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Ain't No Rest For The Wicked (RP soulmate search)


Previously Lucifer1
Now before I get into this, no I'm not looking for actual love. I'm looking for companionship from like-minded people with similar tastes. I'm a rather picky writer and I will toot my own horn in saying I think I'm a fairly good. I can write extremely long and elaborate posts using more than 4 paragraphs along with dialoged and and and... you get it. I can also be lazy as fuck (oh by the way I swear like a sailor) and end up giving you a short but descriptive post of 1-2 paragraphs minimum. You will NEVER get a one-line reply from me, or even a reply that is less than 7 sentences.


Now let's get down to business.
I love blood and violence. Extremely so.
I love romance as long as it blooms slowly.
I love dark and spoopy creatures and critters.​

Sweetie little jean where did you go?

NOW. Some things about myself, how rude of me.
I'm Rara, you can call me whateverthefuck you want.
I'm 20 but I refuse to acknowledge this... I WILL FOREVER BE 5 I SWEAR
Female, if that even matters.​

I love love love music; ask me about my favorite bands for brownie points. LOVE MY FAVORITE BANDS FOR EXTRA BROWNIE POINTS

I've been writing for YEARS, since I was 8 (granted I was a little ball of horrible back then)

I am extremely picky with plots. BY THE WAY I have a few plots but I'm extremely fucking tired of leading all of the rps I've ever been in

Someone please carry me ; - ;

If you wish to be my rp partner you must:
Send me a sample
Post with details
Have a strong stomach and a vivid imagination
And you MUST be able to go FAST in the rp, I hate boring lazing around time in rps.​


Everyone's been searching high and low

and your mother's worried sick

Dearest Daddy lost his grip

I love:
Ancient Japan
Ancient Forest settings
I will play male and female characters.
I will play multiple characters.
I PREFER to play females
I will do mxf and mxm but I prefer mxf​

While the whole world's watching
Candlelight vigils being held in silence
On the channel four
And they've knocked on every door
Every place you've been before

I also am partial to serial-killers but it takes a LOT of convincing to get me to play slice of life.


How long will we let it go?
I think we should just let go

I, I want you back
Let's get back
Lay my weary head against your bones
Where all my troubles will be dead and gone

I LOVE dark themes.

if I stay in a Slice-Of-Life setting for too long my soul goes numb.

Well we pinned your missing persons picture up
On every mother-loving post
How's it feel to be a ghost?
You're the one I love the most

I'm not very fond of Medieval
Sweet cosmos please don't ask me for an alien rp
NO absolutely NO Highschool/college rps. I'm already in school bruh.​

WELP that's enough about me. TELL ME ABOUT YOU.

Oh P.S. I will NOT take the whole rp on my own shoulders, if you don't contribute to anything I will shamelessly drop your ass.
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Me likey.

So uh what bands you like.

That's actually my first question because music gets me in the zone and if we listen to similar stuff that would be cool.

I'm trash so here it goes.

Before the written language ever existed or anyone knew you could build a boat, Magic ruled the world. As time went on magic users were either hunted to extinction or died off as the humans without magic banded together. Technology advanced and time went on. Eventually were in 2084 and world war Three is seven years in the past. Mankind has dusted itself off and put arguments aside to scrap together the broken world. What no one knew is magic still existed and World War 3 had left a huge crack in the world, literally. At the epicenter of the war there is a huge hole be it from bombs or advanced trench warfare mankind had dug into an ancient tomb. Magic escaped from this tomb monsters began to pop into existence. As if the opening of the tomb was a spark that set into motion a flame greater then the sun. Magic and technology are half hazardly being put together. Although all this is happening there was a boy in the tomb. Carbon dating puts the boys age in the millions, He speaks a language no one knows and is slowly progressing to understand English. The boys name Is unknown but people call him the missing link. He was shipped off to the worlds greatest laboratory to be studied. Fearing over stimulation or a violent reaction from the being upon awakening there was only a handful of staff aloud to make contact with the boy.

I have a character form for the person found in the tomb, You could play the person assigned to take care of them directly? This could be FxF  MxF doesn't matter. Could have some romance could be strictly plot. doesn't matter I just desperately want to do this Arch with someone. I prefer to play a Male but I'll change if need be.

Me likey.

So uh what bands you like.

That's actually my first question because music gets me in the zone and if we listen to similar stuff that would be cool.

I'm trash so here it goes.

