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Realistic or Modern A Undead Hell


That Guy...

Finn was with the survivor group from close to the very beginning of the zombie outbreak. But it wasn't long till he started to not agree with the current leader. He had already led his people into countless encounters with the zombies. Not to mention getting some killed in the process. Finn had enough. So he was planning to leave this group the next chance he got. And he hopped some others felt the same way as he didn't want to travel alone. As he knew being alone was more overly certain death for an individual out in that hell.

After he sunk his knife into the head of a zombie which felt like he was stabbing a slab of cheese the blade went into the zombie so easily. As some blood splattered around his arm. Finn was on lookout that night, he kept thinking of ways he could convince some people to actually leave and see how crazy this guy truly is and how poorly he leads them. He just hoped some others had the same mindset as him.​

(for overview and rules look at the overview tab please)
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The quiet gurgle of an undead's last putrid breath came after Santiago plunged his knife through it's forehead. The stab had been lined up with quiet efficiency so as to not give the other shuffling creatures his location. Santiago grabbed the corpse and shuffled to the stark red door that led to where the pharmacy connected to the alleyway behind it.

The heavy door murmured lightly as he pushed it back with the limp body dragging against the linoleum floors. The scrapping of the rusted door on it's hinges was quiet enough to keep Santiago from having to run for his life. The body cracked dully down the small stooped stairs than spanned a maximum of five steps. Santiago had left it fall down on it's own accord. It was smarter to let it fall than to waste time an energy lowering it when he knew the area was free of undead. The pharmacy was near a thinly populated cul da sac with little left but discarded bike locks and stop signs that had been bent in half. Once the body reached the final step he made sure to drag it to a side where it wouldn't be in his way if he had to make a quick get away. Quietly he opened the red door to poke his head into the pharmacy once again.
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Scarlet's long blonde hair hung down to her stomach, it hadn't been washed in at least a week causing it to become visibly darker everyday from all the dirt on it. She zipped up her red and white jacket before walking to the front of the alley was she inhabited. She poked her head around the corner, checking for any of those undead creatures. After making sure nothing was in ten feet of her she ran out, the girl was quick on her feet, dodging one of the zombies and running into the store that was located just across the street. It was a Walmart and a big one at that.

Her hand tightened around her knife as she walked into the abandoned store. She put shopping carts in front of the doors, so if anything came in she would know about it. Hearing a growl to her left, she turned quickly and glanced down at the ground in front of her, seeing a unrecignizable creature on the ground. Its legs were gone, all that remained of the poor bastard was its torso and up. Scar crouched down in front of it and frowned "Guess they never die" she muttered under her breath then stuck the knife through its skull. She had figured out recently that if you get their brain, they would die....In a way.
Like a serpent on a jungle floor Santiago maneuvered through the pharmaceutical area of the large store. He picked clean what was already bone dry. The shelves were mostly empty save a box of condoms, two bottles of flintstones multivitamins, and a bottle of ibuprofen wedged between two shelves that had been knocked against each other. "Few years too late to pick anything good off this place but beggars can't be choosers." He grimaced with a small whisper to himself. He held the bottle of multivitamins in his gloved hand. The gloves were fingerless allowing him to unscrew the cap of the bottle with ease. He popped a few in his mouth at a time telling the recommended dosage to go fuck itself. "Oh thank god these are gummi."

The sound of a skull being cleaved drew his attention. It came from further into the store. He'd already stowed the supplies he'd looted into a small backpack and drawn his gun before he'd taken a single step. Approaching the he kept his pistol close enough to kiss the barrel. He crouched behind any available cover and made his advance with deliberate silence. Peering over the "Have a nice day" sign that hung over a cash register he saw the redhead who had just re-killed a corpse.

"Man you are having the shittiest day to run into me here." He said remaining behind his cover but with his gun trained on her. "I'm gonna make this quick, I want your stuff not your life."

@Still Crazy
Scarlet heard a voice coming from the counter and she turned quickly, the knife in the optimum position for killing. She could see the gun pointed at her and the top of the mans head. At least it sounded like a man, for all she knew it could be a girl with a cold. Typical, someone trying to get supplies from her. There as no way she was going to give up anything, although there wasn't much to give. all that was on her that was worth taking was a kitchen knife, 3 throwing knives, her jacket and a couple of nutrition bars.

