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A twist of Fate


Daydream Queen
We're [EX's/Best Friends?] and we were in this huge fight a few months back and you screamed that you never wanted to see me again.

So that night I left and never came back...

People have been claiming they've seen me around town, but weird thing is my car was found in a car crash months ago. With no trace of the body.

The twist is, I'm a vampire... I was Changed after the car accident...

What happens when I walk by an old hangout spot of ours and you spot me? Will I run, or will I want to kill you? Or... Will you want to kill me because you are a hunter...
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I can be the hunter if you didn't want that role. and yes it would be female/female
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well, from what i was thinking when i wrote this there was always a romance there. they had been together for years prior, and one is a supernatural hunter, the other a supernatural creature of your choice. and so in this lies the conflict of the RP

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