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Fantasy Adventures in Alisar

~Captain Claire~
As soon as Alaya's expression changed, Claire jumped out of her seat and quickly put distance between herself and the Imperial. She clicked her tongue and swiped her hand, attempting to knock the dagger out of Alaya's palm ((your choice)). "Damn! I was so close to messing with you too. We would've had a lot of fun, honey." She said playfully, mocking a sad face. "Though, I think I had you fooled for a second there, didn't I Alaya?" The Imperial's name came with venom in the captain's voice. She stared the woman down, summoning some liquids from the nearby drinks into her hands. She continued to slowly back away and taunt her. "You're not the only one who can do that tricks, you know!" Claire shot the liquids out of her hand, transforming them into ice in midair. The two shards sailed towards Alaya, and Claire began to turn around. "I would love to stay and chat honey, but I've got some business to do. I wish we could've done more." She gave a mock bow and blew a kiss before heading for the door, legs and arms pumping as fast as they could.

Alteras Alteras

((I would kill tag everyone since its kind of a big deal in the bar, but idk everyone's tags.))
Before Asami could slip away to the bathroom to deal with the side effects of this prank, the rude stranger called out that he had an antidote for her. She stopped dead in her tracks for a moment and contemplated her options; does she take the supposed antidote or not? This very well could be something other than an antidote that would only make her awful symptoms worse, or it very well could cure it. As Plydret began to taunt the samurai she felt her blood begin to boil. Whatever type of humor this was, if it could even be called that, was very sinister. She would definitely get her revenge one way or another. With her options limited and time running out before the floodgates would break, Asami decided that she'd take her chances with the vial offered to her. Quickly she snatched the potion and popped the top, downing it as she did. Only a moment later did the strange effects of the poisoned mug began to wear off. Her vision returned to normal as did her emotions, and the cramps and urge to go faded away as well. In a matter of seconds she went from frantic to calm and composed once again. However her poor face was as red as the sun thanks to the spicy peppers added in. Her hands tightened into fists as she stood calmly, doing her best not to cry out.

"Good grief..." She hissed, her eyes shutting. "I won't forget this. This will come back to haunt you someday." Asami said to the white haird boy before forcefully throwing the empty glass vial at him. She hoped that it would shatter against his body and hopefully cut him up a little. He really deserved it for putting her through such a terrifying and embarrassing situation. Then again, it was partially her fault. Asami never should've let her guard down against a total stranger. That was the biggest rookie mistake she had made in a long time, and it really bit her in the ass.

Birdsie Birdsie
Kevas Port City - Bar

Pyldret's eyes tracked the glass projectile and his right hand intercepted it just before his face. He held onto the vial, smiling at Asami, but as soon as she mentioned revenge, his smile grew milder, into something that was barely a smirk. He moved the vial out of his face and looked her straight in the eyes, speaking in a more polite voice.

"Aren't you being a little too angry? It was a prank. It's not like you were terribly hurt, and it wouldn't have happened had you acted like a responsible adult and considered twice before taking a drink from a stranger. Think of it as a lesson, or a reminder..." Pyldret searched for excuses to make himself look like a wise teacher here, but he wasn't deluded enough to actually believe that. Then again, sometimes, he was like a teacher.

At least during those moments when he'd show complete strangers around places they don't know. He still remembers that one tourist who was captivated to see the spring of pure, liquid mana. And then he started collecting bottles of it to sell it, for which Pyldret had to punish him because wonders of nature aren't to be taken away by human civilization. If he came to sell it to some mage, said mage would surely come by himself later to exploit the fountain of magical energy.

"Okay, you know what? You're right, it was a bit mean-spirited, even for a prank. So, how about I buy you another one as an apology? No mean business. And then we'll walk our separate paths." Although greedy, at least Pyldret wasn't stingy. His voice sounded genuine, but he didn't expect the woman to agree since he had already squandered whatever little trust she had toward him. With that in mind, he decided to correct his offer. "Or, if you don't trust me. I'll borrow you a few silver pieces and you can order by yourself."

