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Fantasy A Vampires Masquerade (reboot- characters needed)

"Charming indeed." Raiya agreed with a slight tone of sarcasm to her voice as her eyes drifted to the side catching a familiar vampire's eye. Of course Dracula didn't dispand the newborn army alone, but he was a lot nicer about it.

She smiled and nodded as Lakota spoke about his past life, surprised at how some aspects of his story were similar to her own. "Before I was changed," She began with a soft tone to her voice. I was part of the wealthiest Russian family,
Aleksandrovsk, but I was just shadow behind my oldest sister. As I was the youngest of four daughters no one ever really noticed me. Until I was the only one without a husband." She sighed as unwanted memories flooded back to her. "I received many marriage proposals from greedy men who only wanted money. Like yourself I ran away. After.." She paused before a painful almost embarrassing memory and decided to skip that one detail. "After running away for a second time I was attacked by a small group of newborns." She finished her story with a slight smile. "Just a few of my happy memories." She added.

"How strange to hear someone's real opinion. It's kind of refreshing." Astrien took another drink of blood, "how old are you? You look so young but sound so old..." She trailed off, distracted by the ghost of a man she drank yesterday.

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Lena Hunsted


She watched the scene with the waitress horrified that any being would have such power over someone else - it was wrong. In the next instance he turned to her.

"Lena,will you grant me the next dance?". She stared at him, wanting to say no, but she hadn't been given enough time to look away or thing of a memory. Instead she stared at Henry and breathed out her response. "Yes".

Why wouldn't she want to dance with him, he was perfectly charming, and she wanted him to hold her close to her, for physical contact with him. Lena stood up, reaching for his hand while her mind screamed at her to jerk her hand back. She thought back to the dance routine, trying to think back to the 6 steps. She closed her eyes for a moment, replaying the six step dance in her head and she started counting the beat. She stopped and opened her eyes, jerking her hand back. "I think I get it" she muttered, sitting back down.

She looked at him from across the table, her curiosity getting the better of her. "How old are you Henry?".

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"It's always tougher for the nobility in terms of expectations heaped on them by their parents than it is for the peasants," Lakota said ruefully. "Tougher for the women, no matter their station in life. Still you're out of that terrible predicament now and that's what counts. Me, I just ran away. Joined a ship and became a sailor. Most fun and freedom I ever had as a human for a year and a half before the ship was lost in a storm. A few survivors washed up on Greece shores and I left before anyone could identify me, knowing if my parents knew where I was, they'd marry me off for sure and there'd go my freedom. When I turned twenty-two I was attacked by a vampire, turned and then abandoned after the deed was done. It took me the first two years as a newborn to get back my sanity and learn how to hunt effectively. I was just grateful for being able to continue eating human food." As the dance ended, he looked around the room. "Care for a drink?" he asked. It seemed that Rai shared some aspects of his life, unaware that it seemed to surprise her as well. @NightSky
As Lakota spoke Raiya pictured his life in her mind. It came to her easily as she had been in the same position. "You can still eat human food?" Raiya tilted her head to the side in wonder. She had never met another vampire that possessed such qualities. "That must be a rare ability." She thought aloud, envying him. "Does it satisfy your hunger like blood does?" Raiya's curiosity got the better of her as the question slipped out her mouth.

The classical music slowly came to a stop, Raiya bowed out of habit to thank Lakota for the lovely dance. "A drink would be lovely." She replied as she swiftly walked to an empty table with an expensive red table cloth and an arrangement of white and red roses. Fake, unfortunately. Raiya sat down elegantly her hair flowing out behind her. She watched Lakota closely from behind her mask.

