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αησтнєя נσυяηєу, αησтнєя ρяσвℓєм



1 on 1 with


Red x OC

Blue x OC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You guys all have heard about the Hoenn region, yes? I bet that is where some of you are all! If so, hello!! Anyways, back on topic.

You guys have heard about the mysterious champion of Indigo League, Red right?

Well wanna know what's crazy? I'm actually friends with this mysertious champion. And no! I am not making this up! He is not imaginary! He is actually my real best friend! I have real friends! At least, most of them are real...

Aaaaaaaaa anyways, as I was saying! I plan on convincing Red to come with me to Hoenn! Yes, you read right! I am going to Hoenn and I'm dragging Mr. I-like-to-stay-up-at-Mt.-Silver down with me! (Do you know how hard that was to type?
xD Gosh dang.)

Yep! So get ready for some amazing posts about the Hoenn region! And hey, I may get to meet you beautiful people.

Until then, farewell best friends! Till next post!

~ Ari<3"

- - - -

"I can't believe you actually convinced Red to come with you," Blue chuckled, leaning over the boat railing with a simple white t-shirt and black shorts on. His brunette hair was down, wet from earlier when he got water-gunned by a wild Staryu. He had a fluffy white towel over his neck as he watched his best friend sweat in the sun...and funny fact is, they're not even CLOSE to Hoenn!

A small giggle left Aradia's lips as she walked up to the male, still drying her hair with the towel she received. She had changed out of her two-pieced swimsuit and was in now a simple blue shirt, one of the sleeves hanging off and a white t-shirt underneath. Bright yellow shorts adorned her thighs. She had pulled her bangs up into a small ponytail and pinned them on top of her head. "I'm quite surprised I manage to get him off that mountain as well," she chuckled, fishing her phone from out of her pocket and scrolling down her blogs from earlier.

"Poor guy, he's dying out here and we're not even close to Hoenn," Blue laughed.

Aradia stifled a laugh, "Yeah. We barely left Kanto, but I don't blame him. It's pretty hot out," the brunette smiled, typing up a quick status post.

"Really? Geez, you guys need to get out more. Especially you, Ari. You're always in your room on your stupid blog of yours."

"Hey!" Aradia cried out, "It's not stupid, thank you very much! You're just jealous I have fans adoring me and my amazing remarks!" she scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Sure I am..."
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A few feet away, the young champion could hear his two friends conversating, but they were distant mumbles in comparison to the roar of the cerulean waves that crashed against the hull of the ship. Perhaps he just hadn't gotten a good look at the ocean in a while but the depth and shine of the waters seemed especially vivid to him. Had the overbearing sun rays not been both blinding and melting him, he may have come to appreciate the sea before him better!

He held up a hand and wiped at his forehead, unused to the beads of sweat that glistened on his wrist as he did so. Even shirtless, bearing nothing but a pair of red shirts and sandals (he didn't even have his hat!), the young man was still too warm for his taste. He squinted as he looked onward, a blast of illuminous colors rain in from the golden sphere towering in the center of the sky, his only refuge the occasional cumulus cloud that drifting by and shadowed the deck.


His eyes fell to the panting yellow mouse beside him, perched on the railing, ears twitching in annoyance as he, too, was burdened by the heat.

"Maybe we'll get a tan?"

He flinched as he felt a sudden shock, noting Pikachu didn't find his humor particularly appealing at the moment.

"Okay, okay," he held up his hands in mock surrender, and then decided to worm into his friends conversation.

"What are you two arguing about now?" He asked, though he wasn't incredibly interested. His eyes kept flickering to the expansive setting, wondering when he'd see a break in the ocean and the sudden outline of shore lines and mountains.

"Blue, with conversation skills like those, it's hard to believe you're still single." He nudged Ari lightly, feeling a light weight on his shoulder and welcoming Pikachu into the conversation.
"Pff, I can't just choose just one girl. We all know that there are many girls swooning over me!" Blue smirked, puffing his chest out with his large ego. Aradia rolled her eyes, throwing her arms above her head.

