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Realistic or Modern A Strange Summer Home

Should I make it a school year?

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  • No.

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  • School year and summer.

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  • More focus on school activity than out of school activity.

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  • More focus on out of school activity than in school activity.

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After blaming her accidental fall on a complete stranger Hatori was totally embarrassed. She knew it wasn't his fault and she had no idea why it came out that way. His apology only made her feel worse about what she had said.

She slowly crept her head up and gave the man an embarrassed smile. She tried to play it off.
Idiot. It took her just a few seconds to snap into reality and realize he asked her a question. Of course first she had to apologize for being such an idiot.

"I'm sorry it wasn't supposed to come out that way. I guess I was trying to say I should watch where I'm going." She said while laughing and scratching the back of her head. Hatori is usually calmer and a lot more aware of her surroundings, but today is not her day.

She still felt bad about insulting a perfectly harmless bystander, but she was happy to have apologized.

"Anyhow, the next bus wont be here until six o'clock."

Knowing it was only around three, Hatori was hoping that she could find a way to kill some time, and what better way to kill time than chat with random people on the street?




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Zenjiro tilted his head a bit while listening to the girl's clarification. "Six o'clock?" The teen questioned looking around and moving a hand through his hair. His impatience was getting to him. Luckily, he had already underwent many situations that exercised his patience that day. Walking to the restaurant wouldn't be so bad especially since wandering around relaxed him. Jiro might as well just walk to the restaurant. Wait, if the girl knew that the bus was arriving at six, why was she still there? What do I care? She's a stranger. He thought before looking back at the girl. She looks a bit uneasy after whatever it is we just experienced. ...Gah, might as well. "Did you just arrive here?" Jiro asked out of curiosity.



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After answering the man he seemed to ponder a thought. He looked as though he was about to walk away, but looked up at her and asked a question instead. Hatori was curious, but happy she had someone to talk to.

She furrowed her brow and said in a discouraged tone; "I've been here about ten minutes at the most. This isn't exactly one of my finer days."

Just thinking back on the day Hatori grew frustrated. It seems as though one minute things would be going better but it couldn't change the fact that everything was still going downhill.

She thought she might as well find somewhere to go until the bus arrived. She wasn't quite sure where she was going on the bus but to a family members was the safest bet.

"Is there somewhere you're going to?"

It took her a moment to realize she asked a question that didn't concern her at all.

"Ahhh. Sorry. You don't have to answer that if you don't want to." She said as she shuffled the straps of her bags in her hands.




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Zenjiro was about to ask the girl another question when she asked him one. Before he could respond though, the girl quickly followed up with an apology. She's causing just as much tension as Kiyoko. The teen thought to himself then put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "...Relax, okay? I know it's not one of your "finer days", but the day isn't over yet" He said calmly and paused a bit before continuing. "Who knows? Your day can get better any minute now" Zenjiro returned his hand to his side. "Anyway, I was just heading over to a burger place to get some food. You waiting for the bus again? If so, you can hang out with me if ya want... Burgers on me?" He questioned slightly raising a brow. His stomach growled again at the thought of food. Jiro just wanted to eat already!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c00fe4b_bjkh.gif.fec1037b9774eb465455b606f3df0b29.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c00fe4b_bjkh.gif.fec1037b9774eb465455b606f3df0b29.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As the man gave Hatori a little pep talk she instantly began to feel happier about the day. Let's just hope that fate doesn't allow the sun to consume the earth at this very moment.

Hatori was thrilled to be asked to lunch with him, although it was with a stranger she didn't even care. A warm meal was all she could go for right now. Plus, THE FOODS ON HIM!? FREE FOOD IS A POOR GIRLS PARADISE.

Radiating with Joy Hatori instantly squeezed her bags and squealed out an "Of course! Thank you. There for a moment I thought I was going to be sitting on this bench for another three hours!"

She got ready to ask if he wanted to go on ahead but she remembered;

"Ahh, but first, what's your name?" She smiled and continued. "It's nice to meet you, my names Nakajima Hatori."




