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Realistic or Modern A Strange Summer Home

Should I make it a school year?

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  • School year and summer.

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  • More focus on school activity than out of school activity.

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  • More focus on out of school activity than in school activity.

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Maki laughed softly as the other went on about himself, not to be rude, but Ishiki talked about himself like he was a middle-aged father who was recalling the good 'ol college days. "Tagadashi-san, you're making yourself sound like a dad...how old are you anyways? You don't look like you're in your early thirties. Mid-twenties?" Maki asked, hoping he wasn't offending the other accidentally. He recalled they had a conversation about age a while ago, and Tagadashi-san was rather defensive about it. Hell, the guy wouldn't even tell him his birthday.

@Suzumaki Arakai

[sorry! My mom took me personal birthday shopping, and I got a lot of cute things. I'm back now though! ^~^

~*Hanako Takigawa*~

'My parents are going to kill me. I'm going to kill me. Straight face, straight face.' The words rang in her head as she smiled innocently at the employee, almost as if they had just walked in but a second ago. Never, ever, had she done something like this in her life, and boy did she wish she'd never do anything of the sort again. Haruna, you better know how loved you are, because this was the most embarrassing experience of her life. Shigeru joining helped her embarrassment a little, but not so much. 'GET THE CAKE PLEASE SO I CAN DIE IN PEACE.'

Luckily enough, Hanako didn't have to keep up the cheerful, innocent charade for long as the boy returned with the cake- free, at that- and she shot him a playful wink and wave before leaving the bakery. "Nice meeting you!~" She called out before the door closed behind the group, making sure she couldn't be seen inside before flailing her arms wildly in chibi form. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT!" She squealed with a bright red face, whining gently as she hid her flushed features to the world behind her hands. "Nnnnnnnnnng..." Not even caring at this point, she fell on to her knees on the sidewalk with another whine, holding back the tears brought by the embarrassment of the situation. "That cake better be the best damn cake in the world..." Poor, poor girl.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d30514d_Ishiki3.gif.b2a9eea8c165b8084181491fbadc497c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d30514d_Ishiki3.gif.b2a9eea8c165b8084181491fbadc497c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki's soft expression didn't last long after Maki explained that he sounded like a dad, this caused his face to cringe lightly as he laughed in a bland manner. "Ahaha...right..." Lifting his phone up to randomly check the time, also, looking out the window, he could notice that they would be getting out of the car soon. "We're pretty much here, you can unbuckle now. And as for my age...hm...I'm twenty-four...and I sure as hell hope I don't look to be in my thirties. I'd have to cry then." Well, it's not like he's far from it or anything, a couple more years and he'll reach that point in life. Eventually the taxi came to a dead stop and Ishiki removed the suffocating strap with the click of a button before handing the male the correct amount of money, and hopping out of the car. Walking around, Ishiki opened and held the door open for Maki to get out. "Yosh...this is it." The restaurant didn't look too fancy, but that's to be expected...Ishiki is like a money magnet...a very...very strong...money magnet. Very rarely can you nit-pick some change from this walking bank. That's an exaggeration of course..."Let's go." For some reason, Ishiki held out his hand on instinct for Maki to take it, but before the other could realize he placed it in his pocket and looked to the side with a relieved expression. "Uwaaah. That was fucking close."

@Zero Gravity



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Vaughn Comfritter

As Vaughn had finally stopped laughing, he realized that this may have been a traumatic experience for the both of them. Sure it was funny for him, but he didn't just use his body to get a free ice cream cake. Although if it were him he'd probably be ecstatic at the moment. But he's a fucking degenerate so of course he'd be happy about it. As Hanako hit her knees, he realized he had to do something, because

A. his friends had really just taken one for the team and

B. they were now in possession of an ice cream cake and they didn't have time to sulk about their exposed breasts.

Vaughn rushed to Hanako's aid, setting the cake down on the sidewalk beside him as he hit his knees and wrapped Hanako in a warm hug and rubbed her back gently.

"Hey, hey, hey," he cooed softly as he searched for the right words. "What you guys did back there...that was the bravest thing I've ever seen in my life." he assured her, tightening the hug as he spoke and rocking gently. "A-a-and not because of the action, but because of the sentiment of the action. Y'all did it for Haruna ok? A-a-and she's gonna be like SOO happy when she sees this cake she's gonna know how much we care about her, even though we haven't even known each other for long l-l-l-like... I just...ugh! That was the coolest thing ever. You guys will forever have my respect for that ok?"

