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Realistic or Modern A Tale of Viking Folk

Dust Bunnies

Poof I'm in your face...
Blitzer Blitzer 1x1 RP


Dawn rose upon the small hills that stood over Fayette’s hometown, the sun lightly shining through the dull sky. She was only just waking up beside her husband, as the morning light began to stir her into a wake. Groggily she pulled herself out of bed. Looking around, kissing her husband sweetly on the cheek sweetly.

Everything seemed like a normal morning to Fayette, as she got out of bed beginning to cook breakfast, calmly waiting for her husband to wake. The only thing that makes her stir to the reality of something bad happening was the ringing of the raid bells, in the church. Collecting herself, gently holding her slightly swelled belly, she watched her husband Johnathan step out of the room. They kissed softly, before parting.

“My love, you must flee… I’ll help you head to the hills…” Johnathan spoke softly and lovingly to his wife, taking her hand to lead her from their house and shop. In his other hand an axe for protection, mainly the protection of his pregnant wife, and true love Fayette. Through the crowd of panic, Johnathan shielded his wife from being pushed around by many other people, looking to her with sweet concern.

At the shores of the town, Viking ships began to pull in. Many people of Norse beliefs shocked that town on the morning. Young Fayette’s fate was yet to change forever.
Ragnar breathed in deeply as he slammed the oar down again. They were approaching their target, a small town with a small castle. They weren't expected, not here not now. He grinned cynically, sleep now, they were coming fast. He slammed down the row again in the enchanting rhythm of tens of men rowing in sync. They all were armed, the forty of them ready and willing to crush some English sculls. The lead viking shouted his warning that they were approaching land. It was time. They began to row faster, in time with the drum beats. And then the crash, they had beached.

Out of the ship poured the viking warriors screaming their war cry, dressed in gambeson or chainmail. He himself wore gambeson as most of the poorer vikings wore. He drew forth his ax and set his shield and began to run into the town. The little resistance that could have been put up was easily torn down. The other two Viking ships had landed, and they began to make their way to the small fort, his own group heading to the town to secure it. Half the party ran to secure the exits from the village while the rest changed into the town. All men of age were to be killed. Time for blood.

Ragnar had killed before, and he was no stranger to the begging that accompanied a cornered man. He cut down the man infront of him who had offered anything, even his daughter to save his life. Disgusting man, if he wanted his daughter now he could take her. Around him chaos reigned as men were cut down mercilessly. Even one of the troop had already began to rape a girl. This sack was almost too easy.

Dust Bunnies Dust Bunnies
Fayette's chances weren't setting well in the eyes of fate, upon the church steps she and her husband were confronted by men. Holding her husband's hand, she felt fear in her eyes boiling. Her stomach seemed to be doing flips and tricks. Many dead and dying were around them. Though Johnathan didn't seem to give in, pushing Fayette carefully at her side, she stumbled letting go of his hand.

The dirt of the ground comforted her fall, looking over her shoulder she quickly turned looking to her husband fighting a man. Her eyes of blue stressed with fear. Blood splashed across her cheeks, the vision of her husband's hand which wielded his weapon flew into the earth at her feet. Johnathan's cries coursing her eyes to water, as she quickly stumbled to her feet.

Catching her husband as an axe was swung into his chest Fayette looked down, tears gushing over his cheeks. "Fayette get away..." He choked, coughing large piles of vile and blood up. Before his body went into a limp state. Lose burning her cheeks, Fayette buried her head into his bloodied flesh sobbing in a terrified and a manner of mourning. Blood soaking her flesh, pain clenched her chest. Feeling a snap pull at her body, looking up at the man who pulled her away from her husband.

Her soul was crushed upon seeing her husband's dead body laying on the floor, turning looking to the Viking she spat in his face. "You're loathful scum!" She yelled, struggling within a hold.

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