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A Very Supernatural Idea


Junior Member
Hello, Piper here! Despite being quite busy lately, I had an idea for a Supernatural role play so I wanted to post a thread before I forgot about it. I'm going to keep this part short and sweet, so I can spend more time writing out my idea. I'm in EST, by the way.

What I ask for in a partner-

*I'm looking for someone to play Dean Winchester for a Dean x OC role play. I ask that you're able to play Dean believably.

*Please be active. I would like at least a post a day.

*Standard RP rules. Tell me if you need a break/end, don't god-mod, fade to black for PG-13 scenes, etc.

*Grammar is important. I have to understand you.

*Post at least a paragraph. More is always welcome, but I can't write novels for replies.

Now, onto my idea.

Dean is hunting alone, for some reason that we would need to work out. I'm not going to list out my ideas for why, as I don't want to spoil the show for anybody. (Please let me know what season you're currently in, so I can be aware of possible spoilers. I'm all caught up.) Dean is at a motel under the name Alex Burke, using a stolen credit card. The last thing he expects to happen is the owner of the card showing up and inquiring about the charge. Seeing the array of guns and knifes on the bed, Alex Burke (my character) reaches the conclusion that Dean Winchester is the person responsible for the recent murders. (We have to decide what Dean is hunting.)

Dean has to convince Alex that he's not the serial killer. Seeing salt on the bed next to he guns and knifes, she jokes about Dean being a ghost hunter. Seeing this as his only way to prevent Alex from going to the police, Dean tells her the truth. Being a believer in the supernatural already, not to mention a thrill seeker, Alex asks Dean to tell her more.

And we can go from there. If you have a different idea, or would like to play a different Supernatural character, just let me know. But, as this is my main want for a Supernatural RP, I might not accept all ideas. Thanks for reading!

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