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Realistic or Modern A Survival Story... (Zombie Apoc RP)

"As the three were about to set up camp Nathan notices that the infected were being killed"Hey Barry the zombies someone is killing them"As the reflection of light hit his face he knew people were at the Church"

Newt got up quickly, his face red with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up...." He said, offering his hand. "I didn't mean to.....I just, uh, yeah--" He broke off, realizing he probably wasn't helping anything by babbling. He glancing down at the body of an old lady and quickly looked away. "Did you know her?" He asked, briefly remembering his material arts instructor's last moments. "This is all so horrible." He mumbled, mostly to himself.

Jinx smiled and shook Addy's hand. "Nice to meet you. So, what exactly is going on here?" She said then laughed quietly at the end. @Kayla
Newt glanced down at the old lady then closed his eyes. "Um, yeah. I guess you kind of have to be smart if you want to make it out of this. I'm Newt, by the way. Sorry my first impression wasn't good. I promise I don't usually greet people by body-slamming them." He said with a small grin as he turned to her and offered his hand.

Elephantom said:
"Do they seriously think it's fun to be in a zombie apocalypse, kid's these days." Barry said as he shook his head, sighing a bit.
"We're going to have to go on the long run, since all the civilians split up, we're gonna have to do it all alone." He continued.

"Let's go to the outskirts, hopefully the infected will not roam up there." He said, looking at Intel and rat.

"Check your mags and clear your head, we don't want to get trigger-happy on those shambling freaks." He finished, as he started to move a bit.

"Let's go." He said as he gestured them to follow him.
"Ready." Rat replied putting up his facial guard.
Madison looked at Jinx.

"To be blunt- ever heard of Walking Dead? Because that's probably the simplest way to explain it."

She was glad Jinx was a lot more friendly than Lily, but realized that being overly friendly could also be a downfall if it's towards the wrong people. Madison shrugged and scratched the back of her head just like how she always saw people do in animes.

"Pretty much... Yeah. Zombies, doubtful government, and probably some crazy survivors."

She side glanced and gave a nervous laugh, hoping Jinx wouldn't get mad at how bluntly she put it.

@Jinx Perkins
"Nice to meet you, too. Although I have to say, I wish it had been under better circumstances." Newt said, his smile a bit sad. "Um, yeah......definitely that bite on her arm that did it." He said, trying to casually avoid looking at the woman. "Hey, maybe we should get out of here. It just doesn't feel right being in someone else's house, you know? I mean, you can stay if you want to..." He corrected himself, not wanting to sound like she had to come with him.

Elephantom said:
"Yes, I see that, but the problem is that we don't have either the firepower or the manpower to overcome this, let's come back here in an hour or so. If we shoot, we waste our bullets and attract zombies." Barry replied to the lieutenant's statement.
(Hey are you going to answer Nathan?)
Barry looked at the reflecting object and the zombies which seems to be getting shot.

He looked back at rat and Nathan.

"We clear out the zombies, there may be survivors inside the church." He said as he inspected the reflection and the zombies horde.
"Nathan equips his Primary shooting stray zombies as the three get closer to the Church a female voice is heard"Get in now we can't hold off this zombies any longer"Nathan recognizes the voice but can't tell who he heard it from, Nathan shrugs it off and rushes to get into the fortified church the three see two CDC Hazmat Units as the Male CDC survivor closes the gate stopping zombies from getting in"Wait... Nathan?!"Um... Do I know you"Sarah removes her CDC Hazmat Helmet Revealing a Red Headed woman"Don't tell me you don't remember your own Girlfriend"S-Sarah"In the flesh"Nathan rushed towards her hugging her crying in his S.A.S. Gas mask Helmet"I've missed you so much"Yeah... I can see that"As Nathan stopped hugging her, she told them about how she got here building a fort"

@Elephantom @Joshua matt
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Jinx nervously laughed also. "Is it weird that The Walking Dead is my favorite show?" She asked. "You guys aren't mass murderers, right?" She asks putting her hand on her katana. @Kayla
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Now it was Madison's turn to laugh.

"No, but never hurts to ask."

She laughed again, smiling at Jinx, wondering how it would've went down if they had been.
(Sorry I didn't get any notifications :P )

Nicholas rolled his eyes "Okay so we done talking everyone have there fun learning time and that short of stuff?" He asked plainly while he began walking before stopping "Cause we need to move...so you know we don't get eating unless that's your plan go right ahead." The boy snickered darkly while he heard his stomach growled "Anyone else hungry?" Nicholas asked while grabbing a candy bar eating it before turning to the girl "I'm Nicholas...I would say nice to meet you but why hide the truth." He said bluntly while throwing the wrapper on the ground

@KayIa @Jinx Perkins
Jinx felt hurt. She barely knew this guy, but he already hated her? "Well, i'm Jinx and it IS nice to meet you..." She said angrily. @Cicero @Kayla
The boy laughed "The fact that your angry doesn't make me believe that one bit." He told her plainly still snickering to himself while checking around them and behind him making sure they still are within safe distance @Jinx Perkins
Madison frowned.

"Oh come on Nicholas, she's not that bad, at least to my knowledge she isn't."

She crossed her arms and started walking with slight elegance in her posture. She didn't like when people hated on food, shows, or anything before trying it themselves and then judging.
Jinx went back to Addy. "Thanks Addy. That was sweet of you!" Jinx says to Addy, taking her hand off of her Katana. @Cicero
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"Yea I guess your right...oh well I meant what I said she can take it whatever way she wants." He said while following the girl putting his hands in his pocket "So Addy how about we climb the buildings and jump for the ones if possible and when were close to the water tower we climb down and then up the tower...if not we just have to take ally ways and go through building staying quiet and unseen."The boy explained while trying to think of the flaws in the plan "Also Jinx if that's your name I wasn't really paying attention but if you draw your weapon on either of us I won't hesitate to strike you down or leave you for dead."Nicholas explained yawning @KayIa @Jinx Perkins
Madison smiled warmly at Jinx. She usually never got thanks for anything so it was surprising to her to receive thanks for such a little deed.

"I guess we could go rooftop some of the way and alleys the rest. Like first we take alleys, but when we get far enough into town where it becomes more dangerous, we could do the rooftop jumping plan then. A healthy mixture of both."

She kept her voice low since she kept in mind that too much noise could easily draw too much attention and they could become an all you can eat buffet.

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