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Zenjiro was a bit shocked when the girl squealed out. His face conveyed confusion rather than surprise though. For some reason his facial expression for the both of those emotions were the same. He smiled a bit though once he realized what the girl was squealing about. "Alright then let's-" Zenjiro began before pausing himself. She seemed to take the words out of his mouth. "Zenjiro Hamada. Nice to meet you too Hatori" The guy replied while putting his hand out to her.

Haruna Usagi

Haruna tried to contain her happiness as he accepted all of her demands. It was a struggle to even fit in one or two. Sighing, she wrapped her arms around him in an appreciative hug and finished her delicious burger in a minute, even eating most of the salad. Haruna liked enjoying her fries slowly, with a nice amount of ketchup as she soon finished it as well. Since it was her birthday, she didn't feel as guilty for eating the most out of the crowd. "Where to next guys?" Haruna asked the group excitedly, but her face soon turned to surprise as Jiro brought in a new guest to the resturant. I've never met so many new people on my birthday before... She thought. Oh well, time to introduce myself. "Is she here to join the party too?" Haruna asked, holding her hand out towards the girl. "Or is she your girlfriend?" After the light hearted jab, she introduced herself for real this time. "Haruna Usagi. Pleasure to meet you! Don't worry, I'm always like this."

@everyone in the resturant @Hatori


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/gyigiyl.gif.440fc8e5c6146eb6e2eed60a13420c61.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66539" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/gyigiyl.gif.440fc8e5c6146eb6e2eed60a13420c61.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After exchanging names, Hatori placed all of her bags in her left hand and gave Zenjiro a friendly handshake. Happy to have made a new friend the previous parts of her say seemed completely irrelevant.

Hatori was excited since she didn't ever eat out much. She had no idea where this restaurant was or where to go. So she switched her bags to her right hand and she began walking down the street hoping Zenjiro would follow or help her find her way.

"Now for food."

She was happy she could do something fun until the bus arrived. She didn't really want to go crying to her grandfather about how horribly things turned out for her, but until then why not chow down on a burger or four.




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[ To avoid any confusion, I'm going to go ahead and post, since we were a bit confused yesterday. ]



Maki then went to the door, opening it and stepping inside. "C'mon, Tagadashi-san. They should be back soon with some food, but I wouldn't drink anymore beers for the sake of your stomach," the white-haired male stated, almost sounding like a mother or a concerned lover or something. He then flipped back down on the bed, letting out a soft sigh as he laid there. "Thank you for buying me those clothes, by the way. You didn't have to take me shopping," he stated quietly, blue eyes looking up at the other.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bbde24a_Ishiki3.gif.865b81245e1aa8a0f2ccf82b6858cdd4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3bbde24a_Ishiki3.gif.865b81245e1aa8a0f2ccf82b6858cdd4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki followed Maki to the room, hands resting in his pockets only to be pulled out in the process of the man throwing himself down on one of the beds after removing all of his paperwork from it, placing it on the desk. A long sigh escaped his lungs as his eyes fluttered shut, he made an attempt to keep them open but it wasn't working. Now he just lay there, dozing off, and he'll probably fall asleep unless someone decides to wake him up, porr guy hasn't eaten a crumb today.

The position he was laying in didn't seem to healthy either. Stomach down could mean tragedies for you back in the morning and later on down the road. Plus...Ishiki's an old man so he doesn't need anymore back pains as it is. A few dings could be heard reverberating from the man's phone, causing him to let out a mumbled groan, swatting his hand at it as though someone were trying to wake him up. "Stop." The beer cans are going to need cleaned up as well...and hopefully he didn't mix any of his paper work up. That'd be bad.

@Zero Gravity



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Maki watched the other with a raised eyebrow, and he gave a soft chuckle. He stood up, popping his back quickly as he stretched. He then began to pick up some of the beer cans, humming softly as he did so. The poor maids would die if they left the room like this. He decided to leave Tagadashi-san's paperwork alone, as he didn't know how the male wanted it. He went over to the trash can, placing them in the bag. He then sat down on the bed again, looking back to the other male. "Are you okay?" He asked, noticing how the other looked practically miserable.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Vaughn Burgerboy

After finishing his meal, Vaughn had let out a satisfactory sigh and announced to the table. "That was godlike," before returning to his work of art under the table for the remainder as everyone else ate.

