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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Skylar stood and put one of Tony's arms over her shoulders and began trying to drag him as she followed the guy. 
"Hey phoenix guy, little help?" Skylar asked. She didn't mean to sound rude but she didn't know his name. (@Dolphan of Lyfe )
"Name's Josh," Josh said, angrily. "Hop on," he told her, forming into his phoenix form. He cooed and waited for her to jump on so he could take off.

I am a dolphin.
Josh lifted up, and flew to the house. The reason he knew where it was because it had such a strong aura.

I am a dolphin.
(Dam multitasking right now so busy *-*)

Yang would be walking as he sees the House come in tooo view,as he would look and see the bird with the girl as he would smiel and try too catch up running at full speed but he was flying but still fun,as he reaches the house he would reach them pating and says "Dam you are fast"he says looking at the bird happyli
Josh landed, and cooed as if saying thank you. He then sat down shoot ice in the air and exploded it.

I am a dolphin.
Yang would nod as he opens the door too the house and sees his dad and a man siting there talking as they were not looking,as he would signal them too go inside too the left as he watches his dad and the man hoping they dont look as he would explain wen he was not busy
Josh walked in and transformed back. "Whoa, this place is cool," he said. His big wings took up a lot of space.

I am a dolphin.
Ying would Jump as he hear him speack and put his scarf on his mouth and say sofly "Shhhhhh.....mi dad dosent liem too much people.....ok so lets walk towards one of the rooms and-"he says as he sees his dad raise his head,as Ying would wrap his scarf around the boy and run sofly too the left towards the gilr pulling the boy and lets go of him and say "Dont make noise ok...come on"he says as he walks a little and opens a door leading too a room and gestures them too enter
Kasmir dodged most of the bullets, and caught the rest, crushing them In his hand and continued to walk closer to the base, vaulting over the barriers and other sorts of things around... (@Nekoni)
"yes with mi dad and sister...I know its kinda big only for 3 people"he says as he pulld the boy in and close the door behind them and says "Dont worry i will tell mi dad you guys are here later...he is Busy....how is the hand?"he ask as he would pull a chair and sit on it and gesture for her too sit on te bed
"Sorry for mi sister.....she gets borde easy and dose crazy struff but it wont happen again....need food,drink or somthing?"he ask Friendly too he girl willing too help seens he was enberrast for his sis trying too kill her (Brb bath)
(@Nekoni Where'd'ja goooo D:)

Kasmir was shot at multiple times, dodging all of the bullets and makeshift objects that were shot at him, he was getting closer to the base..

Well, not AS dangerous as those kids, still, I wonder what they're hiding In there to fire at any movement.. Hmm..
"I dont know some guy...i dont know him but still i better not interrupt"he says as he would wrap his scarf around himself and look at her aspecially her broken arm as it worrid him
Skylar sighed and looked at the ice cast. It had melted enough for her to slide it off, revealing a fully healed arm.
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One of the commanders seemed irritated as the guards told him of the incoming intruder. A spy? Another solider? He wasn't sure, but it seemed unfazed by the bullets...a definite danger "Send out Ayana" he barked "She's not here sir." a young solider responded. "Then send out Rayan. Deal with it before it gets too close, I don't want it anywhere near my men or the researchers."

Kasmir continued on, awaiting for anything to appear, wondering what secrets they had hidden away...
(Finnaly xD ...gona go too sleep soon)

Rayan would have bin inside a odd room...blanck compleatly,as a solsire would come in and say about a iminint atack,as he would not say anything and the colosus thing gets up from the rooma amd walks out as he would walk out he wold start too change ar his hornes grow larger and his theath get sgarper and much buger and he grows aswell his spinal cord visible and see his target and give a loud screech as he sees it

Yang would nod happyli as he sees the arm fully heald but how?....as he would get a closer look and say "Hwo in the world?"
Oh, so they do have secrets, how strange, let's see what fun we can have with this creature.

He said quietly. As he stopped, a few feet from the creature.

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