he looked back at Tastumi. Bloat shook his head disappointed.*
*Sukai understood where Bloat was coming from, as she stood up and asked Dark & Gloomy* What are we doing today? Nothing. *She replies, somberly* Not until Night falls... *She explains, stoically* Oh, okay... Then I guess, I need some paper.. *Sukai nods as Blondie asks* Why do you need paper? To journal what's happening, kind of like keeping record. But it's not like I'm selling this information.. *She was sure to clarify that* Very well then, go ahead.. *Tastumi answered before Pinkie could* Thanks. *She shrugs, as she finds a comfortable place in the common room and begins jotting down ideas on a small parchment she found* (Do you wanna play Pinkie, as well? I feel like you'd be good at it. But if you don't want to, I completely understand.. Two characters is a lot! Lolzness.)
(Yeah I got Pinkie.) *Pinkie watched Sukai for a moment then started talking to Tastumi.* So when did you become so forward Mr. *Bloat went to the practice area to work on his fighting skills. Dark and Gloomy was going to the bathroom to work on her hair as the rest of the house was quiet.*
(Cool! I like your version already!) *Tastumi chuckles cockily then replies* Since I discovered some women don't believe in love.. But love exists, if you give it a chance! *He explains cockily* Oi.. *Sukai sighs, as she continues writing in the common room* Mr. Natsumi here, is making a habit of being idiotic... *She wrote shamelessly* I wouldn't be with that guy, if he was the last guy on earth! *She accidentally thinks aloud in a rather emotionless mannerism* What did you just say?! *He demands, extremely insulted*
*pinkie laughs out loud and then covers her mouth trying to hide it when he gets mad.* Aw pip squeak got his feelings hurt. *she stood and patted his hair softly. She smiled brightly at him seeming to recover from being tired.* Don't be so sensitive. I'm sure your still Bloat's type. *after that Pinkie sat back down waiting to see what he would do.*

((Thank you))
*Sukai grins at Pinkie as she giggles herself a little* Hmm, hmm, eeheaa, eeheaa! *She giggles, as Tastumi suddenly stands up; marches over to Sukai and places his hands firmly over her shoulders* What are you doing? *She asks, still writing* Kiss me! *He commands* What? *Sukai demands, clearly confused by his demands* Okay.. *She shrugs then gripping his wrist and forcing him on the couch where she kisses him on the cheek* Mwa! *She grins, standing up and sitting nearby Pinkie* That's not what I meant... *Tastumi twitched his right eye in annoyance as Dark & Gloomy rolls her eyes unimpressed by Tastumi* You really need to work on your people skills. *Tastumi replies* This coming from Five Nights At Francis's? (You're welcome!)
*Pinkie is completely silent watching this until Tastumi makes a comment to Dark and Gloomy. When he is done talking pinkie comes in from beside him and sucker punches him in the cheek.* You can keep stuff like that to yourself there Tastumi. *pinkie went back to sit down her cheerful side now seeming mad and cold.*
*Dark & Gloomy grins seeing him get sucker-punched as Sukai rolls her eyes at him* Is there something, I can do for you? *She asks in concern for Pinkie then turning to Tastumi, standing up and slamming his head with the clipboard she was using* OWW!! *He whines as she sits back down and continues writing* (You're really good at creating emotion in this!)
(You give me a lot to work with. You're a very good rper! C: )

