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Fantasy AFGY OOC

To those characters who don’t quite have their backstories up yet, should I wait to let you finish or am I good to get the roleplay started?
a suggestion, if that's oke~

Since the backstory won't have much impact when we first start, considering our chars as strangers. And the ones that still have WIPs seem to have not as much time to flesh out the backstories. We could probably start? I think the start would be slow as the chars trickle in Siren77 Siren77 i'm trying not to be impatient but i can't wait xD i'm sorry
a suggestion, if that's oke~

Since the backstory won't have much impact when we first start, considering our chars as strangers. And the ones that still have WIPs seem to have not as much time to flesh out the backstories. We could probably start? I think the start would be slow as the chars trickle in Siren77 Siren77 i'm trying not to be impatient but i can't wait xD i'm sorry
IM GETTING REAL TIRED OF YOUR SH- no no, jk just a joke. I appreciate advice, and I think you’ve made a fair point. The main thread will be up soon!
IM GETTING REAL TIRED OF YOUR SH- no no, jk just a joke. I appreciate advice, and I think you’ve made a fair point. The main thread will be up soon!
-nearly shit myself for a moment- aaaaaa ;w;
To those characters who don’t quite have their backstories up yet, should I wait to let you finish or am I good to get the roleplay started?
I’ll probably write mine today/tonight if I remember
Depends if I do ;P
starter will be posted in a couple of hours since i am in school.
typing mine right now o u o)b although she's really timid so uhm...
typing mine right now o u o)b although she's really timid so uhm...
they should start a club for shy kids xD just a hiding hole somewhere with weighted and fluffy blankets and books
they should and that sounds adorable tbh, but yeah, she's fairly timid. unless you scare her, there's a chance where she would get hostile --
but she'll notice her mistake quickly after. it depends on how the other handles it.

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