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Fantasy A Warrior's Trinkets


Scruffle let his tongue fall out his mouth as he felt himself get hot, enjoying the way the breeze of the wide open brushed upon them and gave him slight, but still sweet relief. Panting a bit as he trotted to keep up with the others, Scruffle shook his head and enjoyed the way his new collar didn't scratch him like his old one did. He had only recently gotten it a few days earlier, and even then he had only been able to wear it now for the walk. He loved his new collar, and walks, he sure did love walks. What was he talking about? Scruffle cocked his head as he smelt the smell of his fellow dogs sweating and shrugged, before remembering that he was talking about his new collar. He loved it.

especially loved how it seemed to vibrate his throat and had a natural warm presence. Looking behind him, Scruffle mentally thanked the girl as she held onto the leashes. He knew her from before, her scent was familiar, but he had been in for a surprise. Usually the old lady was the one who walked them when they became restless, but Scruffle didn't let it bother him too much. Why would it? This girl was always so nice to him, so he was fine with her presence.

Letting a breath of air out from his throat, Scruffle let his words run free for the first time today, "Ah, I think today is going to be delightful. The grey sun is shining, the grey birds are singing, and the grey trees are swaying. Yes, a wonderful day indeed." Scruffle could have never known that his words were being transmitted by the collar around his throat into a multitude of languages, everything around him hearing dog barks in their own language.


If she walked five dogs each time, and each walk took twenty minutes, and there were twenty dogs, she would only be done in... an hour and twenty minutes! That was so fast! For sure! Yay.. Scarlet just loved, loved, loved math. To take her mind off of the fact that it would take forever to walk all the dogs, she looked around. It was a nice day, sun was shining, nothing new. She couldn't help but be grateful that it was Andrea that was there and not Jenny, otherwise her pay would have most likely been docked for sure.

One of the bigger dogs, Jumper, stopped to do some business, and Scarlet sighed. She took one of the small garbage bags that had been tied around the leash and crouched down to pick up the poop. She tied the bag closed and tied it once more to the leash again, all the while breathing through her nose. Dogs needed to start using toilets or something. Ellie and Tobasco were barking loudly, upset that Scarlet had stopped. "Alright, alright, calm down. We're going." She said, but stopped as soon as she heard a voice. "The grey sun is shining, the grey birds are singing, and the grey trees are swaying. Yes, a wonderful day indeed." Scarlet turned her head, searching to put a face to the name, and looked down to see Scruffle.


"Holy crap!" Scarlet yelled. The other dogs barked again, jumping around and pulling on their leashes. "Since when the heck can you talk? I'm probably going insane. Lack of sleep. No wait, I slept a lot in the last few days, right? I was late. Three times in a row. Maybe too much sleep. Holy.." And then many swears proceed to follow. Once she had collected herself, she stared at Scruffle. "Not insane, right?" She mumbled. He wasn't talking anymore, anyway, probably just a trick of the light or something, but weren't dogs color blind? Didn't he say everything looked grey? Oh, god. She really was going insane.

Charise tried to hold her breath in as her brother hopped on her back. She closed the book she had been reading trying not to damage it.

"Nick, stop it please!" she said, gasping.

"Play with me!" he cheered. Finn soon came in and joined him. Charise did her best growl, quickly scaring off her brothers. They squealed and leapt off her. Charise knew they would only s=come back if she didn't chase them. So, reluctantly, she bookmarked her place, and chased after the boys, running like a veloceraptor. "run Finn!" Nick squealed, leaping at Charise, and dragging her down onto all fours. Charise flipped him off, by rolling her shoulders just right, careful, not to let Nick fall onto anything hard.. He dived under her and play-scratched at her belly. Charise easily pinned Nick and began blowing on his belly, making loud fart sounds. she felt Finn's light weight body cling to her back. She let him drag her back off of Nick while the two made a retreat. Charise heard their laughter in the other room, Nick hushing his younger brother. She crept through the kitchen, back in veloceraptor stance, placing her feet slowly and lightly. She spotted the boys around the corner, waiting for her to come through the other entrance.