*Bloat comes back a little later looking around as Tastumi has two new bruises and pinkie is pissed. Pinkie shakes her head saying darkly.* He made me mad. Tastumi is a little selfish brat. *Bloat shakes his head and just sits down to try and be the peace keeper in the room.* Everyone calm down before you are all in trouble.
(Thank you! I'm glad. ^_^ ) *Sukai nods as she gazes at Pinkie then looks back at her fourteen paragraph parchment; amazed how much she wrote in such a short amount of time* Wow.. *She thinks aloud* You're right, we should save the *ss-kicking for the Night Raiding. *Sukai agrees, nodding as Tastumi still aching stands up and bows to Sukai and Pinkie* I'm sorry.. *He bows to them as Sukai rolls her eyes only to watch dash into his room clearly holding back tears* What's his problem? *Dark & Gloomy asks stoically* Natsumi.. *Sukai thinks gazing at him as he goes away*
*Pinkie watches him go and thencchuckles slightly.* I forgot how much of a wimp he is. I probably hit him to hard. *Bloat shakes his head standing. He goes into his shared room with Tastumi and picks him up carrying him over his shoulder.* You and me are going to train. You're to soft. Hurt by to little. *Bloat carries him easily into the training room with a few sparring rings and weight sets. Pinkie looks at Sukai and sighs.* Calm down he's gonna be fine.
Huhh? Hey, wait a minute! I didn't sign up for this!! *Tastumi began freaking out as he arrived in the training room; only to realize it actually looked fairly normal* Oh, oh, I've got this... *He grinned, not looking at the size on the weight and began lifting it up only to begin moaning in pain by the feeling of it pulling all his shoulder muscles* Ahhh, ahhh, ahh, ahh... How much does this weigh, 400 pounds?! *He demands, not realizing how comical his fails were becoming* Huhh! I've got it... *He explains, then placing it back down and crashing to the floor from exhaustion* Huhh, huhh, huhh... *All the while, Sukai is agreeing with what Pinkie says* Yea, he will be; if he muscles can grow as big as his head; he should be fine. *She joked, hoping to make her giggle and grin* And I'm not worried, to me that boy is just another road-block on me making money! *Sukai explains, thoughtfully and determined*
*Pinkie rubs her forehead and then looks at the door as there was a crashing sound.* Sounds like he lifted my weights. *She smiles and claps her hands. Then she looks back Sukai.* I want you to be completely honest who do you think is the strongest between the members of Night Raid? *In the training room Bloat lifted the weights with both hands up onto the track.* You just tried to lift Pinkie's starter weight.
*Sukai thinks for a moment and then replies* I'd say from strongest to least strongest it'd be you, Bloat, Dark & Gloomy, Blondie, me and Natsumi. *She smiles kindly* I hope that answers your question! Thank you for asking... *She bows, as Dark & Gloomy notices her kind demeanor* You're a fascinating chick, Sukai. *She thinks aloud; meanwhile Tastumi replies to Bloat* Start -- starter weight? I wonder what her normal weights are like?? *Tastumi thinks as he tries lifting a weight that looks smaller* Huhh, huhh, huhh... *He lifts up Dark & Gloomy's starter weights* Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh! What is this 230 pounds?! *He demands, starting to get stronger as he continues slowly lifting it up and putting it back down while thinking* I'll show that Sukai, she'll be in love with me; if it's the last thing I do!
*Bloat was amused slightly as Tastumi kept trying. Bloat sat down in a corner relaxing as he just watched. Pinkie was amused by Sukai's answer. Pinkie simply chuckled and tapped her chin.* As far as I can tell you are right but things change. Quickly even. *There was a knock at the door and Dark and Gloomy goes to the door. She opens it slightly. There is a tall dark haired man standing there.* Is this the home of Night Raid?
*Sukai looks up, the dark haired man reminds her of Mamoru (her True Love) but she plays it off* What is he doing here? *She thinks aloud, as Dark & Gloomy replies* Yea, why? *Tastumi suddenly uses the door as an excuse to leave as he rushes to see who it is* I'll get it! *He exclaims, as Sukai gazes at the man a bit amazed; not realizing there something connecting all this some overarching plot that wasn't yet ready to reveal itself*
Welcome MissLunabelle! And the idea I had was basically Sukai falls in love with Tastumi (main male protagonist) from Akame Ga Kill! But Darien finds out and it's an EPIC BATTLE for the ages also I always say this when it comes to rping an anime I don't know much about or just haven't heard of (not saying you haven't heard of it but this is just what I do lolz...) is that wonderful search tool known as Wiki and find out the basic overview lolz! I hope I helped... ^_^ !! You're free to join!
*He looks around then back at Dark and Gloomy.* My daughter has been missing for several days now. We live near the warf and need to know what happened. The police and guards won't help. Can you help us? *Bloat had naturally followed Tastumi when he noticed the man at the door just when he started speaking. Pinkie stood next to dark and gloomy now. Pinkie had replied.* We would need to know what the girl looks like to look. Sir. *Bloat stands in silence listening and thinking.*
*Sukai nods and stands up; waiting for Pinkie's assurance to help him out* And where were you last? *She asks curiously, as she looks around for a weapon of some sort as Tastumi suddenly interjected* WE'LL DO IT! Anything in the name of Money... *Tastumi exclaims, as Sukai, Dark & Gloomy and everyone else (if you think this is actually funny lolzness...) facepalms* What if this is a trap? *Sukai and Dark & Gloomy wonder silently*

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