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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((Side note to everyone who's new here. Don't make sense of it. Just go with it. You won't understand it.))
(You got smacked in the face by a giant censor bar. don't ask what it was covering. Don't ask how it is not a separate entity. Don't ask anything.)
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Nightmare stood in the middle of a hallway deep in thought while mist sat on her shoulder staring out the window watching the birds closely. "I'll get you someday birds...I.Wil.Get.You." Mist started to whisper to herslef about the gettng to birds someday but nightmare wasn't listening she was to deep in thought.
(Zoe, Zac and Ashton are outside while Adelain is praying that his intestines don't get ripped from his throat and then rubbed into Zac's face while Zoe does a little dance and Writer just stares... Stares)
Writer turned away from Ncik and hid her face under her pillow.

"Great to see ya again Nick," she said sarcastically, grabbing her dress and running to the bathroom without looking at Nick.

She got dressed and needless to say, grabbed her shoes, ran out of the dorm, and left Adelain in the dorm to perish. Once she was far enough away from the dorm... And Nick. She sat down and put on her sandals. The female, once again scared for her poor little life, ran to catch up with one of her friends. The first people she just-so-happened to catch up with first was Zac and Zoe.

"He's back!" She screeched, covering her eyes as if it'd make the image go away.


Ashton was off doing whatever the fuck he was doing to get the party and ish situated.

@im too lazy to tag you fuckerz
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Nick whistled as he strolled over to his dresser and popped it open, reaching inside and grabbing some basics, a shirt, basketball shorts, and socks. He looked down at the giant censor bar and shrugged, taking hold of it and removing it from his person and setting it aside as he pulled his basketball shorts up. "They don't chafe." He said looking back at the other man in the room before slipping his shirt on and grabbing the giant censor bar from the bed, whistling as he walked out of the room, using the bar as a cane. "Fuck ya'll. I do what I damn well please."
Adelain rubbed his jaw softly before watching as Writer ran off. "Fuck this I'm done" He muttered, standing, walking over to Nick, snatching the censor bar from him and then slapping him with it. He then turned and walked off, flipping him off as he quickly picked up his pace to at least catch up to someone who wouldn't gu- OH FUCK THE OTHER BOY ! Adelain slumped slightly before forcing himself to catch up with them. "Why do I feel like I would've been better off being beaten to death by Silas ?" He said to himself before catching up to the back of the group and walking slowly, keeping a distance between him and Zac.

@AkwardWriter @FrankieLynn
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As the censor bar sails towards Nick he handstands and moves his groin right in position to where the censor bar will land as it sticks to his groin. He corrects himself as he looks down, the censor bar finding its rightful home as he tries to pry it off again and it comes off with a snap as he tries to hide whatever may have happened whenever Zoe hugged him while he was naked. He shrugged, he was mostly fine. It's nothing people, namely Zac, hadn't seen before. It was like whenever you had to shower with someone else you found just attractive enough to make it super awkward whenever you meet them again. He looked around and thought to himself, 'Now who could I fuck with. There's a lot of fresh meat around here. I bet Annie would have no idea how to react. I'm pretty sure I fucked her thought process up whenever I broke the fourth wall. That always gets the rookies. Add in nudity and you have yourself a recipe for someone blushing or completely losing it.' He nodded to himself as he stepped out of the room, holding the censor bar, accepting all the awkward stares from other students with pride.
(Byebye writer)

Nightmare stopped standing in the hallway and starting walking down the hallway eventually ended up outside with her usually emotionless face. "Nightmare...Nightmare." Mist tried to the attention of her owner but failed for nightmare was still walking outside and deep in thought with her emotionless face.
(Byebye frankie and i need to fix my post before....No i'll make a new one actually)

Nightmare let out a yelp of surprise when she was tackled into a group hug while mist let out small chuckles. "Z-zoe!! Wa-wait what!!"
Writer gave Zac an apologetic look. Her hand made it's way to his, lacing her fingers between his.

"I just needed Adelain to help me pick an outfit. I didn't ask you because I thought you would've rather cuddled than help pick out an outfit, Zoe would have picked an outfit she liked resulting in me letting her wear it, and Ashton has to get us the classroom and stuff.... I know, you're jealous, and you haven't seen me in like forever, but I'm not going to suddenly have fallen in love with someone I met a few days ago when I already have my life with you planned out it in my mind like a crazy fairytale," she stood on her tippy toes and pecked him on the lips. "Oh and Nick is back, I mean if you hadn't noticed," she teased resting her head on his arm.

She noticed Adelain catch up to them, but he stayed in the back slightly. She waved him up to her and Zac and smiled.

"You two will talk, not hurt or threaten each other, you will talk," Writer's voice was serious as she let go of Zac's hand and skipped away to find Ash and help out.

After a few minutes of looking she found him in the classroom.


Ashton spread out a ton of things for Writer to decorate the room with, and placed them on the desk. When his sister walked in, he saw her face light up like a Christmas tree. He pushed the last desk to the back of the room and smiled at the now open space.

"Do you think you can handle it from here?" He questioned and she gave him a nod.


Writer watched as her brother walked out and noticed a speaker that he had brought, and the audio cord. There was no way she wasn't going to be in charge of the music that'd eventually get drowned out over everyone's talking. She plugged her phone in and put her playlist on shuffle, listening to what ever song came on and began decorating.

@FrankieLynn @The Jackal
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By now Silas had broken free from the large web his brother had placed over him and was now wandering the school aimlessly, he knew that Zac and Zoe were back but as of current he'd prefer to have a mile of distance between him and Zoe... Or Zac if she had 'told on him'. He eventually resorted to pulling out his phone and texting Writer.

Text Msgs:

Silas: Hey, where are you ?

Silas: Also on a side note, where is Adelain ? C:<

Text End:


Adelain glanced over at Writer and sped up slightly as she ushered him over, listening to her as she explained why he was picked instead of this Zac fellow. First he was digging his grave now signing his will. He glanced up at Zac in shock as Writer told them to talk, slowly glancing around for any shadow spots that he could retreat to if necessary. "Uh... Yeah, Adelain" He replied, a scowl underneath his hood.

@FrankieLynn @AkwardWriter
(Aw man....Alright be careful writer @AkwardWriter )


Nightmare let out a small chuckle at the sight of mist purring in zoe's arms enjoying the attention she always got from her. "Thank you for the complaint dear and i don't really care if you put me in a stroller just as you don't dressing me up." A smile slipped onto nightmare's face while she let out another chuckle. "Glad to have you back zoe...I was kinda worried." Nightmare's face started to go emotionless again while she slipped back into her thoughts again. "Oh no she's doing it again...Zoe be a dear and her stop her please."

"Huh!! What!!" Mist lets out a long sigh while nightmare looks around but stops when she spots zoe. "Oh zoe....What's wrong." Nightmare being completely oblivious about what happened just now while mist stared at nightmare with concerned eyes. "Thank you zoe...She's been doing this for awhile now so please do help me keep an eye on her." Nightmare stared at mist but shrugged her shoulders and moved her gaze to zoe again. "Anyway do you need something zoe?"

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