Abandoning Roleplays :/ (solved)


Dungeoneering Goddess
I used to be a very dedicated roleplayer, I mean I NEVER abandoned roleplays and I worked really hard to try to not let them die, to keep the plots interesting and my posts lengthy....

And lately I really WANT to roleplay but I find myself starting to abandon roleplays in these last few months. I mean yeah Im in school and work and for a while i was dealing with a failing relationship after 3 years (which is over now so that gave me some of my time back), but I dunno if its that I get too busy and forget, or if I keep loosing interest, or that I have a lot of old plots that I DESPERATELY want to do but either no one is interested, or when we DO start one THEY abandon it. Which I'm getting really tired of. I dunno I was just wondering if anyone had any advice about what I could do to stop myself from dropping roleplays like hot potatoes. :/ anything will help. Thanks!
When I came back onto the site in March of 2014 I did the same thing. I found myself dropping roleplays either because of time constraints or enjoyment.

What I have learned is that I need to focus on one thing at a time. Currently, I have two one on one roleplays and I am in the process of joining a group roleplay. For the past few weeks I have been dedicated to keeping up with my one on ones and doing whatever I can to help the group roleplay onto its feet. It may not be for another few weeks until the group roleplay actually begins. This is on top of my desire to create or join another roleplay, but I know for a fact that if I start hunting down new roleplay partners, it'll end in a disaster. I have to be able to dedicate myself to one roleplay at a time. Once the new group roleplay does begin, I still will refrain myself from beginning my search until I know how the new addition affects the rate of my replies.

Again, this is what I have learned from experience. Your situation may be completely different from mine. You just need to experiment and see what works best for you. If joining a multitude of roleplays doesn't work because you continue to drop them, then there's something in your methods that may need a little tweaking. Do not feel discouraged. We all have a real world life to keep up with. The balance between an internet life and a real life can be a hard act to keep. :)
The key is to limit how many roleplays you do so you don't find yourself with too much on your plate. It can otherwise be stressful juggling it all.

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Musician said:
When I came back onto the site in March of 2014 I did the same thing. I found myself dropping roleplays either because of time constraints or enjoyment.
What I have learned is that I need to focus on one thing at a time. Currently, I have two one on one roleplays and I am in the process of joining a group roleplay. For the past few weeks I have been dedicated to keeping up with my one on ones and doing whatever I can to help the group roleplay onto its feet. It may not be for another few weeks until the group roleplay actually begins. This is on top of my desire to create or join another roleplay, but I know for a fact that if I start hunting down new roleplay partners, it'll end in a disaster. I have to be able to dedicate myself to one roleplay at a time. Once the new group roleplay does begin, I still will refrain myself from beginning my search until I know how the new addition affects the rate of my replies.

Again, this is what I have learned from experience. Your situation may be completely different from mine. You just need to experiment and see what works best for you. If joining a multitude of roleplays doesn't work because you continue to drop them, then there's something in your methods that may need a little tweaking. Do not feel discouraged. We all have a real world life to keep up with. The balance between an internet life and a real life can be a hard act to keep. :)
Thanks so much! Reading that really helped! I was kind of feeling like I might be the only one to have this problem (I knew I wasn't I just felt that way) but I feel a lot better now!

I had already taken on a few new one on one roleplays so Im just taking them nice and slow, not pressuring myself to reply to every one every night (especially not with my anime convention coming up) and I also contacted the people I accidentally dropped and am trying to complete a few old roleplays as well, Im hoping getting some closure on old roleplays will help me accept new ones better. :)

One of the problems I found was that every time I started a new one I started thinking about an old roleplay and wanted to finish it more than I wanted to continue on a new one. So I'm trying to get over that right now as well as just taking it slow with the new one. :)

Anyways thanks so much! :D I really appreciate your response!
As has been said, limit the amount on your plate. Very easy to lose interest in one idea if you have countless others all pulling on you.

Secondly, find the one(s) you are absolutely certain you want to be doing. Ones that grip you entirely. Do those first. From there, if you find a groove and crave a little more, add something small ontop, and let that grow as well.

That can help in your own. Others losing interest is always a possibility though. don't get disheartened, they may have been overloaded as well.
Choose your palette carefully. In my experience nothing kills the buzz like players with bland sentence posting. When joining an rp, look not only at the description of the game but also the other players/characters. Sometimes it doesn't matter how badass the plot is if the players are wishy washy or dull. Rping is like a dance, if your partner isn't as passionate as you, the dance looks like a psychopath swaying with a corpse that is endlessly repeating their last words.
An an inspiring writer myself. Sitting down and actually finishing a story I started months ago is always a struggle. For me, story's are a thing of passion that doesn't last forever. I'll usually lose interest or come up with something better if I lose my train of thought. My motivation for continued writing with loss of interest would be the element of surprise; people will come of with genius reply's sometimes that can re kindle your interest! But most importantly, just keep everything you read close to heart. I've learned so much from RP'ing, and the feeling of actually completing one is almost 100 times better than finishing a book.

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