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Realistic or Modern A Strange Summer Home

Should I make it a school year?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • School year and summer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More focus on school activity than out of school activity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More focus on out of school activity than in school activity.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Shigure thought about then replied,
"Sure, Why not?" she said as she jogged up to them smiling at them. Finally! Shigeru smiled for the first time in forever. She looked happy, but at the same time orderly, like if someone was watching her. She still seemed to be fine with Hanako and Vaughn.

Shigeru then asked,
"So, Who's special day is it? Let me guess.." She said thinking about it. "...Haruna's birthday?" She said. "Yay, Birthdays! Although, I do believe mine is coming soon, I forgot about it." She said, scratching her cheek as she thought about her birthday. She had honestly did think about until she saw her calendar today. How'd you forget your birthday though?

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot
Vaughn Disappointment-Fritter

Vaughn grinned as he began to lead the girls toward the bakery. "Well, she's only been talking about it aaaall day," he replied to Shigeru as he followed the path on his phone. He was glad the dark haired woman seemed comfortable enough around him, opposed to her rather awkward nature. "Mine's not for another few months," he replied to Shigeru. "When's your birthday Shi-san?" he called behind himself curiously, and then added, "And yours Hana-chan~?"

Upon arriving at the bakery, Vaughn gave a tiny bow to the attendant. "Hello~ how's it going?" The male attendant bowed as well, but seemed to have little interest in small talk. "Genki desu," he replied curtly. Vaughn smiled, and got straight to business.

"I'd like to place an order for a white on white birthd--"

"Why didn't you call?"

"Duhhhh...." Vaughn stared blankly at the cake man and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well it's kind of supposed to be a surprise and I've sort of been hanging out with the birthday girl all--"

"Well we're not baking any new cakes today, it's too late."

"But the website says--"

"We haven't edited that site in ages."

Vaughn and the cashier got into a staring contest for a moment. Lightning sparked between the two men's eyes. "In that case," Vaughn said in a low voice. "I'd like to place an order for tomorrow." He was clearly holding back far harsher words for the rude cashier.

"Let me get you an order form from the back." the attendant said before going through a side door. Vaughn turned around and leaned on the counter and sighed whispering "What an ass face," to the girls as he waited for the cashier to return.



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After being called Zenjiro's girlfriend Hatori didn't know whether to feel embarrassed, offended, or happy. She didn't really try to argue, but just scratched her head and chuckled at Zenjiro.

She skipped her attention up to when he asked if Hatori would like anything else. She gave a smile and shook her head.

"I'm not really much of a money spender so I don't really need much of anything to be satisfied."

As he looked around for a waiter she didn't want to make everything awkward so she struck up a conversation on the firt thing she could think of.

"So you're staying at a summer home with all of those people who were here before? Like for the whole summer? That must be like crazy expensive!?"

She tilted in towards the table and cupped her chin in her hands, giving off a troubled look.

"Haaa~ I have a 1000 yen bill in my pocket, that was given to me today, most likely out of pity and that is the best part of my life right now..."

It took her just a moment to realize she was being incredibly rude. Swinging her head up and smacking her hands together she became as cheerful as ever.

"But anyways, Hamada-kun. I'm happy to have met you today, otherwise I'd be sitting at that bus stop hungry!"




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"That's okay, I'm fine with walking!" Maki chirped, continuing his happy stride to try and match up to Tagadashi-san's strides, even though he definitely couldn't. The height difference was crazy between the two, as the black-haired male was a whole foot taller than him. He looked around as they walked, admiring the stores and other strange things, including the colors of bikes, or the decorations on some desserts in a sweet shop, or admiring the few amounts of cars that drove by. He liked being absent-minded sometimes, as he could just look around and he didn't have to have a care in the world, as hopefully, Tagadashi-san would snap him out of his little daze soon enough.

@Suzumaki Arakai

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3cd31ed5_Ishiki3.gif.6f856a96989ff09ea5e28604de04d149.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3cd31ed5_Ishiki3.gif.6f856a96989ff09ea5e28604de04d149.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki's hands continued to rest in his pockets as he and Maki made their way down the sidewalk, heading to the nice restaurant. Looking over, smoke rolls from his mouth, "Havin' a hard time keeping up?" His head tilted upon noticing the effort being put into remaining side-by-side with each other. A small laugh escaped Ishiki's lungs as he stepped in front of Maki and crouched down, placing his hands behind him is a motion for Maki to mount him. "Hop on. I'll carry you." Well, that's just cute...Ishiki giving someone a piggy-back ride? It's not normal at all...at...all.