When Zenjiro and Hatori inevitably arrived, he gave the two of them a tiny bow of his head.
"I'm Vaughn Ritter~ Douzo yoroshiku nee~" he said to the girl. Unfortunately, he didn't catch on to Haruna's playful attitude, and had no problem believing that Hatori was Zenjiro's girlfriend. After all, he'd just met the guy today and basically knew jackshit about him.

"Luck you Zenjiro," he commented with a chuckle, before checking the time. God damn bakery's gonna stop making cakes soon. "Here, take my seat...and hers!" he said, schooching himself and Hanako out of the booth and ushering Zenjiro and Hatori to where he and Hanako had been sitting previously, next to Shigeru. He wasn't even sure if Hanako had her fill of fries or whatever, but this was URGENT.

"I'd hate to leave so soon but umm..." his eyes flickered blankly for a moment. He looked over at the counter near the exit and saw a small dish filled with peppermints. "I promised Hana-chan I'd make out with her after we ate." was the first excuse that came to mind. "See you guys tonight~!" he said cheerfully before taking his leave, gesturing for Hanako to follow him.

@Hatori @Wataru @Kawaii
*~Hanako Takigawa*~

Just as the tan girl had gotten halfway through her burger, Zenjiro and a blonde girl had entered the place. Cheerfully, she gave them a wave as she swallowed the food in her mouth. "Mfhmm! Ah! Hello!" A hand hovered over her mouth slightly as she spoke. "Nice to meet you! I'm Takigawa Hanako and- Wait, what?" Her words were the only protest as she was scooted out of her seat by Vaughn. Hanako blinked, glancing at him in confusion before remembering about the cake.

The girl's mouth opened to make an acceptable excuse, but Vaughn beat her to the chase with a fairly embarrassing proclamation. "R-right! 'Cause, y'know... Making out is... Fun!" A bright smile graced her features as she giggled cheerfully, but inside she was practically dying. 'We're gonna get teaseeeeed...' She moaned inwardly with a facepalm, but waved to the group instead of showing any embarrassment. "So... Bye!" Turning on her heel, Hanako darted after Vaughn, wrapping her arms around his own as she pulled her body to his side. "Making out? Really?" She mumbled softly with the slightest quirk of a brow, but kept her beaming facial expression from before in case the others were watching the two.

@Hatori @Wataru


Shigeru glared at them as they left her stranded with people she didn't even know. You sons of guns. She sighed as she sat still at the booth, feeling the awkward seeping into her lungs and flowing out of her.

As she sat there, Her phone buzzed. Seeing that was good time to exit, she said to them,
"Well I'm going to be leaving, um..so yeah. Oh and the name is Shigeru." She said as walked out of the restaurant, probably going to scream at them for leaving her behind. Sheesh, Talk about Left 4 dead.

@Leaf Fi @SirBlazeALot
Vaughn Threesome

As the two of them exited stage left, Vaughn replied through a gritted smile, "I panicked," while trying to suppress his laughter. When they were in the clear, he released his breath and nudged Hanako, who was looking just a tad bit flustered. "Oh, don't worry about it," he assured her. "They'll know what we were really up to when we show up with the cake!" with his free arm, he took out his phone to locate the directions to the bakery, when he saw Shigeru leaving the restaurant. It had just occurred to him that the poor girl wasn't in on any of this! Instead of apologizing, he tilted his head and smiled.

"You know I was joking about the threesome, right?" he referenced the text from earlier that he'd caught the girl attempting to sneakily read in a campy tone of voice. Of course he was just teasing, he figured she knew about their plan if she had read the entirety of the text. I mean it was that or she was attempting to join a make-out session, which in that case, she'd be disappointed.

"We're going to get the cake for Haruna," he informed her with a bright smile as he looked at the little blue line on his GPS map. "The bakery's not too far, would you like to come with, Shi-chan?"