"Many? More like nobody. Blue, shut up no one is 'swooning' after you," Ari snickered. Blue rolled his eyes. Aradia's face was dusted a soft pink at how close she and her crush was, but she made sure to hide it well by making up the excuse it was really hot out in her mind. "Anyways, if you guys are ready, I think I'm ready to go back to the room. What about you guys?" Aradia asked as she gathered up her bag and pokeballs. She called out to her three pokemon who she decided to use on her next adventure.

Blue shrugged, "Sure. Come on, Red. I think you need a break from the sun," the gym leader teased as he nudged his best friend. Ari snickered once again.

"Yeah. You're gonna get sunburnt easily. Come on!"

- - -

"Hey guys! Aaah we are on our way to Hoenn! I actually convinced Red to come down! Can't you believe that? I mean it took me a while, but I managed!

So we just left Kanto yesterday and today we decided to go out on the ship waterpark, because you know I'm on a cruise. I mean I have the champion and the 8th GYM leader with me. You really think I'm gonna pass up the opportunity to use all their money? Heck to the no! I'm using that money like it's candy!

Haha, anyways, we just left Kanto and it's already hot! Then again I haven't been out forever because I'm stuck in my room

Haha I think Red died in the sun. He was sweating after 5 minutes being out there! Gosh! I went swimming while Blue declared to check out the ocean. Then he got water-gunned by a Staryu! haha! He deserved it.

Lol anyways! I can't wait to arrive at Hoenn. Once I do, I'll tell you guys and I'll arrange a meet-up alright? But please, no stalking my adventure."

He chuckled at the playful banter between his two closest friends, shaking his head at Blue's attempts to respond, his ego emanating loud and clear. Red took one last lingering look at the ocean before he left the deck alongside his friends, eager to cool off indoors. "Yeah, I could use a cold drink."

He couldn't remember the last time he'd been on a cruise ship, S.S. Anne came to mind but, oh, no, that was far too long ago. When had he actually been out at the open sea? He couldn't pin point the last time he'd brought out Lapras and taken a surf. The mountains kept the few nearby bodies of water frozen solid, and he doubted even an hours worth of flamethrowers could melt such thick layers of ice. He sighed as he recalled where he'd been for the last few years, wondering if it was really smart to leave. But surely a break wouldn't hurt, right? The champion had to make an appearance at some point, and exploring a fairly foreign region was just the adventure he needed after years of being isolated, and too wrapped up in his thoughts to notice the shrill chill in the mountain's atmosphere. And, although Blue was a bit of a mouth, spending time with both his long time rival/best friend, and then Ari... Well, he couldn't complain about that. Nor could he ignore how cute she looked in those little yellow shorts.


"Wha-? Sorry, sorry," He scooped up the mouse after unintentionally stepping on it's tail, ignoring the electric pulses sent through his arms as the rodent growled with disdain. His eyes flickered from Green's tall frame to Ari, a brief smile gracing his lips. She'd not changed too much since they'd been together last, lovelier, if that's possible, but other than that, she was still the jubilant, energetic young woman that he'd willingly allowed into his bubble.

"So... Ari, what's the first thing you'd like to do when we get to Hoenn? Won't be too long now," He offered her a faint smile, combing his fingers through his tousled black hair, slightly damp from the humidity, and even darker in contrast against his pale complexion.
Aradia turned around to find Red stepping on his Pikachu's tail. She giggled as he apologized and saw the small sparks that ran up his arms. Blue turned around as well, snickering.

"Something on your mind, champ?" Blue asked, his hands behind his head as he walked toward the room that all three of them shared.

The female put her phone away as she cooed at Blue's eevee that was following her trainer. She crouched down and picked her up and smiled at Red's question. "Probably set up a meet-up to meet all my fans in Hoenn. Then, most likely go to the first gym. Does that sound good with you guys?" she asked as she stroked the small pokemon's head.

Blue shrugged, "I don't care. I'm following you anyways," he said, watching the small interaction between Ari and his Eevee. "Though, I call challenging the first gym. I want to see how strong Hoenn is, that is if they're strong in the first place," he snickered. Aradia rolled her amber eyes and nudged Blue.

