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A Simple 1x1 Search

[QUOTE="Good Vibes]Hello there! I'm interested in roleplaying - which fandoms are you part of? c:

I have a good amount of my randoms listed on the first page, but some others I can think of off the top of my head are; Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Gakuen Alice, Durarara, Fruits Basket, Noragami, Kamisama Kiss


Evergreen98 said:
Okiedokes! Hm, so do you have any ideas? Or were you preferring to more or less follow the plot line of the anime?
I have an idea!!

One of the Kings has become corrupt and is trying to takeover all the territory and such by force. There are these group of rebels that starts to form.

So I was thinking that we could start the group. My charecter is someone that has been causing alot of trouble for the king and your charecter can join in later and we can start from there and start making the rebel group and stuff....

Evergreen98 said:
I have an idea!!
That sounds absolutely perfect! c:

If you wouldn't mind making the thread and perhaps starting it off (because I'm assuming my character would have a later entrance , I think I may watch a few episodes to make sure I have an even better understanding of the feel of the fandom and such! cx
Okie!! I have a charecter ready and I was thinking we could begin the rebelling and my charecter can start why blowing up something and running from the corrupted king minions xD ... and sure you can start it off... and also... can you play like the main bad guy??.. I am good with main bad guys....

Evergreen98 said:
Okie!! I have a charecter ready and I was thinking we could begin the rebelling and my charecter can start why blowing up something and running from the corrupted king minions xD ... and sure you can start it off... and also... can you play like the main bad guy??.. I am good with main bad guys....
Ah, sorry if I was unclear owo', do you think you could start it off? It would give me enough time to get more familiar with the anime.

Sure, I'm a bit rough with my guy characters, but I'm sure I could manage to puppeteer the main bad guy, so I'd play him and also an oc rebel?
Okie! And yeah, I mean your charecter can suggest to take down the king and my charecter can be like... "okie!" Or something.... * I haven't been able to put this plot in action...

Evergreen98 said:
Okie! And yeah, I mean your charecter can suggest to take down the king and my charecter can be like... "okie!" Or something.... * I haven't been able to put this plot in action...
Haha, okiedokes! That sounds like a plan! xD
Lionheart said:
Hashing out plot sounds like a good idea, yeah :)
Hm, so maybe the ocs could be training partners or maybe one is an investigator or something to that extent? Both or one part ghoul, or just both human? Once we decide these things, I think it may be a bit easier! cx
Oooh, playing CCG sounds fun. I think maybe having one pure human and one part ghoul would be good?
Lionheart said:
Oooh, playing CCG sounds fun. I think maybe having one pure human and one part ghoul would be good?
So maybe it could start when they first have to start working/training together? cx
Well unless it starts with them being childhood pals or something I can't see a better starting point~

Oh, also should I PM you so we don't clog this thread with any discussion stuffs?

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