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Realistic or Modern Academy of Olympus

Athena glanced at him a bit, more exasperated than intimitaded. "More like, they don't want anymore fights breaking out on your way to class. I'm only sticking around until you're at your first one." She turned away with her eyes forward. How was it possible for someone to be that aggravated all the time? She couldn't help but think he had high blood pressure at this point.
Poseidon looked between the girl and Zeus. He wasn't sure which to go to before he looked at Zeus. "Depends, are any of the 'interesting' ladies gonna be there?" He asked him with a smirk quoting the word interesting. He could just go but he wanted to know the answer. "Last time I was at one of yours, none of them showed up and I had to be myself while you rocked Hera world, if you can say that or whatever." He joked with him. @DippyDash
"Aye, me former wench. We must have rum soon. " He replied jokingly, feeling more upbeat now than what he felt in a while now. Still though he wasn't sure if they would get back together. It wasn't his appearance that bothered him the most in regard to her, it was more his lameness. He could barely walk and see, how could he be of use to her in any way. " good? Who said I want you to be good?"He said slyly though it didn't come out genuinely his troubled thoughts betraying him.
"Aye! Well I have some in me boat. Maybe we can break in it later, and swap fish tales when we hit the shore." she says smugly grinning. "I can be good 50 percent of the time, but i'll be an angel for you if I want to." She noticed his mind was troubled. "Hey what's wrong? You know you can talk to me!" She said taking his hand and rubbing the back with her thumb like he preferred. "You know, maybe going to the beach might be great for you! Drink a little, smoke a little. You know Mary Jane is helpful for people that are in pain, its scientifically proven." She says kinda blushing a bit turning a bit red.

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"Their certainly will be dear friend" Zeus answered Poseidon, turning to glance to Antheia. Zeus then took her hand gently and gave her a slight bow "this lovely girl I have not met. That's a true shame, I hope you can make it to my party".

Aries shook his head and stopped walking. "You know I'm just gonna leave that stupid class right?"
Athena paused, looking him in the eye. "That.....isn't my problem. I'm just here until you're at your first class." Did he stop walking because he had some epiphany or something? She didn't have time for this.
Aries began walking in the other direction of Athena. "Yeah, I'm gonna go do something else. Go ahead and tell them you tried or something" Aries stated as he pulled a cigarette from his pack lighting it as he continued to walk away. A mystery donor was the one who paid to get him in this school. If he didn't need a place to live he'd be long gone.
Athena blinked as he walked away. She had started to go to her other class because...well if he didn't want to go she wouldn't force him. The way he acted....in a normal school he'd be kicked out in a couple of days. But she knew better. There was one thing that she wanted to say before he left though. "Aries! Try entering a tournament one of these days!" Athena walked towards her class as if she hadn't called after him. If there was one thing she was slightly curious to see it was how someone fought. Other than that, his life was his.
Aries huffed sarcastically as he walked away "as if" he growled. "What a challenge? Kicking all these yuppies asses. Tournament sounds fantastic" Aries said to himself, rolling his eyes. While walking down the halls he bumped into a girl, that girl happened to be Aphrodite. Aries' cigarette fell from his mouth and his scowl only intensified. "Watch where the hell you're going" he growled to her as he began walking away.
Aphrodite hit the ground with the thud. She picked herself off of the ground and ran after him. He almost hurt Nick that little shit. She wasn't gonna let the asshole get away for it. Its his fault in the first place, so violence was ok to use at this time. She grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back punching him in the face and knocking him on the floor. She smiled sweetly. "Why don't YOU watch where the hell you're going? And watch you're attitude dick wad?! You almost hurt a cripple you shit!" She said as sweetly, but as deadly as possible slapping him one more time hard then getting back to Nick and walking to homeroom.
Poseidon blinked before grinning when Zeus flirted with the girl from earlier. "Well Z, here I though that little miss Munchkin aka Hers already had you whipped." He joked with him but at the same sounding serious. Hey if they couldn't tell if he was lying or being serious, he could do anytime he wanted. "That's Antheia, I think that's her name." He told him. @DippyDash @sprouhtt
Aries laughed aloud as he stood up wiping blood from his lip. "I'm gonna let you in on a secret. I don't give a damn about anyone of you yuppies at this school. Very fortunate you're a girl or you wouldn't be walking right now. I don't care about any cripple, or anyone of you here so you'll all do best to keep good and far from me. In the meantime I suggest you spit out your silver spoon and go the hell somewhere else got it?"

Zeus laughed at Poseidon's comment putting an arm around his shoulder. "Lucky you've introduced me to this beautiful girl" he told him aloud. He then whispered to his dear friend "tonight will be one to remember dear friend".
DippyDash said:
"Their certainly will be dear friend" Zeus answered Poseidon, turning to glance to Antheia. Zeus then took her hand gently and gave her a slight bow "this lovely girl I have not met. That's a true shame, I hope you can make it to my party".
Aries shook his head and stopped walking. "You know I'm just gonna leave that stupid class right?"
Antheia saw someone coming her way and she saw that it was Zeus, who was looking as young and handsome as ever. "My name is Antheia," She told him with a warm smile as she made eye contact with him. Antheia was still blushing when Zeus had called her beautiful which was sweet of him, "You're having a party? Where? When?" She asked him since she rarely got invited to parties, since people thought she was more of the non-partying type which they weren't lying about.