"Don't underestimate a league. You never know," she said. "What do you want to do, Red?" Aradia asked as she turned around to meet Red's beautiful crimson eyes.
"I kind of want to just scope out the landscape," he flashed her a bright grin. "Challenge the gyms for sure, but... I was doing a little reading up. They've got an astrology center, they're big on coordinating around Lilycove, big 'ole department store like the one in Celadon, and volcanoes... haven't been around one of those since Blaine's gym got blown up." He added, his eyes glistening at the memory.

"I think I'll play tourist, I am the champion, after all," He grinned again, plopping down on his bed. "And there's no rush, right? Its not like the league'll be shutting down, ever."

Pikachu leapt up onto the bed beside Ari, nudging her arm for the attention she was dedicating to Blue's Eevee.

"But I'll follow you two, of course. I'd love to see Blue get creamed by a Slakoth," He chuckled, dodging the pillow that was thrown his way. He bent down and slipped a white tee over his head, leaning back on his mattress and holding up one his empty poke balls, thoughtlessly spinning it and watching the flourescent lights glare off the red seal.
Aradia smiled at Red's Pikachu, setting the Eevee down onto her lap and turning her attention to Pikachu, humming softly at the pokemon. Blue's Eevee rested her head on the female's lap as Aradia's fingers stroked through her fur.

"Pff, me? Get creamed by Slakoth? I think not!" the gym leader scoffed, laying down on his bed while maintaining eye contact with Red. "I think it's you who'd get creamed by a Slakoth." Aradia rolled her eyes at the childish behaviour Blue set up, then thought for a moment.

"How long do you guys want to stay in Hoenn? I hope longer than a month," she laughed, gently scratching Pikachu's chin. "I want to explore every inch of Hoenn. It's a beautiful region just by pictures and," she smiled, "We haven't been on a journey together since our first journey through Johto."

Blue smiled, "Yeah. Those were good times."
Red offered a reminescent smile in her direction, noddigng with approval, despite the bit of anxiousness bubbling at the thought of not returning to the mountain anytime soon. "More than a month, for sure."

"Seems like forever ago, but then, I remember that year crystal clear." His eyes flickered to his rival, his worn cap that hung on the bed post, and then Pikachu, who'd grown just as much as Red himself, since those days. He then felt the memory of when he'd first captured the Pokemon, and blushed a bit of the sudden aged perception of himself. They were still so young, yet, definitely not the ten year old newbies they were then.

"Good to see things haven't changed too much. We're just... taller," He mumbled with a bit of a laugh, catching Pikachu instinctively as the little mouse leapt from Ari, back into it's trainers arms. "Hopefully Hoenn has some noteworthy people. We could use some new friends. Less Team Rocket."

He fought the urge to remember them, and instead focused on the weight of his companion on his chest. The accomplished feeling that came with defeating them didn't compare to the anger that swelled whenever Red's mind crossed what they'd done, and planned to do. There'd been more than a few nemisis uprising since then, it was disconcerting, even despite their failures.

He let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes and focusing on the subtle sway and tug in one direction or the other of the ship. Those days were gone. It was right now that mattered. And with the way Ari's eyes lit up at the mention of spending more time together, he simply couldn't afford to waste moments on the worser parts of his past.


"All's good, Buddy," he mumbled, and then shot a sudden smile their way, "Onto the next adventure!"
Ari chuckled at the mention of Team Rocket, falling back onto her mattress, "Those guys were a pain," she groaned. Blue's Eevee looked up and crawled up to her chest, resting her head between the valley of her breasts. Aradia smiled, petting the eevee. "Blue, I think your Eevee likes me a lot," she laughed. Blue shrugged.

"Seems so," he smiled, watching Ari and his Eevee interact with each other. He then jumped at Red's sudden outburst, "Gee. Nice to know you still haven't lost your childishness, Red" Blue laughed as he quickly recovered from the shock. Ari laughed.

