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Realistic or Modern Academy of Olympus

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
"Why would i mind..."He said trying to appear joking as he looked at her effectively mooning. The thought of losing his pills even if it is temporary as he could get more though was still making him panic. He began to sweat at the thought of uncontrolled pain and soon began breathing quickly, his leg seemingly hearting twice as much. "A pill bottle... Codiene... Clearly labled." He said clutching his leg seemingly becoming annoyed. " Yes.. Please lets go." He said hurriedly and as if irked she hadnt already done that.
Aphrodite looks down. She was clearly annoying him. She quickly got back up and buckled up, fixing her shirt. Clearly she had annoyed him and he wanted to be alone. Aphrodite turned up the volume a little bit so she wouldnt annoy him farther. The car ride was silent mostly on the way to his house. She didn't know why she annoyed him. She was only was trying to help. She pulled up to his house and stopped putting her car in park. "Here we are. Look I know you probably are in a lot of pain and want to be alone. I understand if you do. I don't want to keep you. We had a great night." she says tapping her steering wheel.
Nick did not want Aphrodite to leave, he didnt much care about her at this point just needed his pills. He waited impatiently as he was driven home groaning slight. When she stopped the car he barely listened, just opened the door and tried to get out." Yeah whatever. Will talk to you later." He said hurriedly before getting out and limping as fast as he could to the house. His family was sleeping by this point, something he was glad at as he made his way to the medical cupboard. At first he could see the pill bottle taking out each bottle haphazardly until finding which one he wanted. Only than had he calmed talking the top of and just pouring a couple of pills in his mouth. The havent even taken effect yet and yet he was feeling better.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Nick did not want Aphrodite to leave, he didnt much care about her at this point just needed his pills. He waited impatiently as he was driven home groaning slight. When she stopped the car he barely listened, just opened the door and tried to get out." Yeah whatever. Will talk to you later." He said hurriedly before getting out and limping as fast as he could to the house. His family was sleeping by this point, something he was glad at as he made his way to the medical cupboard. At first he could see the pill bottle taking out each bottle haphazardly until finding which one he wanted. Only than had he calmed talking the top of and just pouring a couple of pills in his mouth. The havent even taken effect yet and yet he was feeling better.
Aphrodite sighed as he quickly got out of the car and into his house. He didn't even kiss her goodbye. Aphrodite pulled away from his house and started taking the long way home. Thoughts started to fill her mind, Was he having second thoughts about them starting over? He seemed to have a good time at the beach, but maybe he was just doing this all for her. Maybe all these thoughts were just the slight alcohol buzz she still had and bad confidence in herself. She nodded, "All will be better in the morning. I hope." She said as she finally got home. She started to clean out her back seat and found on the floor the Codine bottle he was looking for she grabbed everything and took it inside the house throwing the bottles in the recycling bin.once she got in the house, she tossed her clothes and blanket in the washer and started a load. She gathered all of Nick's belongings and put it in a bag and her back pack. Aphrodite headed to the bathroom and showered off noticing the bruises starting to form on her skin. Once she dried off. She put on a pair of comfy PJs and climbed into bed. She picked up her phone she left on her bedside table and texted Nick , 'hey hope you're feeling better" and hit send. She rolled over in bed and wrapped herself into a burrito with her blankets and shut her eyes hoping for sleep to come soon.
Nick just set by the side of the toilet for a few minutes as he calmed before getting up and washing the sweat of him. He left the bathroom and went back up to his room, falling flat on the bed nearly falling asleep if it wasn't for the text. He sighed before turning over and checking the message. He sighed, a perfect evening ruined because of his bloody pain like it does everything. He looked at his pills tempted once more to take them all at once. He once again stopped himself and send text back."yeah feeling better. Thanks for tonight. Love you." He replied before getting some sleep.
Poseidon was really deep into the kiss. He had never felt like this at all and it was confusing but intriguing at the same time. He didn't care if it was the alcohol making him do this or it was him, he was too into this with Demeter. @luthor
Demeter pullled him ever closer, craving his lips, his body, his touch. Through the stench of chlorine, she could still smell hints of his cologne, mixed with the remnants of gin. Despite this, she just wanted to be close to him, and to reek of him by the end of the night. And this was very likely. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"I know" Zeus stated softly as he turned around facing Hades. "Next time you speak to father tell him to refrain from speaking to me again. Ever" he stated as his eyes almost cut. "Have you seen Aries here? It's very important that he appears here"
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Nick just set by the side of the toilet for a few minutes as he calmed before getting up and washing the sweat of him. He left the bathroom and went back up to his room, falling flat on the bed nearly falling asleep if it wasn't for the text. He sighed before turning over and checking the message. He sighed, a perfect evening ruined because of his bloody pain like it does everything. He looked at his pills tempted once more to take them all at once. He once again stopped himself and send text back."yeah feeling better. Thanks for tonight. Love you." He replied before getting some sleep.
Aphrodite heard her phone go off and she ignored it. Could have answered it, but then she would be tempted to text him back when the probable answer was something a guy would give. She could feel her eyes getting heavy as she wrapped her blankets tighter around her. Aphrodite would rather prefer a man's embrace, but her covers were a close second place. She slowly slipped into a deep sleep. Her dreams filling her mind after her almost perfect evening, but her no one is perfect or anything for that matter. Tonight was probably the most fun she had in a while. She just wished it didn't end.
Nick woke up the next day, slightly hangover to add to his standard pain. What was worse that the bed felt strange, like something was missing was missing, a feeling he had from time to time since his accident or since he broke it of with Aphrodite. The thought made him wonder whether she saw his message since he did hear a message back from her. He sighed as he got up and showered wondering if he messed up again.
Aphrodite woke up the next morning, feeling sore and a touch hungover. She unwrapped herself from her blanket cocoon, grabbing her phone. She drowsily read the text and responded, "morning that's good you're feeling better love you too" After she read over it a few times too make sure it didn't sound too hung over. She got it off bed wobbling a bit chuckling to herself. She finally got to the bathroom and started her shower for the day.
Demeter got up off of the bed, immediately pulling on her clothes,"Well, that was nice. See you around?" She smiled at him as she looked in the mirror, carefully smoothing out her hair and clothes, which were now dry. Delving into her bag, Demeter re-applied her makeup and combed her hair with her fingers. She noticed a bottle of perfume on top of a chest of drawers, and sprayed some on her pressure points to cover up the smell of chlorine. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Nick got dressed and after a dose of his pills, did some of the physiotherapy exercises that were expected of him. Basic exercises mostly involved basic stretches and and moving his leg which was attached to some weights. He eventually saw the text sent by Aphrodite and replied asking whether she would like to do something today.
DippyDash said:
"I know" Zeus stated softly as he turned around facing Hades. "Next time you speak to father tell him to refrain from speaking to me again. Ever" he stated as his eyes almost cut. "Have you seen Aries here? It's very important that he appears here"
"I will and I'll make him do so." Hades thought about father's resentment towards Zeus, his heart was masked in despair and blight but somewhere in his soul, he's trying to reach to Zeus, "Aries? Nope, haven't seen him yet? Maybe he's here already. Come on, cheer up, its your party, and it's your time to shine, am I right?" Hades grinning as he helps Zeus up.
Aphrodite got out of a a very relaxing shower. She read over Nick's text and replied sure what did he have in mind? She took off her towel and walked over to her drawer and put on some underwear and thought about what she was wearing today. She decided on a simple pair of black yoga pants and a wine colored vneck that hit her curves in all the right places. She brushed her hair and put it up in a messy bun. Aphrodite felt like it was a casual kind of day today.

