• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Troubled Boarding School OOC

Hey guys! I'll be gone for 2-3 days for a vacation, sorry for a late notice. It was a surprise for me. I'll try to update late tonight and tomorrow night :)
I know this may be much to ask, and by no means is it necessary, but would anybody like to make a roommate for Sam?
I'm really, really sorry guys, I'm going to be caught up with things like work and a project I'm doing. You guys can absolutely continue on without me. I'll be able to return as the project is completed (which may take 2-3 weeks ) and I'll be able to make much more posts a day rather than one a day. I'd rather have it so that you guys can roleplay freely rather than have to wait on my back to message with long response times. You can freely pretend my characters don't exist(so that the tie lock doesn't exist), do an idea I had for teacher substitutes, etc.
Thank you so much for putting up with this, I really hope this isn't too much of a hassle. I just don't want you guys to wait on me constantly and I'd rather not be a problem at all until I can evenly message
Would it be alright if I was to make a teacher before joining in with Todd and yet to be named character. My new character was kinda inspired by a special song from the Rolling Stones.

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