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Realistic or Modern After The War: A Post-Apocalyptic RP

"Psh, I didn't want him alive anyway, easier to cut him open that way." She let out a small laugh, leaning up to position her face just inches from his. "It was enough to decide I wanted more." Riley spoke just soft enough for him to hear, looking up into his eyes through her thick lashes and then at his lips.


"I understand." Viv said simply, helping Wiley to his feet. They walked back to camp in silence, not saying anything to one another, but Viv kept glancing over at him. As they drew closer to the camp she realized something. There was a man with a bear. Yes, a bear. She didn't quite remember having any cactus juice or weird drugs lately, so she turned to Wiley and asked "Do you also see a fucking bear?" She looked back again just to be sure, but her eyes hadn't deceived her.
Wiley stares in silence, “What the fuck” he whispered, it had been a bad night and he could have been seeing things, but if Viv saw it too...

“I see it” he whispered

Wiley stares at the bear and took a few steps back from it.
"Well don't just tease a man" Walker said as he wrapped an arm around Riley pulling her into a kiss.
Riley practically melted into the kiss. She felt like putty in his hands, the kiss being the most blissful thing she'd felt in god knows how long. Walker's lips were softer than expected, and his beard felt rather nice against her face. Getting drunk and making out scored pretty safely at the top of Riley's 'Good Things To Happen In The Apocalypse' list.
"I- You're good at that." Was the only thing she could think to say afterwards, looking up at him with her big blue eyes only to turn her gaze bashfully to the ground. "Let's do this again sometime."
"Fine by me, I'll be sure to bring something from my personal stache back home, but I'll warn you.. Its a bit stronger than that bourbon was." Walker said laughing. "Well it's getting pretty late and im pretty tired so let's get back to your camp." As they walk back towards the camp Walker notices that the man in the suit and Viv are out from staring at something in the camp. He follows their gaze and finally sees that. "You've got to be kidding me.. Is that a fucking bear?" Walker runs over to Viv "I know you don't exactly trust me yet, but this predicament could get real ugly real quick, so I was wondering where you might have placed my shotgun?" He asked her.
Riley and Viv
"I made it through med school, I think I can handle whatever liquor you throw at me." Riley laughed, hopping off the rock and walking beside him. Unlike Walker, Riley stops when she sees the bear, hanging back and doing the only thing she could think to do. Riley slipped a knife from it's sheathe in her thigh, though she didn't know how exactly she was going to use it against the bear. The revolver on the other hand, and in the other hand, might be more useful, but still, a revolver against a bear? She would just stand behind the tall people.

"Yeah, that's definitely a bear. I certainly don't remember passing out any party drugs." Viv grumbled back at Walker, not looking too pleased with the situation. When he asked about the shotgun she became a little less snarky.

"It's uh... in that crate over there. Behind the wall. That the bear is in front of." Viv pulled the shotgun she had holstered and handed it to him. "Just take mine. I have this... thing." The athlete realized she didn't know how to really explain her weapon choice. 'Gardening tool' didn't cut it but she supposed holding the rod with the blade attached to it would have to be enough.
Roger looked out at the assembled people, and chuckled a little. Giving Muffin a loving pat on the head he said loudly. "Well girl looks like we have company" he said. The bear got onto her hind legs and bellowed at them. Roger lifted a finger. "Remember, be nice" he said. Muffin growled, and sunk back down to all fours. Plodding around the camp. Giving Roger an affectionate lick, she sat down leaning against a pile of boxes. Giving the group a long look, sniffing in their scent.

Roger turned to them. "It's alright, Muffin's harmless. Unless you pick a fight with her" he added. Getting up, and smacking dust from his pants.
Walker took the shotgun and looked it over for a second. "It'll do." He said racking a shell into the chamber.
Figuring this might be his chance to prove his worth to Viv he started walking towards the bear. "Might as well send a bear to fight off a bear" he muttered to himself. He knew what he was doing was a terrible idea, but he trusted himself to get at least one or two good shots off before the bear got him. Hopefully he could just scare it off and not come to that.
Walker was already a mountain of a man but he still did everything he could to look even bigger as he approached. "GO ON BEAR, GET OUTTA HERE!" He shouted.
Just then a man came out and said the bear was mostly harmless. "Well see about that" Walker muttered to himself.
Wiley had had a strange day, killing someone for the first time, questioning his religion, bonding with Viv, and now a talking bear. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the man and his words, it’s just that he was tired of this bullshit. He grabbed his revolver and walked up to the bears owner, “What are your intentions here!” He demanded, quite out of character
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Roger looked at the man. Oh boy this was becoming a touchy situation. This guy had no clue how close he was to being mauled by a bear. Muffin watched the human put a gun to her person's chest. She was ready to move, and defend him. Narrowing her small berry like eyes. "I'm just looking for a safe place to set up shop. I didn't know anybody lived here, so I thought this would make a good one, and please put the gun down. Muffin is a little protective". He said. Pointing to the animal that was giving him the stink eye.
Wiley pulled the gun down and put it back in his bag, he looked over towards the bear and back towards Roger. He then started to speak “Sorry, I’ve been having a really shitty day today, I need some rest.”