"Rawr!" Charise fell onto her side as her sister, Ami leaped at her from the right. "Run boys!" however rather than running, the boys joined in the fight. Charise hissed, as she ran back up the stairs. She gave one last roar, before running back to her room. She closed the door and instantly heard cheers from downstairs. The monster was a role she was used to playing. And it served as a good distraction from other things. Even now, she could hear her mom on the phone.

"I can't pay for them on my own.....no!......no...I'm not going to pay the difference......and who will take care of them- I can't pay for a nanny!"

no doubt she was arguing over financial issues with their dad. It was about child support, mom needed a job, but she wasn't willing to leave us home alone. And now it was my turn to step in. I waited until after the phone call was over with. I waited five more minutes to make it seem like I hadn't heard the phone call.

"Mom." I said gently, stepping in the master bedroom "When are you going to get a job?" the question was innocent enough, and likely to seem like coincidence.

"I don't know sweetie." she sighed, as I stood by her bed, hesitant to sit.

"If you want, I could babysit the others if I need to."

"are you sure?" NO! I thought, I didn't want to spend all day doing all the chores and trying to manage the household

"yes." I said, mom needed me. My family needed me.

"I don't think you'll have too, but thank you." I just nodded, and left the room, ignoring regret.
A 'ding' reverberated into her head and Macy looked over, seeing a lone, small child slip into the store. It was odd that she entered the store by herself, and for a moment, the girl looked around for an adult that might possibly be connected to her. She didn't see anybody that was glaringly obvious; it was possible that the child was out on her own. Even though it was a small town, it was still dangerous. It was nothing Macy had to worry about, but just in case, she kept a watch on the child. However, while she was browsing the racks, the groups conversation caught her attention and she found herself listening in.

"My name is Joe Hickman, Agent Hickman to my fellow employees, but I assure you, its all a name. Actually, call me Joe. You have no idea how hard it is to get people at my job to call me by my actual name," spoke the man in the suit. She took a moment to glance over, auburn oculars gazing upon the group and studying them for a moment. She'd turned back to the rack for just a second before she felt she was called out to.

"Hey, is this your little sister, ma'am?" A small pause. "Do you know that girl? Do you know anyone in here for that matter?" She looked over at the man in the suit and shrugged. "Nah, she's not my sister. And do I know anyone?" She paused for a second and hummed briefly before nodding to herself. "She looks slightly familiar," she spoke, pointing to the girl that appeared to be only slightly older than her. "Other than that, I have no clue."

She decided to walk over and join them, leaving the shirt she had held in her hands on the rack. She was puzzled as to why she was pulled into this, thinking it was a private meeting or something. She heard the girl she had aforementioned say her name.
Evangeline... she recorded it into her head for the while so that she could use it for now. "Meteorite?" she questioned as she stopped walking. The guy, who she assumed was the cashier or something, put a nametag onto himself and she quirked an eyebrow. He seemed curt, disgruntled; of course, if her place of work was, she probably would too. She'd just be cussing people out. Her arms crossed, she quirked an eyebrow and leaned into one hip. "Macy," she said, introducing herself in slight irritation that she'd been interrupted.

@Joe Hickman
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Jenna was confused to say the least. There was not one but three different pressure, three different items? As much as the thought of there being three more special items excited her it also made her a frustrated. The multiple sense confused her and made it even harder to find. The fact that nothing on the racks was giving her any kind of sense made her even more worried it was on the people in the store. That would be nearly impossible since it could probably be any clothing on them!

The child jump slightly when one of the men pointed at her and started asking around to see if someone was her sister. She felt her heart pick up in a bit of panic as she stared at the man then to the teen who stood a little ways off from her. Why was she the one being pointed out?! Thankfully one of the men was trying to shoo off the man in a suit. Gnawing on her bottom lip she she looked over to suit guy and simply started browsing again hoping the man would just leave.