Maki Maki
Alaya Lucilia Gladwyn
Kevas - Bar

She is in no way intoxicated anymore. Her blood was pumping with adrenaline. As the two ice shards flew in her direction, she lifted her right hand and brought the full force of her Aura of wind to defend her. The ice shards were deflected, one of them flying past Plydret and his new not friend woman. The other flew in the direction of the Leon, but she couldn't care less; she had to capture the pirate captain. By the time she finished deflecting the shards, Bondevair had already fled. Flicking her wrist, her knife disappeared back into her sleeves and she instead pulled out her Windswept blade. "Accursed pirate! Let's see how you fair against an Admiral of WIND!" She yelled with a start before running out of the bar. She rushed out using her magic to make herself lighter and agile. Alaya was almost certainly in anger, for having been played like that.
Star.Light Star.Light Maki Maki Birdsie Birdsie Reinhardt Reinhardt
~Captain Claire~

Claire laughed and ran down sloped cobblestones. She kept her legs working as fast as they would go. At the same time, she raised stone pillars out of the sidewalks, stepping higher and higher into the air. Once she reached the height of the roofs, she jumped off, sailing in the air, and landed onto a roof of a home with a roll. Claire got up immediately and spent a second driving the pillars back into the ground. She took a deep breath, the displays of power already taking a lot out of her. Keep going she thought, and started to leap across the rooftops, hoping to get to the docks.

Alteras Alteras
Silus Valiste

"I know that man, Revus Hagrin. He's a well-known mage in the Magi association who studies nodes. Last I heard of him was-" Silus said, but before he could finish his explanation a fight broke out. Ice spikes went flying and several people stood dumbfounded by the sudden loss of their liquor and began getting angry. The bar staff were now retreating, and rightfully so. Before Silus could respond though, the fight was out the door. He sighed and turned back to Leon. Perhaps a change in place was necessary.

"Well, that was odd, perhaps we can discuss more on this matter later. It may not be smart to give off sensitive information in such a place," He moved himself back over to the bar to grab his drink. He ntoiced the white-haired boy and the kimono lady talking again. How petty, both of them, but he wouldn't lie that the conversation seemed fun. He took out a silver keiled and placed it on the table. He pulled the drink to his lips and took a listen on how the prankster and the samurai would develop in their conversation, but he did wonder where the kitsune was. He was rather fascinated by her. It wasn't everyday one received a visit from a magical being.

Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden Maki Maki
Alaya Lucilia Gladwyn
Kevas - Bar

Alaya watched the pirate climb up the rising staircase onto the roof. She slid her sword back into its sheathe and got into something of a sprinter's start. Suddenly, an immense amount of wind followed through the streets and she took off. Within a few steps, she covered a large distance, and seemed to be gliding through the air. She chased after Claire on the ground. She seems to be struggling. Alaya grinned. This is the difference between using magic and commanding the spirits of magic. "Spirits of the wind! Grant me power!" And with that she caught up and was more or less running parallel with the captain. Now she just had to find a way up there.
Star.Light Star.Light
Asami took in a deep breath to calm herself down before she drew her sword on the stranger. Although he made a valid point he was acting as if he did nothing wrong, which was rather frustrating having to deal with. But maybe she was getting too fired up about this. She had accepted the drink, which was a rather dumb move. And she payed the price for it, even if the effects of his prank weren't hurtful. Besides, no one else in the bar really seemed to care as they were more focused on the fight that had just broken out only meters away. With a soft sigh the samurai sat back down across from Plydret, flooding her legs and placing her hands in her lap. It was nice that he was trying to make up for his cruel prank, but frankly Asami didn't want another drink. Partially because her trust of others was a little hurt right now, and because she had lost her appetite. "No, that's OK. i don't want another drink, or money to buy one myself. Keep your coins." She said, not taking her eyes off of him to watch the fight. "I suggest that forget about this and move on, for the benefit of us both."
Birdsie Birdsie
Kevas Port City - Bar

"Forgetting is the last thing I'd do," he smiled sheepishly. He looked at her, tapping his outfit in the place where he kept his sack of coins, "but it's always neat to save a few silvers."

Pyldret pushed the mug of beer away, slowly getting nauseated by the drink. It had a certain charm to it, but it wore off quickly. Not the alcohol mind you - the charm. In the end, it was just another brew for tasteless commoners who never had a vintage wine in their lives.

Pyldret hunched over and looked at Asami. "Anyway, time to introduce myself properly. As I said, my name is Pyldret. I come from the Kamina Islands. I commune with forest spirits on a daily basis. Now a bit about you. Come on, there's got to be something interesting!" he said warmly. Obviously, he kept what might've been the most interesting fact: that he is a dragon, concealed. If her response was satisfactory, perhaps he'd share his secret with her by the end of the conversation, or hint at it in a subtle way that would only make her realize a day later after putting some fridge thought into it.

Maki Maki

Lord of The Swine | Bar
Kevas Port City

Amidst all the noise in the Swine's bar, there was an awkward tension filled silence between two young adults.

Then, one of them spoke.

