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A Whole New World... {Poupeex3 & Sulfurlix}


What time was it? Alazne couldn't recall how long they had been out for the night. Tyler invited them out for one or two drinks, one dare led to a few more, and then whatever happened was a blur. Squinting, she giggled as she stumbled over her feet, looking over to where Kyla was. "We're almost home," she giggled out, walking along the path until they finally came to the building their apartment rested in. Blowing out a stream of air, Alazne pushed the door open, waving to the man who worked in the building, his suit freshly ironed it seemed. "Good morning, ladies," the man chuckled.

"Morning?" Alazne asked, lifting a hand to push it through her hair, "oops," she giggled again. Heading towards the elevator, she pushed her finger into the button and watched in drunken wonder as the light lit up. Fascinating! She stumbled into the elevator when it opened, waiting for her best friend to stumble her way in as well before hitting the '4' button.

Alazne hummed along with the elevator music until their stop came, shuffling off the elevator and heading to their apartment. Fumbling for her keys, she tried sorting out which was which before finding it and sliding the key into the lock, unlocking the door so they could go in. "I'm going to watch a movie!" Alazne announced, "what about you? You can watch a movie with me!" She giggled, shoving a hand through her hair before kicking her shoes off by the wall where she always kicked them off at.
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Kyla and Alazne were out with their friend Taylor who earlier that day invited them out to have drinks. Having one to many Kyla was in a fit of giggles as everything seemed funny to her while their conversation continued throughout the night while tossing back shots. Fumbling in her purse she found her cell phone looking at the time. "It's so late!" She exclaimed. Swinging her purse over her shoulder she got up using the chair for support to maintain her balance.

Walking along the sidewalk with her best friend who she has been rooming with for sometime was also drunk. Their drunk walk even made by standers give them stares but Kyla didn't care. The streetlights, everything looked more out of focus as her vision was kind of blurry. Stumbling inside the apartment building she bowed to the man behind the counter in his nicely pressed suit. "Morning, pssh I mean night" She crookedly smiled and got in the elevator as they went up to their floor.

Finally reaching the apartment she put her purse by the chair where a rusty desk sat in a corner, looking around she took a seat on the chair by the desk and took off her shoes. "Sure, what movie do you have in mind?" She pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she stood and stretched. Walking to the fridge she pulled out a bottle of water and medicine to take to get rid of her coming on headache. "Taylor did this to us on purpose" Kyla spoke with a dry throat as her eyes seemed narrower then usual. Giggling she took a swig of water and went to sit with Alazne on the couch.
Flopping from the couch and onto the floor, Alazne let out a groan. "I don't knoowww," she giggled, getting on all fours so she could crawl to the movie stand that was near their TV. Sitting on her knees, she brushed her fingers over all the plastic cases, pondering which movie to watch. Her eyes sliding over and unfamiliar title. Arching a brow, she pulled it off the small shelf and read the front. "Hey, where'd this one come from?" She slurred out, "looks like my kind of movie!" She looked at the Dragon on the cover as its head reached down to a small human who was reaching up to touch his nose.

Alazne, grinning like a fool, took the DVD from its case and turned on the tv and Xbox. Putting the disk into the game console, the tv sprang to life and went straight to the movie's opening scene of a black and red dragon soaring over some forest. "No commercials? Thank the aliens above," her drunken speech slurred as an stumbled over to the couch and flopped onto it. Lifting her legs, she dropped them into Kyla's lap, sticking her tongue out at her best friend before returning what attention span she had left to the movie.
Sitting comfortably on the coach Kyla giggled at her friend's tongue gesture then turned her attention to the movie. She knew she wouldn't last the whole way through the movie as being drunk always made her sleepy. Leaning her head against the cushion of the couch she yawned and remained focused on the movie. Alazne really was into fantasy type stuff while Kyla could careless. Her curiosity was more into science and how the world worked around her. With how things were going today she was for sure the world would end soon.

Pulling the blanket off the back of the couch she wrapped up in it and began to nod off. Kyla soon felt herself awaking when she heard loud thunder and rain; it appeared to seem like a thunderstorm as the lights in the house flickered on and off. Sitting up she wondered why the news reporters weren't on the air warning everyone of what was going on. "Alazne, what was that?"
Her eyes locked onto the TV. Unlike Kyla, being drunk made her ADHD come out and make her hyper. No one could ever know what to expect from her when she had one too many drinks. Her eyes lit up as the Dragon landed in a clearing with other drakes, but.. It didn't seem like a story being set up, it seemed real. Really, really.. real. The conversation they were saying, the 'animation' of their mouths. It seemed perfect. "This movie has amazing detail," she murmured in awe, eyes watching as the movie progressed onwards.

