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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era

"Wow really? Her whole story? Are you serious!" Sykis said as he faced palmed. *With superiors as dumb as her I might be able to join night raid after all with no difficulty.* He thought "Sigh... well we might as well tell Morgan about it. Come on you can tell me more about the night raid member on the way." said Sykis as he started walking. "Oh also you want my help spreading the posters when their made?" He added.

@Leo Radomir
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Alushey said:
"Wow really? Her whole story? Are you serious!" Sykis said as he faced palmed. *With superiors as dumb as her I might be able to join night raid after all with no difficulty.* He thought "Sigh... well we might as well tell Morgan about it. Come on you can tell me more about the night raid member on the way." said Sykis as he started walking. "Oh also you want my help spreading the posters when their made?" He added.
@Leo Radomir
Zenith smirks as he catches up and then says" Yeah for real and yeah i'd like the help, but back to topic she has a red white and pink kimono my weapon is looking forward to hurting her, i won't assume to know your reasons for joining the guards but i can tell you this much for nothing even if i hadn't joined the guards i would still hate night raid and assassins and so on, so i'd probably end up fighting you and them and that's a case i'd rather not deal with".
"I was forced to join the guards by my bastard of a father. He wanted me to be a soldier like him and made me train until my bones cracked. I never wanted to be a guard but stayed to kill criminals" sykis said keeping his cool at zens last comment *Did he read my mind?* "Why did you join the guards?" he said

@Leo Radomir

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"there are other jobs to pay for families" Lucy scribbled down before passing it back and lying on her head again. She could see where he was coming from and accepted it but her anger was so deep that she couldn't bare thinking of giving mercy to guardians

Alushey said:
"I was forced to join the guards by my bastard of a father. He wanted me to be a soldier like him and made me train until my bones cracked. I never wanted to be a guard but stayed to kill criminals" sykis said keeping his cool at zens last comment *Did he read my mind?* "Why did you join the guards?" he said
@Leo Radomir
Zenith grins devilishly and says" One could say it's a vow to dear one i lost as a kid, i was happy living in that village before that time but i can't go back now to that time and joining them is out of the question". " I'm sorry your dad was such a troll but because of that you have a strength many don't have, i don't have the luxury of hesitation and will kill any that threaten my sister and my ambitions".
"Your a good brother you know that." Sykis said *He might not be as bad as I thought.* He thought. "You know zen out of all the elite I respect you the most. Also sorry for your lost." Said Sykis as he continued walking

@Leo Radomir
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Alushey said:
"Your a good brother you know that." Sykis said *He might not be as bad as I thought.* He thought. "You know zen out of all the elite I respect you the most. Also sorry for your lost." Said Sykis as he continued walking
@Leo Radomir
Zenith playfully punches sykis arm and says" i try but some sometimes i'm absolutely helpless without her as for the lose there's no point clinging to what you can't bring back so i remember the good times i had and the fact i didn't run away like a coward". " Some will say why work for the murders and so on but to me it's a question of how one goes about the killing and who it is because there's so people in this world that need to die simply because they are poison to all sides".
Sykis laughed for a moment he decided to test something then thought *If I were to kill anyone it be his whore of a sister by strangling her and watch the life drain from her eyes* then looked at zen to see if he responds in any way he wanted to check his suspicions before acting.

@Leo Radomir
Alushey said:
Sykis laughed for a moment he decided to test something then thought *If I were to kill anyone it be his whore of a sister by strangling her and watch the life drain from her eyes* then looked at zen to see if he responds in any way he wanted to check his suspicions before acting.
@Leo Radomir
Zen smiles widely and says" one of the cruelest ways would be to use her and break her in front of him then kill her, despair is sometimes the best emotion you can get some from someone you hate of course it's not everyone's cup of tea so won't blame them for not wanting to do it". Just then a low level assassin tryied to stab zenith but he spun on his heel and slaps him in the throat and moments later the body drops to the floor no moments what's so ever as if he crushed all the bones and throat at the same time.
"Well it's our job to kill the guards who are a menace to the innocent and the government too"He said proudly then passed the notebook back to her.He began to wonder about the people in the slums being plagued by crime and the gangs."Well I was going to suggest that we go somewhere but I noticed that you can't talk and you probably used your trump card somewhere. Which guard will you want to die in your hands? Also what did you do when you weren't here!"


Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


"Well I was out walking and met a girl called Mirizam Gomesia. I managed to trick her into thinking I was her fan and she showed me her Teigu. It's a sword on the end of a chain called procyon that is constantly wrapped around her. I couldn't glean any more info off the weapon but I learned her backstory. She was originally a thief until she fell in love with a girl called Celine by masquerading as a man. Celine was killed through collateral damage by a night raid attack so she joined the Guardians for vengeance. As I was walking away, she asked me about my Teigu so I had to use my trump card to escape. Problem is, they've seen my face and it will no doubt appear on poster now" wrote down, sliding the note across and thinking she might have to start wearing new clothes and a mask

Alushey said:
Sykis stopped and slowly looked at him "You know my plan don't you Zen?" Not even caring for the assassin.
@Leo Radomir
Zenith taps his chin and says" I don't remember you telling if you did i don't remember right now at least i've been out nearly every day so i'm a little sleep deprived", i just hope your not planing something stupid because i'd hate to see you die in vain".
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*He's right I don't want to have all my training and sacrifices to be in vain* He thought. "Well It involves night raid and putting an end to this blood shed once and for all. But first we need to find their base or lure them out. Any ideas zen?" He said as he started walking again. *I cant tell if he's lying or not. Can he read my mind or not? Is it his imperial arms?*

@Leo Radomir
"Interesting this guard will surely keep an eye out for you and since poster are going to be everywhere about you it's best to go at night with different clothes."He sighed he then thought about the coming events that would or not happen many scenarios began to play in his head."Well they still haven't found me and I can still go out and get stuff for the base and how will we take our first move in the capital?"