His crimson eyes lit up in curiosity at the question, hearing the sudden envy in her tone of voice, but before he could reply, she had asked for a drink and then made her way to an empty table. Unsure what she wanted, he decided to give her a choice of either wine or...he picked up a glass and sniffed at the red liquid within...blood. Setting the glass down, he picked up another one, along with a glass of wine before carrying one glass in each hand and towards the table Rai was sitting at, setting both down before her before retreating to get himself something non-alcoholic. Despite drinking when working on the ship, he'd never developed a taste for spirits and hadn't the stomach for them. He returned with a wine glass full of blood and set it before at the opposite end of the table before sitting across from Rai. "I didn't think to ask what you wanted so I brought you a choice of alcohol and blood," he said. "But as to your earlier question, yes I can eat human food. As to whether it satisfies my hunger like blood does...in a way it does and in a way it doesn't. I'm still learning but it seems to hold back the monster I've become with being turned into an immortal but the food is still necessary for my survival. Though for those first two years after my change...when I was insane...I didn't eat food. I'm not sure if this makes sense to you. When you say it's rare that I can still eat food, does that mean that vampires mainly live off blood?" @NightSky
Henry Renshaw

Henry pulled his hand back when Lena reached for it,a look of disappointment in his face. But when she suddenly broke out of his control,his expression turned into a prideful smile.

"That was very good,Lena. If you can resist me,you can surely resist others as well."

He tilted his head to one side when she asked him how old he was. The fact that he was much older than most people in the party was probably obvious.

"I stopped counting after the first thousand years,Lena." He leaned back on his chair,waiting to see he reaction to that information. "What about you? I know it's offensive to ask the age of a lady,but I am curious."


"Thank you." She smiled showing a perfect set of teeth, flashing her fangs as Lakota placed the two glasses on the table. One with a translucent pink coloring and the other a thick deep red. The sweet scent of the darker liquid flooded Raiya's nostrils. As if it were reflex she extended her arm to pick up the glass and take sip. It was a slightly colder temperatures to the human blood she was used to but it tasted just as sweet. She placed the glass back on the table as Lakota began to talk about human food. She placed her elbow on the table to rest her head in her hand to listen to him. "I've never met a vampire who can happily eat human food." She responded. "The newborns I knew treated human food like dirt; sometimes even worse."
"You're welcome. Glad I could manage something right with being out of my comfort zone," Lakota said. "Mmm, that's interesting. Sad that food is wasted like that." Removing his mask, he sipped at his glass, grimacing at the taste. "This is disgusting," he muttered under his breath. Nevertheless, he was thirsty so put up with the cold temperature. He noticed Rai paying attention to him, whereas his...shuddering...fiancee hadn't paid much interest in what he was saying. "Am I being rude, talking about myself?" He knew what his parents would say but this was the first time he'd ever gotten to talk to anybody worthwhile of the opposite sex on his same wavelength that was somewhat close to his mortal age. Although Eleanor was good for talking and cooking, the girl would have made a good cook if she'd been allowed to pursue an education. @NightSky
She watched as Lakota removed his mask to reveal his deathly pale skin and even brighter looking eyes and couldn't help but softly giggle at his reaction to his drink. Raiya noticed a sudden dip in his emotion but it bounced back up to neutral before she could distinguish what was wrong. So she shrugged it off. "Rude?" She lifted her head and sat up straighter. "Not at all." She said shaking her head slightly before sipping her drink again. Each sip was more refreshing than the last, Raiya had to hold herself back and make sure to not drink too quickly, that would make her appear lower class. "So, Lakota, did you travel here alone?" She asked placing her hands on her lap.

Lakota set the glass down, dabbing at his mouth with the napkin on the table. "Let me know if I talk too much. I never could sit still and listen to adults talk without growing bored." Her question surprised him a bit, not having expected it. "I came here with a slave I purchased. She's been with me a month now and has done well so far with her new station in life though doesn't like most vampires so I left her upstairs in the guest room given to me." @NightSky
Lena Hunsted


Lena noticed his smile, full of pride and she smiled down at her hands, liking the glow that spred through her from it. But her smile soon dropped as she heard the answer to her question -
more than a thousand years?

