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Realistic or Modern A World of Myths

Shoold Lix be braught back too Life?

  • Yea would be nice too have a Crazy too have fun with

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yea....But...if he dies later on

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nope i dont what a crazy,laughing,head twisting maniac behinde mi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I thought this was for the Taco?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Josh turned into phoenix form and flew up at full speed. Then, he dive-bombed and picked up the girl, flying away again. He couldn't get in a fight, not this time.

I am a dolphin.


she sees the Boy fly away as she smiels as this was geting fun,as she would turn too a large red dragon and flap her large wing and start too chace the bird as she roar following him,as she Followd she would say too her Brother mentaly "Bro you need too come here im having fun!"as she says that his brother gasp in worrys and dosent reply as not again,as he knew wen her sis is borde she would literaly kill for fun as he has seen this happen,as he would get up and run towards the forrest in worris
Josh turned into his human form, and shushed the girl. "I'll help you. Just gotta get away from Scarfy," he told her. He then flew down and set her on the ground.

Meanwhile, Shawn and the orb were still there, admiring the house. As the orb took pictures of Yang, Shawn yawned. He wondered about what was happening.

I am a dolphin.
( I am tired of plasing doe names above -_- )

Nilin would walk back in the living room and with a bottle of Wine and 2 Glass Cups and would ofer one too Shawn and say "What some Wine?"he says as he offerd him the glass bottle and he holding the wine in his other hand

Yin would see the boy and swups down with her claws open and aproching the boy as she flew down and ready too close her claws and capture him

Ying would be making hisn way towards the loud noice and sees her sister in her dragin for as he gasp and would run faster towards her but was far away as he was afraid of she harming other people only for fun as she could play with them a nice whay not like this
Josh turned back into Phoenix form and flew up at top speed. He kept doing rolls to avoid the dragon. He was angry at the dragon and wanted to kill her.

Shawn then nodded, taking the glass cup and setting it down. He then took off his amulet and was in deep thought. I want answers he thought.

I am a dolphin.
Skylar turned and saw the boy take off. 'Thanks for nothing.' She thought angrily and pulled out her dagger and charged the dragon.
Tin would see the dragon fly of and then a lady with a dagger HAHAHA lol really?...as she would open her jaw ready too bite the girl as sudently a White dragon comes from the midle of nowere and rams the red one and lunching her away hitting a tree as the white dragons says too the girl "Are you ok?!"he says worryd as his sister got up and grould at him

As Nilin would pour some wine in his Cup and some on his own and sit down and say "
Sorry i kept you wating....But what class a myth you are?...lets do this...You answer mi question and i aswer yours"he says as he take s sip of his wine
Skylar nodded, shaking slightly. Her broken arm was bent at an awkward angle but she was filled with to much adrenalin to realize how much it hurt.
Josh flew back, cooing. He turned back into human form and watched them. His black wings were glinting in the moonlight.

Shawn took a sip of the wine. "I am a Minotaur," he said, taking another sip. "And, your children. Have you ever thought of getting them a cat?" he asked, glaring around.

I am a dolphin.
Nilin Nod as he hears he is a minatour and would sigh and say "Sadly yes but all the time i try or give the one,they loose it or dont finde one"he says as he takes a sip of his wine and then would look at the orb and say "what is that?....and why hase it bin flashing all the time wen you got in here?"he ask curiusly as he looks at the orb thing

As the red Dragon and the white drgon face each other and the white one say "
Sis calm the hell down ok no need too kill damit"she would growl and turn back too her human form and would walk up too his brother and say "Dont ever get in mi way like that"she says and would walk away,as Yang sees the lady injurde and would run towards her and say "O god you ok need help i can help"
"I can give them a cat they'll never lose. And, that orb identifies things and is my companion," Shawn said, sighing. He finished the wine and looked at Nilin, studying him.

I am a dolphin.
Josh landed and stepped forward. "Oh god, you got hurt badly," he said, kneeling down. "Broken arm?" he asked in a serious tone.

I am a dolphin.
Josh picked it up gently and asked, "Where does it hurt the most?" He summoned ice and waited for an answer. He was going to help her, no matter what.

I am a dolphin.
Yang would amidiatly Nod at her seeying her broken arm and then would see a man on the floor and say "Ho is that?...Dose he need help aswell!...because mi dad can help you both!"he ays very worrid as it was his sisters foult and he needed too fix it but he sees the man helping the girl as that was good

Nilin would nod as he would look at theorb as it was interesting and say "
Really now?....a cat they wont loose?...Why you say they wont loose it?"he says curiusly as he wonders why he sayd that and would look at the orb curiusly aswell
"Between my wrist and elbow." Skylar said, trying to keep her voice from shaking in pain when he touched it. 
"No. tony's fine. Just a very hard sleeper." Skylar rolled her eyes at her friend.
"Ah okay. This also may sting a bit," Josh said, making a makeshift cast out of ice. He then got up and dusted off his pants. "That good?" he asked.

Meanwhile, Shawn sighed. "Because my orb can put a spell on it," he said. The orb then landed, and waited for another question.

I am a dolphin.
"Yea mi house mi dad help people...dont minde mi sister she was borde....Come on this way"he says as he would take a step fowar pointing with his scarf the direction were too go and would walk very slowli as he look back wating for her tii recover too follow

That is one Unique companion....sadly we dont have a cat anymore...But still this orb is very interesting you made it?"he ask as he look at the org as he has bin a mechanic and hace never seen somthing like this before

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