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Realistic or Modern A Slice of Heaven


Hear Me Roar
Welcome to Paradise

There's No Going Back

Dear reader,

We're pleased to inform you that you are one of the select few who are chosen to attend our prestigious academy. We hope you consider on accepting our warm welcome to be one of our students this school year. The reason for this choosing is not based on anything; randomized names of students from different schools are generated into our database. Our goal is simple. We only want to give everyone a chance to experience a slice of Heaven, even if it only lasts for a year. We gladly await your response.

Respectfully yours,

Windsor Academy

More Below

  • You are invited to one of the best schools in the country. There, you forge connections, find out your strengths and weaknesses, learn new things about yourselves and others, and do whatever it is you do to spend your time. A passage to Heaven is granted to you, do your best to make the most out of it.

Note: I want everyone to know that I'll be posting a class list later on, when more people join in! You can choose which classes you want to take by then. ^^

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