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Addicted To Mysteries

[QUOTE="alexis the furry]wait i don't i checked it they aren't in it

Here they are:

1. What is the worst thing you've ever done?

2. What is the worst thing you can imagine yourself doing?

3. What is the worst thing you can imagine someone else doing?

4. What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to your character?

5. Strange things happen in every life - what have you forgotten?

Also, this game is set in either the real world, or one very very close to the real world. While there are unpleasant things in the shadows and weird historical glitches, most people don't know. That's what the last question is about. What weird and terrible shit has your character seen or experienced - and then forgotten?

Suggestions: The film Seven, the horror film Ring or The Ring, perhaps Pan's Labyrinth, that sort of thing. Settings where most people live their lives and either don't know about terrible things which lie beneath the surface of every day life, or don't want to know.

Forgive me if I overstep, Grey, just wanted to throw some advice.
Never apologize for making the GMs job easier. ( :P )

Also, Grey, sorry for the delay on my build. Holidays and shit, ya'know? I'll try and slam something out for you by the time the game starts.
Thomas Maxwell Creed

“This is very simple, alright? It’s a demon. Yes, a real one. You didn’t look at the plans very hard when this place was built, did you? Course not. Some clever sod built the 13th floor in just the right configuration to conjure summat up, and now it wants you, among other things. If you don’t want it to get you, you will stand in that circle and be very still. I’ll take care of the rest.”


Occupation: Ex-professor/Bartender

Addictions: Alcohol, Nicotine, Painkillers, Research

Strengths: Intelligent, Lucky, Quick to Think, Quick to Act, Strong Willed, Resilient

Faults: Addicted, Confrontational, Untrustworthy, Paranoid, Substance Dependence

A brilliant mind is a horrible thing to waste.

"You sure don't seem to mind taking my fuckin' money up til' you cut me off!"

The scene was a usual one. Weekly, if not nightly some weeks. This man, Thom, was once a well known and respected professor at the local college. He was a brilliant man, exceeding not only in his field, but in his relations with the students and other faculty. But one morning, he'd awoken a changed man and his life had quickly changed with him.

The world was a cruel place and Thom was finding that there was something wrong with it.

Not the usual wrongs that you'd think - politics, religious squabbling, a city in distress. No, there was something deeper and it dragged the man down, making him almost a shell of his former self.

Whatever it was, it lead Thomas Creed on the fast track to divorce, a life of heavy drinking, and a strained relationship with his children and ex wife. The more he drank and became reclusive, the less he saw of them and the greater the relationships crumbled.

Then, there was only dust.

No simple survival for me...

Cigarettes. What a dangerous vice. More-so if you're unlucky or not thinking straight.

They linked the apartment fire on 8th and State Street to him. Mark another one down for Creed. Like always though, he was a survivor for better or worse. Gifted and cursed with some kind've sick luck to be in just the right place. The timing, however, that's where he faltered.

He was the first out, then almost the last. Going back in to get his wedding ring, he stopped to help another couple get out safely. Quick to think and to act, he was able to get them out without anyone getting hurt. The landlord was thankful, not pressing any charges that would have landed him in jail.

Thankfully, his old Impala had a big enough backseat to keep what he was able to save. Doubled as a bed too, if one didn't mind back pain. But, he was strong one and resilient to a fault. Giving up never crossed his mind, not matter how bleak things got.

He'd get to the bottom of things. There was always tomorrow...

Riddle me this...

1) What's the worst thing you've ever done?

"Christ... talk about breakin' a guy's balls right off the bat," he said with a smokey exhale, blue-grey smog floating toward the ceiling. He watched it for a second, the haze, then looked back down.

"Worst thing I've done? There have been a lot, especially lately, but I'd say leaving my life behind. Hell, leaving my daughters without a dad." He seemed to think about this for a minute, then waved a hand. "That's it, man... next question."

2) What is the worst thing you can imagine yourself doing?

"Didn't I just answer that?" he spit out with a hoarse laugh, polishing off the last of a beer and adding to his collection of empties. "Does leaving all this mess for some poor bastard to wash up count?" Another laugh followed, deteriorating into a coughing fit. He regained his composure after a second and answered.

