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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

I can relate to both of you. If I work another 9-9 shift, I'm gonna die. But I work two this week. LOL 😂😂😭😭😭

My shift wasn't even that bad. I just was misunderstood. Partially my fault. But I can't stand when people talk behind my back about me instead of just being direct.
Well, I just had big brain small thought process.

Sam has a pocket dimension where she stores her stuff. If Donkey Kong wants out, why not toss him in there, and let him out under Maniacles control later?
Well, I just had big brain small thought process.

Sam has a pocket dimension where she stores her stuff. If Donkey Kong wants out, why not toss him in there, and let him out under Maniacles control later?

Well, you won't be facing the real Dark Kotsu. You guys have just been facing the clones. The real Dark Kotsu comes with the final fight. And man, does he transform into something uuuuugly.
Well, yeah, but from what I can tell, he wants to be in control of the body, right? Well, we're in the Sandlands, if offered the chance, he could make the body he wants, hop into Sam's workshop, and then when they get back to the real world, Sam pops open the workshop in a Maniacles vampire containment cell, lets DK out. DK gets to do what he wants, Kotsu keeps his body, Maniacles gets a killing machine, everyone wins.

I know you've got a plot in mind, it just seemed like something that, with a little brain power applied, might come up. Think DK would take the choice?
Well, yeah, but from what I can tell, he wants to be in control of the body, right? Well, we're in the Sandlands, if offered the chance, he could make the body he wants, hop into Sam's workshop, and then when they get back to the real world, Sam pops open the workshop in a Maniacles vampire containment cell, lets DK out. DK gets to do what he wants, Kotsu keeps his body, Maniacles gets a killing machine, everyone wins.

I know you've got a plot in mind, it just seemed like something that, with a little brain power applied, might come up. Think DK would take the choice?

Probably not. He doesn't trust Sam or anybody. He doesn't even trust Kotsu, and he backs out of his deals quite frequently. He'd rather have a body that he knows he can take by force.
Sorry for the delay, guys! But I hope the wait was worthwhile! Got some extra stuff happening behind the scenes too. And you'll be outfitted with different resources and supplies!

I may have made Dark Kotsu damn near impossible to kill solo, but with you guys being able to not go down in one hit, that'll solve a helluva lot of problems. LOL I'm a fair person, for the most part.

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