Before the written language ever existed or anyone knew you could build a boat, Magic ruled the world. As time went on magic users were either hunted to extinction or died off as the humans without magic banded together. Technology advanced and time went on. Eventually were in 2084 and world war Three is seven years in the past. Mankind has dusted itself off and put arguments aside to scrap together the broken world. What no one knew is magic still existed and World War 3 had left a huge crack in the world, literally. At the epicenter of the war there is a huge hole be it from bombs or advanced trench warfare mankind had dug into an ancient tomb. Magic escaped from this tomb monsters began to pop into existence. As if the opening of the tomb was a spark that set into motion a flame greater then the sun. Magic and technology are half hazardly being put together. Although all this is happening there was a boy in the tomb. Carbon dating puts the boys age in the millions, He speaks a language no one knows and is slowly progressing to understand English. The boys name Is unknown but people call him the missing link. He was shipped off to the worlds greatest laboratory to be studied. Fearing over stimulation or a violent reaction from the being upon awakening there was only a handful of staff aloud to make contact with the boy.

I have a character form for the person found in the tomb, You could play the person assigned to take care of them directly? This could be FxF  MxF doesn't matter. Could have some romance could be strictly plot. doesn't matter I just desperately want to do this Arch with someone. I prefer to play a Male but I'll change if need be.


I like the plot line so far I think we could tweak it a bit to fit my style and interests a little more. 
Cool, but seriously what music do you like? Also just PM me well see what we can change
Oh~ gosh, I think she may be too cool for me, but here I go!

Hello before I ask for a preposition on you availability on a role play soulmate (seeing there has been others who have offered above me)

I should introduce myself

my name is Alec as the username may imply to the right of the words being conveyed in this paragraph

I am a descriptive writer with a relationship to dark themes as a heroine addict is to C21H23NO5

 a taste of dark humor like a child with cancer, as it "it never gets old"

role playing is like a revolver for me without the Bang! and the blood that follows it just sits their collecting dust in stagnant air

I hope I can fulfill your role-playing fix, before the withdrawal symptoms kick in and my intuition brings me to the conclusion we are speaking to the same dealer

By using deductive reasoning, and a glance at the title of this page, you may enjoy "Cage the Elephant" but that is just a guess

what would be your taste in music if you do not mind me asking?

ah well here I am getting off topic

I am interested in

Sci-fi (Science non-fiction's cooler brother)

Fantasy (can't spell Fantasy without Fan!.... and tasy is one letter short from tasty)

Modern (it's like the game of life... only it's real... and you can't get out of it...)

Futuristic (get with the times man)

1930's-50's (it's a oldie but a goodie)

Ancient Japan (whats cooler than a samurai than a whole island full of them)

Ancient Forest settings (ran out of jokes for this one, I just really like it)

and lastly Horror! (scared the socks off me so bad that they launched off and broke a window)

and most of all I hope you have a good day today!

Ah well look at the time I better write up my example before my AOL online runs out and I have to switch to the normal internet

Society was torn at the beginning, it started with a collapse of government, then a fall of infrastructure, people were burnt in the riots, blood increased and eventually what was once a city was torn down into an all out battle ground.

a cloaked person stands in the shadow of the building to shield themselves from the harsh sun, parasitic in nature, they gather the last bits of scrap metal they hold in their set of stitched rags they use as a backpack, this is the land of plastic, smoke and metal, hearing a noise from somewhere, a clank of metal, they lay low, is it danger? or is it someone of easy picking, either way they lay low and finger their trusty tool of death, like a lion to it's claws, a snake to it's venom, this what a man is to his gun.

pulling themselves up to a higher place they search to the limit of their eyes, they see what needs to be seen.

a creature of dust and pathetic in nature, starved just like themselves, 10... no 20 meters, too far, they wait...

looking at what is to ether be their killer or their victim, malnourished, they can strangle them if needed, why waste bullets when it could be as easy as the twist of a door knob, they are seen, act now

in a rush of fear, greed, hunger and blood lust they jump down and dash at their to be dead body,

her face is now exposed, fear and hunger on her face as she runs

Rtrtrtrtrtrtrt Click Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!~ click click click

the with the fumbling of the revolver she continues to pull the trigger after firing the barrels contents

the spinning of the revolver and the shock noise of the worn gun echos the urban ruin

shells hit the ground with soft clinks...

her victim's right arms and legs are blown with holes, blood spills but the prey in a panic attempts to run

hard to run with two holes in your leg, they stumble a few meters before collapsing, a trail of blood stains the street

are they playing dead? are they fainted? are they just dead? Dead dead? the kinda dead where they put you in a box and burn you to get rid of your rotting self?

she kicks them, dead enough

she rummages through their bag, some bread, this will make a feast tonight, better save it

before leaving she looks at the dead body she just created... ponders if maybe killing someone like her is the right way? then ponders what a cooked dead human tastes like? after a few seconds of thinking she concludes she doesn't care if its right if it means she gets to eat tonight and that dead humans would taste great but this one seems little too big to carry

she walks away to the hole she lives in and hides till tomorrow morning enjoying the prize she got for her work

Life is good
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Oh~ gosh, I think she may be too cool for me, but here I go!