@Zero Gravity



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"I don't know if it's "crazy expensive". I never checked the price" Zenjiro replied in regards to Hatori's statement about the summer house. It was the truth. His mother's boyfriend paid for this whole excursion. Probably just trying to keep me away from them. Out of pity? Zenjiro was a curious guy. He didn't want to question the whole pity thing though, "I'm happy to have met you too. If we didn't meet along the way, then I would've rushed my meal and went with the rest of the group, or eaten alone in a restaurant I've never been to...Where's the fun in that?" The waiter finally arrived and communicated with the teen. They exchanged the basic "order this and that" words before the waiter walked away. "Are you from around here?" Jiro asked reverting his gaze back to Hatori.




Maki stopped in his tracks as the other bent down in front of him,

motioning for him to climb on his back.
"O-oh," he gave a soft sort of laugh as he watched the other, I mean, the taller male seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. "Okay, fine, I'll get on your back," he smiled, climbing on the male's back and gently wrapping his arms around his neck. The people on the street, probably thought that they were some cute lovey-dovey couple rather than two friends, but he didn't really mind in reality. He had fun with Tagadashi-san, and that's all that mattered.

@Suzumaki Arakai


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nokd4dJymm1se015qo1_500.gif.fe9d6978232f4e9eb0289db1cbcf93a7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nokd4dJymm1se015qo1_500.gif.fe9d6978232f4e9eb0289db1cbcf93a7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Listening to Zenjiro talk about how he never had to check the price made her jaw drop. She leaned in close with an excited and shocked look on her face.


Her body slumped back down into the chair and she let out a faint sigh.

"Oh~ You are so lucky!"

She continued to respond to his statement.

"I am from here. I live about 20 minutes away from this restaurant I guess you could say. What about you? Do you live here or are you only close because of the summer house?"




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"I kinda did get it for free. My mom's friend paid for it" Zenjiro admitted while watching Hatori's order arrive quickly. The teen shook his head as the scent of fries filled his mind, "I actually live in Kyoto, and the summer house is in Kobe". Both locations weren't close to their current area at all. "I got on the train before accidentally exiting here and meeting back up with my brother. Everything's all coincidental today" He explained as a flashback of the day played in his mind. "What about you? You traveling around this summer or something?" Jiro questioned out of curiosity as his food made its way to their table. His hunger blinded him for a a few minutes causing him to dig in like there was no tomorrow. Relax! It's just a burger. He wasn't consuming a whole buffet.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_mzmejhAy8L1shiho3o1_500.gif.5918347029c68edc7310638d5d323941.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_mzmejhAy8L1shiho3o1_500.gif.5918347029c68edc7310638d5d323941.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not looking away while Zenjiro spoke Hatori's food was placed down in front of her. She turned her attention to the waiter for just a moment and flashed a smile, just before focusing on Zenjiro once again.

Hatori let out a small chuckle while he stared intently at his fries.

Eating her fries, she responded almost the second after Zenjiro finished with his sentence.

"EH? Kyoto and Kobe? So farrrr."

She put a fry in her mouth and waited until she finished swallowing before she started to talk again.

"Well, I'm not really travelling around. I've lived in Nagoya for quite a while now. I'm actually headed to Osaka, where my grandfather lives, today."


*Tries not to kill it*

*Kills it*​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d027ada_Ishiki3.gif.2148d8b4094dcbecafc2a3364da3a7b7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67147" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d027ada_Ishiki3.gif.2148d8b4094dcbecafc2a3364da3a7b7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki waited for a split second for Maki to climb up and onto his back, wrapping two small arms around his neck. In the process of standing back up, Ishiki hopped a little to situate the boy. "Yosh, here we go." And with that, the two were off, making their way down the sidewalk to go, finally, eat some food. A cigarette still sat between Ishiki's lips as he puffed on it with the need of hands, the filter was being bitten so as to ensure it doesn't fall, that'd be a pain. "I don't really remember what this place has to offer..." He was trying to keep things away from the awkward side of the feel zone...no one likes that side. "So Maki, when's your birthday?" Wow, Ishiki...good job at being random. Every now and then, the tall male would continue to situate Maki on his back. His hands were wrapped around behind himself as his fingers remained interlocked beneath the other's bottom. No, he wasn't touching his butt but it looks that way.