"Tough shit" she muttered under her breath, grabbing the throwing knifes from her front right pocket. She had found the knives on a dead body a couple of days ago. There was no need for them until now, maybe if she aimed them right she could kill him and get the gun. It would be really useful to have a better long range weapon other then little dinky knives. "There's not much you can get from me" she said in a louder voice. Her eyes darted to the exit and she frowned a bit, putting all the shopping carts in front wouldn't give her a great exit plan if things went south.
"Not much" He quoted her "So you mean there's at least something?" He nodded. "That's good enough for me." Santiago kept true to trigger discipline keeping his finger parallel to the trigger instead of squeezed around it. If he fired off a shot by mistake it would be hell for both of them. The dead would be flocking in droves to the walmart that would basically be advertising 'Free Humans.' "Now I want you to kick over all the stuff you've got in this and we can both leave here unscathed." He slid a red plastic shopping basket across the floor with his free hand. He pulled his back like a snake snapping it's fangs in case she might be having any smart ideas. He'd come to learn that in this day and age if someone was still alive it meant that they were good and smart enough to stay alive.

@Still Crazy
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Scar took a step forward and gave him a mischievous smile, still holding the knife. "See heres the thing" she muttered under her breath as she tilted her head. "You and I both know that you won't shoot. You wouldn't risk your own death to get a knife at most from me" she said, hopefully he wasn't stupid enough to realize that the undead are attracted to noise. Shooting at her wouldn't be a great option for either of them, at least if she was shot she wouldn't have to deal with teh zombies that were bound to come. And even if he did kill her, there wasn't enough on her to make it worthwhile.

@Daniel Nunez
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Its been a little while since the world went to hell. Luckily his Military Training has kept him alive through it all. However, he needed more firepower. When the Outbreak began, the only thing that stood between him and the Undead was his Handgun and his Knife. But now he needed more, like a Sub-Machine Gun or a Sniper Rifle, so he could either mow the bastards down or shoot them before they even have a chance to bite him or get even close. But the Pistol had to do for now. While walking, he was relieved to stop at what remained of a Wal-Mart. Hearing commotion, he entered with his gun at the ready, wanting to be prepared for an ambush, whether it was another survivor, a looter or one of the infected.
He smiled. Her commanding nature was actually amusing. "I've done more for less, trust me." Santiago understood his bluff would be called but she had him there. Usually people were too frightened by the sight of a gun to logically think about the drawbacks of a loud weapon. He slowly sheathed his pistol sliding down the counter to where none of his body was able to be seen from beyond the counter. "Alright then, guess we're doing this the fast and quiet way." He sprung up from behind the counter grabbing a piled up stack of old newspapers still strung together by years old atlas twine. He held it front of him as a a makeshift shield while he brandished his bowie knife in his other hand. He charged to her with a calm and collected coolness coming from his brown eyes. Now that he was out from behind his cover the redhead could see he stood at six feet tall and looked surprisingly well nourished as he managed to keep sturdy musculature.

@Still Crazy
Scarlet watched as he jumped from behind the counter, he was quite agile for being in the zombie apocalypse. Once he fully stood up and reveled his height she muttered to herself. He was at least half a foot taller then her. She quickly assessed the situation and dogged the knife attack. "Aw shit" she muttered to herself and pulled one of the throwing knives out of her pocket and chucked it at him. Scar aimed for his thigh for many reasons, it was the meatiest part of his body, it was able to be headed quite easily and most likely it would inhibit his ability to fight efficiently while it was still in his leg.

@Daniel Nunez @Shimakage Thunder
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Hearing what sounded like a knife being thrown and people jumping as well as other voices, Carter became a bit more nervous about being there. The first thing he did was switch the safety on his Handgun off as he kept it at the ready, wanting to be able to fire at a moment's notice. He turned down an isle to see two other survivors, and they appeared to be fighting each other. Before he could do anything, an Infected Old Man leaped out from behind debris and tried to grab him. Not reacting quickly enough, the Infected Old Man wrestled Carter to the ground, causing his dangling dog tags to ring and his gun to be knocked out of his hand. Luckily it was still within his reach, so before the Old Man can bite him he was able to grab his and wrestled the Zombie off of himself. He scrambled to his feet as the Zombie charged for another attack. Out of natural instinct, he pulled the trigger, hitting the Zombie in the throat. However, that wasn't doing any good. Besides seeing blood splattering out of the throat, he fired again and hit the Zombie in the chest, which still didn't do any good. "Oh for for fuck's sake, die already!" He exclaimed and finally shot it in the head. Keeping track of his shots, as he was on his second to last magazine, he had only seven rounds left, because the current magazine in his handgun only had ten rounds as opposed to his other High-Capacity Magazines which can hold fifteen to seventeen rounds. The sound of his gun going off echoed across the store...