She looked up at him, slightly horrified, and realising it she attempted to school her expression to become neutral again, but it left her grimacing slightly at the information. This situation was quickly getting uncomfortable.

"I'm 20" -
just turned 20 to be more precise. She was nothing but a babe compared to Henry, although she liked to think that she acted more than her age. She noticed that some other people at the party had began taking their masks off and she considered it for a moment, before deciding that she would rather preserve the little anonymity she had.

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"Ah I will, but so far I enjoy listening to you speak." Raiya replied, slightly taken back by his statement she'd much rather him talk more than she did. However, she hadn't let her you're down completely yet. His facial expression, now more visible after he had removed his mask, painted account emotion of shock after her question,
did I say something wrong? She wondered before he began to talk again which made her sigh of relief. The idea of available wasn't new to Raiya, the males of the newborn army had a few to satisfy themselves. "Ah I see." She nodded her head slightly. "I traveled alone, just me and my horse."

Henry Renshaw

Henry noticed the look in the woman's face and turned his eyes away from her for a second. The movement was so fast that she probably didn't noticed it. He quickly brought his glance back to her,ignoring the slight pain it had caused him.

"I can imagine what you are thinking right now. What kind of monster lives through a thousand years? Well,you should probably know that I did not choose this living." He pulled the sleeve of his elegant suit,showing the burn marks in his arm. They were deep scars,severing his skin. "I tried to die a few times already,but it's not easy when you are a vampire."

Henry shrugged,seemingly unfazed by his own story. He hid his scars again before smiling to Lena.

"You are very mature for your age,Lena. Very talented,as well. If you wanted to build an entire career on your dancing,you certainly could. I imagine that this is the thing that you are...passionate about. Am I correct? Humans do have passions,I suppose."


Lakota nodded. "Alright." She didn't seem repulsed by him having a slave, perhaps she was used to such things among vampires. "Well in that case I'm lucky. I probably would have had my head ripped off if you'd come with someone." He took another sip of his glass, wondering when Dracula was going to bother show up, if the vampire even associated with the commoners as the vampires probably were considered. He left the conversation open so Rai could talk of herself if she wished. @NightSky
"Most likely." She agreed nodding her head. Vampires could get quite scarily possessive, that's one of the many reasons she preferred to be alone. "The last time I traveled around with others was when I was part of a newborn army." She said looking down into the glass of blood as she swirled it around creating ripples in the red liquid. "There was about thirty or fourty of us, the numbers were constantly increasing by about one a week. I never knew what we were needed for specifically but the main rumor was we were going to rebel against Dracula. Of course that would've never worked he's was to powerful and protected. Eventually, Dracula had found out about the newborn army and killed them all.. Except me of course, but he never said why." She wondered to herself, she had always wondered why he left her alive.

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"Never tell anyone the entire plan in case one of you gets caught. The less you know, the less likely your plan can be discovered," Lakota said once Rai had finished speaking. "If one falls, then you can carry on in your goals, especially if they won't be missed and aren't part of the intricate design." He raised his glass and took another sip. It sounded to him like vampires were more of a nuisance than anything. Explained why the humans wanted them all dead. He sipped at his drink again. "Well, then it sounds you were given a lucky break. Rumors are that Dracula has concubines." By the twisting expression on his face, it was quite clear the noble found the idea distasteful regardless of who it was. "Slaughtering an entire army sounds rather pathetic and a loss. You'd want to take out the leader and the second-in-command. Do that and the army will fall apart quickly." He swirled the blood around, watching the red liquid shake. "What is Russia like?" he asked, changing the topic again. "I've never had the pleasure of being there but remember another sailor on my ship being from Russia and saying it was cold." @NightSky
Aliya Swan



Aliya walked into the ballroom hauling her crimson red ball gown behind her, with her tight corset around her slim waist. She felt rather scared of what lied ahead though in this situation she was curious to find out. She took deep breaths behind her silver mask. Her heart thumped in her chest she was lost in thought before snapping back. She took the red champagne she was offered taking sips to calm herself down, she fixed her neatly put up hair looking around.

