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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era


She frowned slightly at his response, taking it into consideration. "Okay, but consider this," she offered, pointing her index finger upward. For a moment or two, she stood almost frozen in time. Then, she continued as if nothing happened. "I'm really really really really really bored, and we're the best team!" She grabbed Krieg's arm with both hands and lifted it above her head. "Look at us! We're doing great!" she announced, beaming in self admiration. So maybe Krieg couldn't really be a spy, but he was whom Stacy considered to be a really good friend, though he didn't really talk much. But still!

@Mitchs98 @T h e F o o l
"Alright were we goin? It better not be expensive because I don't have much on me." Sykis said as he fallowed Zen out the room. "Any idea when your sister will get the posters done? Speaking of you sister how has she been doing? Haven't seen her lately and wanted to know if she's ok. Also this is for earlier." He said as he punched Zen in the arm.

@Leo Radomir
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Trust said:

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


Lucy's face went bright pink at the thought of it, she began sinking into her seat and covering her face with her hands before hearing his question. She shook her head in response, before finally burying her head in her arms, not wanting to look at anyone she was that embarrassed. She couldn't even respond thanks to her trump card

@MrNeko @Mr Swiftshots
MrNeko said:
"Um it was quite an interesting morning I would say. I saw a Yuri scene here in the morning from Lucy and miyuki. I cleaned the kitchen."He grinned "Also Lucy can't speak anymore for like 24 hours I think.I don't know where miyuki is do you know Lucy?"
@Mr Swiftshots @Trust
Clair O'Reilly , The Blade Theif


Clair watched Lucy with a careful eye when she began to blush , the girl was clearly embarrassed about something and it was made even more obvious when she made an attempt to cover her face. What had happened was soon reveled by Lucifer and well it was rather funny , or at least he made it seem funny by he way of explanation. So Lucy and Miyuki were a thing now , well that's what Clair would be saying for the next 24hours at least.

With a grin Clair rested her head upon her palm and then spoke to Lucifer with a mischievous tone "I see , did you get a picture ? If it's good I'll pay you twice what I usually do.......".

@Trust @MrNeko
Alushey said:
"Alright were we goin? It better not be expensive because I don't have much on me." Sykis said as he fallowed Zen out the room. "Any idea when your sister will get the posters done? Speaking of you sister how has she been doing? Haven't seen her lately and wanted to know if she's ok. Also this is for earlier." He said as he punched Zen in the arm.
@Leo Radomir
Zen didn't even blink and says" feel better now and don't worry just the local pub and they'll been done by to night she has bunch of gaurds that adore her i have to beat them off sometimes". " you don't have to worry about morgan but if you are interested in her in the future don't expect to have an easy journey".
"The pub huh alright I can afford that. So what do the guards do to try and win her affection? Have they done anything drastic. Sykis said as he adjusted his shoulder plate. *Kind of feel sorry for the girl.* He thought as he walked beside Zen and said. "Also you don't have to worry I'm not interested in your sister not to mention how it would affect our jobs. I don't know about Morgan but if someone I cared about was killed by Night Raid I would become enraged and stop at nothing to kill them."

@Leo Radomir
Alushey said:
"The pub huh alright I can afford that. So what do the guards do to try and win her affection? Have they done anything drastic. Sykis said as he adjusted his shoulder plate. *Kind of feel sorry for the girl.* He thought as he walked beside Zen and said. "Also you don't have to worry I'm not interested in your sister not to mention how it would affect our jobs. I don't know about Morgan but if someone I cared about was killed by Night Raid I would become enraged and stop at nothing to kill them."
@Leo Radomir
Zenith grins widely and says" she gets bombarded with love letters and yes some have done some very drastic things but they payed a heavy for it i'll leave it at that", as for love on the job that's not strictly true, if you have a partner that can watch your back and protect your so the mission can be done then their love is not in vain". " let me put it to you this way she may not look it but she's very capable in a number of ways despite the crap haters say about her so she's not going to go down like a bang of flour". " i'll give a bit of advise if your going to unleash the dragon as the saying goes don't just go about it with wild swings and crap that's how fools dig their own grave so i'll never let the foe get to me to that point".
"I'm not doubting that she's a good fighter and capable at defending herself I just wonder how she would react if someone she cared about died to those assassins. Still even if I did love someone in the elite I probably wouldn't have the courage to say anything. And when I "unleash the dragon" He said as he made quotation marks with his fingers. "I wouldn't run in and blindly swing like a idiot I would use my trump card...Even though that would probably be a even worse idea." He said as he rubbed his helmet thinking about what he just said. "Anyway! She has haters? Why? I never seen Morgan fight or talk to her that much but why do people hate on her?" He said trying to change the subject.

