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Fantasy AFGY OOC

oh yeah, for as long as jade has known her, alex has never used her abilities.
Akira really can't do anything to help for the dance/party thing... XD
Should I make him leave?
Akira really can't do anything to help for the dance/party thing... XD
Should I make him leave?

Maybe he can tell them that they still have the performances to talk about. or go and ask Siren about what he can help with
Sorry for being late, I had to go to college and then to work, I'll be able to post in about two hours or so. I'll try to be fast
You guys write so fast, I don't think I'll be able to keep up. Sorry, I think I'm gonna drop this for now. Good luck.
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Well let’s have everyone end their day before we start up the next, unless you all would rather jump into the next day.

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