Aliya looked down at her invitation, maybe it was meant for someone else how could it be for me? She thought to herself leaning against a wall still holding her champagne half empty. She raised her head to see everyone else, "So many pretty dresses and handsome suits, everyone seems like there having a good time.." She murmered to herself finishing the last sip of champagne it staining her stunning red lips.

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Lena Hunsted


Lena stayed silent as he talked, figuring out that she had offended him - but she really did think he was a monster; all vampires were, and she doubted one dance or one trick could change that. But that didn't mean she didn't feel pity at his story, if she had been changed into a vampire, she would loathe herself, and would have probably tried to commit suicide too. Or at least she hoped that she would stay true to her values and would.

His lack of emotions was unsettling though, the way he clearly didn't understand humans scared her. Maybe it was because he had been a vampire for so long; she doubted he remembered what it was like to be human.

The topic of her dancing was safe though, and she was glad that he didn't comment any further on her age. "Yes, it is my passion - hobby, but I doubt I'll ever be able to make it into a career". Lena left it at that, not wanting to go into depth about her father and why she could never truly dance anywhere but the rotten pub, instead standing up from the table.

"I'm going to get myself a drink if that's alright with you" She muttered, giving him a look before turning away. She no longer wanted a simple glass of the sweet champagne which did nothing, but something stronger, so she glided across the ballroom, towards one of the tables and unknowingly picked up a chalice of blood.

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"You are quite late, Mr. Reign." Damien cast a glance at the peasant he had chose to accompany him on the excruciatingly irritating journey to the renowned castle. "I'm aware." His voice was stoic, stepping off the lavish carriage before the man pulled up the reigns. His blatant disregard for punctuality had become a problem over the years, although most of the time he had been busy, in this situation it was merely to prolong the disastrous fate.

Many people had greeted him as he entered the sumptuous ball, and as expected, everyone was dressed to their utmost best. He tried not to let his gaze linger on anyone for too long and instead sent them slight smile and a nod of acknowledgement. It had been a while since Damien attended one of these, he avoided having to come to these familiar events to push away the past that had always seemed to claw it's way up to the surface. But this circumstance was different. He was at a ball with mortals lingering around. He could control himself enough tonight, his thirst was minuscule.

Damien slipped through the crowd of dancing bodies and found himself in a hushed area. His hand reached out an grabbed a glass of wine from a server passing by. He looked down at the red sultry liquid before bringing it to his lips and taking a sip. In the peripheral of his vision the tail of a gown caught his attention. As his eyes trailed up, it seemed that the elegance heightened until his gaze landed on the beautiful girl wearing the gown. He could tell she was a mortal. Despite projecting herself with such grace, he could see that she seemed out of place and a bit weary. His eyes traveled to the glass in her hand, the rich lurid color of crimson illuminating against the light.

Before he could register what he was doing, he walked over to the girl, "What are you doing?" He glanced from her to the drink.

Lena Hunsted


"What are you doing?". Lena looked up startled at the voice and looked up at a man who was glancing between her and the cup. His well chiselled face immediately signalled that he was a vampire, and she looked at him confused for a moment. He held a drink in his cup, darker than her's and she had no doubt it was blood which made her shiver a little bit.

"I'm having a drink" The Australian spoke, confused at his words. She considered that he may be one of the old fashioned vampires that were against women drinking alcohol, but if he was in her position, he would need a drink as well. Lena put the cup to her lips and took a small sip but as soon as she did she gagged at the rich and bitter metallic taste, and as she coughed as the liquid went down her throat, too late to spit it out she realised that she was the one drinking blood.