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Poseidon was up putting his clothes up while looking at Demeter with a small smirk. "Sure, I'm usually free anytime except maybe Thursday night." He told her as he used his hand to mess up with his hair more, so that it looked like how his hair is normally. "You free anytime? We could go for date if you want?" He asked her, as he finished putting his shoes on. @luthor
Demeter arched a brow, a low chuckle emanating deep from within her stomach,"A date? My dear, that is not what this little arrangement is." She rolled her stockings back up her legs, clipping the garters on once more. It wasn't that she didn't care for him, but her relationships never really went well. "We could hang out as friends, maybe do this now and again, but I don't do relationships. And keep it quiet, we don't want Nike to find out." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Poseidon rolled his eyes at her. "So if I want to get to know you, what should I call it? If it isn't a date, would it be a get together?" He questioned her. "And who would I tell? I only talk with Zeus but besides him, I'm what others call bipolar." Yep he hated saying that word but what was the best way to describe his mood? Nope no idea. "But yeah, I will keep quiet about it." He said to her. @luthor
Demeter went over to him, rolled up his sleeve, and noted down her number on his arm, before rolling it back down to hide it. "We don't really need to get to know each other formally. We could just chat in study hall or something. Text me if you're looking for a fun time." She grinned, and left the room, by the door this time, returning to the party, which had died down quite a lot. All of the drunkards and druggies had stumbled out already, now that the sun was beginning to rise. Spotting some untouched food on the refreshment table Demeter began to nibble at some. She'd really worked up an appetite.
"Brother if you see Aries bring him to the VIP lounge. He's very important to my plan dear brother" Zeus said to Hades as he exited the elevator. "Make no mistake, though I hate father, you'll always be my closest friend" Zeus told him sincerely with an embrace.
DippyDash said:
"Brother if you see Aries bring him to the VIP lounge. He's very important to my plan dear brother" Zeus said to Hades as he exited the elevator. "Make no mistake, though I hate father, you'll always be my closest friend" Zeus told him sincerely with an embrace.
Hades nodded at his request, "Don't worry little bro, I'll keep an eye out for him." Hades exited as well and turning to Zeus once more to him, "And you'll always be my only brother, that I know is true." Hades smiles and salutes with the two fingers way and walks into the crowd, now looking for both Aries and Antheia. He hoped he had not lost Antheia, especially her.

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