Wiley scratches his head and then speaks again “I am not the leader of this place, but I’m sure she will let you stay”
Wiley steps back towards Viv and becomes quiet.
Walker stood there with his shotgun pointed to the ground, but he was ready to empty it capacity of shells in a matter of seconds. He let Wiley walk back, but stayed out watching the bear. He hoped that the bear's "owner" was right and had it under control, but with an animal you can never know.. Walker knew that lesson well from his work on the ranch.
"Well," Viv turned to Riley, a bit begrudgingly. "This one is kinda up to you. Though I kind of wish it weren't."
"I want to use your bear for science." Riley called out, having put away her weapons and scampering over to the stranger. "It sounds weird, and maybe dangerous, because it is a little bit dangerous, but it would greatly benefit my medical capabilities as a doctor if you let me use your bear to incubate antibodies to create antivenom." It was already a bit of a bizarre day, and Riley was fully aware that she wasn't making it any better.
"If you want to stay then those are my terms." Almost smugly the pink haired doctor folded her arms, knowing he needed a safe place to stay and not many other places would be willing to accept a pet bear. Maybe not anywhere else, but she had to admit the hornets were making them desperate for antivenom.
Muffin got up, and gave Wiley a sniff. Then she looked at the man still holding a gun, and huffed. Plodding back over to Roger she gave him an affectionate head butt. Roger gave her a look. "If she comes to any harm, we're both out of here. And if you hurt her, she'll probably bite you. She's a bear after all. And then I can't really promise your safety, but if you want to risk painful experimentation that's up to you" he said. "And it'll take awhile for her to warm up to you". Muffin growled. Humans were weird. Threatening to hurt each other one minute then talking happy the next. She growled at Riley. Not letting the human think she was controlling her human. She then walked forward and nudged the doctor away from Roger and pointedly turned her rump on the others. Laying down between them and Roger. Licking his foot.
"Then it's settled." Riley turned back to the group shrugging her shoulders. "Well, show's over guys."
"This is a joke." Viv shoved her way past everyone, snagging her rifle on her way through and back to her bed, muttering to herself. The idea was absurd, and Riley seemed t be full of absurd ideas today.
Awkwardly Riley looked to Walker, nodding back towards where her own bed was. "Maybe we should call it a day?"
Now post second shower of the day, Wyatt sauntered into the room Roux had claimed for herself. She was fiddling with her rifle as usual, hadn't used it in awhile but cleaning guns is therapeutic, he knew. He was wearing a tank top from the sports wear section, and some jogging shorts, taking a rare opportunity to air out his legs, now tense like bound cable after the days workout. He slowly took a seat next to Roux, having stored his own 1911 here for this very occasion. She looked up at him while he sat down, raising an eyebrow but not protesting. She had greasy arms from the gun
that lead to a tight tank top from the same clothing line as Wyatt's. Along with skinny Jean's and untied tennis shoes, they were both dressed for something far more to the speed of sleep than clean guns. Emptying the 1911 of its rounds and pulling it apart and freeing its barrel, he grabbed a pencil and some 800 grit sandpaper to work with. "So what do you make of these... people? You said you liked what happened but it isn't like you to not try getting in their heads."
"And who are you to say what is and isn't like me?" The redhead looked at Wyatt with narrowed eyes, giving a small smirk. Roux had set aside the sunglasses she always wore, indoors and out, and instead let her tired eyes caked with smudged makeup and outlined by the purple bags showing just how little sleep she had been getting lately. "Besides, who says I'm not? Walker hasn't come back yet. Poor sap's falling in love. It's a shame."
She merely continued her work, rather smugly. Maybe Wyatt had gotten to know a thing or two about her, maybe she'd let her guard down enough for that, but he didn't know all the cards she could play. Nor did she want to let onto what her plans were either. "They're a bunch of sheep. Already in my pocket, especially with this little bug we've stuck right in there."
"HA. And I thought Tex was cold. No, I think you have something that goes deeper than that. What though, I'm not too ashamed to admit, I don't know. What happened at the casino proves that. You hired me as muscle. I was happy to provide. You were getting your people out and I had lost probably a fourth of my body's blood. You had every reason to let me die and by you time but you didn't. So, no. I don't think you are the cold bitch you look like most of the time. Most of the time. Hell, I'd be willing to bet you'd gladly do something crazy if you thought it might save some people you like, or enact any plan." Wrong or not it was a learning experience watching her react to that. Eventually stopping her task and looking pensively at the dissassembled rifle. Wyatt broke the silence by wiping the gun in his hands off, reassembling it and reloading before shoving it into its leather holster. Standing up abruptly, taking the gun with him, Cross took a step to put him standing next to her chair. "Don't think this means I mind, being in your schemes hasn't killed me. Yet." He leaned over, with one hand finally pressing her shoulder back to the chair, making her look at him. He then wordlessly put his lips against hers, grabbing the side of her neck with his hand and caressing her as they kissed. Breaking apart, he turned to leave..."You should get to bed too, if you can. Still some melatonin in the pharmacy. Dont push yourself so hard you drop dead from exhaustion." He then walked to his room, leaving the door open behind him.
“Hey!” Roux yelled after Wyatt, looking appropriately disgruntled. “Don’t think you can just do that and walk off! The hell even was that?”
Bastard acting like he knew her and then pulling a move like that. Wyatt was some kind of army punk and sometimes she couldn’t stand it.
“You’re an idiot, Wyatt. I hope you know that.” Roux uselessly threw a nearby notebook at the door, knowing he was still within earshot but obviously didn’t really care.
“At least get back here and do that again!”
Roger looked at the woman walking away angrily. "Never thought I'd see a human as prickly as a bobcat" he said. He gave Muffin a scratch behind the ears, and the bear rumpled happily. Leaning her head to the side like a dog. Roger looked around at the people. "Well is there anything that needs doing, around here. Name's Roger" he said. The grizzly got up, but only to find a more comfortable spot to lay down.
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Cross stopped. Didn't expect her to want more, but hey, with the amount of sleep she's getting and the stressors she no doubt has, any one would want some company. He turned and walked back into the room, head turned quizzically to one side. "Suprised at that, not too proud to admit." But not as suprised, more he thought about it. He walked over and pushed her chair from under the table to face him, leaned down, grabbed a fistful of hair and went in again, now not bothering to pretend they weren't enjoying themselves.
"You know what Cross? You can shut it." It was nice to indulge in things like that every now and then, and with things being relatively quiet it was a decent time to enjoy some casual kissing. Almost made her feel human, again. "Hey, sit down here and talk to me like a normal human being for once. I have some cigars."
Roux pulled out the cigars she was using for bribery, cutting an lighting them both. Wyatt was passed one of them, but not until she'd taken a puff from it first. "Tell me, do you think what I'm gonna do to these people is bad? You know, extorting them for their usefulness and using Walker to manipulate this little doctor's heart into working for us. That thing." She took a long drag, thinking for a moment. "I didn't plan for Walker actually falling for her. With this little sleepover it looks like there might actually be something there. Getting attached just makes things complicated."
Was she talking about herself or Walker with that last line? Did it matter? She didn't really think so, either way the problem still stood. The attachments just made plans more complicated. "Wonder if this means he'll be less cooperative or more cooperative now."
Lucifer Kashnir
Waking up, Lu realized he was still in Doctor Riley's office. 'Must've slept at least.. a hour or so..' he thought to himself. Checking his wallet to see if it had been looted, he pocketed it and stood up before heading out and towards the edge of the camp. Pausing for thought and glancing over at the new stranger; and a bear of all things. He decided to go for a walk and maybe even do a bit of plundering in the small deserted buildings in the distance. Reaching down to his leg holster and retrieving his Vz.61; Lu admires the wooden pistol grip before using his free hand to charge the machine-pistol. With a round in the chamber and nothing but dust and sand before him; Lu sets off into the wastelands. Prehaps he will meet his doom? Prehaps he will stumble across a great treasure and be rich beyond his wildest dreams? Or prehaps he will return empty handed; being somewhat pessimistic, he would've put his money on the latter.