There was probably nothing that could horrify her more - maybe except if a vampire drank blood from her. She continued coughing for a little while, thinking back to the drink in this strangers hand, and she reached for it, avoiding touching him as she took it out of his hands, and drank from his glass, gulping down on the wine to wash down the taste.

"Why didn't you stop me?" She asked horrified, not realising that she spoke with a little blood still visible in the corner of her lips. Not only that, but she also wasn't an avid drinker, the earlier champagne mixed with the wine she had just drank so quickly was hitting her, and throwing her off a little.

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Aliya stared in horror across the room from the coughing lady, she seemed human due to her reaction to drinking blood.


She felt bad for the woman so she grabbed a hankerchief nearby. She made her way other dragging along her gown holding the hankerchief.

Aliya tapped the woman's shoulder holding the hankerchief she curtsied. " Excuse me I don't mean to interrupt though I saw what happened from across the room. I noticed you had a little- something on your lip. Here." She showed the hankerchief kindly to the woman holding her mask close due to the fact it was falling off.

@Bhlow @ambiguities
Henry Renshaw

Henry nodded when Lena rose for a drink,turning his attention to the window by his side. Now that he thought about it,there were a few methods of destroying vampires that he hadn't tried on himself.Maybe after this party was over he would be trying them. He hadn't fed for a while now,maybe if he simply kept going...

The truth was that Henry was extending his time in Earth. He had no reason to live,he was basically a walking corpse. If he simply could-

Henry's thoughts were cut short by the sound of Lena coughing. His form disappeared from the table and was immediately by her side,worry marking his expression.

"Lena,what happened?"

His nose detected the familiar smell of blood and he lowered his eyes to the cup in her hands. Frowning lightly,he quickly pulled the cup away from her and placed it on the table. Turning back to Lena,he softly cleaned the blood that was still on her lips from the drink.

"You should probably avoid drinking anything else tonight,you don't seem too well."

Only now Henry's attention was turned to the two strangers surrounding Lena. He gave them both a short bow,not wanting to be impolite for not acknowledging their presence.

"I am Henry Renshaw. It's good to meet both of you."

@Bella Bloomet



Aliya was surprised by the sudden appearance of the vampire almost causing her to jump. She then curtsied due to his bow and looked down at Lena," Nice to meet you Henry I am Aliya Swan, though I don't think this is a nice time to talk. I would suggest medicine or water for Lena, was it?" She had a worried look due to Lena and the sudden appearance of the vampire.


She folded the unused handkerchief and placed it aside, she then thought for a second." I wonder how many people saw what happened, hopefully not much there will probably be a crowd soon." She murmured to herself holding her mask looking now at the others.

Aliya searched desperately for a chalice of water somewhere, she apparently only found blood and other beverages.
Where did all the water go?! She thought to herself holding out a red fan due to sudden heat. @Bhlow @ambiguities @Rukia
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Lena Hunsted


Lena looked at the woman who had come up to them, and gratefully reached out to take the handkerchief from her, repelled by the fact that she had blood on her mouth, but before she reached for it Henry suddenly appeared at her side and she flinched away from the movement, recoiling at the touch of his fingers on her lips as he brushed the blood away. She wondered for a moment how he thought he had the right to touch her so intimately, he was handsome and attractive, but that did not instantly mean that they had a deeper connection - he was still a vampire.

And if there was one thing she didn't like, it was people telling her what to do, no matter what the circumstances. "Lena Hunsted, please to meet you", she introduced herself to the mysterious vampire and kind Aliya - wondering for a brief second if she was a vampire too. "I'm perfectly fine thought and I
don't need water". Lena spoke, and with a child-like defiance she grabbed a cup of a passing waiter, gingery checking if it was blood or red wine, the difference in colours minute, and downed the chalice of wine while looking at Henry, wondering how much she would regret that action later on, considering it was her second glass of wine in two minutes.

@Bella Bloomet
@ambiguities @Rukia

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