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One x One A Story of Kingdoms (Pritzel x Raicat)

Prizzy Kriyze

Multiple Stab Wounds
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Work In Progress

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/angel-anime-art-cute-Favim.com-1071137.png.38298165c5c01ca7737c2fd7e607b281.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/angel-anime-art-cute-Favim.com-1071137.png.38298165c5c01ca7737c2fd7e607b281.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lady Erela Laelin, The Angel of Shadows

Age: 220 years old (the Angelic equivalent of a 22 year old)

Physical Description: Breaking free from the stereotypical "ethereal" look most angels are supposed to have, Erela is one of the most abnormal looking angels in the entire kingdom. Though it's not uncommon for angels to have more than two wings, it's quite unheard of for them to have six. And black ones, on top of that. Though some believe that darkened wings are a bad omen, many see them as a symbol of power.





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Cicero Virgil Tristram


Captain - The Singed Angel



Physical Description

Cicero is a demon born in fire, with a body grey like ash and a pair wings as black as charcoal and a matching set of horns. His hair reaches just under his ears and to the tip of his nose, hanging in thick locks. He's a very thin character, but riddled with muscles with enormously much larger power to mass ratio than that found in most other angels, demons and humans. His eyes are as pale as the rest of his body, the only thing giving his iris and pupil away being thin black outlines and a very slight change in coloration. His large black wings are riddled with red spots and not entirely unlike how an angels would look.

His clothing consists of the standard black and white uniform issued to all high-standing officers in the Demon army. A black t-shirt underneath a large dark tench coat composed of tough fabric with white buttons holding it together, and white lines detailing every bend and corner along it. A pair of black leather pants with plenty of pockets closed with shiny zippers cover his legs, and a large pair of large and heavy steel greaves are donned on his feet. Finally, a black pair of gloves cover his pale hands.


Cicero, despite his rumors of being a jaded and bitter captain, is a rather friendly guy altogether. He enjoys good company, good food and all other of life's many pleasures just like the next man, but he doesn't always let himself fall into the habit of living with pleasures. He's very disciplined, and from many missions he's learned that getting used to pleasurable things can lead to your downfall. He's seen many comrades fall to temptations and then been killed in action as a consequence. He refuses to let himself be foolish, both for the men around him and himself.

The air that follows Cicero can be both imposing and charming depending on the mood that he's in, and though he has never considered himself a ladies' man he can't ignore the obvious attention he gets from the opposite gender at times. He is kind and courteous to any he meets, regardless of standing and attitude. He has a very big bias towards anyone he knows though, and would do almost anything for a friend.

First time impressions with Cicero vary greatly depending on what he's doing at the time; when he's on the job he's authoritarian, when alone he's quiet and humble and when in a formal setting he's polite. The most common reaction is however awe, and how can you blame them? Cicero is rich, popular, famous and powerful. And with all that, anyone who knows Cicero closely knows that he is rather confident. Confident to a fault. Arrogant even. Maybe a little bit narcissistic. Most who know him that closely can look past it, anyway.


The Tristram family. The once powerful family within the Azelian Kingdom had fallen from grace a millenia ago when a young idealist, Keraech Tristram, came up with a genius idea for a mining operation and through hard work and effort managed to restore the family's name to it's old standard. However, this time as a business family, not a warrior one.

The name of Tristram used to be followed with awe and wonder wherever it was heard, but with it's new style the name brought more jealousy and spite than anything. Keraech was an honorable man, but many were jealous of his riches and refused to admit that he was anything but a silver-tounged devil. Eventually he got the idea that if he raised a child to be as wondrous in combat as his ancestors, then maybe people would respect the name once more.

Keraech Tristram became father of Cicero. The young boy had his life planned out practically from day one. Training, discipline, formal gatherings. His life was structured so that he knew when to get up, when to go to bed, when to eat and when to train. He didn't mind it at first, it was the only life he knew, but as he grew up he started realizing how much he missed out on. He convinced his father that he'd be allowed to get a day a week to do whatever he wanted, and his father decided to take it a step further. A three month vacation while he followed his father to meet up potential business partners in Lucidia.

This is where he met Erela. He didn't know at the time, nor does he now, that she was in fact destined to be one of the many joining the council of Lucidia. Her black wings and personality set far apart from the rest, and the two became rather good friends in the short time he spent there. But when they split, there was little more to it. Decades upon decades passed, and Keraech introduced Cicero to high-standing warriors that eventually convinced him to join the army.

His climb through the ranks was quick. His ability stood out among the rest both in combat and in friendly competition. By the time he was 225 he'd already been promoted to command one of the army's most dangerous stealth groups. Around the same time was when the decline of Lucidia started...


Harpist -
To divert Cicero's attention from the lackluster life he was living at the time, his early childhood included more than a few lessons on instruments. The only one that he actually enjoyed and requested to receive more tuiton in was the Harp. During some formal settings he's been asked to perform, and he is more than eager to show the hours of work he's put into it.

Coordination - Most of Cicero's training has been in controlling his body to the outmost precision and quickly assessing things around him. Therefore he is often very proficient in almost everything relating to physical activity without having any prior training. Things like throwing objects, balancing objects or walking on spiked mats all come natural to him, as he's able to figure out how to do it and how to adapt his body to it very quickly.

Battle Savvy - Fighting, with all the mind games, illusions and feints it holds is commonplace at this point. Cicero has fought reckless psychopaths, attentive masters and formations of soldiers all the same. He knows the handbook of tricks inside and out, and he's an opponent to be reckoned with.

Academician - Math, physics and alchemy were taught to him by his father himself. Keraech believed it was very important that his boy was a scholar as well as a warrior, and the knowledge that Cicero possesses is also useful in the practice of magic.

Sorcerer - When it comes to fighting, Cicero is first and foremost a magician that applies magic to his every move. His natural affinity for heat and fire based magic has manifested in a talent for many types of sorcery


Fire and flame, ashes and drought, scorching and smoke. Being a demon of fire, Cicero has access to a large variety of magical abilities from birth and he's spent his life so far perfecting the art of using it. The abilities he can use come in great variety, but for conveniece they'll be split into his most usual combat types.

Burn - The quintessential core of fire magic is the ability to burn things, regardless of how you do it. Cicero has mastered countless of the main branches of fire magic. Regular fire, where you conjure flames of varying heat and manipulate them to move to your will. Solar, which forces heat radiation into blinding beams of light that can burn through almost anything. Scorching, extreme heat that can turn almost anything to dust within moments. Magma, the school of heating metals and rocks around you to melting point so that you can conjure the liquid form. There's many others, but they don't need to be mentioned.

Pressure - By a combined knowledge of field-creating sorcery, air magic and temperature control, Cicero can build powerful pressure and release them offensively.

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