"That's good," she smiled. The girl yawned, "I think I'mma take a nap. Wake me up when we get there, 'kay?"

"Pff, you're boring Ari. Alright, I'll wake ya up~" Blue smirked as he watched Aradia climb under her covers, his Eevee following her. The girl curled up, with Eevee snuggling against her.
"Sleep well, Ari," Red mumbled, smiling softly as she snuggled in for the rest of the boat ride. His brows furrowed as he tried to think of what he'd do, a nap sounded nice due to the heat bringing about lethargy, but he was also kind of restless. Gently he sat Pikachu on the pillow beside him, patting its head lightly as it breathed in and out with ease, he'd fallen fast asleep.

"Won't be long now," He added, and rose to his feet to gaze out the port hole.


Nearly three hours later, a boisterous horn resonated through the ship, loud enough to wake the dead, but bringing about an excitement in the atmosphere so thick it was early tangible.

Red, like his companions, had dozed off, and for that he was kind of thankful, that meant he'd have more energy for some tourism. But when the signal to let all passengers know they'd arrived in Slateport went off, he jerked awake, startling both himself and Pikachu in the process.

"Wake up, you two," he said as he gathered his thoughts and got to his feet. "We're docking, finally!" He tossed a pillow at Green, and then gently patted Ari and mumbled again for her to wake up. He ignored whethed or not his rival would notice Red's obvious gentleness with her.

Swiftly he threw together all of his out of place belongings, neatly stuffing his carry on bag. He slipped on a more decent shirt and jeans from behind the closed closet doors, eventually stepped out, tyed his tennis shoes quickly and then swung his bag over his shoulder.
Blue groaned as he rolled out of bed, eventually landing smack down onto the hard wooden floor. He smacked the pillow away and glared at Red who was waking up Ari with gentleness. "Come on! Why does Ari always get the kind treatment?" he whined as he sat cross-legged, rubbing his eyes. He stood up and went into the bathroom to get ready.

"Mmmmpfff...five more minutes," she moaned as she snugged into Eevee's fur. The Eevee nuzzled back, wanting her sleep as well. When the horn blared once again, Aradia jumped up, "Okay! Okay! I'm awake! I'm awake!" she groaned. "Is Blue in the bathroom?" Ari asked as she got out, Eevee still curled up in bed.

"Yo Blue! Get out of the bathroom! I need to get ready too!" Ari yelled, knocking harshly on the door.

"Ok! Okay! I'm getting out!" Blue exclaimed as he exited the bathroom with his hair done, a simple shirt jeans and his bag packed full of clothing. Aradia thanked him with a sour smile before entering the bathroom.
Red watched the pair with a bemused expression, wincing as they yelled back and forth, their voices resonating off the white walls of the tiny room. Pikachu perched itself upon Red's shoulder, and the two of them shared an eye roll as they waited for their companions to get ready.

"Thank Arceus I got ready earlier," He mumbled, leaning against the doorway, his eyes scanning the room one more time before they fell to the porthole. They were no longer outside, the ship was drawing into the docks, inside the Slateport shipyard.

"I think some lunch is in order." He grinned briefly, wondering what this region had to offer food wise.

"Ari, you ready?" He asked after a while, and could hear quite a few passengers gathering out in the hall, getting ready to leave the ship.
Aradia exited the bathroom, nodding, "Yeah I'm ready." she smiled as she brushed her fingers through her short ginger hair. She had changed into a simple gray striped shirt, and pale blue shorts with her favorite blue flats. Aradia laughed as Blue's Eevee circled her feet before trotting over to her trainer and climbing onto his shoulder.

Blue chuckled, "Ari. You take forever," he complained. Aradia rolled her eyes.

"I'm a girl, you doofus. Of course I take forever," she laughed as she followed Blue and Red off the ship. "Aaah! I can't wait to explore Hoenn!"
After a good half hour of weaving in and out of a growing crowd, the three finally left the shipyard, stepping outside into daylight and wincing as the bright sun shone down onto the city streets and pavements.