"Is there a reason you called me out here?" The redhead smirked as they both walked towards a table not too far away from the bar itself.

"There is." Izenbern stated with calm mischief laced in his voice. He didn't bother to say anything further. And so when both merc and vizard reached the table they took their seats, but found the noise and disturbance of patrons nearby to be troublesome.

"You expect us to hold a conversation in this?"

The redhead gave a strained smile, one that wasn't returned by Claudius dull, disinterested stare. "No." He admitted, then reaching out and tapping one of the drunks on to his left to get the attention of the party he stated: "I expect them to leave when I threaten their lives."

A burst of fire erupted from his hand. It expanded, grew, twisted and contorted as one hand held the drunken elf's shoulder to keep her steady while the hand coated in monstrous flames, reached out with fiery appendages to give the six disruptions a burning kiss.

They all screamed before the actual flames even reached them and with drunken, messy haste they all dropped their drinks, coins, and weapons, fleeing and yelling curses from at the pub.

Izenbern laughed, ignoring the few eyes that had come to plaster themselves on his little 'display'. Sheepishly a maiden moved towards them with a signal of his good hand while he dispersed the flames, as she did he turned his attention to his ally. "Drink?"

"Water." Izen raised a brow. Claudius didn't elaborate so the vizard left it at that. While the maiden got their drinks, Claudius drew sigils on paper, it wasn't until she'd returned with a mug of beer and large glass of water that he cast a diminishing sound effect spell. The spell didn't do much, outside sounds could be heard as usual, the words that left their mouths however would make it harder to hear, akin to muffled whispers, if one was trying to listen to what they said.

Both took a sip of their respective drinks, but out of the two, Claudius was the first to plop his glass down and ask the burning question: "Why are we here?"

Izen took his time and slowly dropped his mug down, complacent smile and all. "You know why we're here."

"Do I?"

"You do." The elemental vizard said with a nod.

Claudius leaned back slightly in his seat, arms crossing. "Then why don't you help me understand."

Izen merely chuckled. He was going to miss that curtness when all this was over. "Claudius, why did you kill the Minotaur assassin the boss hired to take over your job?"

"You mean the job relating to that alchemist your boss hired me to kill because his rival had created a concoction that does better job than the cheap narcotic shit you sell on these streets?"

Izen sipped his beer loudly, then after a swallow he glanced at Claudius, saying: "Yup, that is exactly it."

"Because you didn't hire me to do my job. You hired me to kill competition. So I killed Bithrus. He, was competition."

For a few seconds, Izen stayed silent. Then he snorted and chugged a good amount of beer that left his mug down to a quart of its original size. "God, you are something else." He gave the merc a bitter smile. "You think this is some sort of joke, don't you?"

Claudius said nothing, but his eyes alone told Izen everything. With a snarl the vizard reached to snag the hired help by the collar only to get his hand caught firmly by the wrist and wrenched away. "Do not touch me, slime."

"Slime?" He sneered. "You think you can take good money, then act like you don't have to do your job? And when I ask you a question you feed me lies?!"

"There was no lie. Bithrus was the competition. You hired him to kill someone you hired me to kill. I chose not to kill because I see no reason to do so yet. But when you put competition in the mix, I will do what needs to be done. That being said, my job is to kill vermin, and the only vermin I'm dealing with right now, is you."

The two stared at each other, one glaring the other cautiously staring. Then in one swift motion Izenbern wrenched his hand away and took up the rest of his beer. When he was done he threw the glass onto the ground and took satisfaction at hearing it shatter. "Pity. You would've been a wonderful card to play for my lord." Izen said, rising from his seat and dishing out the coin for the item he broken.

For the first time ever, the vizard caught the merc smile. And for some reason it made his blood boil. "What?" he demanded. "Spit it out!"

Claudius rose from his seat, glass empty and abandoned he made his way towards the exit, dispelling his spell. "It's funny you mention your lord. Because your lord is nothing more than a stain on this land that will soon enough be erased."

Surrounding commotion flooded the tense silence. Then Izen smiled. A smile, Claudius knew well in the three weeks he'd come to know the man. Wind shattered multiple windows with pebbles and stones,, disrupted the crowd, shook the shelves, then slowly died as heat and warmth filled the room. When several patrons turned to see the source of all this ruckus, their eyes widened as Izen stood out like a beacon of actual light.

Firey light.

"You know what?" -Izen took a burning step forward that left a smokey mark in the ground, while several blades hovered out of Claudius coat and twirled slowly around him in the air, glowing symbols on each blade- "I think its about time we end our business here."