He looked up at Shigeru from his ground hug, praying that she was handling the situation just a little bit better, as two women close to a nervous breakdown on the side of the street was simply not a good look. He pulled himself away from Hanako and placed his hands on her shoulders dropping his sunglasses with a tiny nod of his head and meeting her amber orbs with his own eyes, the color of black tea. "You did it for Haruna!" he said, before looking to Shigeru and repeating the phrase. "You did it for Haruna!" He took Hanako by the hand and brought her to her feet along with himself and the cake.

"Now please, text Sho, get his address, and lets get this cake to our friend, okay?" he said with a giant idiotic smile, still holding Hanako's hand in preparation to speed walk to Sho's apartment.

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"I can't help it, sorry, but it's just so fun to tease you~" Sho flashed a smile, that kind of teasing was a habit of his, and also a common fishing technique, but he had mastered it after years of practice. He was pretty sure that by her tone on the beginning of the sentence a kiss wouldn't be very likely to happen this time What a shame. Morizono saw the usually coquettish girl, as she proceeded with her phrase, start to blush and speak in a flustered manner. It was like a complete change of character, she seemed so different but at the same time so cute, the novelist liked this new side of her just as much as he liked her usual self. It was impressive how she could surprise him again and again. You never cease to amaze me Haruna Usagi.

The next few seconds of their conversation were confusing, he didn't comprehend what she was trying to mean by winning and losing "I win?..." he asked. But rather suddenly she kissed him; His blue eyes widened and shortly after closed, like they do in the movies except it was completely unwilled. Sho never was kissed like that, it felt way better than the almost empty kisses from his fishing days, this time it felt like a whole new experience, something new and fascinating. He was taken aback by how tender her kiss was, completely different from have he would have thought, what a pleasing surprise. Sho kissed calmly yet intensely, and without noticing he wrapped his hands around her waist, everything was happening in a perfect synchrony. Sho felt like he could replay that moment forever, and this remembered him that, sadly, in some seconds it would be over. I'll make sure this is the first of many to come, you just won me over.

@theglassangel @This is too cute
Haruna Usagi

After being the first to pull back once again, her blue eyes widened. What the fuck did I just do.... Haruna was dumbfounded. Her impulses always ended up with her in the awkwardest of situations. "I-I'm sorry...ughh..you shouldn't have teased me, it's all your fault.." Her face turned into a pout, almost red with embarrassment at what she had just done. Obviously it wasn't his fault and she knew that, Haruna did this to herself. I was just frustrated that he was the only person that could fluster me, Haruna Usagi never gets flustered. Ever. "Look...I-I was just frustrated...and I-I'm sorry if you're freaked out and..." Haruna let out a sigh of frustration. "I-I'm sorry because...I actually enjoyed it...I-I'm sorry that I didn't even let you initiate anything..a-and I just feel so bad..I can't believe I forgot y-you were just being yourself and that m-maybe y-you a-actually.." Haruna herself could not find out why she was being so unlike herself. She let out another sigh, as Haruna still wasn't realizing that her waist was still around his arms. "Oh god...I think I'm going insane..I-I'm just so sorry, I-I d-didn't know what I was d-doing..o-or what I was t-thinking.." Did I just say that out loud? Oh my god, shut up already. Too late. Haruna was already rambling and apologizing past the point of self-control. Sho, please help this poor child.

@Wataru @kiss her so she'll shut up and then they can walk in on it @it's going to be awesome @fklsdfjsdfljfskjsdf @even if they walk in on it whooo cares they probably won't notice xD

"Ah alright. Well have a safe trip then" Zenjiro replied before completely finishing up his meal. His hand slid into his pocket before pulling his wallet out. "I think the group's heading to a water park tomorrow...have you been to the water park here?" He asked while taking a sip from his drink. The last time Jiro went to a water park was when he was about five years old. "We just slide around in slides and stuff right?" The functions of a water park were pretty vague to him. It was a known fact that they promoted amusement, but did people really have that much fun sliding on slides?



