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Realistic or Modern Academy of Olympus

Aphrodite blushed and kissed him back, and quickly. "Oh so I'm actually on the list this time. So we are not gonna have to repeat me having to flash the bouncer to let me in even though I was 'on the list'. what kind of party is it this time? Semi, formal, or casual. I don't want to over dress." She said rambling a bit trying to be nice about it.
Nick watched Aphrodite walk by andate settle in the nearby stairs, look absolutely stunning as always feeling him with a sense of sadness remembering past mistakes. He watched Zues approach her: well of course, he thought shaking his head , two of the schools legendary promiscuous people would go together. However that didn't making him any less angry when he saw them kiss, making him grip his cane tightly willing himself not to react. He needed to get out but his only escape is through them in to the school. He stood and walked towards the stair inside walking to the right of them, and hoping they would get out of view of his good eye as he walked past.
Vaguely, Demeter became aware of some people in the school heading to their lessons, snapping her out of her daze. This year she didn't want to be too late, so rifled through her bag until she found her schedule. Skimming her eyes over it, she sighed- all of the lessons she had were dull today, though almost all of the lessons were dull. Tucking the dandelion behind her ear, Demeter pulled herself to her feet, and began to stroll at a leisurely pace in the vague direction of her first lesson. As she passed Aphrodite and Zeus, a smirk spread across her face; Hera was not going to be happy. Perfect.
Athena had been about to go to her first class when she was asked to escort someone to there next class. That could only mean that someone had fought. Just when she thought that the first day back would've been easy, someone loses their composure. She narrowed her grey eyes towards the door because she had a feeling she knew who it was.

...of course it was Aries. Honestly, it made her wonder why they shared the same last name. He sure didn't act wise. "Hey Aries." She called to him, looking bored and resigned at the same time. "Principal wants me to take you to class. The faster we make this the less we have to deal with each other." She hoped they didn't think it was okay to do this just because she was one of the schools best fighters. That wasn't a relatable topic that would bring them together at all.
Aphrodite saw Nick then looked back at Zeus, "Maybe you can text me the details. I want to head to class and get this day over with. Bye." She kissed his cheek and quickly caught up with Nick. She took Nick by the arm. "Hey you! How's everything? Do you want to come with me to the beach today after lunch and just chill? I miss you." She rambled not meaning to put in that last part. She felt her cheeks go red then she covered her face with her hand and chuckled. "I probably sound like an idiot." She mumbled. Something about Nick that made her almost idiotic and make her cheeks flush.
Nick paused but and looked at Aphrodite for a moment expressionless feeling mixed emotions. He had mixed emotions, part of him was angry at what he saw earlier and despite that she still came to him while on the other hand she was so adorable when she went red like that over him. "Oh no... You never look stupid." He said softly finaly forcing a smile. "Anyways, i would like to but... I wouldnt want to be in the way of anything you are doing with zues." He said more codly than he intended.
Aphrodite was taken back by what Nick said. It kinda made her upset. "Look Nick, what you saw back there it wasn't serious. Do you think I want to be Zeus's play toy? I want serious! You know that it pisses me off when things aren't serious. Also I wouldn't ask you if I had things planned with someone else! I am not that heartless. I care Nick, please." She pleaded kinda feeling tears prick her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see that." She said honestly. Her intentions were to never hurt Nick. Of course he pushed her away, but it didn't mean she resented him. He was going through a lot at the time and she was understanding. She still wanted to be there for him.
"Well, i ..." He went to say before sighing, the look she gave him making him feel like a right bastard for saying what he did. He couldnt help but chuckle, only her can make him do that even if he was in the right about matters. " I am sorry... Still tough seeing you... Well.. Never mind, you and i both know you wont take no for an answer... And i have missed you so sure."
Aphrodite smiled from ear to ear then kissed his cheek. "Thank you thank you thank you! I promise you won't regret it! I'm actually really excited." She said excitedly hugging him. She really missed him a lot. "Its gonna be very therapeutic I promise!" She said letting go she smiled big. "Let's get you to class!" She says taking your arm lightly.
Nick couldnt help but smile to back, her smile, the hug and the fact that she kissed him making forget his trouble for the moment as it always had. "Yes well.. lets go." He said as he began walking with her slowly, his limping evident as supporated himself on the cane." Doing your good deed to an old man it seems the way we are." He commented." well.. old pirate."
Poseidon could be found walking out of his home and toward his car, a blue Dodge charger. For some stupid reason, he had woken up and late and he wasn't sure if the school had even started but right now he didn't care. He got on and started driving toward the school. Normally he would drive the car as if it was a race, but he was too tire and sleepy to even do that, and also he didn't want to be stopped by the police trouble policeman. He finally arrived at the school and parked the car as its normal parking lot, which was at the end of the school parking lot. He got out of the car and took out his book bag, heading toward the school as slow as he could. He wasn't really in the mood to arrive to class fast, but that didn't mean he was in a bad mood, nah he was more neutral right now. He checked his surrounding and saw barely any one that he knew, not even Zeus could be found. He shrugged before heading inside the school. @anyone
Name: Antheia

Location: School hallways

Interaction: Poseidon


Antheia was walking down the stairs from the roof and she made it down to the hallways of the school. Antheia walked down the hallway before she bumped into someone,"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry." Antheia said when she fell down as well as her books. She began to quickly pick up her books,"Sorry, I should have watched where I was going." Antheia told the guy, but never made eye contact with him. She followed her eyes from his shoes to his pants, and then his shirt and then his neck and now finally his face making eye contact with him. She realized it was Poseidon.
Poseidon had been just minding his own business while walking the hallway. And of course while walking he had bumped into someone. When she apologized, he raised an eyebrow because he had never heard that voice before. He bended down and picked up one book before standing back up and holding his hand out so that she would take it and stand up. "You okay?" He asked, keeping his tone neutral. The way she was looking at him, kinda made him realize that she knew who was while he didn't know who she was. Hey, he barely payed attention to the students in the school, always keeping himself talking with Zeus or swimming. @sprouhtt
Name: Antheia

