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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Yuna would slowli wake up and would be dizzy and weak because of the fight,as she would raise her head slightly and notice she was coverd bi a blanket and aswell dint have clothe,as she would blick a few times as she could not see well her vision still Blurry
Kasmir looked back at the girl as he was drying up, he had put his gear back on, aside from the coat which covered the girls..

Oi, you alive over there?
Yuna would hear thet voice and her eyes open wide,as she would look towards the man,as she would see her cloath haging,as she would then look too her side and see Her Partner,as she would blush slightli and would say "Can i have mi Cloath back damit"she says angry tone
Ayana was sleeping soundly beneath the heated cloak. Just a while before she was a sharp fanged animal, but now- one couldn't tell her apart from any other human. Despite the voices near her- the girl didn't seem to want to move from under the cloak.
Yea, when they dry, can't be havin ya gettin sick cause you were to shy to stay warm and dry..

He said as he stretched and yawned..
Yuna would growl slightli as she would be under the blanket as it was worm and Cosy but dint understand why did he not kill them?...So many question went too her minde,as she would say "Why are you helping us wen you could have kill us"
Dawn frowned and got up shifting back into a half blood and she sat back in the chair
Skylar sighed when she woke up. She didn't know what time it was since she didn't have a clock and her blinds were closed. She got up and put on dark skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, her combat boots, her black fingerless gloves, her leather jacket, and a black Beeni.(sp?) She walked out of the house and smiled when she saw it was snowing.
(@Yonsisac, @Skylar Black. It's beanie.)

Kasmir looked at the Monster girl and simply replied with.

Although I have the powers and the strengths to kill, I will not, more like, I cannot.

He said softly. The Fox girl seemed quite out of it... (@Ayana)

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Ayana would only look at him with a face of none trust,as she would take a deep breath and say "So you are saying you dont have the guts too kill"she says as he would stay under the warm Blanket

"Hey Sky!"yang says as he was on the roof of the house as he would say then "Its snowing!....I have never seen snow!"he says exitedly as he looks up and sees flakes fall down as he has never seen snow
"Hey Tony!"he says as he would Jump down from the room and land.....But...Sink in the snow,as he would get up but his feet sink back in the snow as he would see Tony or Sky sink down,well his feet were very thin so that explains it"well this is going too be anoying"
(Isac, you said Ayana instead of Yuna, Ayana is asleep...)

No, that's not what I'm saying, just earlier this week I killed a Beast that was attacking a human, it's that I feel sympathetical pain when I kill...

He said quietly...


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(Damit i hate wne i get confused sorry)

Yuna would look at the man confused as that was pathetic for her,as she would say "so you are a pasifist in short"

Yang would be hit in the face as he would clean himself ith his scarf and laugh as he would make a snowbal and throw it at her

Yang eyes open wide as he would see the snowball heding too his mask,as he would try too block but the snow is heavy,as he would get Hit Right in the mask,....as.....as it gose Flying of him,as he would fall down and chake his head geting all the snow of his face,as he would whimper "Sky......"
Skylar froze, staring at Yang without the mask on. It had been an accident.

(Can you post a pic of what he looks like without the mask?)
Hmm, no to that too. Best example to give would be... I've killed hundreds of millions of enemies in my lifetime, and I'm not to excited to kill many more, that and my mind and body aren't as strong as they used to be.. Now, though I call you monsters, I was far far worse way back when, I do apologize, but in this world here, you actually have a choice whether to fight or not, back then, it was you against the world, we can peacefully live in this place, without needless killings, and wretched battles that destroy our precious land. And yet, because these races want to become gods, they will do anything to do it, even kill anything and everything in this world, but let me tell you this.. Gods. Don't. Bleed.

He said in a deep and husky voice, his voice booming out, as if spoken thru an airhorn...

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Yang would amidiatly turn around and trow a snowbal at her face as he would laugh and start running "Hahahaha i trick you!"he says as he would get a nother snowbal and throw it at her


Yuna eyes open slightli wide as he would hear him....still she was the enemy and as still willing too kill but this man....had a point,as she would say "
Firts time i hear those words from sombody"she says still under the blanket as she would then say"May i have mi clothe"
Skylar laughed and ran after him. She smirked and tackled him into the snow. She laughed and looked into his deep purple eyes. "You're amazing, why wear the mask?" She whispered before she could stop herself.
Kasmir looked at the clothes, checking them, He noticed they were still damp.

Give it a few more minutes.

He said quietly.

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Yang would laugh as they were having fun,as he would hear her say he is amazing,as he would be smiling as he would answer "Hiding ourselfs from the humans and aswell our mask....well"he says as he would not move his scarf anymore...yep there mask is there sours of energy for there scarfs

(Achivement unlock:...One masker down one too go)

Yuna would sigh and grumpel a little,as she would lay down and would stay under the blanket,as she ould tunr around and see Ayana steel asleep,as she would sigh

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