~*Hanako Takigawa*~

As soon as the door had shut behind them and they were, most likely, out of eye shot, Hanako released the other's arm from her grasp. As he spoke, she glanced up at him with the softest of pouts playing on her lips, but it immediately vanished after he was finished. "I suppose that's true." She nodded thoughtfully before clenching her fists in determination. "Let's go get this cakeeee!" An arm fist pumped the air as the girl jumped on the spot, almost as if she was expecting to freeze mid air like they do at the end of movies, before starting to dart off in a random direction. She didn't get too far though; the realisation kicked in fairly quickly that she had no clue where the bakery was, so it didn't take long for her to return to Vaughn's side with a sheepish smile. As soon as she arrived, Shigeru was invited to tag along with the two. "Oh, yeah! You should come!" Hanako beamed to the other girl, instantly dropping her sheepish nature. "It'll be fun! What do you say, hmm?" Her head tilted to the side playfully as she rested her hands behind her back.

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Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki continued to lay in his back-breaking position without a care in the world, all he managed to let out towards Maki was a small mumble; jiberish. I guess you could say he's drunk, or he just doesn't want to move because he's contemplating today's events and feels horrible about them. "I should just die. Yep. I'm gonna do it." His thoughts pleaded for someone to just end his misery now. The urge to go to sleep was welling up inside him but the hunger was overpowering it, he was starving! "Uuuuhg...I need food!~"

@Zero Gravity



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Maki watched the other, cringing a little bit at how miserable the other sounded. "C'mon, let's go get you food. Knowing them, they won't be back for a little while, so we might as well," Maki stated, standing up. He shook the other. "Tagadashi-san, you gotta get up if you want to eat. We can go wherever you want~" He tried to persuade the other, now sitting on his knees and poking the male's back. He would continue to pole the male until he got up, because he knew beer didn't settle well with an empty stomach, so he needed to get something in him before he felt terrible in the morning. Besides, the poor dude looked like he needed a back massage or something. He looked sore, tired, and hungry, it was quite pitiful.

@Suzumaki Arakai

Zenjiro led Hatori into the restaurant after going through quite a crowd. Once they entered, he waved a bit at the group before shifting his gaze to Haruna. "Hm? She's-" Jiro began to explain, but suddenly heard Vaughn begin to say a bunch of random things. Vaughn and Hanako left Zenjiro with a confused expression on his face as they rushed out the place. Make out with her? Did they get into a fight or something? The teen took Hatori's bags from her and placed them down on a seat. Before he could take a seat next to Shigeru, the girl escorted herself out and left them as well.

It took Zenjiro a few moments to register everything in his mind before he could say anything else, "...I don't really know them that well. Just met 'em today". He sat down on a chair and picked up a menu before handing it to Hatori. "Go ahead and pick whatever you want. I'm starving" He said while flipping a menu open for himself and glancing over it.

@Hatori @Kawaii @Leaf Fi
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3ca7a41e_Ishiki3.gif.628f0965efbfcbc100c492642a8d53ca.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3ca7a41e_Ishiki3.gif.628f0965efbfcbc100c492642a8d53ca.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki perked up at Maki's words. Sitting up off of the bed, the man stretched his arms into the air and gave the boy a thumbs up before wobbling over to his phone and pulling it off charge to send his buddy Sho a text, that's also when he noticed Shigeru's message as well, but he paid it no mind because the number wasn't familiar.

Hey, you don't have to pick me up anything to eat. I'm going out with Maki.

After that was over, Ishiki stood up and grabbed his jacket from off of the bed and placed it on. Why? I don't know, it's not like it's cold or anything. Disappearing into the bathroom, leaving Maki to wait, Ishiki sprayed a bit of cologne on himself so that he didn't smell like straight up alcohol upon entering a restaurant. "Alright. I'm ready whenever you are." He hadn't thought about where they would go to eat so it was not up to the other to decide.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n5jq8yezJW1tbib3eo1_500.gif.69ed9f18aa8c7375378c75fc643249d4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_n5jq8yezJW1tbib3eo1_500.gif.69ed9f18aa8c7375378c75fc643249d4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As soon as Hatori entered the restaurant alongside Zenjiro she was flooded with questions. Most of them were merely assumptions. She had no idea how to respond to anyone. After just a second two of them darted out of the diner one after the other.

