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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He stepped forward and handed her some fish..

Oi, you two, come Inside the cave and eat up. It's no longer safe out here..

He said, as he looked Into the sky..
The feral woman enjoyed the blazing heat of the blue fire, unaffected by it herself. She enjoyed the sounds of popping wood and cracking branches, she enjoyed watching everything burn, it was a pleasure to see the creatures within the forest fear her power. Young deer, does, birds, raccoons, all scurried quickly out of their homes and burrows as the fire swallowed it all whole. Nothing seemed to escape from the blaze- well except for her fellow foxes of course. Ayana whipped her tails around as the tendrils of her flames curled up around a fallen fawn "COME OUT COME OUT MY DEAR MYTHS~" She called with a calm tone, making sure her voice was heard. "If you don't want your pathetic land to burn away- come ask me yourself~ Maybe I'll stop."
Kasmir shouted over the flare and screamings of the animals...

First of all. I'm not from here! And another thing, I wouldn't care less If ye did anything to this place!
Ayana smiled at the male voice"That's perfectly fine with me." she grinned as azure flames burst from her body, letting the fire run amok. The fox didn't care about anything other than Myths to kill, but anything or anyone who dare block her way will surely get scorched. Blue whippets of fire crawled up nearby rocks using vines as bridges and pathways to eat away at new areas. It felt good to be free of the training programs and restrictions of the human army, they never seemed to let the girl loose unless in war- for a good reason. She doesn't stop.
(Got church.) Though, if you attack me or these kids, I can't guarantee your safety! He yells out, not wanting anyone to die.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Ayana gave a lazy yawn above his words, unable to see him through the thickness of the black,burning brambles. "What? Did you say something? What kids?" she asked, raising and eyebrow, trying to sniff the air. She didn't smell any humans when she came into the area, but she couldn't decipher anything now that the scent of burnt foliage and fur filled the air.
Kasmir picked up a very large and flat stone, throwing it towards the trees, slicing them down, one by one, as the rock landed next to the strange beast, as the trees fell over, Kasmir sighed, over exerting himself.... These kids..

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
As the trees fell, she watched the white haired man come into view, with a black haired boy and a green eyed girl next to him. "Ah...I'm not a big fan of children....but just look at them, so cute I can just eat them up~" Ayana grinned, smelling the air the falling trees had whipped around. Bright bursts of blue embers erupted from between the wood cracks and branches. "With that strength...You certainly ain't a human...are you these tykes papa?" the nine tailed fox asked, treading closer to them as blue fire spurred up from her tracks, scorching the ground with a blue glow.
If what you're asking, is that if I'm a myth, then the answer would be no, I'm not. But in this situation, I might as well be...

He said, glaring at the strange girl...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
She chuckled with a high peaked laugh, "Ah what sharp eyes, what a handsome man~ If you're not their father...I'll gladly take them off your hands. I'm quite good at taking care of Myths." Ayana held out a clawed hand, gesturing for him to push them towards her.
I'm not sending them to their doom, if you want them, come an get em...

He said tauntingly...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Aura's eyes glinted. "No fighting." She suddenly said, putting herself in between her and and the man who gave her fish which she devoured.
"You dare refuse me?" Ayana curled her tails in amusement, welcoming the invitation with an extreme smile. A rush of blue fire leaked from behind her lips, glowing from between her teeth. Sharp iridescent eyes glanced towards the green haired girl in between them, a quick hand snatching the front of her shirt. "How cute."
Kasmir walked up to the two and bitch slapped the strange beast girl.

Don't touch her.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Ayana's bright eyes widened, the slap didn't hurt. But it certainly left a mark. She shoved the girl to the side as her sharp eyes locked onto the man, tails bristling as the ground beneath her feet began to smolder. One way to piss off a thousand year old fox- bitch slapping it. Her golden tails began to bristle in rage as heated claws lunged at his body, an eruption of fire escaping from her lips.
The armor bout literally ignored her attack, as he threw her to the ground, flames burning his shoulder, he only ignored it, as it didn't hurt, but seemed more like a bee. . . . Didn't I tell you not to attack these kids?! He questions her...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.