Not a second after he said that did Izen hiss as a blade cut his cheek, stopped dead a foot from the bar then circled back to its owner's side. Eight blades circled Claudius like guards, each about 5 inches long. The merc's eyes were unfriendly as ever and Izen knew he'd have to be careful.

Eyes slowly narrowing, Claudius dug into his cloak and pulled out one more blade, making nine. "I do believe we should."

The vizard snickered. "So we shall." A gust of wind fanned the flames and with that wind Izen threw his hands forth and sent a plethora of fire towards the Lord of Swine's main entrance and exit, right where Claudius stood and several patrons fled. An explosion echoed through Kevas Port, some mixed with shouts and screams, most mixed with the sound of crackling fire, wood, glass, and detris that all rained from the sky.

Smoke filled the air, the front entrance was demolished and gone, and Izen's figure waded through the smoke filled air in search of his target. Fire crackling around him, wind dispersing the smog.

Mentions & Interaction:@billthesomething

Open To Interaction: Maki Maki Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei FireMaiden FireMaiden Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Archdemon Archdemon Reinhardt Reinhardt The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald Star Light Star Light
Last edited by a moderator:
Asami had finally learned the name of the white haired stranger. Pyldret, a rather strange name, yet fitting seeing as he came from the Kamina islands. The culture at the islands, especially the more cut off areas, was much different from the mainland. Surprising enough she had encountered people with even stranger names in her journeys. She became especially curious when he began to speak about how he communed with the wind spirits. Back in her tribe they worshipped different spirits of the elements, each with their own names and lore. She couldn't help but wonder if they were thinking of the same spirits.

Eventually it was her turn to talk. Asami wasn't exactly content on telling Pyldret her entire life story, but decided to give him a little peek into her life. "Well Pyldret, you already know my name. I too come from the Kamina islands, a small piece of land on the edge of the region. My tribe was killed off and my village burned down while I was away for a few years. I don't know who did it. Now I wander around and make my living doing jobs for others."

Birdsie Birdsie
Kevas Port City - Bar

"That's dark." Pyldret's eyebrows jumped up. "And what, you've been trying to find out who did it? Do you seek vengeance? Punishment?" Pyldret asked, ignoring the commotion and brushing it off as ordinary human behavior. Pack behavior dictates that conflicts will arise for dominance and mortals tend to be pack animals.

Pyldret could understand the emotional response of revenge - he was an animal, just like Asami and any other human. He had his own emotions and could understand the motives of many people, because he himself, as a beast of wrath, was motivated nearly by emotions alone. For instance, he doesn't need money to survive. All dragons are supreme hunters in the wild, however, because he has pride, he has the need to feel that he is above all others. And in a world of many people, money rules. The one with the most treasures and influence is above others, so Pyldret collects both.

Pyldret looked her straight in the eyes and stared for a second. "But that, too, depends on what you take into account. Do you want to punish the offenders justly, or do you want vengeance for their misdeeds? Vengeance is an emotional response that compels animals to show dominance in reply to some form of . Punishment is a form of justice and it can vary. The two are separate, but they can overlap. Or maybe you don't care?"

"Regardless, your story is interesting. If we ever cross paths, make sure to update me on it."

"You know, I had a friend once. He was a trickster at heart. Unfortunately, because he was a spirit, a priest exorcised him. I don't know if his soul was destroyed or if he roams the spirit worlds to this day, aimlessly drifting from realm to realm - but I got mad at the priest. I desired vengeance -- not punishment; vengeance -- but then I realized that's not what my friend would do. So, instead, I pranked the priest." Pyldret smiled in melancholy.

"I set all candles upside down, froze the chandeliers, set every pew in the opposite direction, and I won't mention what I did to the altar. So," Pyldret paused dramatically, "I wish you good luck with your own grievance." Pyldret stood up, preparing to leave the table.

Maki Maki Alteras Alteras Hanarei Hanarei Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden
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Kevas - Bar
Kyomi watched the man get up, letting out a soft sigh. She waved to him as he left her alone to her own devices. So much for prying him to find a fun little adventure. She stood up, fixing herself up, brushing a strand of her hair to the side. She walked back to her original 'mark', sitting down with the man from before as he seemed to be still loyally dedicated to her as a drink sat before her. "Oh... thanks sweetie." She spoke with a wink, taking a sip of the rather strong drink, content for now.

