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Fandom Akame Ga Kill x Sailor Moon


Elder Member
Okay, so I just watched the first episode of Akame Ga Kill on Toonami and I love it like a love song baby! To be more accurate like a K-Pop song by Girls' Generation and since I primarily roleplay as Sailor Moon/Sukai (OOC, again for those who already viewed my other stuff...); I think it'd be cool to find some folks who would enjoy blending the best of both worlds in the animes. The darker side of Sailor Moon, with the greed of Akame Ga Kill and the humor of both to make a vibrant, action-packed rp! Everyone who wants to respond is welcome, just feel free to Wiki if you don't know the animes. It always helps me, when I'm new and wanna roleplay with some animes I don't know much about! But I'm not going to spoil what I saw, hopefully some of you saw it as well. Either way, thanks for reading this - Sukai!
Wow freaky. I just watched Akame ga kill on toonami not thirty minutes ago..... (OuO) it seems to be pretty cool and i'd like to rp in it as well. I don't know a lot about sailor moon though so I will have to google that.
Lolz, I know it's intense right? But the violence was what drew me to it and the fact that Tastumi or Tastuni (I forget how to spell it.. The main brunette guy) gets so much crap in the beginning is brilliant considering how he handles some of it. But who do you want to be? I want to be Sukai/Usagi and the Pink-haired chick! She's funny..
I could be Bloat or however you spell the armored guys name. I think you were right on your first attempt. The violence was definitely pretty cool. The characters were all so light-hearted about what they were doing so I see many tortured stories that are gonna be so cool!
Okay, cool! Thanks for the like by the by. How do I like your post, lolz? Also I think I'll be Tatsumi *audience goes wild for me remembering his name*; I haven't been a boy in a while.. Well other than Mamoru from Sailor Moon, I know his character like the back of my hand lolz! Do you mind if we do it here? I haven't been on long enough to have a roleplay thread on the Roleplay Thread thingie.
Na I don't mind. Also below my posts there should be a green check mark. You just tap or click it and then like. Tatsumi does seem interesting. So where do we want to start In the role play?
..................I liked this anime................But I'm not into fandoms....................nice idea tho.
That's great! And I found it, yay me *claps and jumps up and down cheerfully*.. But maybe we should start right after Tastumi is forced to join Night Raid and maybe Sukai discovers his dead friends, the horror-shed (that's what I call it) and Bloat can find me. He's the tall one, with the huge armor who was flirting with Tastumi right? I'm still processing the episode, lolz!
Yeah I know the feeling my gosh the horror shed. I feel like Bloat is gay but maybe he's just into killing people. To early to tell for me. Alright so right when Sukai is found by me and we can go from there. Do you want to start?
Sure! And it'd be funny if he was gay, because he mentioned something about everyone wanting blondie's breasts.. Lolz! The things you pay attention to, when you're not yelling at the screen.. Okay.. I'll start now!

*Sukai had been searching for the way she had come from, she had no memory of how she arrived here and she saw the inside of a shed; it looked more like something out of a well-written teen slasher than a normal rich person's piece of property* Huhh? *She asked noticing a dead blonde girl, near her as she overheard what sounded like a ten yearn old (probably 18 in real life) whining about some Night Rain or Raid or something* What's going on?
*Bloat was wondering back to the shed. As Bloat was informed that kid cut down a little girl in an instant. He was going back simply to check around for anymore evidence. He knew what was there. Until he saw a girl standing there at the entrance. He immediately drew his weapon and walked over to her.* Hello Ms. This isn't a safe place. *he was ready in vase she attacked him or did anything crazy.*
*Sukai suddenly sees a large, heavily armored, masked man with a large weapon and squeals awkwardly in fear* KYAAAAAHHH!!! *She screams slightly startled* Oh, I'm sorry... Thank you for your concern, but I'm looking for someone who knows where to get a burger. *She was so out of touch with this new world, it was comical* Huh? *Tastumi noticed her as Pinkie with Pigtails thought aloud* A burger, what kind of body part is that?
*Bloat looked at pinkie. He was just as confused as she was. He then looked back at the girl.* Do you mean food? *He was confused as to what a burger was but he saw this lady was even more confused.* What do you think we should do with this one Pinkie? *Bloat put his weapon away and then stepped back.*
*Sukai bowed politely to them* I apologize.. *Pinkie gazes at her up and down; as she notices Tastumi gazing at her dramatically* You seem nice enough, I won't kill you yet. Seeing as Tastumi has a crush here. *Tastumi blushes and shouts* I DO NOT!! *Sukai giggles and thinks aloud* Now that I've seen all this blood, I'm even hungrier.. *That reassured the gang that she was definitely Night Raid material*
*Bloat nodded and lifted Sukai up under an arm. He grabbed Tastumi as well and then they started walking.* Come on you two. Let's get moving.