Yang and Nilin

As Nilin walks beside his father eating Jellybeans along the way and Nilin hearing his Son talk alot about:Games,Pets,somthing about flowers "...and wen i was walking down the path i see a Bird..Odly it had a Orage Belly and the rest black,You know what is calld Dad?"he says as he would have Jellybeans on his scraf and slowli put him in his mouth and Chew them as Nilin says "No i dont know the name of that bird eather....How many birds ahev you sees?..And wha-.."he says as he stops talking and his stands still as his spike like feet sink slowli in the ground and would look back and Yang aswell stops and says "Whats wrong?....see that bird!?" he says exited and start too look around for the bird but sees nothing,as Nilin would focus a little and sees small bids of white smoke emerging from the forrest and looks up through the leaves and sees smoke rising,as he would tilt his head and say too Yang "Hmmm...You continue im going too check somthing...stupid humans might be Deforresting the place"he says as Yang would nod and would run towards deep in the forrest and ending up Infront of the main Entrace of "The Place" and would say too her sis Mentaly Im baaaaaack!...Hope you are home he says mentaly as Yin replies Yes im home....now im reading ok so im busy she says and Yang would walk in,as Nilin makes his way towards the smoke as his scarfs go with the wing looking like mini capes
The girl nimbly rolled across the ground, large tails curled around her body as she landed to cushion the shortfall, quickly back on her feet bright blue flames appear from the tip of each one. "I don't give a damn at what you say." Ayana hissed, clearly displeased to a high extent. Heat radiated from her body, grasses and flowers catching fire from just being too near her skin. The nine-tailed fox shot a series of fiery orbs of fire not at the man, but at the young girl. Her intent was evident.
Aura was shoved aside. She felt angry at the girl...How dare her...HOW DARE HER...then she she launched fire at her. A field of disruption encompassed the area. "I am Ouroboros." She said with an ethereal voice. Eternal Chaos Maw materialized on her hands. She charged and punched the, to her, much younger creature.
Kasmir grabbed at the flames, as they burned put into his skin as he stabbed the beast girl with a stake, intentionally missing her organs.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
As the two attacked, the girl's hands began shifting into long clawed paws as she slashed, and the mouth that was spitting curses soon shifted into a slender, fanged jaw. Bright gold fur began piecing through every inch of her skin, blind rage over taking the pain being inflicted. "Tail eater." she spat at the girl, fire appearing on random part of her foxish body, blood welling up around the stake and staining her light underbelly. The girl was now a pissed off, giant fox, huge teeth clenching around the man's armor in an attempt to crush his body.
Though he was starting to feel pain, he flexed his arm, making an explosion in the air, knocking the beast girl away as he used the stake once more to carve into one of her arms, though, it was rather useless, seemingly as she would just regenerate nearly instantly...

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
"I. DO. NOT. EAT. MY. TAIL." She seethed and shifted into her Myth form. She coiled around the fox in an attempt to crush her. The disruption field doing its job of making sure that the fire doesn't work as it should.
"Tail eater...tail...eater...." The nine-tailed fox continued to spit and hiss at the two, fur bristling like a forest of spikes. The tight hold of the snake's body around her body began to quiet her breathing, calming her struggling as her fangs sunk weakly into on of her scaly sides. Blood from the fox's stomach and arms smeared against the snake and her light gold fur, unable to move as her fore legs her pressed against her chest. Ayana began shifting back into her human form as she passed out in the Ouroboro's grip.

@Metaphysics @AzelFang
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Kasmir leaped over the giant snake, prying the girl loose, and pulling her close to him, still not wanting anyone to actually die, he takes her Inside and lays her In a pool of water, as he begins to clean her off...

You kids nowadays are fools.. All you think of Is fighting and killing, you show your anger and hatred to anything and anyone, and expect them to cower In fear? Pitiful child.

He says as he cleans the beast girl.. @Nekoni

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