@DamagedGlasses @Prizzy Kriyze @Effervescent @DescriptedEnd
Joe Hickman

Joe felt slightly embarrassed at being told off, as he straightened up from the somewhat crouched position he had set himself into. Rubbing the back of his neck, Joe tried to make his burning cheeks die down. It seemed that this was one of those "Neighbors know everything" communities. One where a child could do something in school, and their parents would know before they even got home. He, on the other hand, had grown up in a rather more rambunctious city, and so the thought of being 11 and running around willy nilly was almost blasphemous. Yet, he would respect their customs, besides she didn't look like he was helping all that much, if anything the girl looked like she would love it if he left and never turned back.

Looking at the store helper, Joe nodded his regard to them both and realized that he had probably just broken the professional atmosphere that came with being in a suit. It was probably a good time to retreat and try again later when the seriousness around him returned, not to mention that he wouldn't feel humiliated anymore. However, he did make sure he took all of the peoples names into account for later referral. He didn't know why, but they just felt off, like they were more significant than just random suspects. Smiling to everyone, Agent Hickman waved goodbye and said, "Well, I think I have overstayed my welcome, so I'll move on. Wish you all the best of luck!"

Joe walked outside, leaving the group of people behind in the store, and started to head off towards where his partner was currently at. She was ok in a familiar environment, but this kind of interrogating might be out of her league.

@Prizzy Kriyze @Effervescent @DescriptedEnd @Shura

(Feel free to fraternize among yourselves until I get some of the other posts up. Be prepared for a time skip :D )
Macy was caught off guard by the mans sudden depart, expecting him to stick around for a little while. I mean, he could have answered her question, couldn't she have? Perhaps he was off-put by the way she'd approached, or maybe it was something that was said before she'd walked over. She found that him leaving the way he did frustrated her more than him actually being there, which as a bit strange, she realized to herself. After letting out a small, sarcastic wave at the door - even though he'd already left - she turned to the group and looked at them expectantly. "So, what the hell was that?" she snorted, letting her arms fall to her sides, attempting to appear more passive in hopes of getting more information. Once she got her answer, she'd just go back to browsing. Maybe she'd try to find something that would match the earrings in her bag - she'd been wanting to try them on, but really had nothing that would go along with it.

While she was waiting for her answer, she shifted her purse slightly on her shoulder into a more comfortable position. Her posture changed to be more loose and straightened out a small crinkle in her shirt.

@Idfk anymore
A sigh of relief escaped Ivo's barely parted lips as the suited man left the shop. His eyelids dropped to cover half his eyes again, and he resumed his uninterested expression. He scanned the crowd of new customers that had entered the shop and raised an eyebrow. As if the suited man had been some sort of herder, people seemed to follow where he went. Between the young girl and the two adolescent kids gathered, he seemed to bring a people of variance. Ivo shrugged and turned his attention to the back of the room. Walking back and leaning over the rack he'd seen her sliding in behind he spoke up "Alberta, the man has left. There's a girl here who is interested in a job, by the way."

He turned around and looked at the people gathered by the front door and frowned slightly. Usually there wasn't that many people in the shop at one time. He looked each one of them over behind the wall of hair hanging from his head. There was the pretty applicant, Evangline, as she'd introduced herself. Sounded French, but gave him no actual idea as to who she were. There was another girl, asian by the looks of it. She'd claimed to be called Macy at some point, Ivo wasn't sure when but he was certain he'd picked up on it. With a slender build and large eyes like that, she was sure to be popular amongst boys as well. Perhaps the two were friends. Popular girls tended to stick together, after all. Then there was...

