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Ain't a hero yet 1x1

Akira sighed, walking past all the suburban houses near the school. She sighed looking at the happy families though the windows. She sighed and kept walking, her feet dragging on the sidewalk as she trudged towards school, her bag in hand.
Arthur soon gets his bag, which had his suit in it for anything could happen, gets into Kevin's car and was soon drove off to school. Upon being drove to the front of the school, Arthur was about to leave until Kevin stopped him, telling him something " Arthur, just don't get into any trouble okay?" Arthur gave him a simple nod and exited the car.
Akira walked though the gates of the school, her hair swinging behind her. She sighed, still in a slump, but she shook it off, replacing the frown for a fake smile and walking to her locker, unaware of anyone else around her.
Arthur walks into the school, heading towards his locker, not noticing the attention from some people. Upon finding his locker, he tries the combination and gets it opened the first time before sorting his things out, placing some of his books in and then placing his suit inside the locker for safe keeping.
Akira slipped her box with her suit inside her locker, along with her lunch before shutting her locker quite forcefully and walking off towards her class, her feet making each step count. In reality, every step was like taking a step with large weights. Her social life was down the drain, making everyone stare at her all the time.
Arthur soon closed his locker door suit, soon heading off for class. He was about to approach the door until he bumped into someone. He fell onto the floor. "Ow... sorry, I didn't see you were coming into the same class," he told, getting before offering a hand to help the person up that he had knocked down.
Akira felt someone shove her over, making her slam her head into the wall. "Holy crap that hurt." She said, holding the back of her head. She winced as she looked up a bit to see someone offering her a hand. She sighed and ignored it, standing up and walking into class silently. She didn't want to get attached to people from previous reasons.
He looks to her, seeing her being alright. "What the hell...?" he said to himself quietly soon entering the classroom after getting his stuff together and in his bag. He soon goes over to sit at a spare desk, looking at the other faces in the classroom, he sat at the back and in a corner, having his phone in his jean pocket.
Akira sat down at her desk by the window and opened her book. She was reading a romance novel that she had at her house since no one wanted to talk to her. The only thing people asked her was to copy off her homework because she was one of the smartest kids in class. She took a deep breath, feeling energy pour out of everyone in the room, trying not to take it all in and explode the entire school.
Arthur soon pulls out his notebook, he started to write down some of his own notes, looking at some of the kids in the class and making some notes, he turned to look at the one person he bumped into today, seeing her taking a deep breath before writing a single note about her. About five minutes later, the teacher arrives into the class.
Akira put her book down, ready to start class. But it sort of passes in a blur of blabbing from her teacher in which she really wasn't paying attention to anything. She didn't really try to learn, she did. Maybe it was something about being an alien that helped her learn, or something in her structure. Sighing, Akira picked up her stuff when the bell rang, wanting to move on from her throbbing head.
Arthur soon gets his bag and begins to move to his next class, soon getting a vibrate from his phone, he checks to see it was from Kevin who was checking to see if he was alright. He soon replied with just okay and fine, putting his phone back into his pocket before getting into class.
Akira sighed, moving on and brushing past the red head. Her head was throbbing still, causing her head to hurt like mad and her vision to blur for a second. She shook her head and kept going. It would heal eventually, like most of her wounds did. She said most because the scar on her heart would never leave.
Arthur sat down in the class, seeing the same girl from the last class brush past him. Seeing her hold her head, "Hey, are you feeling okay?" he asked her, wondering if she was doing alright.
Akira turned around, looking at him. "Fine." she said, looking at him. Her voice was cold and she denied everything anyone would ask. She felt her head pound again and her vision blurred again, making her wobble.
"You don't look okay," he mentioned, seeing she wobbled a bit. He was soon becoming concerned about this person, whoever she might be though. "You best sit down before you do anything that's out of line," he told her.
Akira looked up, her eyes beginning to glow again. "Fine." She said, looking at him. She looked at him, the realizing she was about to blast him across the room, she turned away, taking deep breaths. She felt another pang, her vision growing dark as she felt herself slipping forward.
He quickly catches her before she was about to hit the floor, quickly getting her back up. "Easy there," he told, looking at her and sees she was sweating quite a bit.
Akira felt like she was going to fall over. She was supposed to be a super hero, not a girl who faints from hitting her head on a wall. She wiped her forehead, trying to get the sweat off her head.
He quickly gets her to the nurses office, hoping she'll be better in her own time as she rested in bed. As for him, he did some of the work, even went as far as getting to write in her absent.
Akira woke up later, her vision fine. She looked around, feeling the bump on the back of her head. She sighed, turning her hand over and then looking out the window. "Why would he help me?" She wondered.
Arthur was soon sorting his things out in the locker, moving a few books around before keeping from anyone seeing his suit, he quickly packs it in his bag and closes the locker door, soon heading off to the next class.
Akira got out of the office, walking towards her locker and slipping the suit into her bag and walking to her next class before lunch. She sighed, glad the pounding in her head was gone.
Arthur was about to open the door and sees the girl, he reaches into his bag, passing his suit to get the notes he wrote for her. "Here," he told her, holding the sheets of paper out with last classes notes and such.
Akira unfolded the paper. "What is this?" She asked, looking at him. It looked like a random assortment for notes on people in her classes, but she could never tell.

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