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When Zenjiro responded it took her just a moment to realize he had said something. With her face stuffed full of fries, she glanced up at him with a shocked expression and stared at him for a minute trying to gather up all of her thoughts. She hardly even noticed he was speaking, maybe the fries were just that good.

Hatori grew somewhat flustered and gulped her food down trying to recover from the embarrassment. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and straightened herself up quickly. A bright smile grew on her face and she shot out a loud thank you. Small things like that seemed to make Hatori's day a million times better. It felt as if Zenjiro was a best friend, maybe because Hatori doesn't have any friends but whatever. She dropped her napkin down softly onto the empty plate where nothing but crumbs remained and slumped her body down into her chair, staring up at the light that hung over their table. It may not have seemed like it at the time but she was still listening to Zenjiro word for word.

As soon as he finished speaking Hatori followed him up with an answer.

"Hmmmmm. I don’t really think so. At least not since I can remember." She chuckled still looking up at the light.

"I always used to pass it on my way to school, of course it was pretty far away from the path I walked, but I could still see it. It just looks like a bunch of slides but people go there pretty often so it must be at least a little fun." She turned her face back towards Zenjiro with an even bigger smile than before.

Hatori never really went anywhere besides school and home and when she did go somewhere it was most likely for school.




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The waiter arrived, placed the check on the table, then left again all in one swift motion. Man, these guys are busy today. Jiro's gaze shifted to the line that began to form outside the restaurant. "Want to come with me tomorrow? ...If you're back by then" Zenjiro said before twisting the check around and eyeing it. He momentarily shuffled through some bills in his wallet while trying to compute the tip. "We can experience those weird slides together" The teen glanced back at Hatori and smiled a bit before pulling out a twenty and placing it down on the table. His brother's group established strong connections with one another. It was kind of odd for him to just be there and not really talk to anyone but his older brother and maybe Kiyoko if she wanted to tag along as well. The others weren't intimidating, it just seemed like...I don't know. He thought while glancing away for a moment. The waiter picked the check backup and traveled back to the cash register.




"Uwaah~ I hope the food is good. I'm starving," Maki said, a content smile on his face as he walked next to Ishiki. He didn't even notice the slight movement the male had made with his hand; he was too busy trying to figure out what he was going to eat. I mean, what did they even have here? He had never been to Nagoya, but he figured this was going to be a super fun trip, and plus, he had gotten to hang out with Tagadashi-san almost all day! Hopefully they could hang out some more, as well as with the others. He liked everyone that was living there...I mean, he didn't know of anyone that disliked him. Hopefully no one disliked him...

@Suzumaki Arakai


Shigeru turned around and tried comfort Hanako although, she was probably gonna cry and sulk in room soon. She patted her head,
"It's okay, Hanako, Whatever happens in here, stays here. We are young and we'll forget about this." She said with a comforting smile, hoping she would feel better. She also comforted herself a bit, although she still might sulk. Shigeru's eyes landed on Vaughn as she mouthed something to Vaughn, "Thank you." She said with a smile, having a little aura of thankfulness around her.

Shigeru was surprised of how comforting his words, judging on his personality. She would never have thought that came from him. She then sighed mentally and got the subject out of her head. She then stood beside Hanako to reassure her that everything was going to be alright.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi
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Tagadashi Ishiki

Once the two entered the restaurant, Ishiki spoke to the woman at the front desk with two raised fingers, "Only two of us." With a quick nod, the worker led them to their table and placed two menus on their table and bowed before walking away. Ishiki's stomach growled as he opened to a random page and began to gawk at all of the different meals with a bright...yet nonchalant expression. The man looked as though his concentration would strike someone dead, if that was possibly anyways. Chewing on his thumb nail, "Hmm...I've eaten that before." Ishiki began reading every...last...choice of food there was. Normally he isn't a picky eater...but that might not actually be the case right now. No, Ishiki's looking for something that tastes absolutely amazing. "Alright! I've got it." And with that, the man placed his menu back down on the table and leaned forward a bit, resting his head in his hand. "See anything you like?"

