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A Warrior and a Sneak


Anti-Magic Eight Ball

I pulled my helmet off my head, dismounting my horse Nicole. Shaking out my short silver hair, I handed the rein's over to my stable's groom. As one of the top Warriors in England's army, I had enough money to afford my own lavish house and stable. "She was wonderful, thank you," I said. My dog Samuel, an Irish Wolfhound, stood panting besides me from our training. "Tomorrow we're going to raiding a French village, so please make sure she receives the best if care tonight." The boy nodded, and I let him bring Nicole into the barn as I started to the entrance to my house. As I entered, Maria, one of my maids, curtseyed and smiled. "Hello, Knight Alice," she said. I nodded in acknowledgement, greeting her in return. "Do you wish for my help in running a bath?"

"That would be lovely, Maria. Also, please pick out a dress for me as well." She nodded and left to do as I asked. Sighing, I shut the door to my room, Samuel next to me, and starting unlatching my heavy armor, setting it on my bed. Once I had gotten it all off and I was in simple cotton leggings and a canvas tunic, I stretched and shook myself out, glad to be rid of the heavy suit. The afternoon sun cast a shadow of myself over my carpet as I admired my view, enjoying a moment of rest.

When she had entered Alice's house she had found she was not at home yet and was lurking around in the maid who she currently found out name was Maria. As her shadow crossed paths with Alice's when Alice did finally return she moved swiftly from one to the other's shadow. She was also very careful to keep her presence as unknown as possible to not startle the dog since they seemed to a sixth sense about these things. She slowly reached down to grasp one of her daggers to have at the ready when she decided to strike. She smirked as Alice had removed her armor, leaving her that much more vulnerable.

She soon ended her focus on her cloaking skills and was once more part of the "real world" and made a rush towards Alice with her dagger, straight for her neck.

I heard the deep bark of Samuel just as I spun around to see a woman in dark clothing rushing at me with a dagger. "What the-?" By pure instinct, I threw up a hand, catching her wrist. I realized that this woman was most probably a Sneak, judging my her uniform and eyes that held that dark swirl all those bitches had. After a moment of standstill, followed by me realizing I had no armor own, I decided it might be a good idea to take action. "Who are you," I growled, my hair starting to rise from my shoulders as the wind started to swirl around me. "And what the fuck are you doing in my house?"

She let out a gasp at feeling a hand grip around her wrist. Her surprise lessened her eyes and she let a smirk appear on her face. "mon chéri, such language" She chided mockingly. "I'm pretty sure you know who I am and why I'm here" She states snatching her wrist away from her. A bit irritated with herself for getting caught but kept her cool for the time being. "Such a temper" She states at seeing and feeling the wind pick up due to Alice. "Couldn't just talk a bit over tea, you english like that right?" She states, distractingly as she backs up. Giving a wink before disappearing into Alice's shadow once more, this time using it to travel back to the castle appearing in some servant's shadow, stepping out of it and making her way into the throne room. Not too keen on the response from the monarchs at her failing. Alice was better than she thought.
(APOLOGIES FOR BEING ABSENT! I went on a business/school trip to London, and I just came back. Sorry!)

"Where is Véronique?" I growled to my footman, tapping my staff impatiently. Jade flicked her tail, glaring up at the him with her intense eyes. He straightened, intimidated by the cheetah's impatience as much ch as mine. Boracchio, sat stoutly on my shoulder, barely noticing him, and Tybalt kept sleeping.

"I'm not certain, your Majesty," he murmured. I scowled, shifting in by throne for a second before returning to my stony stillness. My throne was a deep black, carved from grey stone and black diamond, and laid atop black branches. My throne room was huge and black, with glittering black-diamond chandeliers with white candlesticks lit with an eerie black flame commissioned by one of the magicians. The walls were stone, and the floor was black marble, carpeted by black velvet. Frighteningly large swords and spears criss-crossed in France's army's emblem. Balls were often held here, grand and luxuries, with escorts and grand magic shows. If I was to be the only monarch in history so be born without powers, I covered it up with an iron rule and lavish ceremonies.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.9ca0a4c39ab032e514dfe26a0c7acad9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.9ca0a4c39ab032e514dfe26a0c7acad9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Veronique entered the throne room, her heeled boots clacking across the floor as she approached the King. She gave her usual bow and stayed that way until she was told otherwise. "I'm afraid I failed in assassinating Alice. She was much quicker than I anticipated and at being revealed I didn't hold much of a vantage point...I do plan to try again of course" She simply hoped he wouldn't be too angered at her failure.

"You failed?" I growled, narrowing my eyes. Jade rose to sitting position, her hackles rising as she sensed my anger. Tybalt opened his eyes, glancing at Véronique. I tapped my scepter once, and as I'd trained them to do, Tybalt and Jade started growling simultaneously. "Tell me," I said quietly. "Does she know you were sent by me?" I leaned forward, and Boracchio cawed once, spreading his wings on my shoulder. I stifled a sense of relief and pride that my animals behaved so well, and that they caught all my cues. "If she reports this to her excuse for a Queen, this could result in serious issues for both of us."

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