Poseidon blinked before grinning when Zeus flirted with the girl from earlier. "Well Z, here I though that little miss Munchkin aka Hers already had you whipped." He joked with him but at the same sounding serious. Hey if they couldn't tell if he was lying or being serious, he could do anytime he wanted. "That's Antheia, I think that's her name." He told him. @DippyDash @sprouhtt
"You think?" Antheia said to him as she crossed her arms and looked to the side at Poseidon. "I don't even know why I'm still talking to you," She said since she was going to stop talking to him. Antheia shook her head and ran her hand through her hair. Antheia raised an eyebrow when she heard what Zeus had whispered to Poseidon but she tried to ignore it.
Zeus gave his charming smile to Antheia as he once again took her hand. "At my house, it's The northmost building at campus darling. I'm hoping to see you much more. You truly are an eye catching divinity. I'm rather captivated by your eyes" Zeus said as he leaned slightly closer to Anthea, his eyes meeting her, is scent resembling roses. "Your appearance will make it truly beautiful Antheia".
Ro looked back and chuckled, "well just stay out of my way and we will be just fine. There's two things you don't mess with me and don't mess with my friends. Got it ass hole. Go to the little slime hole you came from." She snapped as she stormed off into her homeroom
Poseidon looked at Antheia when she commented on what he had said earlier. He blinked before tilting his head. "Huh? You said something?" Hey, it wasn't his fault he mostly tuned people out. If that offended her, who was he to say anythino he passed by Zeus stopped beside him. He grabbed his shoulder and whispered as low as he could. "Don't lead her on." He warned so that only he could hear. He started walking away and gave them a wave before disappearing from their sight as he took a left turn, heading to his class. @sprouhtt @DippyDash
Antheia blushed to such an extreme point that she thought her face was on fire,"...." She had no words but then she mentally slapped herself to tell herself to snap out of it and that he flirts with just about anything that carries a pair of breast on. "I will be there," She told him with a smile and cleared her throat. But he was an eye-catching god that couldn't be ignored even if you tried to look away. Antheia didn't say anything to Poseidon's comment because she knew that he heard her perfectly clear.

(could you guys tag me whenever you mention my character because it's hard to keep up with who I'm interacting with :) )

"Idiot" Aries whispered to himself as he went outdoors to find some shade to lie beneath outside. "We'll see about what she said" he said to himself as he closed his eyes.

Zeus smiled to Antheia nodding his head "I'm certain you'll dance with me as well right? It would be a shame to not dance with an absolute beauty such as yourself. You'll have to forgive me if it seems wrong however I'll not miss such a chance" he told Antheia as he looked into her eyes longingly.

Poseidon walked into class, not really caring who was in it. He knew that the girl Antheia or whatever she liked to be called didn't like, was naive for falling for Zeus easy tricks. He shook his head as he sat down on one of the desk by the front window. If that was how Zeus gonna be like, who was he to stop it, well literally he could do nothing, if he wanted to flirt with a naive girl like her, it was the girl oan fault for falling for an easy trick. He closed his eyes before opening again, calming himself and not feeling like thinking about anything else.

(Is the rivalry between Athena and Poseidon still continue?
@RiversEdge @DippyDash )
Antheia smiled before biting the bottom corner of her lip,"I can't dance, so I think you'll have to find someone else Zeus." Antheia told him as she let out a small chuckle. She wasn't ashamed of what she told him since it was true and she really couldn't. Plus she needed an excuse to tell the god of the sky since he probably asked a billion girls to dance with him tonight and she wasn't going to fall for a trick like that.

Zeus laughed and told Antheia "We can wing it if you'd like dear. Regardless I feel as though you could at least give it a try" he said as he offered Antheia a card. "These are the numbers to reach me if you'd like to do so" he said as he handed her a business card. " I certainly expect your attendance tonight".
"I will do my best," Antheia told him and gave off a fake smile which she doesn't usually do but she hated when guys played with her feelings and plus how could he be so intensive when he had kissed a guy from earlier, wouldn't she be mad knowing that Zeus is flirting with someone else, oh well that was none of Antheia's business.

Aphrodite sat down at her desk after helping Nick down. She was fuming. She just couldn't wait for lunch to get here, so she could head out to the beach and get drunk and high for the day. That guy ruffles her feathers whoever he was.
Zeus looked to Poseidon saying goodbye as he found an empty room to sit in. He thought of his father and his disapproval. "Damn him" he said to himself. Cronus didn't want him to run anything which bothered him deeply. The last thing Cronus said to him was "you'll never be worthy of this family". Zeus stood up and locked the door of the room he was in. His hands going through his hair he felt so angry saying to himself "I'm enough dammit.."
Aphrodite got up from her desk and walked out of the room she needed to let out steam, and she had a few more minutes before she had to let back to class. She walked slowly down the hall and leaned on a locker taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

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