@Zero Gravity



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Maki hummed softly as he sat there, flipping through the menu with a thoughtful look on his face. "Uh...what's good here?" The white/haired male asked, raising a brow as he looked up from his menu and stared at the other. Tagadashi-san had been here before, so he should know what's good and what's not, right? He didn't really know what he wanted, they had a lot of decisions. Maki wasn't too picky, and ate basically anything that anyone have him or that he cooked for himself. He hoped the food was good; he was practically praying that the food was good to be honest. He hummed softly, tilting his head as he waited for a response from the male.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1.jpg.0f6b7f9f5a5e329c09ee1d0babcfeb22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1.jpg.0f6b7f9f5a5e329c09ee1d0babcfeb22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki watched as Maki thoughtfully looked through the menu for something to eat. When the other looked up and questioned the food, Ishiki took the menu from Maki and flipped open to the page in which the Savory & Spicy Stone-Grilled Giblet Yakisoba (fried noodles) could be seen. Pointing a finger down at it, he showed the dish to the white-haired boy as a grin swooped in on his expression. "I'm getting this. Haven't tried it but..." Letting go of the menu after returning it to Maki, Ishiki leaned back in the comfy chair and interlocked his fingers behind his head with a pleasureful exhale. "It looks amazing...so it must taste amazing. Right?" Well...you see, Ishiki. It doesn't always work that way buddy.

Eventually the woman from earlier who had showed them to their seats returned with a notepad and pen, smiling down at the two.
"Alright, what can I get you two? Or do you need some more time?" With that, Ishiki lifted his hand for a brief second, catching the woman's gaze. "I'm ready, but he might need some more time." For some reason the girl began to laugh a little, covering her mouth as she shook her head, "Sir, I think you meant 'she'..." This caused Ishiki to raise a brow in confusion, looking back at Maki for a second before flinching and growing flustered. "Oh! R-right! Yes. My bad...I-I meant she. Thank you...ma'am." Knocking the menu into the floor, the poor man pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before picking it up and sending a forced smile towards the waiter. "Ahem, sorry...uhh...I'll have this." A finger pointed to the dish explained above, and the lady wrote it down before looking back at Maki with a smile. "Boyfriends...they mess up on the simplest of things don't they?" These words were lightly whisper to the frosty-locked boy after Ishiki rested his head on the table in embarrassment.

@Zero Gravity



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Maki grew extremely flustered as the male across from him called him a "he," and then continued to make a fool out of himself. And then, when the waitress mistook them for a couple, the white-haired male couldn't help but flush even darker. "A-ah, yes, I suppose they do," he stated, giving a small amount of nervous laughter. Ishiki wasn't his boyfriend, but he definitely did slip up time to time. He already had messed up with the gender thing a couple of times, but everyone had just laughed it off thankfully. Good thing Maki looked so much like a girl, otherwise people would be really confused. He then looked back down at the menu, finally deciding what he wanted.

@Suzumaki Arakai

~*Hanako Takigawa*~

The feeling of arms wrapping around her being was the only thing that snapped the tan girl out of her flustered stupor. However, for once in her young life, Hanako didn't bother to return the hug. Not in a huffy fashion or anything; she just didn't want to remove her hands away from her face just yet. So, instead, she simply rested her head in the crook of his neck and allowed Vaughn to comfort her.

As they pulled away, her hands eventually dropped from her face and their gazes locked. A sense of calmness washed over the girl from the action alone, and she was able to muster up one of her signature smiles to convey her gratitude. Who knew that Vaughn could be so sweet? The pat to her head caused her eyes to flicker upwards, and she was met with a smiling Shigeru. Okay, these two were too sweet. "Y-you guys..." She laughed softly with a sniffle, wiping a tear from her eye as her smile grew

Hanako allowed herself to pulled to her feet and exhaled any negative feelings away. See? Told you it wouldn't take much to cheer her up. Beaming once more, she sent the dark skinned boy a nod as she pulled out her phone with her free hand and begun her text.

'Mori-san!~ We got the cake!! (/^▽^)/ So all we need is the directions to your place! I'll send you a text when we're nearly there, so get Haruna ready for then!'

Nodding once, she sent the message before returning her phone to it's home in her pocket. "I love you both, you know that? I love you two a lot." Seeing as Vaughn was still holding on to her hand and Shigeru was placed right beside her, Hanako assumed that this was a nice hand holding session that everyone would take part in, so she swiftly took the other girl's hand with a hum. "Thanks for everything." And with those words, she firstly turned to Vaughn and leaned upwards to plant a sweet peck to her cheek before doing the same to Shigeru.