Ivo's gaze stopped on the little girl that had been 'harassed' by the suited man just a moment earlier. She seemed to have bounced back from the man's loud approach rather quickly, and was checking through clothes once again. He had to admit he had a soft spot for kids. They didn't over-analyze or over-think things, which made them much easier to deal with for him, and about a billion times better for his nerves. If he had to talk to any of the customers, he'd prefer it was the kid. He walked back through the shop and crouched down a few feet away from her. Balancing on the tip of his toes and leaning on the clothes' rack he asked "Can I help young miss with anything?"



@CloudyBlueDay & @DescriptedEnd (by mention)


Scruffle stopped and gagged a bit as he felt his collar dig into his throat from a sudden stop. Great, now the moment wa ruined! He had just been enjoying how that Grey bird was taking a sip of water, and now when he looked, the bird was gone, and no where to be found.

Turning around, Scruffle cocked his head for a second at his walker as she began to mutter stuff about "Going insane" and something. Nevertheless, Scruffle was angry at the girl for ruining his moment, and he was going to make that plain and clear.

"Hey you!" He 'barked', "What's the big idea about stopping so suddenly? This is a walk, so start walking!" Having barked his peace, Scruffle looked at her and awaited her to start walking again, or at least calm down. What kind of person was she anyway? She must be loony like that one dog, George, at the pound. He was bit of a hyperactive mutt, and it didn't help that his own cage was right beside his.

Scruffle looked and saw that maybe his walker really wasn't as okay as he thought she was. Going over to her, Scruffle cocked his head, and asked, "Hey, you alright? You seem to be a bit put down, all of the sudden. Did you step in some poo?" Scruffle always got a bit down when he accidently stepped in some poo. The smell was around for days on end, even after being washed. Though, if that was the case, Scruffle would have smelled it, long before seeing it.


Jenny Fitzgerald

Jenny looked at the person dumbstruck, his way of talking reminding her of almost every single teacher she had ever had. thankfully, her stock still stance was broken as he phone began to ring. Probably reaching for it a bit too quickly, and ripping it from her pants pocket, Jenny smiled at the teac-man, and looked away to imply that she needed some privacy.

Smiling confidently, feeling much more comfortable in talking to somebody that was not going to ramble at her, she asked the person on the other end,
"Hello? Oh, Joe. Um, yeah, you could say that I am done here. Joe this guy is nuts! He has the whole thing planned for people who come to sell stuff fo- Alright, alright, I'm good. I am done here. Where are you?"

Jenny nodded at the reply, and closed the phone with a quick "Bye", before putting it back and looking at the History Teacher. Smiling at him, Jenny said, "Sorry, sir. I'm...uh, need to be going now. See you later, or something." Jenny didn't waste any time in walking away from the man, her face morphing from one of polite departure, to hasty retreat as she scurried away with her figurative tail between her legs.

@Der Kojote

Alberta Hartley

Alberta poked her head out from behind the clothes rack, and stood up with relief. Her eyes looking around, fearing that man was going to come back with Swat or something of the sorts, Alberta made her way out hesitantly, before the words of Ivo reached her ears. Her eyes sparkled as he seemed to glide over the ground towards the girl who had come with the prospects of joining her little team of employees. She had a very small store, so she didn't need many, and this girl, were she to be hired, would definitely fit the quota of how many she needed to run the store efficiently.

Looking at the girl, Alberta covertly scoured the girls looks and saw that, while what she dressed accentuated her natural beauties, there was so much untapped potential. She also seemed like someone who would be great on her team, but Alberta would not trust her own instinct solely for this kind of decision. Looking at her in the eyes, Alberta said,
"Alright, girl, lets go into my office to discuss this."

Taking the girls hands, Alberta lead her towards where her office door was in the back, and let go of her hand, walking into the small room and sitting in her big chair that was surrounded by a large desk. Alberta motioned to the fanciful chair in front of the desk, her smile saying "Please sit".

