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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

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  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Ello there lil miss Terra, I'm Kasmir, though If you wish, you can call me Kaz. Oi, kid, what's yours?

He asks the boy, politely?

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
As I've said before, I'm here to rest, not sure bout her though.

He said quietly.

Once A Derp. Always A Derp.
Yang would look at sky and think for a moment and say "Yea he would be glad too meat you!....But i think he is in the Forbidin area som i will go get him"he says as he would get up from the chair and would clean his Robe with his scarf and would start too walk down a hallway
'Forbidden huh? Sounds like my playground.' Skylar smirked at the thought and followed Yang, being careful he didn't know she was following him.
As yang was walking he dint know She was following,as he would take a left and see a a stairway that leads down and a Rusted door at the ends as he would not go down and would yell down the stairway "DAD!!...some one whats too know you"as he says that clings and clangs can be heard down the stair case as his father yells back "I will be right there ins a minute ok...Busy"his father says as behinde the doors odd growls and Clangs were clear as yang was kinda scared and would start too walk bakwards away from the door not looking back
Skylar smirked and ran, deciding she'd go past those doors later. She ran into the living room and sighed. She phased into her wolf form, not seeing Yang's sister on the couch and curled up on the carpet.
Yang would walk towards the living room and sit on a chair as Nilin followd and see a Wolf on the carpet..as he would sigh and say "Yang...this is not a person....what did i tell you of bringing pets...you know whant happend too the others"he says as yang would give a small laugh and say "Um dad she is a myth...a wolf Myth her name is Skylar"he says as he gestures towards her and look at his dad as Nilin would look at the wolf and says "Mi apoligis....I am Nilin the war Mechanic"
Skylar's ears perked up and she looked at Nilin. She barked and phased into her human form. "Hi. Nice to meet you." She smiled and stood up, holding out her hand.
Nilin would nod as his hand comes out of his robe as it was REALLY thin look like shopstick as his Fingers were as thin aswell and the tips very pointi,as he would chake her hand and say "Plesure too meat you....now is it true what Mi son said that you were injured?"he says as his hand gose back in his robe and hide
"What? Oh no. That's my friend Tony. And don't worry about it. He's fine." Skylar smiled, though she was SERIOUSLY creeped out by his hand. "Yang I'm gonna go outside. I'll let you explain what's happening tomorrow." Skylar ran outside and phased into her wolf form. She tipped her head back and howled before running into the woods. 'I was inside for WAY too long!'
Nillin would raise and eyebrow as he sees her run outside as he thought they were gina talk but he would look at Yang and say "Is your friend paranoid or somthing?...was it mi mask?"he says as he would tap his mask and Yang sigh and say "I dont know.....i swear theas people are somtimes wierd....I better watch over her....I dont whant yin doing harm too her again"he says as he would walk outside and start too walk in the woods as he dint know were she was but still beter that staying inside ,as Nillin would raise his eyebrow and say too himself "That was....wierd?....were are they going tomorrow"he says too himself and would make his way towards his room

Rayan was in the forrest in his Deathclaw form sniffing for that man as he was huntting him down as he whanted too kill him nomater what...aswell he would be hunting anything really as that was his Job "El Cazador"
Rayan would raise his head as he smells somthing,as he would look around and see a wolf and was clearly myth,with all his traning and ways of the hunter he knows very well,as he would grow sofly and gow on all 4 and would go prone and follow the wolf slowli as his theath showing
Rayan would see the aportunyti as he would crawl very slowly towards the tree and sneaking from behinde not making noise as his jaw slowly as he was ready,he was not going too kill her as she would be needed for experimentation,as he aproshes the tree from behinde Very slowly
Skylar sighed and rested her head against the tree and closed her eyes, thinking about Yang's mother's scent. When she was memorizing scents she couldn't smell any other new scents.
Rayan would be behinde the tree as he would go on 2 legs and would sudently grab Sky foot and give out a loud screech and start too run draging her behinde him,as he would Tie his tal around her leg and let go his arm and draging her with his tail as he says "Why dont you play with mi"he say as he continue draging Sky
Rayan would look at her and laugh and continue draging,as he would stop and raise his head as he sees Yang hurl himself and kick his face-...wait no..Rayan would grab his Foor and trow him again a tree as he still holds Sky he would charge at Yang with his horned But yang would get up and Jump over him and yang says "Sky dont worry i got this!"he says kinda scared as Rayan would look at him and laugh and then Give out a loud shreeck

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