Alushey said:
*He's right I don't want to have all my training and sacrifices to be in vain* He thought. "Well It involves night raid and putting an end to this blood shed once and for all. But first we need to find their base or lure them out. Any ideas zen?" He said as he started walking again. *I cant tell if he's lying or not. Can he read my mind or not? Is it his imperial arms?*
@Leo Radomir
Zenith smiles and says" they'll be back my instinct tell me so and i have a few plans but i can't tell you them just yet after all because it's not time yet to put them into the game, and finding their bases is pointless with out a properly trained group, but you know it's the things people don't expect that make the best traps and plans". " I'm going to enjoy this to the fullest i don't think i've ever felt this alive before".
"Anyway we should get back so we can start the posters. It's goanna take a while so better get it going as soon as possible." said sykis as he kept wondering when the next member of night raid would arrive.
Hazel released her fist, throwing a heavy punch in Rika's direction. Like the punch she threw towards the sky, tons of air pressure was generated by the force of her arm. "You're crazy!" Hazel yelled as she attacked. The winds generated should have been enough to stop Rika from advancing toward her. Hazel's arm steamed a bit, as it generated a lot of thermal energy due to the air resistance and friction.


(Sorry for being afk for so long without warning, went to the beach.)
The air threw her from the ground throwing her away from hazel but then she put down her claws into the ground to be hooked on them.She crawled all the way but to hazel "The hunt begun! Your are my target. I may be crazy or psychotic let the fear get to you"She said then got closer to her and unhooked one claw from the ground.She reached to hazels leg and grabbed it "I got you"She laughed

Clair O'Reilly , The Blade Theif


Clair had arrived back at the base late last night after successfully completing her mission in the far eastern region of the empire. The mission had taken her an entire week due to the distance and the heavy guard resistance , her targets totaled seven and said seven were no other than the 'Eastern Trade' Syndicate's leaders.

The group was diabolical , every single member partook in several crimes ranging from human trafficking to drug trade and anything in between. They plagued not only the east but also the north and center of the country , a primary target for the revolutionary army without a doubt.

Anyway all that matters is that they were alive and now they are not.

With a moan and a groan Clair arose from her slumber and after what must of been twenty minutes she made her way to the kitchen , dressed and showered. With a soft hum she took a seat at the table and shot both Lucy and Lucifer a warm smile. With a soft tone she spoke to the two "Good to see you two are still alive and kicking , anything fun or interesting happen while I was away ?"

@MrNeko @Trust

Lucy "Lulu" Lucatiel


Lucy's face went bright pink at the thought of it, she began sinking into her seat and covering her face with her hands before hearing his question. She shook her head in response, before finally burying her head in her arms, not wanting to look at anyone she was that embarrassed. She couldn't even respond thanks to her trump card

@MrNeko @Mr Swiftshots
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Zenith making poster back at hq for the women he saw and says" why is it i'm cleaning up after some fool, or weakling it makes me want to go on a rampage to blow off some steam, but you know what i find the most stupid amongst assassin is the fact people think because they can change their clothes and such i won't remember them how foolish". " I've learned a special skill through training that makes my instincts much cheaper than many and i'm going to make the most of the skill i've learned". A devilish smiles lites up on zeniths face as he says this knowing the fun he's going to have when he finds that cow of an assassin.

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"Um it was quite an interesting morning I would say. I saw a Yuri scene here in the morning from Lucy and miyuki. I cleaned the kitchen."He grinned "Also Lucy can't speak anymore for like 24 hours I think.I don't know where miyuki is do you know Lucy?"

@Mr Swiftshots @Trust
"Really? Sounds useful." Sykis said while he walked up to zenith and looked at the picture."....You have a drawing skill of a ten year old you know that? But in all seriousness hurry up before it gets dark I don't want to be late for my patrols." He said

@Leo Radomir
Alushey said:
"Really? Sounds useful." Sykis said while he walked up to zenith and looked at the picture."....You have a drawing skill of a ten year old you know that? But in all seriousness hurry up before it gets dark I don't want to be late for my patrols." He said
@Leo Radomir
Zenith half laughed and says" When i was younger i had weak bones even though i don't tell people as rule so i'm surprised i can draw at all to be honest, but sweat your pretty head morgan can we redo it now she has the basic picture and your buying dinner since i did all the work". Zenith moved his wrists in a circle and few loud clicks then he shock his hands and goes and opens the door.

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