Hello before I ask for a preposition on you availability on a role play soulmate (seeing there has been others who have offered above me)

I should introduce myself

my name is Alec as the username may imply to the right of the words being conveyed in this paragraph

I am a descriptive writer with a relationship to dark themes as a heroine addict is to C21H23NO5

 a taste of dark humor like a child with cancer, as it "it never gets old"

role playing is like a revolver for me without the Bang! and the blood that follows it just sits their collecting dust in stagnant air

I hope I can fulfill your role-playing fix, before the withdrawal symptoms kick in and my intuition brings me to the conclusion we are speaking to the same dealer

By using deductive reasoning, and a glance at the title of this page, you may enjoy "Cage the Elephant" but that is just a guess

what would be your taste in music if you do not mind me asking?

ah well here I am getting off topic

I am interested in

Sci-fi (Science non-fiction's cooler brother)

Fantasy (can't spell Fantasy without Fan!.... and tasy is one letter short from tasty)

Modern (it's like the game of life... only it's real... and you can't get out of it...)

Futuristic (get with the times man)

1930's-50's (it's a oldie but a goodie)

Ancient Japan (whats cooler than a samurai than a whole island full of them)

Ancient Forest settings (ran out of jokes for this one, I just really like it)

and lastly Horror! (scared the socks off me so bad that they launched off and broke a window)

and most of all I hope you have a good day today!

Ah well look at the time I better write up my example before my AOL online runs out and I have to switch to the normal internet

Society was torn at the beginning, it started with a collapse of government, then a fall of infrastructure, people were burnt in the riots, blood increased and eventually what was once a city was torn down into an all out battle ground.

a cloaked person stands in the shadow of the building to shield themselves from the harsh sun, parasitic in nature, they gather the last bits of scrap metal they hold in their set of stitched rags they use as a backpack, this is the land of plastic, smoke and metal, hearing a noise from somewhere, a clank of metal, they lay low, is it danger? or is it someone of easy picking, either way they lay low and finger their trusty tool of death, like a lion to it's claws, a snake to it's venom, this what a man is to his gun.

pulling themselves up to a higher place they search to the limit of their eyes, they see what needs to be seen.

a creature of dust and pathetic in nature, starved just like themselves, 10... no 20 meters, too far, they wait...

looking at what is to ether be their killer or their victim, malnourished, they can strangle them if needed, why waste bullets when it could be as easy as the twist of a door knob, they are seen, act now

in a rush of fear, greed, hunger and blood lust they jump down and dash at their to be dead body,

her face is now exposed, fear and hunger on her face as she runs

Rtrtrtrtrtrtrt Click Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!~ click click click

the with the fumbling of the revolver she continues to pull the trigger after firing the barrels contents

the spinning of the revolver and the shock noise of the worn gun echos the urban ruin

shells hit the ground with soft clinks...

her victim's right arms and legs are blown with holes, blood spills but the prey in a panic attempts to run

hard to run with two holes in your leg, they stumble a few meters before collapsing, a trail of blood stains the street

are they playing dead? are they fainted? are they just dead? Dead dead? the kinda dead where they put you in a box and burn you to get rid of your rotting self?

she kicks them, dead enough

she rummages through their bag, some bread, this will make a feast tonight, better save it

before leaving she looks at the dead body she just created... ponders if maybe killing someone like her is the right way? then ponders what a cooked dead human tastes like? after a few seconds of thinking she concludes she doesn't care if its right if it means she gets to eat tonight and that dead humans would taste great but this one seems little too big to carry

she walks away to the hole she lives in and hides till tomorrow morning enjoying the prize she got for her work

Life is good

Haha I definitely see how unique your style is. I would like to RP anything with you, I have a few action packed plots in my workshop along with characters you might enjoy.

Here is a sample of an old RP: Mines of Oor
I can totally be your Rp soulmate! I looked through your post and have similar interests! I am great at dark themes, romance, fantasy, and sci-Fi. What bands do you like? We might have the same taste in music. ^^
Haha I definitely see how unique your style is. I would like to RP anything with you, I have a few action packed plots in my workshop along with characters you might enjoy.

Here is a sample of an old RP: Mines of Oor

I will have a look Cx
Was there anything specific you have been craving?

I can totally be your Rp soulmate! I looked through your post and have similar interests! I am great at dark themes, romance, fantasy, and sci-Fi. What bands do you like? We might have the same taste in music. ^^
If you didn't guess, Cage The Elephant is my favorite band.
I will have a look Cx
Was there anything specific you have been craving?
I certainly enjoyed that RP, hope you enjoy the read.
I haven't really been craving much, but I have wanted to do this plot that I have thought about a lot. I can send the details to you if you'd like.
Aye. I like everything you've got going on with the themes you lean towards and your interests. So, like, we should def. get into some trouble together. Mind if I just message you with a sample or somethin' so we can proceed from there?
Yes please cx

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