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Fantasy Academy for the Unique

Dreadfull Mistfull

She ran straight towards her dorm room and goes to unpack her things, closing the door after she entered her dorm. All she had with her was class things, a backpack, mummy wrap, jewerly from when she was alive as the egyptian's princess, and a picture of her with her family though its an old photo. When she was finished, she left the dorm to go check on how Carmine was coming along and who he was going to share his dorm with

Crystal Defane

After packing her backpack up with what she needed along with her twin pistols, she took off her jacket and shirt changing her shirt to a black short sleeved with a skull design on the back of the shirt. She puts back on her jacket, as she puts her other shirt away with the others. She sat on the bed, putting the earphones in her ears and started to listen to music sharpening her pocket knife. She had some tattos on her body, as well one along her arm and one of the tattos could be seen on the back of her right hand.


( On her back)


(On her arms)


(Back of her right hand)
SomaFel said:
A couple moments later, Ronnie walks in. "oh look! A fox! What does the fox say!" He says, looking at carmine. Ronnie then places his suitcase on the bed, and when he opens it, the room suddenly smells like pumpkins.
He growled loudly and angrily.

DemonGirl27 said:
Dreadfull Mistfull
She ran straight towards her dorm room and goes to unpack her things, closing the door after she entered her dorm. All she had with her was class things, a backpack, mummy wrap, jewerly from when she was alive as the egyptian's princess, and a picture of her with her family though its an old photo. When she was finished, she left the dorm to go check on how Carmine was coming along and who he was going to share his dorm with

Crystal Defane

After packing her backpack up with what she needed along with her twin pistols, she took off her jacket and shirt changing her shirt to a black short sleeved with a skull design on the back of the shirt. She puts back on her jacket, as she puts her other shirt away with the others. She sat on the bed, putting the earphones in her ears and started to listen to music sharpening her pocket knife. She had some tattos on her body, as well one along her arm and one of the tattos could be seen on the back of her right hand.


( On her back)


(On her arms)


(Back of her right hand)
He stopped when he saw dreadful. He sat on his pillow wagging his tail before stopping it. "Oh- uh hi dreadfully!" He said shakey as he wagged his tail.
Storm thinks to himself -I think we might get along just fine, she pretends I don't exist and I do the same, then we shall have no problems right?- that's the theory at least

Ronnie looks at the carmine who just growled at him "take it easy! I'm only joking! That's what I do best."then he notices the girl who just showed up Ronnie can't speak, only look. He hasn't seen a girl that pretty before.
Dreadfull Misftull

She smiles joining Carmine's side, "Hi Carmine.." She speaks shyly, smiling joyfully but then sees his roomate and tilts her head. Not sure what to make of him, she then looks back at her first friend and sits down on his bed. Looking at him as a fox, "When will you change back?" she asked placing her head on her hands
DemonGirl27 said:
Dreadfull Misftull
She smiles joining Carmine's side, "Hi Carmine.." She speaks shyly, smiling joyfully but then sees his roomate and tilts her head. Not sure what to make of him, she then looks back at her first friend and sits down on his bed. Looking at him as a fox, "When will you change back?" she asked placing her head on her hands
"I don't know." He said as he changed back and was in a crouched position until he fell over off the bed and got up nervously. "I-i guess n-now." He said getting up and nearvously sat down again rubbing his head. "Ow- I mean. That didn't hurt...ow." He laughed but stopped and looked at the floor
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Crystal Defane

She looks at her roomate with a small deadpan look before putting her pocket knife in the back pocket of her jeans. Crystal then fully looks at him though had a blunt expression, "If you don't mind...I only have one rule. We both act like we don't exist to each other....things will go smoothly. If it doesn't, I don't mind breaking some bones to get my point across."
DemonGirl27 said:
Crystal Defane
She looks at her roomate with a small deadpan look before putting her pocket knife in the back pocket of her jeans. Crystal then fully looks at him though had a blunt expression, "If you don't mind...I only have one rule. We both act like we don't exist to each other....things will go smoothly. If it doesn't, I don't mind breaking some bones to get my point across."
Storm looks at her, smirks a tiny bit and says "you read my mind, very well, you don't exist." Then lays back on his bed.
[QUOTE="Joshua matt]"I don't know." He said as he changed back and was in a crouched position until he fell over off the bed and got up nervously. "I-i guess n-now." He said getting up and nearvously sat down again rubbing his head. "Ow- I mean. That didn't hurt...ow."