@Leo Radomir
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Alushey said:
"I'm not doubting that she's a good fighter and capable at defending herself I just wonder how she would react if someone she cared about died to those assassins. Still even if I did love someone in the elite I probably wouldn't have the courage to say anything. And when I "unleash the dragon" He said as he made quotation marks with his fingers. "I wouldn't run in and blindly swing like a idiot I would use my trump card...Even though that would probably be a even worse idea." He said as he rubbed his helmet thinking about what he just said. "Anyway! She has haters? Why? I never seen Morgan fight or talk to her that much but why do people hate on her?" He said trying to change the subject.
@Leo Radomir
Zenith smiles wryly and say" for me and my sister death is a regularly dance in the club for night owls and not saying anything may hurt more in the in end because the regret will linger morgan had some one like that once so i hope you give your self the chance she didn't" "As for the other bits glad your not a fool like some one i know"

"Morgan can be Very stubborn and overly proud at times and she doesn't like certain people and won't hold back if you piss her off on something she feels is important there for some of the guards and higher ups don't like her but there's no one to replace her skills so they back off to a point".
"A regular dance huh. Cant imagine what that feels like. I only lost two people that I was close to and personally know but the only person that I actually cared about was a friend of mine who died from a tribal attack but even then I didn't really have much of a reaction I was sad that they were dead but I just felt hollow. Its kind of hard to explain but I guess that's thanks to my father. The other one was my father and I just didn't care. In fact I was kind of happy that he was dead. Anyway... Lets get to the pub I'm kind of hungry. Now that I mention it I haven't eaten anything all day so lets get going." He said as his stomach rumbled.

@Leo Radomir
Alushey said:
"A regular dance huh. Cant imagine what that feels like. I only lost two people that I was close to and personally know but the only person that I actually cared about was a friend of mine who died from a tribal attack but even then I didn't really have much of a reaction I was sad that they were dead but I just felt hollow. Its kind of hard to explain but I guess that's thanks to my father. The other one was my father and I just didn't care. In fact I was kind of happy that he was dead. Anyway... Lets get to the pub I'm kind of hungry. Now that I mention it I haven't eaten anything all day so lets get going." He said as his stomach rumbled.
@Leo Radomir
ff to the bar in town

Zenith says" i'll have a roast dinner and a pint of cider please i'm pretty thirsty, thanks by the ways after all that serious talk and me being a bit of a downer it's time to kick back". Man in a blue get up says" ay half pint i bet i can drink you under the table i'll bet one hundred gold on wining". Zenith smirks and looks over to his mate and his expression says are you willing to bet on me? Several others come round and place their bets on the table and then sit back down waiting for the games to start.
Sykis looks at his comrade and sighs "Fine I'll go all in on the half pint." He said as he got the last of his money and betted on Zen. Then whispers "Hope your up for this." Then a man came and put a drinks on the table. Sykis then leaned on the bar counter and watched the drinking game unfold *Hope he isn't violent when he is drunk* he thought.

@Leo Radomir
Perfect! Hazel thought as Rika grabbed onto her leg. Hazel sucked in more thermal energy, a faint whirring noise could be heard emanating from Hazel's torso, signifying that her teigu was working harder. Faint amounts of ice formed on her boot. Using the strength boost, she kicked upward with the leg that Rika grabbed onto, trying to fling her off.

"That won't work on Rika!"She said letting go of the leg and landing away from her and stumbling back.She ran to hazel tackling her to the ground she then cut her hand right of then putting the hand on her face "Hahah your hand why you poor little thing! I can kill you right here right now but I wont"She said beginning to calm down and getting of her. "I am sorry about you hand I'll pay for it and buy you food"

Alushey said:
Sykis looks at his comrade and sighs "Fine I'll go all in on the half pint." He said as he got the last of his money and betted on Zen. Then whispers "Hope your up for this." Then a man came and put a drinks on the table. Sykis then leaned on the bar counter and watched the drinking game unfold *Hope he isn't violent when he is drunk* he thought.
@Leo Radomir
As the drinks came the contest blasted off moments later zenith really enjoying himself and says to the guy" you can still walk away before you embarrass your self". The man smirked and they continue for over two hours and in the end the man pukes his guts all over the floor then falls off the other side of the chair and zenith just feeling tingly but still fine and says" Well i did warn him and you can keep half of the bet mon syk boy was that fun and now i'm even more hungry". Some strong women mercs came and dragged his ass away then came back and say" that was fun to watch that guy has been bragging he's the man for ages".
"Hmm I wish I did get a picture but I can describe it pretty well.Would you like that?"He said with a grin looking at Lucy and wanting to embarrass her more.He then began to remember the events beginning to smile more and get a slight nose bleed.