It was almost to the middle when the crack of thunder made her jump, looking around as the rain started to pound harsh agaisnt the glass like and unwanted stranger. She looked to Kyla at her question, shrugging slightly. "I.. don't know. Storm came outta no where," she pushed herself off the couch, shuffling over to a small window and pushing back the curtains to look out. "It's raining so hard I can't see out!" Alazne announced, brows shooting up as she turned her head to look at Kyla. "Think it's the spell of the voodoo queen?" A smirk ran over her features, "some say she strikes unholy storms upon people before...." Alazne trailed off for a moment, "before she takes their head and turns it into a paper weight!" She made an evil laugh sound before a loud crack of thunder made her leap forward.

"Sheesh... It's raining cats and dogs out there," she muttered, but shrugged it off. She wandered to the small kitchen, pulling out a glass and filling it up with water. "Maybe, if we're lucky, it'll die down soon," she piped up as she walked back, taking a few gulps of the water. When she reached the living room, Alazne placed the glass onto the coffee table, and then headed towards the TV. It had started to get static on it.
Noticing Alazne trying to frighten her she picked up one of the couch plush pillow and threw it at her. "Stop being a pain" She giggled watching as her best friend was walking away from the window. "It's no joke out there tonight" Pulling her legs towards her chest she sighed.

Kyla saw the TV go straight to static after the picture was clear while the movie was playing. "What in the world?" She looked wide-eyed at the TV trying to figure out how bad the storm was from how the TV was acting. It still seemed like it was heavy raining outside and the commotion from earlier didn't die down. Kyla was now confused and wanted the loud noises to stop as she was just getting over her headache.
Frowning at the loud static from the TV, Alazne went and hit the side of it. "Think the power boxes got hit by lightening?" She asked, having to raise her voice a bit over the storm. Now that all this was going on, she was able to push out of the funk she was in from the night of drinking. She saw a few blurred images of - what she'd assume to be - the movie still playing. "One crazy storm," Alazne hit the side of the box again, but this time, a loud boom from the thunder outside made her jump, hand gripping onto the side of the TV. "God that scared me," she laughed, leaning on the TV.

Not two seconds later a huge bolt of lightning flashed so bright she could hardly see, the tv making a boom sound as well as it got hit by the lightening. Alazne yelped as she was suddenly thrown back by the force of the shock, landing on the coffee table and sliding off the other end, back hitting the cushion of the couch before slumping to the ground. Her eyes were wide, holding her hand that burnt tight with her other hand. "What the hell," she muttered, heart pounding in her chest. "Think the neighbors are getting the same thing?!" Alazne asked, shocked (in more than one way).
Kyla didn't understand what was happening, there was indeed a thunderstorm but then one seemed massive and very frightening. As she watched her best friend mess with the TV the thunderstorm continued to give the girls anxiety problems as well as curiosity wondering if anyone else was experiencing this underlying storm. She nodded agreeing with Alazne that it was a crazy storm. Watching her keep hitting the TV she chuckled. " I don't believe it will turn on if you keep on hitting it"

As she said that she saw the flash of light as she shielded her face with her arm covering her eyes. "What the f--- was that?" Suddenly a lighting bolt flashed through the windows striking the TV Alazne was still trying to fix. Her jaw dropped as she saw her friend almost fly across the room hitting the couch that thankfully had cushion to it. Getting up she hurriedly over to her friend getting on one knee as she inspected her. "Are you alright?" She raised a brow worried as she saw her burnt hand. Her hair was static and she seemed to have had her voice still. Shrugging with worried eyes she looked out the window not able to see anything. "I don't think so"
She watched he friend rush over to her, still gripping her hand that was burnt. It hurt like hell, but she would have to suck it up right now. Adrenaline was helping with ignoring the burning sensation right now. "We should check," she said, voice finding a slight shake to it before she forced herself up, unsteady on her feet. "I need to wrap my hand," she limped to the kitchen. Her leg got jarred from being thrown by the force of the shock, but it would be fine in a few hours.

Alazne went into the kitchen and used her good hand to start digging around through the medical cabinet for burn cream and wrapping cloth.

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