@Zero Gravity



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Maki blushed softly as they began walking, genuinely surprised that Tagadashi-san had wanted to carry him on his back. He gave a soft hum of thought when Ishiki asked him when his birthday was. "August 16th~! What about you, Tagadashi-san?" The white-haired male asked. He made sure to shift so he could help the other situate on his back. He was glad the other was avoiding the awkward and brought up a topic that they could both talk about. After all, he had two hands right underneath his butt, so he'd like to avoid that uncomfortable topic at the moment.

@Suzumaki Arakai
~*Hanako Takigawa*~

"September thirtieth!" Hanako chirped as she skipped after Vaughn into the bakery, holding the door open for Shigeru. As soon as she entered, the girl released the door and watched the interaction between the employee and her friend, an ever growing frown pulling her lips downwards as the conversation progressed. There would be no cake for Haruna...? But you couldn't celebrate a birthday without cake! It was like having dessert for breakfast; completely wrong and you would feel crappy for the rest of the day! However, luckily for this group, our little tan sweetie pie had a plan! They would definitely get a cake this way!

As soon as the rude attendant left to grab the order form, Hanako waved a hand. "Don't worry guys! I know what we have to do to get a cake today! It's simple!" She spun around to face Shigeru. A determined glint shone in her eyes as her hands clenched into fists, hovering around chest level. "You need to show him your boobs, Shi-chan!"

@Kawaii @SirBlazeALot @she saw it in a movie one time and it worked
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d061813_Ishiki3.gif.477e0959b8c903405b723ef61153bec9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d061813_Ishiki3.gif.477e0959b8c903405b723ef61153bec9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki took one last puff from his cigarette as Maki told him his birthday, placing the trash in a nearby disposal somewhere along the path. "August 16th huh?" He didn't expect the boy to ask the same question in reply, not like it was a surprise or anything though. Looking up at the sky, Ishiki furrowed his brow and made a funny expression, "I have no clue." Of course now he's just being stubborn. Ishiki knows when his birthday is, because if he didn't...then that's just ridiculous. Suddenly, the tall male could see a yellow, car-like figure off in the distance behind them and decided to put Maki down, gently of course. As the taxi came near, Ishiki lifted his hand and made a signal but the person driving showed to intent on stopping. This angered him...two blue-eyes grew narrow and Ishiki then stepped out into the middle of the street, fist balled up by his sides. "Ass..." A few steps were taken towards the car as it skid to a stop, the drivers face was priceless as Ishiki approached the vehicle and opened the back door, his heart was racing. "Haven't you done that before man? Didn't you learn a lesson!?" A flashback to when the male was in high-school popped into his head.

Ishiki was making his way down the street with Ai, his now ex, when suddenly he noticed a taxi driving down the street with no intent on stopping at his signal. Of course, like what just happened, the boy grew irritated and stepped out into the street but...at the wrong time. Without any warning, other than Ai's late squeal, someone crashed into Ishiki from behind, throwing him up onto their windshield as he then rolled down and onto the hardtop. It took two weeks in the hospital to finally recover...Sho most likely knows of this story considering he tried to get his friends to give Ishiki a lap dance to relieve his pain.

After returning to reality, Ishiki laughed to himself as the two now sat in the taxi.
"Izakaya Restaurant...453?..0041? I'm pretty sur-" The other young male then interrupted his location request, "You've got it right, buckle up." Normally they could care less if you buckle or not but I guess this guy's just pissed so here goes. A small, unimpressed smirk appeared on Ishiki's face as he reached over on instinct and buckled Maki in before doing to same to himself. He used to do that with all of his girlfriends...