Her eyes couldn't help but slip up to witness the fight going on Her eyes focused particularly Alaya, almost looking a bit uneasy at her use of powers though simply shrugging it off. She sat quietly lifting her glass up, lightly swirling it in her hand before taking another sip. She hummed contently to herself smiling a she casually talked with man she suckered on to pay for her drinks. It didn't hurt to have a little downtime as she kept the fight in the corner of her eye vaguely paying attention to what she could witness of it along with those others venturing about the bar.
Asami shook her head when asked if she was searching for the people who had decimated her town. Of course she wished to know who had led the attack, but she promised herself that she wouldn't go out of her way to find them. "I haven't been actively searching for them. I wish I knew who killed them all, but I don't want to devote my life to this. I'll slowly piece together this puzzle but I don't want it to consume me."

At the topic of revenge or justice, Asami took a moment to really think about what she wanted. It was a rather loaded question because what if her idea of justice was someone else's idea of revenge? What if they were both the same? "Of course I want revenge, but I want justice more. In fact I believe that serving justice will be enough to satisfy my hunger for vengeance. However I think that the justice they deserve is more severe than freezing chandeliers or flipping over candles. An eye for an eye, if you will."

As Pyldret stood up to leave the samurai almost felt a little sad. Although the two had gotten off to a rough start they quickly formed a bond. "Thank you for your time, it was enjoyable. I too, hope that our paths cross again Pyldret."

Birdsie Birdsie
Kevas - Bar

Pyldret took his mug and downed it in one go, just to wrap things up. He gave Asami a smile as she mentioned she won't devote her life to vengeance. "That's good. Revenge and justice are things anyone is allowed to try to achieve, but it should be a driving force, not a consumer of the mind. You are wise to do so, Asami Minami. I am certain we will see each other again, be it tomorrow, or in a century, or on the other side of the everlasting veil."

Pyldret's last words referred to one of the common names of the boundary between the physical world and the spirit worlds, or, simply 'the other side,' where ghosts of the dead go to. Of course, Pyldret didn't expect to live so shortly. As a simple life expectation, he wanted to live for, perhaps two-hundred years at least? That seems fairly reasonable, perhaps even humble for a dragon, since most elder dragons were at least three-hundred years old.

"Goodbye," he nodded to her then walked off. For a split second, his eyes glowed a bright red color between the blinking of his eyes. Assuming Asami was making eye contact, she'd definitely notice it, but perhaps brush it off as just seeing things, or colors still mixing up after that potion.

With that, Pyldret walked back over to the counter and laid a golden coin on it, pushing it with two fingers to the bartender. "How about you tell me a little about recent events in Kevas? Any word about gold, treasures, or anything similar?"

After a short conversation, Pyldret was disappointed to learn he gave away a coin of gold only to learn nothing substantial. A shame, although a coin of gold was nothing. He had piles of golden coins in his cozy little home. Indeed, one such coin was nothing. After several years of raiding merchant ships and government vessels that carry tax money, he was well-off by modern standards, but only a peasant by draconic standards. Still, he wasn't brave enough to outright go to another dragon's lair and steal directly from there. Messing with fellow dracons is good way to get yourself bitten or burnt, especially if they are older.

Pyldret sighed, ordering one last mug of beer to cure the disappointment before he left.

He happened to overhear the conversation between some spoiled, rich noble and someone else. Pyldret looked at Leon, laughing suddenly. "It seems the only thing your vault can't contain is your massive ego!"

Pyldret chuckled again.

Pyldret sipped his beer, waiting for a sharp, perhaps aggressive response from the nobleman, but he wasn't expecting anything witty. The first thing that came to mind was something along the lines of 'how dare you?' but Pyldret was one that liked to generalize human society.

Reinhardt Reinhardt Maki Maki Hanarei Hanarei Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden

(Pyldret's guide to starting a bar fight with an aristocrat.)
Hagane | Still at the tavern

Meanwhile, the monk in the corner had almost forgotten where he was. He was now so focused on the sounds of his water that he did not seem to hear anyone else around him. He still vaguely knew what was going on - there was a bar fight, a royal visit and some unique individuals, but none could distract him from his meditation. Focusing on the cup, he almost felt the ki flow through the now warm water. It was calm, in a sense - as if the water had been cast away from torment and excitement, but that was common in water.

Smiling to himself, content about his life, Hagane drinks once more as he returns his focus to everyone and everything around him. Even though he knew of his surroundings, it all still surprised him. Fighting in public, varied races and traditions and even the huge variation of wealth amongst the different patrons were rare to see amongst the monastery he grew up in. Still, Hagane thought to himself, he was not at the monastery. The world outside the red gates on the mountainside was vastly different - quite interesting, really. It could be refreshing to see how those who did not grow up with the teachings of ki ended out - it puts everything in perspective, Hagane thought to himself once again.