Glancing back as he walked further and further away from the camp under the bridge, Lu pondered what he would do with any loot that he found?.. horde it for himself? That would likely cause any outstanding issues to escalate. Then he choice was a bit more clear; to do what he can to bring something note-worthy back and gain a little more trust with the group. Medicine, food and more importantly water was at the top of his list. Reaching over to his left shoulder and adjusting the metal plate he had as a makeshift pauldron. Lu felt rather assured with his own abilities, after all; he did do a tour of Ireland and come back relatively unharmed. Replacing his machine-pistol in it's over-sized holster; Lu shuffled his coat as the material was chaffing the back of his neck and continued his journey into the deathlands.
"Bad?" Cross took a long drag from the cigar. "I didnt think you have ever cared. Bad? Well it isn't good, but what is anymore? You're making the most of the situation and using people to further everyone else. So short answer, it is bad by traditional standards but who uses those anyway?" Cross took another drag. "Also, I'm glad I seemed to get away Scott free from this. Last time we kissed I somehow remember losing a few pints of blood." But hey, Cross was willing to take the risk. He kicked his feet up onto the table, and threw the holster on it as well.
"Just making sure I haven't lost my moral compass yet." Roux watched the smoke swirl in the air in front of her face. His remark about losing blood made her chuckle, smiling slightly at the memory. "Don't tempt me, Cross. I haven't made up my mind about how much of that smart mouth of yours I'm willing to put up with."
"I need you to check with Sinclaire tomorrow, see what we can sell to those refugees that would help with their crops. Then send it back with Walker. I think he's the best face to use for negotiations right now. They might be more generous when dealing with him, seeing as we have that little weak point now."

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