@Daniel Nunez
Finn sighed as he was walking the night before to a new town. He stopped to wait out the night in an apartment complex across the street from a Walmart. The next morning he had some food, the little he had, and rationed himself. He had his sniper next to him as he was in one of the rooms. He had locked the door and put crap in front of it so it would be hard to get in. After he was done in the room, he looted a couple rooms till it was safe to say there was nothing left. All he got out of the looting was a couple cans of beans, a couple water bottles. That was all he found.

To plot his next place to go and see if there were a lot of zombies down on street level he made his way to the roof. In which he went to the edge and looked over and saw some zombies scattered here and there. Nothing he couldn't handle. He took his sniper from around his shoulder and peered through the scope down the street. Still, a couple here and there. But they seemed to be going somewhere...closer?

When he heard some gun shots. He looked out from his scope. Then positioned the big gun and looked around. He saw no more flashes from a gun nor the sound. But it came from across the street. He went back and locked the door to the roof. The knelt down. Who ever was in there was about to be over run by a horde outside. With his sniper pressed against his shoulder. He fired a couple rounds, the bullets traveling and hitting their mark piercing the zombie's heads and then their bodies falling to their ground. Finn had enough ammo to last him over 200 rounds. He had never really had to use the sniper till now.
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Santiago brandished his makeshift newspaper shield with enough agility to intercept the the knife aimed expertly at his thigh. He jumped back a bit at the sudden knifesmanship. Only the very corner of the thick stack of tabloids caught the knife. An inch slower and Santiago would be having to live with a limp for a while. The while he did have to live seemed exponentially shortened by the sound of a gunshot that shocked him so intensely he lost taste in mouth for enough time to be able to feel every anxious pin and needle that rocked up his skin. He held his knife wielding hand to Scarlet with his palm open only his thumb supporting his weapon. "Wait, wait, wait, time out...truce?"

Santiago had seen enough reason to keep the girl around in the form of that masterful knife throw. He hadn't planned on killing her but now with the threat of the undead clambering to the sides of the stained glass windows of the store he preferred to have her at full strength. "I'd say two against a hundred are better odds right?" He threw down the newspaper shield and turned heading toward where he remembered the back entrance to be.

@Still Crazy
Scarlet was about ready to lunge at him when she was disrupted by the loud pang of a gunshoot. She jumped back and quickly checked herself, not seeing a gunshot, which could have easily hit her if aimed. She glanced up at him, seeing him 'surrender' to her and she nodded quickly "Truce" She muttered softy under her breath. She put the throwing kinves back into her pocket, mainly because all the walkers that were comming couldnt be taken down by a small knife like that. She would stand a better chance of killing them up close with her kitchen-like knife. "Im gonna kill whoever shot a gun" she said as she started to walk towards where the loud noise was. She got her knife in a position where slicing through a skull would be almost effortless. She walked out to the origin of the gunfire and glanced around, seeing a male there with a gun in his hand "You idiot" she said, looking out the windows of the walmart. The walkers were starting to walk towards them, some of them had already made it to the doors. Before taking on the undead creatures she walked around the store, looking for a back exit. After locating a door in the back of the store she smirked to herself “Hmm guess they can deal with this themselves” she said to herself before opening the door quickly. Little did she know that there were zomies just waiting otuside for her. “Shit” she said loudly before slaming the door shut and walkign back to the front.

@Daniel Nunez

@Shimakage Thunder
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Anastasia clung to the tree outside of the store and began to scream. The deadly creatures they had called zombies were gaining on her, and she couldn't find anywhere to go. She ran to the store entrance, the zombies having been distracted and headed towards her instead of the store whilst she was at the tree. The doors wouldn't open, it seemed as though they were jammed. The inevitable flew threw her mind as she slammed her fists against the glass doors in an attempt to get in. She kicked at them, her height of 5'3 not helping her. She began to cry as they got closer and turned, sliding her back against the doors. She didn't make a sound after that, she knew the zombies were attracted to it.

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Because Carter was a little reckless about the discharge of his gun, it would seem that everyone within the Wal-Mart was now going to have to pay for it. When the girl who approached called him an idiot, he just sighed and shook his head before looking out the window. "Well...Fuck..." He muttered before looking at his gun, holstering it and having to decide quickly on where and how to make his exit. If anything, the infected were going to try and make their way in through the front entrance. The Gunshot couldn't have echoed that much. The worst it could have done is echo across the store. If anything, now would be a good time to go find a suppressor so he wouldn't have to deal with it again.