As he contemplated all the different patrons of the bar, ranging from fox humans to nobles, samurai to pirates, his meal arrived at long last. It was a simple meal of bread and salted meat, with a few pieces of orange which he presumed was more for the sailors than anyone else, but simple was Hagane's life. Respectfully nodding at the waitress in thanks, who seemed unsure of how to respond and nodded back uneasily, Hagane slowly began to eat.

(open to interaction)
Himiko Kiyoko
Kevas - Bar

While Hagane was peacefully and slowly eating his meal, Himiko, to the right of him, was setup a barrier. "Oh good friend, I know that peace and serenity is the bedrock and foundation of our faith, even more so for your monastery, but you still must exercise attentiveness and caution, especially in a time like this." She said as she tossed out 5 talismans around their table. She knew that her monk friend couldn't hear her, so in his stead, she was preparing for the bar fight that was all the more likely to happen. Moments ago, two captains had a clash and ran out of the bar, now the dragon boy was picking a fight with the aristocrat after being dumped by the girl. Raising a 6th talisman, she closed her eyes momentarily and the talismans around her glowed, forming a transparent barrier between their table and the rest of the bar. "Gates of the Temple," she whispered as the talismans glowed red and the symbol of a red Tori gate appeared on the talisman that she held.

Relaxing after setting up her barrier, Himiko looked down at her meal. With a quick dinner prayer, she placed the talisman on her lap and began to eat. It was a comfortable meal of roasted vegetables and some stewed beef. Quite pleasant. After several bites, Himiko began to reflect on the situation she was in. During her voyage, she met Hagane and through a common faith, they became friends. Upon their arrival at Kevas, it seems that Hagane wanted to go to a bar, interested in those who wouldn't be considered a practitioner of their common values. Of course he said that and seemed deeply interested in those without a balanced Ki, but he really isn't paying any mind to the danger they could see themselves in a few moments time. Himiko on the other hand followed along since she didn't know the place. It could be said that she's more social of the two, having lived in a port town, but being in a bar was pushing the limits.

Himiko sighed. Perhaps someone would like to join them, preferably one who expressed similar values to the two, but it seems that the Lunar Kitsune acts more like a seductress than a priestess. Well, the only other one who isn't 'immoral' per say would be the blind girl and her wolf. Taking a final look around, she returned to her meal. Wait... is that vampire garnishing his victim's skin with a garlic? She took a double take.
The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
(open to interactions)
Hagane | Bar

Hagane's eyes shifted slightly as his new friend talked. As he ate, he chuckled to himself. It was clear that the girl still did not fully understand his ways (after all, she cannot seem to recognize the ending of his meditation yet), the ways of the Ki Masters, nor fully understood what that meant. He was somewhat looking forward to seeing her reaction as she witnesses him run on vertical walls for the first time, or perhaps shatter a blade with nothing but a touch. Of course, that was the tip of the iceberg even for him - the true limits of Ki are unheard of, and even what the Ki Masters have learned are mere scraps compared to the full library that is Ki. An energy without energy, his Masters always told him. He never understood it until he left the monastery, though, but now he does - they meant that Ki was a powerful force, but there was no maleficence driving it. No benevolence, either; it simply is. Ki does not care about the petty squabbles of men, so neither should Hagane in a way.

Still, he was human and a little bit of him cared for the safety of everyone and everything - even those that would intend to do him and his companion harm. Death is too much of a punishment, though, as his Masters told him - death is too permanent for things to be forgiven. That is why no Ki Apprentice or Master can kill, even if the situation calls for it - that seemed to be most of the lessons taught by the Masters. Not necessarily how to be a better person in Ki's non-existent eyes, for Ki does not care as it has no emotion or sentiency, but how to be a better person in one's own eyes.

As he calmly and quietly watched Himiko place down her talismans, he finally spoke up. "Do not worry", he says with a smooth voice - as if it has never had suffered the torment of shouting or argument, "Nothing will happen. And, if it did, I will protect you." This part definitely seemed true. Despite his teachings, Hagane showed compassion and a willingness to leap into the fray - something that was definitely tested in their voyage to the small port town. Still, it was that...mishap that had joined the pair on a common path, and Hagane decided they should travel it together. Maybe travelling this path with the sixteen year old to defeat evil was his destiny.