Location: School hallways

Interaction: Poseidon


"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" ANtheia asked him with a concerned looked as she took his hand as support to stand up. WHen she stood up she patted down her skirt which was a bit dirty from falling on the ground. "My name is Antheia," She introduced herself with a warm smile and put her hand out for him to shake.
Poseidon nodded at her, kinda confused by the name but it didn't show on his face. "Yes I am fine, thank you for the concern." He answered as she asked if he was okay. He should be the one asking that but he didn't want to be seen too friendly. "Poseidon." He was always the one to introduce himself so it was kinda confusing when someone else said their name before he could introduce himself. "Pleasure to meet you."he added at the end, shaking her hand before taking his hand back. @sprouhtt
Name: Antheia

Location: School hallways

Interaction: Poseidon


"It's nice to meet you as well Poseidon," Antheia said to him. "You're the god of the sea right?" Antheia asked him but she knew who and what he was. Antheia was the one to know everyone in the school since she liked making new friends. The rumors that were said about him probably weren't true since they said he was such a bipolar person, his expression said nothing but his body language was hard to read as well. Antheia never judged until she actually got to meet and have a conversation with the person. Since all her years people thought she was the one to do marijuana since she spent half of her time around plants, but that wasn't true. She has never sniffed or injected herself with any kinds of toxic drugs, she didn't see the reason why since she was blessed with the life she has now.
Hera smiled. "Of course! What, do you think I'm gonna let you take one of them? Of course not!" She amiled, but then frowned when he left. "Okay." But she didn't move when Zeus left her. She hung back to see where he was really going, and then a look of disgust crossed her face when he just went to see Aphrodite. Of course he left to see her. She huffed, crossing her arms and going back inside. Her friends were already there, waiting for her. "Go to class! You're gonna be late!" She snapped. She acted like she was going to go with them, but she was definitely too riled up to go to class. So she left when her friends were far enough away, and left the school. What a nice way to start the day, seeing your boyfriend kiss another girl and treat her so well.

Persephone smiled as she noticed someone peek his head inside her classroom. Then she paid attention to her teacher. She didn't want to be counted absent because she didn't hear her name called! She smiled when class was over and proceeded to English.
Poseidon looked at her when she asked that before he smirked. "Depends whose asking. Are you asking for the god of the sea or the Earthshaker?" Well that was a stupid thing to say but he didn't like when people said that. He just wanted to be swimming and have a normal school, and not being called that. "Are you gonna be troublesome?" He asked her. Hey, he had to ask that because he didn't want to be bothered by answered some stupid question but he still didn't show any emotion outside his neutral tone. @sprouhtt
Aphrodite chuckled and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Shiver me timbers me hearty." she teased bumping his hip lightly not trying to hurt him. "Who said I wasn't good all the times, you know looks can be deceiving?" she says with a smirk "I'm a good girl... Most of the time." she says picking up her head. Nick was a good influence on her. She felt a lot better around him sure his outer appearance was altered from the accident, but that didn't matter to her. Yeah she was the goddess of beauty and sex, but she's not that shallow to judge. Theres more than just outer beauty. Nick has a lot of inner beauty that outshines his outer. He really misjudged her by thinking she's all about looks.

Name: Antheia

Location: School hallways

Interaction: Poseidon


"Ha! Troublesome? Please, never." Antheia told him. "Can't I just ask you a question," Antheia told him and she shook her head knowing that he seemed annoyed and even looked at her as if she was stupid or anything. "Instead of saying I am troublesome why don't you look at yourself, from all the stories I've heard about you and you dare question me asking if I will be troublesome, please." Antheia said to him as she let out a small sigh and flicked her hair back.
Poseidon smirked at her reaction. Oh this was starting to get good and getting her mad was way too sweet. "Asking a troublesome question when you know the answer, you can guess why I would ask that." Poseidon told her. Hey, if someone knew the question already why should he answer it? He wasn't one to say something if they knew who he was. "I'm not troublesome, I'm moody." Well that was what everyone said, so he just said it whenever someone called him troublesome. @sprouhtt
Name: Antheia

Location: School hallways

Interaction: Poseidon


"Exactly, it's because you're moody which is why you're troublesome. Nobody knows when you're going to erupt in one of your rages," Antheia told him and the hallway plants began to grow a bit due to her excitement in the conversation that she was having with Poseidon. This guy sure liked to argue," I know that I know the answer but just a few moments ago you told me either earthshaker or the sea, now if I went right off the bat in saying God of the Sea you would probably correct me." Antheia told him.
Poseidon eyes twitched as she said that. "Oi I just said it depended on who was asking, I got so many Nicknames that I barely keep count." He told her. "I'm like the ocean, I'm wild and free so it's not my fault I'm Troublesome." He shrugged at that. His personality was always different, even he didn't know when he was gonna be mad mad or mad nice. @sprouhtt
Name: Antheia

Location: School hallways

Interaction: Poseidon


"I can't do this all day, well Poseidon it was nice to meet you." Antheia told him and she knew if she would stay trying to get through to him she would probably go insane. Antheia held tightly to her books and she moved to Poseidon's right and began walking past him with her head held up high and straight.
Zeus walked down the halls spotting Poseidon approaching him with a smile. "Poseidon, it's been too long. You'll be coming to the party tonight I hope?"

Aries walked with Athena, a scowl firmly upon his face. "So why the hell am having to walk with an escort. They scared or something"

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