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Ain't a hero yet 1x1

He looks at it. "Sorry, wrong one." he quickly pulls out the right before swapping it with the ones she's holding now. "Here, since you were a bit sick, I wrote some notes for you in class." he mentions.
Akira looked at him momentarily before looking at the notes. "Thanks." She said. Great, now she felt like she owed him one. She could just save him and then they would be good.
He soon walks into the walks into the classroom, sitting down and begins to look through his bag, seeing if he has everything, seeing his suit was still in there.
Akira sat down, placing the folded notes next to her suit inside her bag and sealed it up. She sighed, looking at the teacher drone on about quadratic functions until the lunch bell rang.
Arthur heads out and goes to sit at a table outside of the school's dining room, enjoying the fresh air while eating his lunch before getting a vibration from his phone, seeing it was news about something and soon hears a far off explosion in the city. "An explosion... means trouble..." he thought to himself before getting his stuff together and rushes to the boy's bathroom, going into a stall to get changed for action.
Akira looked at her phone for news and saw the explosion. Guess lunch will have to wait. She walked towards the girls bathroom and slipped out of the school, shooting into the air and ignoring the stares by her classmates as she zoomed off towards the explosion.
He soon gets out through the window of the stall and heads towards the explosion, using the iron cables to get a further distance. He soon got close enough to see where the attacks are coming from.
Akira stood at the top of a building, looking up at the place where the attacks where coming from. She looked around and spotted the person from yesterday. She jumped down next to him. "So this is new superhero." She commented, looking at him.
He turns to look at her before his attention back to see a odd looking thing - a giant machine like spider cyborg like limbs. "Now I've seen everything," he stated before jumping off the building, pulling out his sword to begin to attack, cutting off a limb in the process.
Akira looked at the thing. "Might want to cover your ears!" She said, looking at him. She then unleashed some sonic blasts at the guys legs. She knocked down some of legs, making the robot wobble.
The robot gave a high pitch squeal before trying to slam Arthur into the ground but soon sees it was causing some quakes around the area. Arthur soon had to work fast by cutting more of the limbs off.
Akira grumbled. "Let's see how you like your own quakes." She said. She took her hands and slammed her hands into the ground, the wave coursing towards the robot.
The robot soon fell to one side before looking at Sonic, soon firing a beam at her, trying to kill her in the process before getting fall on it's belly by Arthur and his cable wire around the limbs.
Akira moved out of the way, a lock of her hair being singed. Akira grew super angry and unleashed a bloodcurdling scream aimed at the robot. She couldn't hear the windows shattering as she screamed at the robot.
The robot's sensors began to overload and short circuited and shut down. Arthur say this and pulls the cable back, rushing over to examine the robot, checking before seeing the company logo. "This is from ym dad's company..." he whispered to himself, taking a picture with the suit's tech for better analysis on this before jumping off it.
Akira walked towards the robot and the new superhero, holding the lock of her hair. "Damn stupid robot." She muttered. It would grow back quickly, but she was still mad.
He walked away before hearing a slight beeping from the robot, he turns his attention to see it fired several mini missiles out into the air before heading towards some citizens. "That's just playing dirty.." he told, soon rushing over to the citizens, soon beginning to slash the missiles up, stopping them from exploding and causing lives.
Akira walked over. "I could have gotten that you know." She said, her eyes still glowing as she stared at him. She couldn't really see his face, but he appeared to use gadgets rather than powers, unlike her.
"But not fast enough," he told, sheathing his sword and walks over to see the robot was reactive and soon ran for it, quickly jumping over buildings to get away. "Such have put a tracking chip on it..." he said to himself, before looking at her. "But thanks for the help," he mentions.
Akira zoomed after them. "Not so fast you stupid spider!" She called out. She launched herself with a blast and slammed her fist into the robot's head, causing a large circle dent to form. She hit it repeatedly until it looked more like a crater than a head.
He watches her go, surprised by this. "She's fast..." he said before turning his attention back to the citizens who were taking pictures of him before he was given the time. "Crap, I got to get going," he said, soon using his iron cables to quickly get back to school.
Akira looked at her watch. "Lunch!" she said, looking at the school. She started running towards school, hoping she wouldn't be late for guy class. She really didn't want to upset her teacher.
He quickly slips into the stall to get out of the suit, and back into the backpack, he quickly moves out of the bathroom and heads for his next class.
Akira changed out of her suit, walking towards PE. She hated PE, plus she just had a work out beating the crap out of a robot. She sighed, wiping the sweat of her forehead.
Arthur made it in time for class, he gave a small sigh of relief queitly as he goes over take a seat as the lesson soon began.

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