Looking around the room, he was reminded of that one word again. Destiny. The hidden power believed to control future events. A representation that Ki is infinite, and that Ki is unchanging. As such, those allowing themselves to become one with Ki must also be infinite and unchanging, and find their destiny. After finishing his quick meal, still paying a surprising amount of attention to the room (mainly to calm Himiko, and set her worries at ease), he pulls out a simple looking scroll etched with three (Japanese) symbols on the wooden case - one meaning Metal, one meaning Fire and the last meaning Earth - and looks down at it showing thought in his face. He wondered what reward he would receive for completing his destiny, and if he would ever complete it at all.

Alteras Alteras
Wendy Coppress

Kevas- Bar

The blind girl kept getting startled by noises, she thought she heard sounds of fighting yet when she turned to look the guards blocked her view. She had once again spilled her drink and sighed again. Maybe sitting at a table surrounded by people wasn't a good idea. She looked around and saw a curious sight.

There was a woman and a man. The girl was normal or at least she was a blue figure, but the man was intriguing. His figure was a color she hadn't experienced before, but if she had to hazard a guess it would be the color green she's heard about. She was quite puzzled and intrigued by this man that she just had to talk with him, also they sat in a corner away from all the other tables.

She turned to Theodore and saw that his dish was empty or at least it looked like it. Her plate was relatively full of food so she decided to finish up at their table, should they allow it of course. She got up and went to the bar and ordered a drink of water, telling the bartender to have it brought over at the new table she was going to be at. She then grabbed her food and walked to the table in the corner with Theodore following close behind.

She stopped and spoke softly.

"Um... Sorry to bother you two but could I sit here? There's too much commotion where I was sitting before and I'm afraid Theodore will bite someone. I mean I won't take offense if you say no..."

She looked blind, and yet she knew exactly where the man and woman were. She was also staring at Hagane that at first looked like a gaze in the tables general direction, yet on closer inspection she was studying the man.

Alteras Alteras The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
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Himiko Kiyoko
Kevas - Bar

Himiko took a sip of water. So he listening huh... I probably won't ever be able to tell with this guy. "Thank you. I'll be in your care." Another bite of the beef and she truly began to relax. They were surrounded by a barrier and Hagane was more than capable of defending against any sudden change, that she was certain of after seeing a glimpse of his power. During their travel, she had to perform an exorcism and Hagane stepped in to help with the subjugation of the spirit. It was certainly odd, having someone not practiced in spiritual manners be able to combat an maligned spirits, but that was perhaps a testament to his skill in Ki. To her understanding, Himiko's power draws from the spirit of her gods, while Hagane's power draws from his own spirit. That is her understanding of Ki, definitely a simplified and lacking statement, but one that she'll accept, seeing as she has no intention of walking the path that Hagane already tread.

Beyond that, it seems that the two are one of the same faith, but follow different parts of it? She doesn't seem to quite know, but in either case, Hagane is a nice man and has helped her very much. She was halfway through her meal when the blind girl and her wolf approached them. With a smile, she responded, "By all means, join us." She touched her talisman in her lap and the barrier lifted momentarily for their new guests to enter. "I'm Himiko Kiyoko." She was definitely interested girl's actions, as she looked at Hagane, something that she shouldn't be able to do. I've heard stories and legends of the blind being able to see without their eyes after gaining divine revelation, but she can't possibly be one of them...
The The Fabulous One Archdemon Archdemon
Hagane | Bar

Acknowledging Himiko's response, Hagane nods as he examines his scroll. Closing his eyes, he began to see the symbols through his eyelids - not as a normal person saw them, however. In his temporary lack of vision, Hagane saw all. He saw the sheer amount of Ki energy flowing to and from the scroll similarly to how his own Ki flows through him. He began to notice that the scroll and Hagane's Ki was almost combining in a way, before breaking and returning to their respective place. He was still not ready, it seemed. To everyone else, the three markings were glowing somewhat, although not to the level that Hagane 'saw' them, and did little else than illuminate a portion of his hand.

However, as he saw someone else approach the pair, the scroll, still glowing faintly, quickly disappeared into the few folds of cloth that Hagane called clothing, being tucked into a secret pocket on one of the legs. Looking up at the newcomer, Hagane bows with a very respectful, calm motion as he gestures with his hand in encouragement. "Yes", he says after a second or two of delay, "please, join us."

Listening to his young companion introduce herself, Hagane decided to do the same. "And I am Brother Hagane, but you may just call me Hagane." However, after a few seconds of looking, he began to notice something odd about the new woman. Her eyes were cold and dead, similar to some of the old blind Masters back in his monastery, but the woman still seemed able to see. More specifically, the woman seemed to be able to see him. Not wanting to be rude, however, Hagane decided not to mention it - perhaps it was mere coincidence. or perhaps she had developed a way to see without eyes. After a few moments of hesitation, his voice arose again.