She giggles smiling, thinking it was pretty funny before seeing that his roomate was looking at her. Dreadfull blushes darkly from the staring, and hide her face in her long sleeves hiding her red face from being seen. Getting shy quickly
SomaFel said:
Storm looks at her, smirks a tiny bit and says "you read my mind, very well, you don't exist." Then lays back on his bed.
Crystal nods and lays on her bed, listening to music while staring up at the ceiling zoning everything out which helped her calm down gradually. She closes her eyes taking a nap, the music lullying her to sleep. After twenty minutes into the song, she was fast asleep laying on her side facing away from storm.
DemonGirl27 said:
She giggles smiling, thinking it was pretty funny before seeing that his roomate was looking at her. Dreadfull blushes darkly from the staring, and hide her face in her long sleeves hiding her red face from being seen. Getting shy quickly
Ronnie notices that she looks away and looks away too, because he thinks he's making her uncomfortable. And he doesn't want to be seen as a creep for staring
DemonGirl27 said:
She giggles smiling, thinking it was pretty funny before seeing that his roomate was looking at her. Dreadfull blushes darkly from the staring, and hide her face in her long sleeves hiding her red face from being seen. Getting shy quickly
He smiles and looks the other way. "There's no one their, I'm looking over here." He sees the two looking away. Creepy staring over here and. He transformed into a bird. "OHMYGODWHYNOW?" he yelled as he peeped out flapping.
Dreadfull looks up and bursts into a fit of giggles, watching as he got turned into a bird. She pets his head lightly with a wrapped finger before standing up, she then looks at Ronnie and brings a sleeve out to him, since the sleeves are longer than her arm and hands. "I-'m d-re-adfull." She stutters introducing herself to him @Joshua matt @SomaFel
DemonGirl27 said:
Dreadfull looks up and bursts into a fit of giggles, watching as he got turned into a bird. She pets his head lightly with a wrapped finger before standing up, she then looks at Ronnie and brings a sleeve out to him, since the sleeves are longer than her arm and hands. "I-'m d-re-adfull." She stutters introducing herself to him @Joshua matt @SomaFel
Ronnie says shaking her hand "I hardly think so you seem more delightful to me!" He says with a smile.
SomaFel said:
Ronnie says shaking her hand "I hardly think so you seem more delightful to me!" He says with a smile.
He laughed slightly and saw the two. He changed back quickly and got up stretching. "I feel like being a hedgehog..... I'm a hedgehog!" He said as he transformed. He looked at them and runned to the end of the bed. "Sup."
She lets out a small smile, giggling to what he said "Th-at's my name....." she stutters a bit, feeling a bit more comfortable around him. Dreadfull then looks at the two, "W-e sh-ould all be fr-iends!" She suddenly stutter out, bringing her arms up joyfully the tips of her sleezes dangling off seeing as her arms and hands are hiding
DemonGirl27 said:
She lets out a small smile, giggling to what he said "Th-at's my name....." she stutters a bit, feeling a bit more comfortable around him. Dreadfull then looks at the two, "W-e sh-ould all be fr-iends!" She suddenly stutter out, bringing her arms up joyfully the tips of her sleezes dangling off seeing as her arms and hands are hiding
"I agree." He said leaping up and landed on his side. "Now I am sharp...nevermind." He said flailing his legs around as he giggles loudly. "I'm....um I'm stuck..." He said suddenly nearvous.
DemonGirl27 said:
She lets out a small smile, giggling to what he said "Th-at's my name....." she stutters a bit, feeling a bit more comfortable around him. Dreadfull then looks at the two, "W-e sh-ould all be fr-iends!" She suddenly stutter out, bringing her arms up joyfully the tips of her sleezes dangling off seeing as her arms and hands are hiding
Ronnie says " that sounds like a fantastic plan! I like friends, my name is Ronnie Rick Road by the way. You can call me Ronnie though." With a smile. Ronnie stands up, adjusts his scarf, and says"would anybody like a scarf? I've got quite a few..."
Dreadfull quickly helps Carmine before looking at Ronnie, "Nice to meet you Ronnie." She replies to him. When she heard them agree, she jumps up and down childishly with a joyfull expression. Her hood falling back, off her head. Dreadfull looks at them, not noticing her hood was down "What are you two going to wear for the dance?"
DemonGirl27 said:
Dreadfull quickly helps Carmine before looking at Ronnie, "Nice to meet you Ronnie." She replies to him. When she heard them agree, she jumps up and down childishly with a joyfull expression. Her hood falling back, off her head. Dreadfull looks at them, not noticing her hood was down "What are you two going to wear for the dance?"
" I don't know...I'll be a horse....nah, just kidding I'll be dressed in a red and black tux." He said rolling around and squeeling before stopping looking at her. He smiled before shaking his head. "I like red, red is my favourite color." He said falling of the side of the bed with a loud and tiny thump as he lay still.
DemonGirl27 said:
Dreadfull quickly helps Carmine before looking at Ronnie, "Nice to meet you Ronnie." She replies to him. When she heard them agree, she jumps up and down childishly with a joyfull expression. Her hood falling back, off her head. Dreadfull looks at them, not noticing her hood was down "What are you two going to wear for the dance?"
Ronnie shows you the top part of the suit, " to be wearing this for the dance, I love this suit!" <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8ce320d3_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images(16).jpg.ff1dcaf5ba8feece2306f7fa53674670.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8ce320d3_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_images(16).jpg.ff1dcaf5ba8feece2306f7fa53674670.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_images(16).jpg
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    6.2 KB · Views: 14
( DOCTOR WHO *squeals and dies*)

Dreadfull smiles delighted, "That looks so amazing!" She says in awe, smiling happily flailing her arms a bit. When she calms down, she sits on the ground and leans back against the bed. "My outfit is going to be a mystery...but you guys will soon see." She grins happily, giggling with excitement
DemonGirl27 said:
( DOCTOR WHO *squeals and dies*)
Dreadfull smiles delighted, "That looks so amazing!" She says in awe, smiling happily flailing her arms a bit. When she calms down, she sits on the ground and leans back against the bed. "My outfit is going to be a mystery...but you guys will soon see." She grins happily, giggling with excitement
(Doctor who, he's one of my favorites.

He got up and crawled up the side of the bed and sat. He changed back and got up. "Nice suit, I like my red and black." He said as he calmed down and thought. "Do you like phiynxs? The hairless cats?" He asked dreadful.
Dreadfull looks at him, "Well I use to....when I was alive at least..." She replies, pulling her knees up to her chest hugging her knees. She places her head on top of her knees
DemonGirl27 said:
Dreadfull looks at him, "Well I use to....when I was alive at least..." She replies, pulling her knees up to her chest hugging her knees. She places her head on top of her knees
"O-oh, I'm sorry." He said looking at the ground embarrassed. "I usually hate dances but I'll go." He said laughing nearvously.

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