There was no way for her to take it all in at once. She hardly had enough time to properly introduce herself.

Just seconds later Zenjiro politely took her bags and sat them down for her. She snapped her field of vision over to him and mumbled out a thank you.

She pulled a chair out and softly sat down. Taking the menu out of Zenjiiro's hand she only flipped to the first page and lied it down on the table.

"Thank you. I'll just have some fries and a water. I don't really eat meat."

She closed her menu and looked up towards Zenjiro.

"You said you just met them today? You seemed awfully close."




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Maki stretched, getting up and following the other. He noticed that the other's smell was different, as in, he had sprayed himself with something so he didn't smell like alcohol walking into a restaurant. He hummed softly as they began to walk for a second time, out of the hotel. He clasped his hands behind his back, as he usually did whenever he was going somewhere. "Do you know where you want to eat?" He asked, looking up at the other as they headed down the street. He wasn't really familiar with the area, so he didn't know what all there was to eat around here.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Haruna Usagi

Haruna was too jittery and excited to stay and eat with Zenjiro and Hatori as she simply said. "Sorry guys, I gotta go! You guys make a cute couple, by the way!" She winked at them both as she grabbed her bags and Sho's arm as she ran out towards the exit, causing a huge disruptive in the sophisticated looking restaurant. Haruna knew better than to act like that, but she was so excited, she needed to see his apartment for some weird reason.

Once they got to Sho's apartment, Haruna marvelled at the beauty of it all. It was everything she loved in a house. It was modern, but didn't even look all that expensive, it was also wonderfully eclectic. She thought it suited her personality perfectly than some fancy house she lived in before.
"Sho... this is amazing! I feel like I can live here forever~" Everything from the little lights on the ceiling to how wooden and minimalist the furniture was. Truly, it was a home fit for someone as interesting as Sho. "So...what did you get me for my birthday, if you still want to tell me that is...?" She asked, sitting down on the spaciously stylish teal couch, admiring the paintings on the wall, smiling up at him.

@Wataru @Hatori
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3cac5e6a_Ishiki3.gif.ba6294129d6db1a89ab72414344a09d1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3cac5e6a_Ishiki3.gif.ba6294129d6db1a89ab72414344a09d1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tagadashi Ishiki

Ishiki began making his way down the halls of the nice hotel, waiting for Maki to speak up as to where they would be going when all of a sudden he realized that the other probably didn't know much about Nagoya. Right as he noticed this, the white-haired boy spoke up in question. Stepping outside and onto the sidewalk, Ishiki pulled his cigarettes from his pocket and placed one between his lips, lighting it up with a small yellow lighter. "What did I do with my zippo..." You handed it to Anba, dumbass. Looking down at the younger one, he tilted his head, "Hmm...well...I know of a restaurant about a twenty minute walk from here. Something...Izakawa? I dunno, can't remember. It'd be faster if we could flag down a taxi though."

A couple puffs were taken from the tobacco stick as he stood beside the bus stop, staring up at the schedule. "It's about three thirty now...the bus doesn't run again until six so that's not an option." With a turn on his heel, Ishiki headed down the street with his hands in his pockets as the small cigarette continued resting between his lips. "We'll walk until a taxi comes by."

@Zero Gravity



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"They're just really extroverted people" Zenjiro stated before looking at Hatori. "I guess they seem close since my brother owns the summer house we're all coincidentally staying at" He explained while watching Haruna stand up from her seat. "Eh? Cute couple?" The teen raised a brow as the birthday girl left them without another word. That was it. He didn't really know how to react to that kind of situation. Jiro was dreaming right? This was all too much just for one day. "You sure you don't want anything else?" Zenjiro suddenly questioned after hearing his stomach growl again. His eyes shifted around the area while trying to spot out a waitress.


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