"And what name do you go by, miss?"

Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon
Silus Valsite

Bar (We will move forward guys.)

Silus took a look at the parchment given to him by the crazy imperial and read through it. Revus had last gone on an expedition, to this general area, but he was wanted for criminal purposes. Suspected on the study of dark magic. The association clearly didn't give what type here. They just said "dark" magic to rile people up. The study of dark magic and the eldritch was frowned upon by most due to its warping and twisting of people and the world.

His mouth opened though when he read the reward.
"Five platinum pieces per person to the group that captures him?! That's pretty heavy."

Heads across the bar turned towards Silus. He shoved his hand over his mouth and began walking towards the door. That was until the bartender yelled at him about payment. Silus had ordered a drink, and he asked how much the drink he had ordered cost. He sighed at the price of two silvers and slapped the price onto the table. During his rush though he spilled his coinpurse on the floor. Coins high range values spilt on the floor. The values of the coins showed he was fairly well off. He began to scoop them up.

(I'm making this as obvious as possible. We're moving forward people.)

Birdsie Birdsie Maki Maki Alteras Alteras Archdemon Archdemon Hanarei Hanarei Reinhardt Reinhardt FireMaiden FireMaiden The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

Kevas - Bar

'Hm?' Pyldret's head darted to the man who read aloud the sum of a monetary reward.

'I am comfortably well-off in terms of money, but whoever is worth that much money has to be paramount.'

Pyldret, regardless, decided that this sounds like an adventure. He stood up and left a tip at the bar, before making his way toward the man who so clumsily spilled his coins all over the floor, then smiled and waited a few seconds patiently.

As soon as the man was done scooping the coins, Pyldret cleared his throat with a grunt to draw some attention from him.

"Hm-hm-hm. Group that captures him? And who would he happen to be?" Pyldret asked politely, "Oh, excuse me. I forget my manners. My name is Pyldret, and it just so happens I'm looking for some fun to relieve my stress. I think this will do just fine. Could you be so kind as to impart on me who the target of your hunt is, and how may I participate?"

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Maki Maki Hanarei Hanarei Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden Alteras Alteras Reinhardt Reinhardt The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Alaya Lucilia Gladwyn
Kevas - Bar

Alaya slowly walked her way back to the bar. That pirate managed to slip past, and she herself wanted to get some rest. Standing outside about to open the bar, she heard the declaration that some guy inside made, as well as the scrambling of coins. She smiled at this opportunity. If I can have that, I can get myself a proper battleship and pay off anything I want in the future.

She drew her blade and flicked her free hand at the door. A massive burst of wind caused the door to explode open. Taking two steps in, she took the position that she would always see the royal guards in every time she was at the Navy Headquarters, standing stock still with their sword in their hands. "Indeed, my drunken womanizer over there has a point, after all, its 5 plat per person, not group. I would like to know how and why such an important bounty wasn't known to any Imperial Officer, especially the Captain of the Tempest, beforehand?" Alaya said with an intimidating voice. It wasn't a tone she would take, but at the same time, it wasn't a quest that would appear.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Maki Maki Hanarei Hanarei Archdemon Archdemon FireMaiden FireMaiden Birdsie Birdsie Reinhardt Reinhardt The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald

The rattling of coins spilling out on the floor was more then enough to tempt Kiyomi up. Truthfully she heard much more then just the coins being spilled though it served at the very least to spark a desire for her to act. It was almost as if he was asking to be helped... or more in particular how many coins that seemed to drop signified he had more wealth then he let on. At the very least she could make some coin, ideally even being treated nicely if she toyed around in just the right way to get something she wanted.

"Well.. I have to go... it was nice spending time with you handsome." She spoke, winking to the guy as she walked away with her hips swaying in response. She had gotten enough out of him to be satisfied. She might tend to wiggle money out of people's pockets but she didn't tend to be the type to try and milk them for every bit of worth they had. It was far better in her mind to take bits and pieces and then be on her way. She had some sort of code of ethics behind her behavior.

Kiyomi looked towards Silus as he picked up his coins. Her eyes couldn't help but slip over to 'grumpy old man' as she viewed the disguised dragon. She looked to Aleya scratching her chin lightly. "Yes... quite curious indeed..." She spoke out in response to Alaya, almost as if she knew more about it then she ddi. Truthfully it was more a lingering suspicion she had about Silus though she kept quiet about it for now. There were a lot of red flags she had towards the man as he seemed to be bumbling to try his best to hide them. It could be a fun distraction to 'tag in' so to speak.

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras

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