Red held up his arm to shield his sensitive eyes from the sun. "Damn, its like an oven out here!"

He glanced around, as his eyes adjusted he made out signs for the oceanic museum, the market place down the way, and a distant battle frontier building. The lawns and walkways were lined with towering green trees and lush grass adorned with pastel colored flowers. The sky was a soft blue slowing fading into a golden hue, dotted with cumulus clouds and distant Swablu, Altaria and Murkrow.

"So, where to?"
"It's so pretty~!" Ari called out as she twirled around in the center of Slateport. Aradia grinned at Blue, who was smirking at how girly Ari is and at Red. She thought for a moment, "One of my fans told me that there is a contest starting today, we can either enter or go watch that," the girl smiled.

"A contest? Of course you would do that. Wasn't your mother a top coordinator in Sinnoh?" Blue asked as he watched Aradia hum and twirl around. The girl nodded.

"Yeah! My mom taught me all sorts of tricks on winning a contest. You guys should join! Pleease? Our first memory of Hoenn can be you guys joining your first contest!"

Blue shrugged, "I don't know...."
"Tell you what, Ari. We'll watch you this time around, be your cheerleaders, get the gist of how contests work, and next time we'll sign up, alright?" He flashed her a bright grin, nudging Blue to show some enthusiasm.

"We'll even get Blue in some frilly dress, yeah?" He playfully slapped his friend on the back, and then reached up to adjust his cap. Pikachu let out an amused sound and sparks flew in anticipation from his bright red cheeks.

"Do they have a snack bar?" He asked with a light chuckle, and started to lead the way to the content hall. They'd check in and grab rooms later, Ari needed an outlet for her energy. He had to admit, he was curious to see how she'd do in a contest. He had no doubt in her abilities as both a coordinator and a trainer. She may not be champion material, but top coordinator... he wouldn't put it past her to reach that goal whilst they stay here.

As they walked, his eyes flickered from a now distant harbor, to the farther off contest spectacular hall, and then to the marketplace. They had quite a few places to check out in this city alone, but much to his disdain there wasn't a gym here. He could feel the pokeballs on his waist shudder in an anxious way. They wanted to battle, a real battle, the first time theyd have an official ref and what not in years.

"Not too long now, guys," he patted his waist and smiled as he remembered the hordes of Donphan, Abomasnow and Rapidash his companions had blown through with ease as they trained.

"The buildings just over there," He mumbled, smiling as Ari twirled like a child, elated and jubilant.

It was then that he noted Pikachu's ears twitching and its head shot up immediately. Red too looked up quickly, only to watch the most beautiful, mesmerizing Flygon he'd ever had the privilege of baring witness to, magestically soaring through the sky just over the city, its cry melodic as it flipped and swerved with a natural grace, the ruby red rims of its diamond shaped wings glistening in the sun, its elongated, glimmering green tail swaying with an obvious strength in its movements. He whistled outloud and kept his eyes on it despite its impeccable speed, thankful he'd worn his hat which blocked the sun from his eyes, nostalgic as he remembered his Charizard and wondered if this Flygon would be a worthy opponent.

"Would you look at that!" He said with admiration, trying to crane his neck to the side and get a glimpse of the rider. There had to be one, there was no way this Flygon was wild. But just as quickly as it'd come, it was leaving, a swirling green dragon fading in the distance.

He felt a surge of appreciation swerve through him, the kind that made him remember why he started a journey in the first place. He flashed his friends a bright grin and urged them to the contest hall, obviously more revved up that before. "Come on, let's get this journey started!"
"I am not getting into a frilly dress," Blue protested as the three friends continued toward the contest hall. "But yeah, what Red said. Reddie and I will be your little cheerleaders," he grinned. "Go Ari!" The male fisted the sky with a high-pitched girly voice, trying to mimic a cheerleader. Aradia rolled her eyes at her friends, before humming.

As a strong sudden gust brushed against the three, both Blue and Ari looked up as well as Red. They all looked at the beautiful Flygon with awe, a big smile on their faces. Aradia giggled as she glanced at Red's face, who wanted nothing but to battle that Flygon. She tried to peer over the dragon pokemon's back, wondering if there was a trainer, but alas, the girl couldn't see anything but a glimpse of a brown speck.