Suddenly, he heard a loud banging noise that broke his concentration. He saw a girl desperately trying to get in an attempt to escape from the numerous infected. Sadly, his reckless shooting were now enabling the infected to make their way in any way they possibly could. However, he was going to abandon another in trouble. He made a dash for the Store Entrance to help the girl on the other side. He didn't have enough bullets to take out every single Infected, but he knew of a way to slow them down. Seeing that the doors were jammed, he took the butt of his gun and smashed it against the glass as hard as he could, to no avail, barely making it crack. Frustrated, he grabbed the closest flat, but blunt object in between the doors, and tried to open it that way. His improvisation worked and he was able to get the door open. "Get in." he said to the girl.

Her eyes widened at his attempts to help her, and she turned to stare at the infected. She stayed silent, almost leaping into the door entrance in an attempt to get away. She then slammed it shut, blocking it with items around her. Anastasia then leant against a wall, her back sliding down it as she calmed herself and her breathing.

"Thank...you..." She muttered softly between breaths. She flinched at the sight of his gun then tilted her head to look at the ceiling as she closed her large, grey eyes.

@Shimakage Thunder
Finn was picking off zombie after zombie making sure none of those undead bastards didn't get to the girl that was outside in the middle of that cluster fuck. Finn took breathed out as he was holding his breath for a more steady shot. Cause as you breath the up and down motion your torso takes moves the gun around screwing with the line of sight and the path of ones bullet.

He knew there were only two in there. As he heard one gun fire go off in there and now there was another girl in there. Finn doesn't know there are still more trapped inside. And by the looks of things, he assumed the back entrance was cut off too due to the overwhelming number of zombies that had gathered around the store.

Some had ventured off in the direction of Finn as his gun was giving off sound. But Finn was smart and put a muzzle break on the gun muffling the sound just a bit. Enough so the sound wouldn't carry a long distance. But enough to attract some zombies in his direction. Finn had to think of a way to distract the horde from getting into the store and to get them out.

He had some fire crackers on him from when he was with the other group as he was mostly to distract the zombies with them so they wouldn't hurt his group. He took them out, lit his last match, then lit the bundle of the fire crackers. He then ran to the other side of the building and threw them into the street. On the way down they started pop and crack as the firecrackers were exploding. As the sound echoed off the building and carried to the horde, most of the zombies started to disperse. That is when Finn took shop up again and stared to kill the remaining zombies that didn't leave with the horde. He made sure that these people would survive.

Hadley Mae-Dixons
Hadley is the definition of badass.

At least thats what Path would say.

Hadley walks along the alley, filled with Walkers, she just pulls the chains that hold her pac walkers back. She knows that she wont end up getting attacked as long as her walkers are close.

Their names? Kyson and Jason? Who were they to Hadley? Well that's something she only tells the people she gets closest to. And lets face it, she doesn't get close to much of anyone anymore.

Back to what she's doing.

Hadley smirks, she can hear gunshots.

Those idiots are going to die.

Hadley has always been careful when it comes to making noises. She has a silencer on her gun, but even at that she would rather use her Katana over anything else. Hadley watches as one of the walkers gets too close to her. It knows. So, with a swift movement, she takes off its head. But all of the Walkers are distracted by the gunshots firing. Hadley rounded the corner and saw where the shots were coming from. She ties up her walkers and makes her way to where the people are. A firecracker makes noises, drawing away enough of the Walkers so she may slice a few's heads off. She notices that several walkers are falling, heads exploding, bodies going limp. She looks in the direction of the gunshots and sucks in a deep breath, sh knows that someone else is around, helping.

But Hadley knows that these people are going to die unless she helps.

So Hadley continues slicing her way in. She bangs on the door to the store and tries to get in. She groans when this doesn't work and spins around, her body now drenched in walker blood, makes her almost invisible to the infected. Hadley finds a garbage dumpster and climbs onto the closed lid, she takes the black violin that she carries off of her back and begins playing. She attracts the Walkers to her area then drops a hand made smoke bomb, she then stores her violin and makes her way to the entrance of the store, she drops another bomb, then runs to the alley where she tries to find a way to the roof.

Once on the roof of the store she finds the vents. She sets her violin on the ground and slides her way in, making her way towards where she hears sounds, people, cries, gunfire, walkers. She kicks the vent and drops down onto a shelving unit. She pulls a harmonica out of her pocket and begins playing, drawing any Walkers nearby towards her. She drives her Katana through their heads in one, swift motion before jumping down, dusting herself off, and smiling at the two humans before her.

"Well, well, well. Got ourselves into a pickle, haven't we?"

(Mentioned: @Shimakage Thunder
@Still Crazy )

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