@Kawaii @Wataru @She's such a sap @But I love it
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Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki's head remained hidden by his arms as he rested against the table, moping. "Why do I always do that? He has to stop slipping up like that soon or else things will take a turn for...awkward. After the lady took Maki's order, she disappeared, still laughing lightly at Ishiki's little charade. Looking up a little, the man averted his gaze from the other, "Ah...my bad. I did that at the station too didn't I?" At the thought of the station, Zen came to mind. "Wonder what he's up to." It was then when another message from Ai came through to his phone, making it known to anyone in the restaurant with a loud ding. Ishiki raised a brow, pulling the device from his pocket and reading the text. After a second, Ishiki's eyes gaped lightly as he gently placed his phone down on the table without giving a reply.

@Zero Gravity

Kiseki Ai
Hey, Ishiki...I'm really sorry about how I acted. I shouldn't have said those things to you, and I understand that you got angry with me. But please don't be mad anymore, I didn't mean any of it. I'm sorry for our past mess ups...and I really wish I could make it up to you. I wanted to spend some time together at the Gion Matsuri...I'm here now actually, it's really nice. I haven't gotten to the Geisha yet though. Please forgive me.
It's fine, and I'm not mad. I apologize for not telling you sooner that I wasn't going to the Gion Matsuri, I have to tell Joe as well actually...he'll probably flip out a little.
Oh, no it's fine. Ishiki, I still have feelings for you. (Also I have no idea who this Joe person is.)



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"I don't mind, everyone just thinks you're being silly!" Maki laughed light-heartedly, flashing the other a bright smile. It was true, just because Ishiki called him a boy in front of everyone probably wouldn't waver their beliefs in thinking that Maki was a girl. Like I said before, Maki definitely had his looks going for him. He hummed softly for a moment, twirling his straw in his drink before he took a small sip, his blue eyes flickering up to see the strange look on the other's face. "Tagadashi-san...what's wrong?" He asked, concern laced heavily in his voice. The other looked between a mixture of shocked, and some other emotions he couldn't really read. He hoped something sad didn't happen, I mean, that would make everyone upset. Hopefully is was something minor, or maybe his friend got a girlfriend or something. Who knows?

@Suzumaki Arakai
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Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki fell into his own world of thoughts as he stared down at the table, re-reading Ai's text over and over in his head. He was now having mixed emotions of anger, frustration, happiness, and sadness all at the same time. Ai has never been the one to confess, it was always Ishiki taking the first step towards their relationship. Suddenly Maki spoke up, concerned, causing the man to flinch a little. He smiled gently as his gaze lowered towards the table, "Huh!? Ah, oh. Nothing...nothing's wrong." After realizing how unconvincing his words sounded, Ishiki shot up and slapped on a cheerful demeanor, laughing lightly. "Aha, Joe was just going off on how we all ditched him and his friend...Ah...what was his name?" Now chewing his thumb nail as he looked around, trying to keep his emotions hidden, "Kuuki? No...haha, Yamato? No that's not it..." Anyways, it's obvious that something in that text was bothering him...

@Zero Gravity



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Maki watched the male fidget and stuff, his eyes basically searching for some other excuse. He gave a small sigh, averting his eyes for one moment before he looked up at the other with a strange expression. "What's really bothering you? I don't think that's the case at all..." the white-haired male murmured softly. He absolutely hated to pry into other's information, but the other seemed really upset about whatever he had seen. Maki was just worried, not anything else. The petite male bit his lip, blue eyes flickering back to the table and then up to the other once more.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3.gif.b46e1cb9619c720a4a7f37b7731228fc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/3.gif.b46e1cb9619c720a4a7f37b7731228fc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki continued to search for something else to talk about when suddenly Maki spoke up with a stern feel to his aura, causing Ishiki to flinch a little, lowering his hand from the back of his head. His gaze was now lost on the table as a small sigh escaped his lungs, "It's really not a big deal..." Situating himself, his head rested in his hand as he leaned on the table and stared out of the window across the room. "A girl I used to date back in high school...recently started talking to me again. Actually, she's staying in Kobe on Suma Beach for the summer...I saw her the other day. The last time I saw her before then was...probably before I moved to Kobe." Realizing that he was getting off topic, Ishiki shook his head a little and sighed, "Maah, anyways, she just confessed her feelings to me and that's about it...I don't know how I feel about it though." Eventually the waitress from before came up to the table and placed their food down, throwing he and Maki a sweet smile before bowing, "If there's anything you need, just call for me. Oh! And if you want drinks, they're over there by the bar." Hearing the word 'bar' sparked a plug in Ishiki, catching his attention. "I think I'll go get us some drinks." A smile appeared on his face as he looked back at the other, slowly standing up from his seat. "Want anything?"