"That's such a beautiful dragon," Aradia mused as she fixed her hair. "I wonder how strong it is. Betcha it can beat Blue," she teased. Blue scoffed.

"Psh, I can beat that Flygon anytime any day," he spoke with confidence. The girl rolled her eyes, then suddenly gave a small jump in surprised as Red cheered.

She watched as Red ran past her and toward the contest hall, giggling, "Hey Red! Wait for us!" Ari called out as she quickly ran to catch up with him, Blue following her closely.

- - -

AriiStar's Journal: The Adventure in Hoenn with Blue and Red!

Entry Date: July 21st, xxxx @ 4:39 P.M.

The Hoenn Region

Yes, I'm actually gonna start dating my entries. Haha, and lame title I know I know. Buuut anyways, this is the first blog post in the beautiful region of Hoenn! I have arrived at Hoenn, everyone! And the first thing I thought of is the contest in Slateport. A few days back, I recently got a note about a contest in Slateport.

Can you guess what I'm about to do? Yep, you guessed it! (If you didn't then...wow....erm....) I'm going to enter Slateport's Contest!

Come and see me, okay? The first round starts July 23rd @ 2:30 P.M. so get ready! Of course, after first round ends, I'll set up a meetup to meet all you beautiful Hoenn people! Plus, you get to see Red and Blue

And those who are entering the contest, get ready to lose! As Sinnoh's Top Coordinator, Angelia Homes' daughter, I'm not gonna lose!

Until then, see you all lovelies!

~ Ari<3

P.S. Those who are going to see me, will also get to discover my real name ;D Sssh, keep it a secret okay?

Red and Blue lingered behind as Ari registered herself for the contest.

They were out of their terriory, away from familiar sights and ethics, and surrounded by suits, frills and colors more vivid than usual. The building was palacial, adorned with plaques along walls full of vibrant ribbons and admin portraits, two large stair cases, one to the left and one on the right, led up to the second floor, but Red couldn't say what was going on up there. It was crowded, though, with people of high and classy calibers looking over the banisters, down at obviously less experienced coordinators who lined up to compete in the contest two days from now.

"They don't have places like this in Kanto," Red mumbled observantly, his crimson eyes taking in a recreation Hoenn was widely known for. He found it interesting, sure, but as men his age waltzed by with fresh, suave tuxedos and shoes with a shine his sneakers lingered in the shadows of, he winced. When was the last time he'd worn a suit? And Pika... he'd never agree to dressing up, despite Red's knowledge of how popular Pikachus are in shows like these.

He thought about Espeon. Maybe. But luckily for him he wasn't competing this time around, Ari was, and she had the feminine, beauticious instincts he lacked that were vital to a coordinators success.

"Too flashy," Red mumbled just for his rival to hear, not wanting to offend Ari. "Definitely not the league." He laughed a little nervously, feeling the sudden deprivation of socializing weigh heavily as he compared this popular, crowded scene to that of the solitude on Mt. Silver.
"I agree," Blue agreed as he looked around. Kanto rarely had any advancements in technology, all the towns and cities were quite rural excluding the large cities, and it had a nice natural, homey feeling. The male threw his hands in his air, yawning as he waited impatiently for Ari, who was taking her sweet time.

Aradia smiled at the lady before taking her card and other materials she had to take out and returning them to her purse. She sighed, brushing through her short hair as she walked over to the two. "Sorry. Didn't mean to take so long. Hoenn's quite flashy, isn't it?" she laughed as they exited the Contest Hall.

Blue shrugged, "You said it, not me. But yeah. Different from Kanto," he said as he looked around Slateport. "Though this city has a nice...ocean feel to it." He smiled as his Eevee jumped onto his shoulder, brushing her brown cheek against his.

