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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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In the labs eh, that's not good, hmm, are ye still cold? I have a shirt over there If ye wanna wear It, 's dry so It should warm ye up a bit more.

He said quietly.
Yang would slowli stop sobbing as she says too finde his mother and he helps finde her brother,as he would not hesitate and resive the hug,as he says "Really?......we would help each other?"he say as he would look up at her and smiel as he would hug back his scarf saying very happy "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"
Terra quickly took the shirt and put it on, shivering.

Skylar smiled and then went tense. "Okay, a little to much hugging. You can let go now."
Austin ran through the forest while getting chased by a mythical beast "what is that thing!" he screamed and ran as fast as he can "oh no I need to find a place to hide" he said, he hides to a nearby tree and waits until the beast is gone "all I need to do is just to be patient and wait"
Yang would smiel ahppily and let go as he wishes he had hands and would say "Great!....wen we will go in our Epic Jurney too finde those ho we love most?...and dad sayd that she is Very tall mostly like him"he says happily as he was great too help and aswell wen it was with family things and would like too finde his mother and make yin and Nilin happy
Austin leaned a little to the left as he sees the beast about to walk away "that was a close one I need to rest somewhere" he said as he walks straight to another route.
Hm? ...

Kasmir heard something coming from the outside, something was chasing someone, although, It had nothing to do with him... He was going to Ignore It... Though, his conscience got to him, so he treaded outside the cave slightly, and called out to whoever was out there.

Oi, you! 'S a cave over here, It's warm and safe here..
"Um...Hmmm..O yes i doo!"he says as he wraps his scarfs around the small light blue orb on his Cloack and would remove it and say "Dad sayd it belong too her...was her earings or somthing along the lines"
Skylar nodded and phased into her wolf form. She sniffed the earrings and then nodded. She phased back. "I need a night to edge the scent into me memory. We can leave first thing tomorrow morning."
Yang would nod happily and say "Thank you so much i dont know what too say....dont worry we will finde your Brother too"he says as he was confident they will as he would help her greatly as she is helping too finde his mother
Austin suddenly stops walking and hears a voice "cave? not sure If I can trust voice well who cares" he follows the voice and sees a cave "well I think its right to trust it" he slowly walks to the cave and suddenly trips to a stone "gah! I should've watch my step sometimes"
Kasmir knelt down and held his hand out to the boy.

Oi, are ye alright lil fella?
Yang nods and as he would not need much only Food as he would go too his room and start too pack small things as he dint need much really,as he packs he would say "Hey skylar what you are going too bring?"
"Wow we must be going far away....are you going too bring Your friend?"he ask as he was curius and wonders if he could bring Yang too....might be helpfull as she was the fighter
Kasmir scratched his head as he walked away, his wounds were drying up, however, they still looked vicious...

I'm here to rest, that lil miss came here cause she was cold an tired, how bout you? What was that thing that was chasin ye?
Kasmir looked back with his Dragonic eyes...

I'm not a myth. And I don't think she Is either, though, I have met some nice myths out there...

He said, before sitting back down In the corner..
I didn't see It, I only heard It running, so no. I don't. You'd have the best Idea outta the three of us.

He said with a sigh, as his breathing became heavier...

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