@Mr Swiftshots @Trust

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


Lucy shook her head at them both before pointing her teigu at Lucifer, and suddenly he wasn't able to make any noise either. Lucy giggled soundlessly at him, as if to say "hahaha, I got my revenge". She shuffled up from the table, her face still a faint pink in shade. She gave Clair a mischievous smile, threatening to remove her sound too

@MrNeko @Mr Swiftshots
MrNeko said:
"Hmm I wish I did get a picture but I can describe it pretty well.Would you like that?"He said with a grin looking at Lucy and wanting to embarrass her more.He then began to remember the events beginning to smile more and get a slight nose bleed.
@Mr Swiftshots @Trust
Clair O'Reilly , The Blade Theif


Clair's tone grew even more mischievous when the offer arose , this was great ! not only was she getting to tease Lucy but the girl couldn't fight back ! This chance only came once in a lifetime or so Clair thought. Unfortunately this was not the case as Lucy so generously demonstrated.

With a frustrated sigh Clair lay her head on the table "fine , I'll just have him tell me later anyway....."
"Hello Everyone!"She said loudly walking into the room she was wearing a new outfit that was meant to serve people which was a maid dress.She smiled and got next to Lucy "I'm longer drunk I'm here for you"She said putting her arms around Lucy.

Lucifer began to laugh but there was no sound and pointed at Lucy he grabbed clair's arm made her look at lucy

@Trust @Mr Swiftshots

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


Lucy whimpered as Miyuki wrapped herelf around her. She tried to protest only to make no sound, it did however make her lose focus on Lucifer, allowing him to speak once more. She covered her face and laid her head down on the table

@MrNeko @Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly , The Blade Theif


Clair looked up slowly when Lucifer took ahold of her arm. For a brief few moments she didn't know what was going on but we'll as with most things she quickly caught on and when she did her nose began to bleed somewhat. It truly was quite the sight , they were dressed in a maid outfit and a kimono for gods sake !

After a Clair had time to process the image mentally she turned to Lucifer and shouted quite loudly at him "Don't just stand there speechless go get a god Dalm camera !"
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The remaining part of Hazel's arm sparked and sizzled as Rika sliced through it. Reddish brownish fluid leaked out of the limb. Unknown to Rika, Hazel's mechanical arm was connected to her nervous system, which was what allowed it to function so well. Laying on the ground in shock, Hazel slowly fell unconscious. With the last of her strength, she tried to reach for the bag beside her dumbbells. Inside the bag was a tube shaped metal cylinder, which held a repair kit for her arm.

"I got myself cleaned Lucy.Is something wrong Lucy you want a kiss on the head?" She said still holding her she noticed that Lucifer and Clair were looking at them then she had a confused look. "Whats going on? I sure look good in a maid dress" She let go of Lucy and sat next to her

@Trust @Mr Swiftshots
She turned her claws back into her human arms and hands"Oh well your going to die what should I do also what is this liquid"She asked her grabbing the hand she cut off.She holder her and laid it on her chest and passed her the thing she was was reaching for.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Spice playfully pokes sera chan's face and leans and whispers" when i ever taken you to a place isn't good and who knows my beloved sera chan that may very well be true and no cold feet now life is about adventure remember that". Spice leans back and grins widely then starts to share the starters out with sera chan.

Sera Lightbane

Sera smiled back and nodded. She had a point, they both had similar tastes in food so she doubted she'd take her somewhere that had food she didn't like. Plus, even if she hadn't been here before, she may as well try it. She'd never know until she did. "
Yeah, I guess you're right." She replied. When Spice started dividing the food she soon took a bite and was honestly a bit surprised, it was pretty damn good. She had expected it to be alright at best, but it was actually really good. "Huh, you're right, this stuff is actually pretty good." She told her, taking another bite.

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