@Zero Gravity



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Morizono Sho

"See you all later! Guess I'll have to go now!" Sho exclaimed as Haruna dragged him out of the restaurant, he liked the way she held onto his arm, somehow it reminded him of his high school days. Her excitement was contagious, even though he didn't really understand why she was so curious about his apartment; but he just went it with the flow, after all a little bit of private time for the two of them wouldn't.

When they finally got at his apartment, Haruna looked amazed by the place "Thank you, you'd be more than welcome to do that", he said playfully. Indeed the decoration of the place really reflected Sho's aura, the novelist refused to have his apartment decorated by anyone but himself, it was a lot of work but in the end it was worth it. Sho sat on the sofa next to the girl and opened his bag, which was surprisingly messy, and from under a pile of clothes he picked up a book with a shiny, red bow adorning it "Even though might come off as very self-centered, but I'm giving you a book I wrote. It's one of my first titles, Seifuku resistance." Morizono put his arm around the girl and pulled her closer, almost into a kiss, their faces were apart by very few centimeters "Hope you like it~" he said, with his trademark seducing voice.



Shigeru got flustered at Hanako's comment, hugging her chest. Why Hanako? Why?! Although, They were friends, but as awkward and how easily embarrassed she was, she was never going to do it. "
W-Why? I'm not d-doing it!" She said as she stumbled over her words.

Shigeru then said to Vaughn,
"What do you think?" She said with a bit of a calmer voice. Oh Shigeru, You are so toast.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi



Maki watched in horror as Ishiki began to walk in the middle of the street, and stop in front of the taxi. Thank the lord that the taxi driver stopped in time, then Tagadashi-san would've been hit with the hood of the car. He silently followed as the taller male led them both into the taxi, and...buckled him in. The white-haired male looked up at Tagadashi-san, quietly murmuring. "You shouldn't walk in the middle of the street, Tagadashi-san. It's dangerous," Maki stated, looking up at the other with wide blue eyes. He had a determined look on his eyes as he gave a small pout. He would hate it for the other to get hit by a car because of flagging down a taxi.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Vaughn Titter

Poor Vaughn had been blaming himself for not stepping away to order the cake sooner. Cursing the attendant out in his head and grumbling something about "the fuckin' website" when suddenly, little Hanako had a bright idea. An idea so surprising, it was as if the tiny tan girl had pulled out a shotgun and used it to make several holes in his chest. Vaughn was beginning to doubt that he'd ever needed to corrupt the girl. He had an odd look on his face, a mix of shock and elation. Widened eyes and an open mouthed smile. When Shigeru turned to him and asked him what he thought she should do, he stumbled for the words.

"Uhh..." looking between both girls and back at the side door, he turned around with a stern and resolute face. "I think you should both do it."

Then, the attendant came back with an order form, placing it on the counter and holding out a pen to Vaughn. The boy looked at his friends and whispered, "Moment of truth..." through grit teeth.

"What?" the store attendant raised an eyebrow in confusion as Vaughn refused the pen.

@Kawaii @ foreshadowinggg
~*Hanako Takigawa*~

Hanako was throughly pleased with her idea and quite proud, to be honest. It was fool proof, after all! No man would every say no to a woman's chest! Her younger brother had told her that and he was always right! ... Well, unless they were gay... But let's forget about that for now, yeah?

A pout played on her features as Shigeru immediately refused and tried to hide her chest. "Awww, c'mon! Do it for Haru-chan! You don't need to be ashamed!" She whined with a sigh, her shoulders hunching in disappointment. The depression didn't really get to sink in though; Vaughn's next comment had her up like as shot as she stared at him with wide amber orbs. "E-eh!?"

Before an answer could be had, the employee returned with the form, and dread kicked into the little girl's stomach. Shigeru wasn't going to... So it was up to Hanako to save the day!

Exhaling her nerves away, she grabbed the order form and handed it to Vaughn before hopping on to the counter with a sweet ass smile. "You see... We kinda really want this cake..." She murmured softly as she threw her legs over the counter at the employee's side, crossing her legs. "So this'll be our little secret, okay?" Winking with a purr- dying internally-, Hanako leaned over and traced a finger across the boy's jaw line before drawing back, holding on to the helm of her shirt for a moment. This cake better be the best damn cake in the world. With an ever increasing smile and another wink sent his way, the girl pulled the shirt up to her collarbone, showing all to the shocked employee for a good five seconds before hopping down again and returning to get friend's side. "We gotta deal then?"