The suspected store owner submerged from the depths of the store and headed towards Evangeline. Her stomach began to churn a little with nervousness, but she managed a smile and even eye contact. The woman was a little shorter than her, or maybe the old building had uneven ground. Evangeline rocked back on her heels subtly to check as she listened.

"Alright, girl," the woman said to her, "let's go into my office to discuss this."

The sudden contact with another human being lurched her forward, and her stomach tightened. At first thought, the contact felt strange and other worldly. But as the store owner led her through the labyrinth of clothing racks and past the registers, she began to find a sort of comfort in the contact. The woman felt no qualms about the touch and somehow felt that this was more efficient and necessary than just asking her to follow. The initial butterflies died out as they reached the modest office.

"Hi," she finally said. "I'm Evangeline Knight. You have a very lovely store."

"Hey you! What's the big idea about stopping so suddenly? This is a walk, so start walking!" Oh, my lord. This was insane. The dog was freaking talking. Talking! Dogs couldn't talk! Yet here was Scruffle, telling her to get on with the walk, staring straight at her. Scarlet blinked. She rubbed her eyes. She pinched her arm. "Hey, you alright? You seem to be a bit put down, all of the sudden. Did you step in some poo?" Alright. That was the last straw. Scarlet was losing her mind. Dogs. Didn't. Talk.

"No! No, I did not step in some poop!" She cried. "Is this for real? This must be a joke. Who the heck thought this would be funny?!" Then she turned and tried to look for a face again, someone, anyone that would give her confirmation that she wasn't insane. "Oh my god.. you didn't just talk, did you? This can't be real. You can't be talking. Ohhhhh my god..."

A small soft sigh escaped Jenna as the suited man left the store. She always hated being the center of attention and thankfully the moment had been short lived. She watched silently as the people who had gathered around disbursed into the store. The presences faded as they moved further confirming her suspicion on the items being on those few people. Glancing around the shop Jenna wondered if she should even try pursuing them seeing as all of them were much older than she was. She absentmindedly browsed through the rack until a voice echoed from over head. The young girl quickly looked up ant notice it was one of the men from before. "Oh uh... No.. just browsing..." she smiled slightly. Unable to help her curiosity she glanced down at the mans shoes wondering if perhaps there were fragments of a spirit in different pairs of shoes. If that was the case then she'd might as well give up on trying to figure out if they could do anything or not. Getting the shoes off of a person was impossible unless they were asleep... and even then it was a mission.

@Prizzy Kriyze
Scarlet Hayes & Scruffle

Scruffle was surprised as the human began to answer his questions, his small eyebrows raising as far as they could. He had never gotten a response from a human before, at least, not one that was actually addressing him. They would pat his head or his stomach when he rolled over, but this was the first time that a Human has actually addressed him in a way that meant that she had heard him.

Looking to the girl that was crying on the ground, Scruffle had to ask, just to make sure, "You...You can actually hear me? No joke?" Was today his lucky day?

Scarlet paled. Her skin was already a pale color so it didn't make much of a difference, but she was rather freaked out. Scruffle was talking. There was no joke about it. "I.. uh.. I.. can?" She whispered, kneeling down to face him. He suddenly looked much more intelligent then before in her eyes. "This is insane." She mumbled.

Scruffle was sure of it now, very sure, that this woman was the only human who could actually here him speak! Him! She took no notice of how the other dogs were cursing her out with words he did not care to repeat. However, he wasn't worried about the way the dogs rapidly cursed at he girl, and instead focused on the fact that she was still only reacting to him speaking.

Scruffle danced a little, doing little over the shoulder flips as he was filled with happiness. This was great! Now he could ask for all the snacks he wanted, and actually complain when they tried to give him toys that were hand me downs from other dogs. Scruffle couldn't contain himself and leapt onto the girl, his haunches bending and gaining tension, as he let loose and launched himself towards the girl. Landing on her, Scruffle began to lick her face excitedly, uncaring of how she, herself, was reacting to the news.