The girl nodded, "Hey, let's go book a room at the Pokemon Center then explore, hmm? Let's not get too far away from Slateport though," she laughed. "I still have a contest in two days."
Red agreed to Ari's suggestion and, shoving his hands in his pockets, followed closely beside her, a light pink dusting his cheeks as he caught scent of her sweet fragrance. He tugged his hat down a little more to better shield his face, ignoring the snickers from Pika.


They swiftly checked into the Pokémon center, claiming individual rooms for themselves and tossing their lightly packed bags inside the rooms. Red briefly glanced over the bulletin board in the lobby, his red eyed jumping from different, colored pieces of paper to see what there was to do. Nothing in particular was happening tonight, so it appeared, so they'd just have to wander around until Ari was satisfied. Wouldn't hurt to see what a well known city had to offer, though. And they'd be here at least two days before they headed to the next city over.

Red waited in the lobby for his friends, Pikachu idly perched on his muscled shoulder. He leaned against the wall, hands shoved I'm his jeans, vest swaying lightly under the air conditioning. His mind went over the team he'd read that the Rustboro gym leader has, mentally pairing up, matching and strategizing whilst he awaited his companions arrival. He knew he didn't need to fret or analyze, he was the champion, how hard could the first gym leader of Hoenn be? But... he never took things lightly, a battle was a battle, and surprises weren't uncommon.
Blue came back down to the lobby shortly after, his hands behind his head as he walked towards his rival. He shot a look at his childhood friend and smirked, "So care to tell why your face was red after walking so close to Ari?" he asked, his eyebrow raising as he examined Red's face close, "It looks like you have some affections for Miss Aradia Homes~" he grinned.

Aradia smiled as she hurried toward the two males in the lobby, panting slightly. "Sorry, I had to make sure I had all my pokeballs. I swear I almost lost Chiko's pokeball...again," she laughed, rubbing the back of her head. "Anyways, shall we go? Might as well look around and meet some people while we're here. Annd...I set up a small meet-up on Route 110...hope ya don't mind!" she laughed. "Oh, and make sure you have at least one pokemon on ya!"


"Read my newest entry!"


AriiStar's Journal: The Adventure in Hoenn with Blue and Red!

Entry Date: July 21st, xxxx @ 5:19 P.M.

Quick Meet-Up On Route 110 @ 5:30

Yes! I'll be doing a quick meet-up at 5:30 till 6. Blue and Red will be with me, of course. Just a quick meet-up with a few battles if you want. We can do a 3-on-3 between you all! Ooh that sounds fun! Let's do it!

Red felt his muscles tighten and was about to retort when Ari appeared, jubilant as ever. He pursed his lips, deciding against making a scene with Blue, though he was a little worried to know that his best friend noticed Red's odd behavior around their female companion. Why? Probably because Blue was a loud mouth, and Red didn't trust him not to make a scene of it later. He didn't know if his rival really understood the whole 'crush' experience, his fangirls didn't count.

He kept his hands in his pockets, and flashed Ari an apprehensive smile as she spoke, ignoring the curious gaze of the electric mouse on his shoulder.

Though curious as to just what her coordinated gathering would be like, he figured it couldn't be much different than a meet-and-greet with a Champion, something he'd had to do quite a bit up until he left for the mountains. He sighed at the thought of it, unsure whether he should be excited or dreading the event, but as champion, he couldn't deny challenges, so, battle it was.

"Awesome," he said with a half smile, and left the Pokemon center alongside Ari and Blue, heading out to quench the female's thirst for exploration. Silent as ever, he observed their surroundings, both with genuine interest and a natural alertness he'd picked up after realizing he wasn't alone up on Mt. Silver. Pikachu also kept it's ears perked up, and it's tail twitched as they passed people who were slowly coming out for the start dotted night; they were going out to eat, to shop, leaving or returning to the city... It was a pretty busy place, Slateport, it reminded him of Vermillion, but with more green than beach.