@Zero Gravity



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Sho was so spirited away by the kiss, he didn't even notice when Haruna pulled back, it took him a good few seconds to finally understand the situation. Huh? Did she regret kissing me? The kiss was so good, how could someone regret something like that? She tasted like vanilla~ the novelist was so lost in his thoughts, he ended up not getting most she said, it was cute though, he would never imagine that Usagi would react like that, specially being her the one who kissed him first. He heard his phone buzzing and while she was too busy apologized over something he actually liked a lot, the man checked his texts. It was Hanako, she got the cake and wanted to know how to get to his house "Great! Assuming you guys were at Akogare Bakery, you just need to keep walking and turn left. Then you will see a sign with "Yuuhi apartments" written on it, that's my place!"

Haruna was looked so innocent as she kept apologizing, that scene was something unbelievably funny knowing her. "Guess what? You're not the only one here who enjoyed it." he smiled to her, tilting his head lightly "If that's the problem, let me initiate something just for the sake of it then." his hands went to the girl's neck and he softly pushed her closer for another kiss. It felt absolutely amazing, just like the first one, but this time it was more of a "We should totally keep doing this forever" kind of kiss That was a lovely way to shut her up~

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Maki gave the other a soft smile once he explained everything, one of thanks mixed with a tiny bit of pity. Ah, exes were a handful. I mean, he had had a couple in the past, and some definitely were a little crazy when it came to getting him back. "I'm sure everything will work out, they usually work themselves out. Thanks for telling me by the way." He then flashed another smile at the waitress as she came up, and Maki paused for a moment to think about what he wanted when Ishiki asked about alcohol. "Ah, some chuhai with a splash of lemon, please?" He grinned at the other. He was a light, so that laid low on the alcohol, but knowing him, he probably would get tipsy off of it anyways. Of course, he really shouldn't be drinking alcohol, but a little bit wouldn't hurt him.

@Suzumaki Arakai

[ Sorry! Just got done with back to school shopping. >.< ]

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Tagadashi Ishiki

The man wasn't expecting Maki to request an alcoholic drink...maybe he misunderstood. "Oh well...not too much." With a nod of the head, Ishiki made his way over to the bar and leaned against it, pulling out his wallet and removing two ¥1000 bills. "A glass of Hakushika on the rocks and another of Chuhai with a splash of lemon." The old guy behind the counter raised his brow at the mention of 'a splash of lemon'. "Never heard of that before..." Setting down the glass he had been drying out, the man turned around and grabbed two separate bottles from the shelf and began making the drinks. Meanwhile, Ishiki's phone was back at the table, still lying there. The device began to ring repetitively in call, looking at the screen, you could notice that it read 'Kiseki Ai'.

@Zero Gravity



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Haruna Usagi

Haruna was screaming louder than a banshee. In her head, of course. She could not believe everything was happening, it felt like heaven. We should do this forever... Haruna happily thought inside that little head of hers. Excitedly, Haruna reciprocated, but her kisses weren't so sweet this time. They weren't "Oh I'm feeling shy but I really want to kiss you", they were "I finally got my way and I'm rubbing it in" type of kisses. Of course Haruna has to make everything into a competition at who would pull back first and she was not about to give up. It happened so quickly yet it was like time was frozen still, remembering everything even running her hands through his hair. He does smell like the sea...

Haruna, likewise, was never kissed like that before. She liked the fact that her and Sho were both flirts and could understand each other on that level. Flashback to Haruna's life as a high schooler, flirting back and forth, getting her kiss every time... but this was different. Haruna had to work for this, dealing with the overthinking, the self control, everything in general made it so much more worth it. She didn't care if anybody caught her,
I earned this shit. Haruna thought smugly to herself.

@Wataru @Kawaii @someone catch herr
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