"The things I'd like to tell myself I'd do... they freak me out. Some nights after a couple, I imagine going over to my ex wife's new place and just beating the snot outta' her new boyfriend. I'm talkin' like... half-to-death here. Some mousey little fucker raising my kids like they're his best friends... god damn it all."

Punctuating this with a sip from a fresh brew, he went on. "Nah. Big talk, but I couldn't do it. I think the worst thing I could do would be to just disappear for good. No more seeing my kids, no more dealing with Heather and her stupid shit... just becoming a ghost. Poof... gone." He frowned. "Scares me how g'damned good that sounds sometimes."

3) What is the worst thing you can imagine someone else doing?

"Bear with me on this, cause it's gonna' sounds crazy," he started and sighed. "The worst thing? After all this shit that's gone on with me... I can just imagine someone - probably some fuckin' shrink or sommat - telling me it was all just some midlife crisis. There's gotta' be some reason for all this, right? Outside of just me losing my damned marbles." He drank again, staring into the fuzz of his beer thoughtfully like a man half-possessed. "Yeah..."

4) What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to you?

"That's easy. Watching my father die, then watching my daughter be born. Shit... that sounds wrong." He sighed and tried to figure out how to explain. "I guess like... well, my pa' exited out early of his own devices. Found out he was sick and thought the best idea was to go out before it all started. Hard on the family and all, but almost right after that, my Lill' was born."

He spat into the nearby ashtray and felt his mouth go bone-dry. "It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen... Lillian being born, I mean - but in the back of my mind, I just had this scratching thought... 'what if that's her some day? Why'd I bring her here just to die off from some fuckin' sickness?' - ya' know?"

Lighting another cigarette, he chuckled. "I'm over that now, obviously, but holy shit. What a dark time THAT was."

5) Strange things happen in every life - what have you forgotten?

"You want a ghost story or something?" he barked, mouth pulling back in a drunkard's Cheshire grin, showing too many teeth. "Are you on fuckin' rope or just messing with me?"

There was a long period of silence. A cigarette smoked, bar sounds clamored this way and that. Eventually, he spoke up as he snuffed out a butt and eyed the clock. "Okay, you got me. There is one thing."

"After my father passed, my ma' wasn't that far behind. Grief only seemed to fuel her decent, yaknow? She kinda' went a bit nutty and us kids tried to help - but you can only do so much. When we were sitting with her at the end, she wasn't very responsive. My brother had gotten up to go get some coffee and my sister... well, she couldn't bear to be there at all."

He shook his head, a beat passed, and he continued. "Right before she 'took off', she looked right at me. Her eyes, holy shit." He shivered in his seat, despite the bar being about 100+ degrees.

"They were clear as when I was a kid. Sharper than I'd ever seen. She said, 'I see it, Thom... I see the door. And your dad's there.' She smiled and I smiled and took her hands. We stayed like that for a minute and she looked away. She started crying. 'No... that's not him,' she blubbered. Those clear eyes were LOCKED into mine. 'It's not him anymore, Thom. Not anymore,'."

He sighed and raked his eyes with the back of his forearm. "And that was it. She was gone and I was left there, half pissing my pants. Dunno what that was... but until you asked me that question I'd forgotten all about it. Shit, man... wish I hadn't remembered."

"LAST CALL BEFOR CLOSING TIME!" barked a voice from the other side of the bar.

"It's been fun, mate, but that's my ticket to pay up and get gone. Be seeing you... but next time, no more questions, eh? Let's just drink."

1. What is the worst thing you've ever done? ( burnt down a house. and murdered the people who tried to put it out.)

2. What is the worst thing you can imagine yourself doing? ( like what they would hate the most?

3. What is the worst thing you can imagine someone else doing? ( killing a innocent

4. What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to your character? ( getting caught in a fire only to survive without a scratch, and being the only one to survive

5. Strange things happen in every life - what have you forgotten? ( what happened to their twin
Judgement day.

@Dusky @Erica @The Fuzz

All in on the ground floor.

Everyone else, thank you for applying. As a consolation, you will be given first refusal for admission at a later date and will be invited to join the next game I run over anyone else. A lot of good work went into those characters, so we won't let them lie fallow for too long.

If you want to know why you were turned down this time, feel free to PM me.
[QUOTE="The Fuzz]Heyo. If acceptable, I will put my character sheet/thread together during the next hour.

You've been tagged in the forum, so whenever you're able.

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