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Fantasy Adventure Awaits! IC

Tanner smirked, "This should be great, what're you talking about?" he said in response to Maddie. Tanner then sees what Rin's doing. "Hey, Rin, I think you should listen to Amelia, and let someone else be the leader, also, don't make Coleen your slave, carry your own weaponry," he said to her. He smiled at Coleen and walked over to her "Don't let Rin boss you around, ok" he said before walking away. He looked back at Rin and made her knees buckle using his Haemokinesis.(If that's allowed, void if not)

Tanner nodded at Amelia, "Yeah, thanks" he said before taking off after Rin "Hey! Rin!" he shouted after her "Wait up, you said we would only have to walk!"
Knives? Check. Sword? Check. All sharpened? Check.

Bow? Check. Arrows? Check.

Everything was prepared. Richard straightened himself as he strode out the door after the more... energetic guild members. He shook his head quietly; they had no clue what they were rushing into. Some were even treating this assignment like it was nothing. But bandits were nothing to take lightly, especially bandits who had taken the king's daughter hostage. He'd have to watch his fellow guild members' backs, to make sure that they came out of this alive.
The journey is on, with the guild members off on a quest to rescue King Rexis' daughter Lucia. What perils awaits them as they venture into the deep forest that lies the bandits' hideout? What kind of force does the bandit leader have? The answers to these questions will be solved soon enough. After a few hours of walking north, they finally reached the entrance of what is the foour backrest that shelters the bandit hideout. Rin is already at the entrance before the rest has arrived.

She looks down at them, letting out a light grunt, and say "You guys are too slow, especially you Coleen. You don't need to carry that MUCH of an equipment. Can't you just bring a sword with you rather than a multitude of those weapons?" She is showing very great concern to her fellow freelancer, but Coleen shrugs the statement off by saying "No worries, I am used to carrying these weapons with me. Besides, the more you have, the better."

"But the more you carry, the likewise you'll get crushed by the weight of it. Well, we should get in, and who knows what we'll eventually end up here. Let's go." Rin says and then the group enters the forest. While on the way, Rin says to the group "Watch your back, and look around your surroundings. Some bandits have laid traps to capture trespassers. Those guys are very territorial."

The bard had their pack and Samuel, walking along and keeping in the middle of the pack for her peace of mind. It was strange, but she needed it. She knew Rin was full of herself and had the ability seemingly to back it up despite Alexia's short month and a half with the guild, but she wasn't keen on the lectures.

"I think the weight might be an issue Rin, but think of it like a multi-tool. It may be cumbersome sometimes, but it is useful in solving many issues." She made sure she stayed in the middle of the group once they entered the woods, heeding the advice of their magic knight. As they walked, she couldn't help but lean to the dark knight near her and whisper, "(you think we should be looking more up at the trees or down at the ground for traps? You look like you have been around a few enemy camps.)"

EquinoxLeonidas EquinoxLeonidas Zamasu Zamasu
Long was the wait, and yet with the constant voices of temptation attacking him in his mind, he found distraction and that allows him to bide the time while the others go get prepared. At last, each individual members returned, and with Rin leading the group, the Dark Knight picked himself up and took the rear of the group. The journey was not that long, and as they moved through the countryside, the scenery changed from small civilization to rugged forestry. The sun was warm, but the air was cool, and Seyren liked it that way. Cool weather is nice to travel in, as someone who had done some travelling can tell others.

Hours had passed, and the rag-tag group finally reached the entrance to what Seyren could discern and deduce to be the bandit's den. Rin's usual crass comment on her companion was not unfounded, and yet unnecessary. The bard made a comment on it, to which Seyren chose to remain silent on that matter. "It is not in the quantity of the tools you bring, but the quality of them that matters," the Dark Knight muttered underneath his helmet. Rin's warning to the group regarding potential traps was prudent, but otherwise excessive to the Dark Knight. While others were unaware, despite the helmet of his covering all manners of his face, he can still see unimpeded. The bard approached closer to the Dark Knight, and he could hear her asking his advice as to where to watch for traps, be it up in the canopy, or below their foot.

"It's wiser to watch for both up and down, as well as everywhere," Seyren replied with a rough but matter-of-fact tone. "Keeps your eyes peeled for signs of disturbed forestry, which would suggest passage or tampering. Broken branches, irregularly bent wood, unusually heavy branches or disturbed and unnatural ground, these are usual signs of physical traps. Magical traps, though, is a whole different story, and would require skilled and experienced magic users to detect them. The higher-leveled the magic used, the harder it is to detect them," he explain. True, the Dark Knight had his fair share of entering enemy territory, though he usually bears with the traps and deal with them as they come. While physical traps are a nuisance, magical traps are even worse, since even Seyren has only an intermediate knowledge and mastery over dark magics.

Sybil Sybil
Following the group closely, Henry moved with purpose-filled steps. He positioned himself in front of Maria, covering most of her body with his thick armor, thus protecting her from any ambushing strikes from the front. He had enhanced his strength, his vision, and his hearing during the period of the time with Maria aiding in replenishing his mana. His strength provided from with near-endless amount of energy in marching in decently heavy armor, his vision allowed him to gleam at the finer details of the surroundings, and his hearing to listen for traps and the movements of enemies.

While one would imagine Henry to be unprepared for any ambush, there is minute movement of his right hand, ready to snap to the handle of his longsword or to his spike that hangs to his right side. His years in his kingdom's army has taught him to be skilled in responding to threats that ranged from blatant obvious ones to more subtle ones. It wouldn't be the first time if he had to cut down an enemy with a span of a few seconds in order to guard her holiness. And while he hasn't have the most experience in dealing with bandits, it is clear that an enemy that is familiar with his or her terrain is a dangerous one.

Maria moved behind Henry, almost like a shadow as her dark cloak hid her features. The only sounds coming from her is the rhythmic tapping of her staff as she used it like a walking cane. Her staff was made of a polished wood with the ends reinforced with stubbed iron. While it may appear to be a mere staff with some capabilities of brute force, a keen eye can easily recognize that the staff is fully capable of conducting magic, especially magic to strengthen it or to focus a spell. Following her staff was her spike hiding within the depths of her cloak and a crossbow strapped to her back.

"Maria," Henry stated with a simple tone as he eyed the forest with suspicion as he came to a halt, "prepare for any kind of ambush. It would be advisable for you to ready a healing spell for either us or our fellow guild members. And if there is an ambush... I entrust my life to you and your holy light."

Glancing back to Maria that was behind him, Henry saw the small shuffle of her hood, indicating her agreement with his statement. Giving a smile hidden behind his helmet, Henry turned towards the forest started walking forward. Followed behind him was Maria, who soon followed not a few seconds afterwards.

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