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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The Ouroboro's constricting body was no longer crushing her body, instead a pair of calm arms lifted her away. The girl fluttered her eyes, trying to start another blaze- but the cool sensation of water surrounded her, hindering any of her fire power. She glanced at the stained foggy red water as he washed away the blood. "Why.....stab your enemy...without finishing her off. I find that foolish." Ayana stated in response, half awake.
Aura shifted back and huffed indignantly. "Hmph, serves her right." She said as she regenerated. "And for the record, I did not eat my tail, I was scratching it. With my fangs, not my fault that humans are stupid."
I do not like to kill, to main a target Is one thing... To kill, Is another, I'm not a murderer, I will hunt, If necessary I will kill for food... However.. There Is no reason to kill something If you're not going to eat It..

He said, cleaning her wounds, being careful and cautious to not touch In certain areas...
Skylar Blackwell painted heavily, the gash wound on her side bleeding heavily. She was dying of blood loss and she knew it. She stumbled and fell to the ground. She laid motionless, unable to find the strength to get up and continue.
The foxed grinned mischievously at his careful touch "Ah your hands feel wonderful~~Are you sure you don't want to eat me? " she said in a teasing tone, stretching out her body in the water as if she were enjoying the situation a little too much. "Just let me be. I'm just after the rats of this land...it's like killing roaches, one just gets rid of them if their population becomes a nuisance." her sharp gaze glanced towards the voice of the little girl.
No thanks miss, I'm not Into children... No offense.. Besides, so far, these are the only kids who've yet to try to kill me after meeting me for 2 seconds... Anyways.. Why Is a myth like yourself trying to kill her own kind? And don't tell me because they're rats, cause If you put It that way, then you'd better off yourself now.

He said, scratching his hair, It was gettin itchy.. He needed to let It down..
(They're In a cave that Kasmir found, now, yer character should go find Nihilim and Yang and them.. So we're not all stationed together In one bit, spread us out a bit.)
She approached the man and woman in water. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill her." She said as she held up both Eternal Chaos Maws, ready to strike at the first hint of hostility.

Skylar groaned and stood back up, leaning against a tree. 'No. I have to keep going. I have to find him.' She began walking, shaking, her hand over her gash wound in a fetal attempt to stop the bleeding.
"A child, with this body? What a baldfaced lie." She quickly got out of the water after the blood had washed away, hands covering the healing wound in her stomach. shivering a bit as she flicked her wrists to try to get as much of the stuff off her as possible. "I'm NOT one of these wretched smelling mongrels. Don't compare me to them. I'm a fox. " Ayana shifted her tails out to cuddle them close to her body, she picked at the radio by her ear to make sure that it was still working. "Just look at it, it's not even remotely tame. " a low growl escaped her lips as she watched the girl near.
He grabbed the radio In a split second, throwing It against the wall, watchin as It crushed against the wall of the cave.. He looked between the two girls..

One's a Vixen, and another Is a Lamia.. This Is really a strange place to be.. And It appears you are both children, you've yet to learn to control your emotions, though, coming from me... I should go.. Try not to kill each other..

He says, pulling his hair out, to let It pool down his back, he pats the girls shoulder as he leaves the cave, grabbing his sword, as he started to walk away..
The fox's eyes blinked as the radio disappeared from her fingertips, shooting a dangerous glare at the white haired man. Before her could walk much further, her long claws shifted, slashing across his long hair hanging down his back, scraping loudly against his armor. "Stop calling me a child. Don't treat me like some menial bug that can be ignored so easily." Ayana hissed "AND WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!? DO YOU WANT TO PICK FIGHT WITH MEH?"
Kasmir glared back at her, his dragonic eyes boring Into her soul...

I call you a child because you're a meaningless pup, you dare attack someone when their back Is turned?! If I was a murderer, I'd rip you apart, piece by piece, and feed you to the beasts of this planet... And I did that so they wouldn't find us, you can always go back, unless, you can't find your way back, I guess foxes aren't that smart after all~

He said, angry at what she Just did...
"I'll show you what a beast really looks like..." Ayana bared her teeth, tails bristling nervously as she saw his glaring eyes... she puffed up, putting her palms in front of her body against his chest "FOX FI-- eh..?" with an irritated puff, a small stream of white smoke emitted from her hands. Nothing like the blazing rage from before. Her hands were still damp, trying to wipe them off on the slick clothing fitting well onto her body. "You plan on trapping me here you fappy bastard??? I can find my way back...that was just an ass move you know.." the fox stared at the chunk of white hair on the floor, seeming a bit proud she had taken off so much.
You seem proud that the only damage you've done to me, Is cleaving a bit of my hair, eh? How sad, go home child, this Is not your home.

He said quietly.. Keeping up with the name calling..
Her ears perked up angrily, with a swift foot raised she kicked him square in the stomach with the force of a ramming mountain goat "QUIT YOUR DAMN MOCKING UNLESS YOU WANT TO GO BALD." the golden haired girl threatened, she wasn't going to let him insult her cleanly cut piece of work "MY NAME IS AYANA INARI. NOT CHILD." she made sure to accentuate the child part. "You shouldn't be telling me where my home is, you're a stranger here as well."
Then when meeting someone, remember to tell them their name, otherwise they'll call you names. Besides, even If you wanted to, you wouldn't be able to make me go bald. Anyways, Ayana. I can tell specifically that this Isn't your home, otherwise you wouldn't destroy It.

He said, his hair growing back, strangely enough.. He turned his back once more, and began to walk away.
(last post for the night)

Ayana paused for a moment, noting his observation. It was true, if it were her home she would tend to each and every detail residing there. Eve at her abandoned shrine she plucked the grass, dusted, repolished the building, and even organized ever prayer when all the monks and worshippers abandoned the place. "I was just doing some necessary weeding, can't you see it's a jungle out there!" She scoffed, covering her obvious lie. "Jeez you sound like a shrine maiden. Giving information without using it yourself. Now tell me your name before I have to call you names." Ayana barked demandingly.
Tony was hiding behind a tree, knowing he'd be absolutely helpless in this fight. He was stood, though his twisted leg was shaking, and he turned to leave, switching into his wolf-dragon form and limping off, bumping into a injured girl @Skylar Black
My name Is Kasmir Zorealian, I'm one of the remaining Legends that stalk this planet, there are quite a few of us, however, some are war mongers, and others are peace loving kits, almost like me... If you want, you can follow me, to one day get revenge, or you can go back home. However, I'd suggest you left here quickly, It appears there's another coming here, one that wouldn't bat an eye to kill you...

He said, walking deeper Into the darkness.. (Farther away from 'The Place')
Aura, decided that the two, probably younger by several millennium, people were going to resolve their issues. She decided to follow the other boy just to keep him out of trouble.

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