"This is the best day ever. I can tell you all of my favorite treats, and get you to make me a snack when I want one, and actually call dibs for the front seat! Yes, best day ever!" Earlier he had been calm, enjoying the grey world, but now he was excited, and enjoying the world that had seemingly lit up in color all of a sudden!

Scarlet blocked the sounds of the other dogs barking. But something occurred to her; Why couldn't she understand them? Just Scruffle? Had Scruffle eaten something weird? Ha, maybe he was a runaway scientific experiment. Couldn't she ask? Hey, yes! Yes, she could! Before she got the chance too, though, he jumped up into her lap and began licking her face enthusiastically.

Scarlet laughed, falling backwards and putting out her hands as to not fall on her head. That would hurt. She was grinning and giggling, listening to his happy cries. "Okay, okay! Calm down, Scruffle." She finally pushed him off after lots of licks and wiped some slobber off of her face.

Then she looked around. "Uh, come on. We don't want to look weird. Let's just keep on walking, alright?" At this, the three other dogs barked again, as if to say, yes, finally! She picked up Scruffle's leash once more. "Scruffle.. do you know how this happened?"

Scruffle cocked his head, looking curiously at the girl as she asked him a question, the one question, he had yet to ask himself. It was all quite peculiar, yes very peculiar indeed. Scruffle leapt off the girl, content to see that his licks had done some good for her mood, and set to walk as he thought about it. Coming to a conclusion, Scruffle looked at the girl and informed her, "I have no idea."

Scarlet sighed as Scruffle said he had no idea. "Ah.. well, that's alright, I guess. We'll find out soon, I hope." She smiled weakly. She continued to look around her, hoping no one was looking, and wondered if maybe she should pull out her phone and pretend to talk to someone on it.

Scruffle closed his eyes and tried to think of something else, but all he could really consider was the Pound giving him something that made him speak, but he had shared with some of the others after getting done, so they would be speaking too. The other dogs were just happy that they were going to continue walking along. Scruffle looked back at the girl, and stared at her a bit, "You really can only hear me?"

He was dying to know.

She looked back at Scruffle as he spoke again. This was all so strange. Why only Scruffle and not the other dogs? Why exactly? How? Was someone responsible, or something? It was so confusing. "Uh.. yeah, I guess I can." Scarlet nodded, rubbing her forehead and trying to process it. She liked dogs a little bit more now for sure.

Alberta Hartley & Evangeline Knight

Alberta smiled and swooned a bit at the words, her hands coming up to cover her cheeks as she blushed. Waving her hand dismissively towards Evangeline, Alberta said, "Oh deary, you're too kind." Alberta reached out with her already waving hand and picked up a plastic cup that lay beside her personal computer. Locking her lips around the straw, Alberta took a sip of the slushy she had poured into it earlier, before putting it down and looking at Evangeline completely.

Leaning forward, Alberta placed her elbows on the desk, her head balanced on her interlocked hands, and asked, "So, why do think you should work here? Got any recommendations?" A curious smile was on Alberta's lips as she began the minor interrogation.

Evangeline took in another deep, calming breath before scrambling for her resume tucked neatly within her oversized purse. It was so large she didn't have to fold the paper. As she managed to pluck one from the stack, the end latched onto the masquerade mask settled within. All it took was a light tug to release the corner locked within the intricacies of the molded PVC, and she handed her resume over to Alberta with a wide smile.

The resume clearly showed she lacked any substantial job. Evangeline had done odd jobs like house sitting a dog or playing in the orchestra for performances at the theatre. She had at least graduated from high school, and for whatever reason decided it was best to state that she was in the top eight percent of her graduating class. The list of skills consisted of being timely, organized, and a team player. The list of past jobs were so small she could fit her reference contact information at the bottom, one being the orchestra teacher at the high school and the other being a woman she had house sat for on numerous occasion. Likely her neighbor.