@Kawaii @Hanako is gonna cry as soon as they leave
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d0c7f80_Ishiki3.gif.5210d91c97a3d5ebf1008775aa321aeb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d0c7f80_Ishiki3.gif.5210d91c97a3d5ebf1008775aa321aeb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki's eyes shot up at Maki's when he stated that walking out in the middle of the street was dangerous. A small, twitchy smile appeared on his face as he scratched at his chin, averting his gaze out the window. "Aha...yeah, I know." It was then when a text message came in, causing his phone to reverberate like mad. With a lifted brow, Ishiki fought for the device and eventually managed to pull it from the snug pocket it usually sits it, turning on the screen to see that it was from Ai. The man zoned out on the screen, thinking about what he should say...it could all just be an act or something, but then again, you never know. With a few taps of his finger, Ishiki replied then placed his phone between his legs. Putting it back in his pocket would just be a pain in the ass in case another message came in. Looking over at Maki, "What grade are you in? In school. Or are you a college student?" Suddenly his eyes narrowed, "As a matter of fact, how old are you?" Today's just a day for questions isn't it? No? Okay, well for Ishiki it is.

@Zero Gravity



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Haruna Usagi

"Awww, thank you! I love it~ I'll be sure to read it when I have some free time." Haruna beamed with joy as she put the new book off to the side with her bags. As messy as it may be, you could tell it was Haruna's a mile away by....you guessed it. The signature Mickey Mouse ears stitched onto the side. When Sho decided to bravely put his arms around her, she coyly smiled up at his face and... inched away. She was on the other side of the couch now, turning up her nose and raising an eyebrow. Haruna was so sure that she had him right now.

"I would like it better, however, if you just stopped teasing me dammit... I-I'm just not used to me being the one that gets chased...I-I'm supposed to be the person that plays hard-to-get..." Haruna started off on a genuinely playful tone and then flustering. Why...am I flustering? I'm Haruna Usagi, goddammit! I was supposed to make sure things went my way, not the other way around! God, I sound like such a brat right now...Sighing, she returned to her usual flirtatious self as she just cracked. "You know what? I don't have time for this shit. This is taking wayy longer than this has to be. You win, okay? But this time...I don't mind losing, not even on my birthday, so round two will have to wait~"

In a swift movement, the petite girl grabbed Sho by his shirt and pulled him in even closer. Sho was nearly towering on top of her, but she liked how tall he was compared to her, it comforted her somehow. Running her hand through his hair, Haruna was strangely more gentle and subtle this time. This was really weird considering how straightforward Haruna was. Haruna took her sweet time with him as they...ahem...started to make out, what can I say? Her kisses were saccharine and shy with a subtle vanilla taste to them, the sweet and shy part of it was quite unexpected, but what was even more unexpected was how lost in the moment she was, it had been a long time since she became so vulnerable. But hey, no one else was complaining here.

@Wataru @hoeruna lost her patience and went insane @poor hanako





Maki bit the inside of his cheek as he thought about it for a moment. "Well, before the summer started, I gradated high school, so I'm off to university this year! I also kind of wanted to go to culinary school, but I don't know just yet." The white-haired male chirped, a smile on his face as he thought about it. He would probably be going to the one closest to home, but, he didn't know what he was going to be majoring in. "I'm hoping to think about it some more before the summer ends! But, now that I think about it, I don't have to go straight to college..." He hummed in thought, brow furrowed as he thought about what he was going to do. It was a complex choice, however, he was one of those people that are kind of nonchalant about graduating and becoming adults. He would just go with what his heart told him to, especially when it came down to the bitter end and he had to make an urgent decision. "O-oh, and I'm eighteen right now~!"