*Later at headquarters Bloat put them both down and looked around.* Welcome to Night Raid Ms. You're just behind our new recruit Tastumi over here.
You mean this whiny guy? *Sukai asks, pointing at him with her thumb* HEY-EHH!! *He blushes awkwardly* I'm happy to be a part of it. So who do I kill first? Is there some monster or better yet someone's ex who I can slash like a boss? *She asks cheerfully* Not so fast! *Pinkie slashed her sword, killing a fly near her face* Before you start killing anything, we have to know your past. What haunts you? Makes you want to kill stuff? *She asks assertively* Hmm.. My father, he neglected me and I want all those types of men to suffer... *She thinks aloud* All those lying b****tards, to be punished.. *Sukai thinks aloud* So when I do start buying my weapon? *Tatsumi then interjects* I'll have you know, NOT all men are like that! Some men are perfect in every romantic to me.. *She rolls her eyes as Pinkie nods* And why is the blonde chick dressed as a beautiful neko? *She asks Bloat, ignoring Tastumi in his foolishness*
*Bloat was quiet most of this exchange until the new girl asked him a direct question.* well Ms. It's really her own style I suppose. I wear a suit of armor like a knight. Dark and gloomy over there dresses like a schoolgirl because who knows. Doesn't really matter. *Bloat looked at his comrades and then patted his helmet.* I suppose it's cause we are us when we dress like this. Tastumi here is just a brave little cuty. *Bloat looks at him and leans in close.* Aren't you? (Wow that felt weird.)
(I can understand why, but I'm having fun being obnoxious ole' Tastumi)! *Tastumi blushes and nods awkwardly* Whatever you say, but speaking of clothing.. Why are you dressed like a cosmic schoolgirl? With buns on your head? *He asks eyeing her a bit* It's called Odango! And it's part of my secret identity, I am a superheroine. The Legendary Sailor Moon! *Sukai explains, as Pinkie and Dark & Gloomy gaze at her* And here I thought Tastumi had the biggest ego... *Sukai rolls her eyes, as Dark & Gloomy is impressed by her innocent but also not giving a sh*t attitude* What's your name, anyway Sailor Moon? *She asks curiously* Sukai, Sukai Todd! But my birth name is Usagi, it means rabbit. Usagi Tsukino, rabbit dancing on the moon... *She explains thoughtfully*
*Bloat sits in a chair and sits back relaxing. He watches being quiet again. He remains unimpressed by this Sailor Moon. He remembers something a moment later. He stands up going and getting food. He brings back some sushi and chicken. He is happy to hand it to Sukai.* I believe you were looking for food.
*Sukai bows to him and thanks him kindly* Thank you, very much... What is your name, Sir? *She asks curiously as she took some sushi and began eating* This is great! *Tastumi decides to prank her* It's got rat guts in it... *Sukai's eyes grow wide and smacks him in the face with the chicken* AAAHH!!! *Tastumi shouts then decides to eat it anyway* Hmm? Umm.. This is good! *Tastumi grins, as Sukai rolls her eyes as Pinkie took a roll and whispers* Don't fall for him, he's greedy.. *Sukai blushes and nods* Don't worry, he's not my type at all.. Hmm? What'cha say to me?? *Tastumi demands still eating the chicken* Hmm, hmm! Eeehea, eheea.. *Pinkie gets more comfortable and giggles with Sukai*
My name is Bloat. *He bowed slightly before sitting back down and waiting. He wasn't much for table conversation he just did as he was told and did some simple work around headquarters.* Oh and we need to do the initiation.
Initiation?What does that involve? *She asks, not noticing Tastumi moving closer to her* You may have to kill someone. *Pinkie explains thoughtfully* I'm guessing, that excludes Tastumi? *She asks, as Tastumi places his hand onto her shoulder only to demand* WHAA? *He shouts, as Sukai plugs her ears* Why is it every time you talk, I get a headache? *Sukai rolls her eyes as Dark & Gloomy snaps her into action* What if I killed him first? *Sukai suddenly grabs a small kitchen knife and the two began battling it out* I like to be first.. *She snaps, dodging a slash only to feel her left forearm cut get straight off; as it suddenly grew back everyone noticed the full Moon* Hmm.. *She smirks, grabbing Tastumi putting him in a headlock and holding a steak-knife to his neck* Am I in, Bloat-Senpai? *She asks, curiously as the girls look at her a bit dumbfounded* I could always go further... I like more than violence! *She smirks, drop-kicking Tastumi from behind and penning him to the ground; as he backed away blushing* Hmm, coward.. *She giggled, only to feel him grab her wrist, twist it behind her back and force her against the wall* That's ENOUGH!! *Pinkie shouts* Both of you, go to your rooms.. Separately!
*Bloat was amused slightly. He looked at Tastumi and shrugged. He didn't even know what to say when she started attempting to kill Tastumi he watched carefully just sitting. When they were both ordered to bed Bloat stood up and walked to a set of stairs.* This way. Both of you. Oh and never call me Senpai. I'm a teammate not a teacher. *He lead them both to a corridor of different rooms. Some taken some not. Some even exed out with slash marks. He opened one door and told Tastumi to get in. When he did he shut the door. Bloat looked at Sukai and shook his head.* Come on little Rabbit. Time to find a hole.
*Sukai was relieved to hear that; she never liked Senpais* Yes, Bloat. *She nods, as Tastumi tries to feel her ass only to feel her bend his wrist violently and tell him* I could kill in your sleep, you know that right? *She snaps, as he pleads* Okay, okay just let me go... I can hear the bones crackling! *He pleads, as Sukai releases his wrist and they reach her bedroom* Damn that brat, she's so... Perfect, perfectly full of herself! She's the exact opposite of me.. I'm humble, kind hearted and I know when not to kill! Although I kind of wanted her to finish where she started with that drop-kick.. *He thought this as Sukai bows respectfully to Bloat and reluctantly to Tastumi* Good night, Bloat. Thank you again, for the food.. And Natsumi, that's your name right? No.. *He snaps* Next time, don't be so forceful. I'm a lady! *She snaps, going to bed and falling asleep comfortably in her dorm; ironically the one she shared with Pinkie* Well aren't you glad, she's outta our hair? *Tastumi chuckles, patting Bloat on the back*
*Bloat looked down at Tastumi and then started walking. He didn't really care for the new girl much she showed promise like everyone does at first. He looked around for an empty room. He opened an exed out door and then nodded to him.* This one is yours. I don't see why it was marked off. *Bloat looked around then stepped out.* Sleep well.

((Heyo headen to bed. See you tomorrow.))

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