"I'm a very organized person," Evangeline stated. "When I would house sit, I would often clean their house free of charge just because I like to see things nice and neat, and I know it is nice to come home to. And being the only clothing store on Main that ranges from children's clothing to senior adults, I'm sure you get quite busy. When things are busy, there may not be enough time to get things in order while also helping a customer. Adding me to your team will help alleviate this. I'm efficient."

Alberta had listened very closely to each word Evangeline said, looking at her paper as she mentally checked off all the things she was looking for. All of what the girl was saying was great, but none of that would really affect her chances of getting a job. Right now, the interview was just a formality, as right when Evangeline said she wanted a job, well, in the eyes of Alberta, she had one. the poise she held, and the slightly shy demure atmosphere around her was so endearing to her. Alberta was also in favor of having more hands in the shop during this time of the year.

School, for many people, was going to start soon, and with that came many mothers wanting to new clothes, teenagers wanting the trendiest shoes, and the kids just wanting to get out of there and get a sucker. With another hand, the effort of keeping them all comfortable wouldn't just have to fall on the sole shoulders of her and and her one employee, who usually did very well with the assignments she gave him.

This new addition would also give Alberta a chance to try out some more beautiful outfits, her employee not having the build for it in her eyes, but this girl, yes, she was the one she had been waiting for. Coughing a bit, Alberta said, "Well, deary, your resume looks good, and even with the lack of experience, well you have a lot of time to fix that, now don't you? Welcome aboard!" Alberta placed the resume on the table and smiled heartily at Evangeline.

Evangeline's mouth hung agape as her thoughts jumbled the signal to her lips. She wasn't expecting such a prompt and decisive hiring, especially since this was her first stop of the day. Her smile returned and reached her grey eyes that brightened with excitement and disbelief.

"Really?" The rhetorical question escaped her lips without thought, though she shook her head as if to erase the word from memory. "Thank you, Mrs. Hartley! I look forward to working for you. When do I start? Ah... how many hours will I start out with? I don't need benefits, so you don't have to worry about that."

Her excitement was nearly palpable as the speed of her words quickened. The prospects of a real job would surely make her mother proud, and she would be able to legitimately help out with the medical bills. She had done the math for a part-time minimum wage job and knew it was still good.

Alberta was containing her own excitement, the emotion building from how giddy the girl looked at getting the job, but Alberta coughed, and continued, "Now, you will be beginning tomorrow from 9am to 3pm. I know it seems a bit early but the rush is real, and we need some real workers!"

Alberta wouldn't ask about the dress up yet, no, she would wait a few weeks before asking. Give her time to get comfortably and attached to the paycheck before asking. It was the paycheck they all craved for one reason or another, anyway.

@Effervescent @CloudyBlueDay
Evangeline turned on the heels of her ballet flats and exited the office of Alberta Hartley with an almost ever-present smile. A real job! And luck would have her land it on the first try. In almost twenty-four hours she would start her first hourly paying job, and she couldn't wait to give her parents the good news.

She walked back out on the floor of the modest boutique, her pace at a stroll as she decided to meander through the racks and stacks of clothing. It was definitely charming, and was not lacking in good taste. Evangeline wondered if this was a type of establishment that would offer their employees a discount. With that thought, she found herself looking back over at the strange one she met at the doorway. Ivo was now her coworker, and it was likely a relationship that would be, for the most part, very quiet and business oriented.

She resituated her purse upon her shoulder, the leftover resumes crinkling against the mask inside as her forearm lightly pressed against it. It would have served as a reminder to her that she wanted to return the thing, but her mind was too focused on readying herself for conversation, or at least a friendly confrontation. Each step she took across the carpeted floor hung heavy and scuffed across the fibers to audibly convey her hesitancy as she approached Ivo.

"You said your name is Ivo, right?" she began, her hand somewhat extending towards him. "I'm Evangeline. Mrs. Hartley just hired me."

@Prizzy Kriyze

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