@Suzumaki Arakai

@i freaked out and had to put my laptop down when i read about hoeruna makin a move

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d13b43b_Ishiki3.gif.6da8b61a7cd959feaa51a69c1ca5126a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d13b43b_Ishiki3.gif.6da8b61a7cd959feaa51a69c1ca5126a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki wasn't being straight up serious when he asked if maybe the boy was in college, Maki only looked to be a young teen but turns out that he's actually a young adult. His brow did a strange influx and the other furrowed in confusion, looking down at the kid. "You're eighteen?...Huh.." Now growing lost in thought, Ishiki's lips curled in, clamping on each other. "Well damn...eh, he's still a kid in a way." And there's the problem! That right there! Yes, in Ishiki's eyes, Maki is still just a child who needs looked over, even though that could be said more to for himself. He must admit though, being around Maki strikes a warmth in his chest...or he just hasn't noticed it yet. Ishiki you dense dumbass. The man's gaze made it's way to the ceiling of the car as he bit at his lip, "Culinary huh? Ha...not a bad idea." The thought soon came out in a gentle manner as Ishiki continued to stare off into space, "It's not a bad idea. Culinary school that is." Situating his position, Ishiki removed his phone from between his legs, now holding it. "I went to the same university as my father and earned a bachelor's degree in English, communications, and journalism in order to become an editor, I also excelled pretty good in art but it wasn't my star subject." A small smile appeared on Ishiki's face as he spoke about some of the old days, what an old man. It's also a little weird hearing him talk about himself...and gross, to me...maybe not to anyone else.

@Zero Gravity



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Shigeru then sighed as she knocked out her conscience and muttered something before taking a deep breath and then saying
"Fine..". Of course, Shigeru would probably shame herself after doing this but, then out of nowhere, Hanako did it, making Shigeru feel a lot better than without any support (bad dum tis). Although, Shigeru was a bit flushed about it, she was wondering how did she do that without getting embarrassed?! Jeez.

Shigeru then muttered something under her breath and untied part of her dress revealing her rather buxom chest. Hopefully, She won't sulk about it later. Of course, She was flustered but, fortunately, it was her bra that was shown for about 5 seconds before going to Hanako's side, hoping it would work. This cake is the most sought for cake in the world.

@SirBlazeALot @Leaf Fi
Vaughn OMG

A large portion of Vaughn's brain had assumed that neither of the girls would actually go through with it. But today was just getting weirder, and weirder. In total disbelief Vaughn watched Hanako sit on the counter and become an Oscar winning performer...and she actually fucking flashed the guy. Due to Vaughn's position, he didn't exactly get a good look at Hanako in all of her glory due to his position behind the counter, and leaning over to steal a glance wouldn't help anyone get the cake. He put his hands under his mouth and his eyes darted over to the cake man, who stared slackjaw at the woman.

But Vaughn lost his shit when Shigeru joined her. A third of him wanted to burst out laughing, another third wished he had a handkerchief for the cake man's nose that had blood streaming from it like a waterfall, and another third of him just wanted to take a quick little peak but he looked away until both women had covered their boobs once more.

The cake man was in total and complete shock. As Hanako had spoke to him, he reeled back in confusion until the tan girl had lifted her shirt. Standing there frozen in place as Hanako had done the same, those five seconds of titties in his face felt like an eternity.

"Geh..." was all he could muster for a moment. Vaughn walked away from the counter to contemplate the meaning of like for a moment. "There's a vanilla ice cream cake in the freezer someone had ordered for tomorrow..." the cashier said in a shaky and quiet voice after what seemed like an eternity.

"That'll work..." Vaughn said in a tiny voice, still not facing the man. The cashier wandered back with all of the blood in his body making his face the color of ripe cherries. The man returned from the freezer with the cake asking,

"Would you...like anything...." he paused and placed his hands on the counter and quietly mumbled "sugooiiii" before returning his attention to the group. "Would you like anything written on it?"

"No...naaahh...we'll just take it..as is..." Vaughn turned and approached the counter once more, reaching for his wallet. The man held up a hand and whispered, "Ah, dame! Just take it." and he gave the girls a curt bow and said happily "Domo arigatou gozaimasu~!" before retreating to the kitchen. Vaughn took the cake and walked out of the store in silence. As soon as the group was outside and out of sight of the bakery's glass door, Vaughn buckled over in hysterical laughter.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~! Oh my god I-I-I-I can't fucking breathe...I can't I..." his voice was high pitched and light hearted, his eyes shut tight as he struggled to hold onto the cake. "You guys...you guys are great~" he said, shifting the cake to one hand to wipe away tears gathering in his eyes.


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