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Fantasy Adventure RP

*Haruki stands on his two feet, throws pebbles at the villagers as they run and remarks,* "Haha, I told you to just mind your own business and let us through" *He remembers seeing everyone's cool abilities and dashes over to the party* Haruki looks at them in awe and says"You guys were so cool!"(:3)(o'v'o)
Ambrose slaps Haruki's hand. "Hey, no need to make this situation worse. We can just, you know, loot the bodies of the defeated, and be on our merry way!" She pauses. "...But, the praise is appreciated. Thank you."
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Joshua nodded to Ambrose, "the demon guards will come after us if we don't move soon, take the swords(as they are the only thing that is worth anything) and lets go" Joshua spoke while grabbing the blades from the dead bodies.
Ambrose makes sure to grab a sword off the man she killed, and retains her rusty knife as a parrying dagger. She checks for any money, just in case. She slips the dagger in her wool coat, and holds her sword out.
Astra had basically covered her eyes the whole time and tried to stay back. After that failed, she ran up to Haruki and pulled on his arm. "Do you think that we should do this every time?"
Joshua looked to Astra "he is the reason why we fought in the first place, stop glorifying him as a saint" Joshua snapped at her. He was angry this fight had started in the first place, and for her to complain about this for some reason threw him over board.
*Haruki looks back to Gwen* Hmm? Oh-- *Haruki listens to Joshua, as he scolds both Gwen and I* I look back to Gwen and shares a shrug while he scolds us. I apologize, I was agitated by his ruckus and tried to prove a point. ( :o )
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Astra flinched at his remark before glaring. "Well I'm glad to know you have such a low opinion of life! How about we take yours too!" She shouted, ignoring Haruki.
Ambrose waves her arms around. "No need to resort to violence, keep it civil, everyone. It was a simple slip up, however, it would be good to keep out of fights."
Joshua dashed into the girl and picked her up by her throat,"Don't test my limits child, I have no patients for your irrational thinking and feelings for him!" As Joshua said this, he body began to engulf in flames and his eyes started glowing red. His body was destabilizing and was about to explode, his emotions were now erratic as he could not control this at this point.
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Astra struggled, flailing her legs around as Joshua slowly crushed her windpipes. The most she could really do was growl and try to ignore the pain. As a last minute resort, she called out in her mind. Nothing happened at first, but after a few seconds a howl sounded from the distance and Astra's face lite up.
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(you do realize im going to blow up, and make a cs in the mechanics thread explaining your ability and read the leveling system)
*Haruki dashes towards Joshua and attempts to tackle him onto the ground, despite being surrounded in flames* *While attempting to mount you on the ground, Haruki cries out and says* "What are you doing?! You say you want to avoid violence, but what are you doing right now, to one of your comrades?" *Haruki unpacks his wooden sparring swords and tosses one to Joshua* "Maybe this will calm you down.."
Joshua let out a punch which exploded into Haruki's chest as the energy in his body is now about to overload.Standing up, Joshua looked to his hands and the flames became stronger, Dashing towards Haruki as Haruki is in the air he releases another punch that is directed towards his face.
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Ambrose takes about 30 steps back. She activates Windstep, shoulder tackling into Joshua. "Cool... down!" She gives herself a pat on the back mentally.
Joshua stopped his attack to Haruki, quickly ducked under the shoulder tackle. As Ambrose is over him, Joshua sent a uppercut into her chest, the uppercut is filled with a explosive energy.
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*Haruki collects himself from being punched in the chest, and observes the situation..* I run towards Joshua and kick the right side of your left leg, attempting to temporarily immobilize him* *Haruki darts towards Ambrose and tosses dirt and sand into Joshua's eyes. I stand infront of Ambrose, attempting to protect her...Haruki immediately unsheathes his Absorption Blade and starts mumbling an incantation* (As Haruki casts his Restoration spell, his insignia begins to glow a bright color)
Taking the kick, Joshua was staggered for a bit, Causing the sand to hit his eyes, and cause him to miss the shot on Ambrose. Clearing his eyes, he stood up to see the incantation being performed. As he dashed forward and massive explosion stood behind him and propelled him to Haruki's face. Setting up a knee, that would be followed up with a spin kick, he would try to beat Haruki in one swift combo as both attacks would let out a powerful explosion.
*Haruki slightly opens one of his eyes to get a glimpse of his surroundings..however he was greeted with Joshua's fist that was staring right into my eyes... I then push Ambrose back and whispered "Stay safe", because he was convinced there was no way of surviving this attack.*
*Haruki puts his Absorption Blade in front of Joshua's knee, despite the spell being incomplete (this puts the spell at 50% of it's regular power for being incomplete) and the impact from his explosion kick, propelled me into the houses and rendered Haruki incapitated*
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