"You lead, Ari. What would you like to do first?" He asked, knowing she'd have plenty of plans made for the evening. He himself was indifferent, everything about Hoenn was already peaking his interest, so there wasn't a wrong answer here. Though the raven haired male was sure, he assumed Blue was up for anything as well.
Blue snickered at his anxious rival, tagging behind the black-haired male and the cheerful ginger with his hands tucked into his pocket. He debated to shout Red's affections out to the world, but went against it as he wanted to see how Red reacts to the simple thing Aradia does. Blue was quite the observant man. Not that ignorant and prideful like the media suspects him to be.

Aradia was humming, once again, to a catchy tune as she skipped out of the pokemon center, with Red and Blue following close behind. "Well, how about we get to that meet and greet? It's only thirty minutes and a quick battle against Virdian City's gym leader, Kanto's champion and a beautiful blogger will be an awesome meet, eh?" she laughed, getting confused at how she worded her own words at the last of her sentence.

The ginger shook her head, her short locks swaying to her movement, "Ah. Let's just go meet up some fans, then go out to eat dinner, hmm? That sounds great doesn't it~?" Ari smiled.

Blue grinned, as he watched Eevee jumped down her trainer's shoulder and rubbed against Ari's leg. "Yeah, that sounds good. I hope your fans are strong! I would love a nice challenge, right Red?" He nudged his rival with a wink. "Plus, we never battled together. Wonder how that'll turn out..."

"Yeah! I'm quite excited!" Ari chirped as she walked toward Route 110. As she reached it, she was quiet surprised to see a few people already waiting for her. "My, I didn't think I was that popular," Ari laughed.
Red didn't argue, momentarily noting the way the fading sunlight set her eyes aglow and cast a bit if a sparkle to her skin. Or was he just imagining that? His eyes wanted to avert her gaze, bit he couldn't, not when she was smiling so sweetly. He reciprocated her expression, feeling one, notable skip in his heart beat.

"Beautiful for sure," he tried to add, but his voice came out so low he doubted even Pikachu heard him from on his shoulder.

"Y-Yeah," He nodded, fixing his cap so it cast a shadow over his eyes. His smile widened at his rivals words, he gave a fairly eager nod in response. A triple battle, with Blue, and Ari?

"It'll intimidate the heck out of all these trainers, that's for sure. They'll have no idea what hit'm," he said with a competitive edge to his deep voice, high giving his rival, a notable glint in his ruby red eyes. It was sounding more appealing as he thought about it, and when they reached the dirt pathway of route 110, not only was Pikachu twitching in anticipation, but he could feel the same excitement emanating from his pokeballs. It was unfortunate, he didn't think he'd need to use even two of his Pokémon to win over those who'd gathered to meet and greet Ari.

He greeted the small crowd with silent nods and the occasional polite wave, maintaining that air of mystery that'd kept most of his opponents through the years on edge. He smirked a little, already conjuring up a strategy for fun, how to make sure he, Ari and Blues Pokemon collaborate to their greatest potential.

"Charge yourself up, buddy," He told the mouse on his shoulder, who's ears were perked up, zig zag shaped tail visibly sparking. "This'll be a warm up."
Aradia greeted her fans with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. She had signed a few posters she had created and sold online, took pictures and everything. It's been awhile since she had done a meet-up and she was glad she did a quick one. It's been such a long while she had the chance to meet her fans, with all her own work and everything.

Blue gave a flirtatious smile at the females who swooned over the gym leader, winking at them. Ari rolled her eyes at the sight before clapping her hands together.

"Alrighty! How about that battle I was talking about? Red, Blue and I been wanting a quite a battle for awhile now~ So who thinks they can beat Kanto's champion, Viridian City's Gym Leader, and me? Boring old me?" she laughed gently.

A hand rose from the crowd, and a young male, older than Ari and younger than the two male companions walked up with a smirk. "I would love to battle you, Miss Ari." He had raven-black hair swept to the side, and piercing yellow-amber eyes. His pale skin glowed in the sunset, while he had a sneaky Linloon sitting on his shoulder. "I would love to see the strength of Kanto's champion and gym leader," he grinned.

"Is that so? Who wants to join him?" Aradia smiled with a challenging look. Two others sided with the male, their eyes wavering with confidence.

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