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Agents Of SHIELD


Professional Psycho
Hi! I'm just looking for anyone to do an Agents Of SHIELD roleplay with me. OC's are certainly welcome but canon characters are what I prefer. If you would like to be an OC, just fill out the form below. If not, and you'd like to be a canon character, state who. Please be an experienced roleplayer. You must be able to do 3rd person, past tense. I'll include who my OC is and whatnot. First come, first serve. Rules will be listed too.

OC form


Alias(if you have one):

Age: 17+

Appearance: (full description, clothes and all. Not "blonde hair. blue eyes." more like "she/he has blue eyes...)

Personality: (again, full description. "funny, sarcastic sometimes" doesnt tell me anything)

Background: (where they came from, how they grew up, blah blah blah )

How they were recruited into SHIELD:

Weapon of choice:

Marital status: (single, married, dating)


  2. No supernatural powers(no demi-gods, gods, demons, angels, etc. )
  3. One OC only
  4. Do not control other characters
  5. Swearing is allowed but not excessively
  6. Stay true to your character
  7. Violence is allowed but not excessive


Name: Alexandria Winchester

Age: 24

Appearance: Alexandria was born with blonde hair but she died it red as soon as she joined SHIELD. Her ice blue eyes compliment her pale complexion. When she smiles, her dimples become clear. She has her ears pierced along with a full angel wing tattoo all across her back. She always wears tight black jeans with brown combat boots to match. She wears a grey tanktop with a navy blue jacket. On her index finger, she wears her deceased partners ring.

Personality: Alexandria can be testy at times. She will always be seen cracking jokes or teasing fellow agents. Though she wears a mask(not literal) of steel to keep from being hurt, she only shows her feelings towards the ones she trusts most in the world. She is a team leader and is almost always the leader in their cases. She does not open up easily.

Background: When she was born, she was dropped at the doorstep of SHIELD by her parents to protect her. Since then, she has been trained and has always been loyal. Every now and then, she is asked to go undercover to hydra and get insiders information. Coulson is like a father to her and she shares everything with him. Alexandria is one of the most respected agents. Her partner had been killed in action.

How they got recruited to SHIELD: Since birth.

Weapon of choice: a Colt

Marital status: single


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